Anonymous | March 24, 2012Anonymous targets child abuse at Judge Rotenberg Educational CenterMichael Stone
National Anonymous ExaminerAnonymous targets child abuse at special needs school
Credits: anonnews.orgAnonymous hacktivists take aim at controversial special needs school for abusing and torturing children and young adults with cruel and inhumane methods, including dangerous and excruciatingly painful electric shock treatments, prolonged restraints and the withholding of food.
On Thursday, an arm of the omnipresent international Internet collective known as Anonymous announced
via YouTube that they will be targeting the controversial Judge Rotenberg Educational Center if the center fails to cease and desist with the alarming and disturbing torture and abuse of special needs children and young adults.
Video: Anonymous - A message to the Judge Rotenberg CenterThe Judge Rotenberg Educational Center, located in Canton, Massachusetts, calls itself a "special needs school," but critics claim the center is a medieval house of horrors, torturing and abusing the most vulnerable among us.
The center "treats" a wide variety of maladies, including the autistic, the cognitively impaired, the schizophrenic, the bipolar, and the emotionally disturbed. The center claims to change behavior with a complex system of rewards and punishments. However, critics claim that punishment is used far too frequently and in a dangerous and unethical fashion.
The following is the text of the announcement attached to the
YouTube video:
To the director and staff of the Judge Rotenberg Center, we are Anonymous.
Your mistreatment of disabled children and young adults has been brought to our attention. Your extensive use of aversive methods, including electric shock and withholding of food as a form of behavioral modification is nothing less than torture. We are aware that your so called treatments include attaching electrodes to students and administering a shock that is up to 20 times more powerful than that delivered by a police taser. We have seen the effects of it in mainstream media broadcasts, and heard the statements of opposition by family and friends.
The founder, Doctor Matthew Israel was indicted on counts of obstructing justice by ordering the destruction of video evidence that detailed an event involving a student being shocked over 100 times. This is not the first action taken against the center for abuses. However, electric shock is still used as a part of the centers aversive program.
In response to your torture of these individuals, we have initiated an operation against your center. We are calling upon all concerned citizens to spread the message of opposition through social networks, emails, and phone communications. Contact your local representatives and the Judge Rotenberg Center directly and voice your concern. We will no longer tolerate the abuse of the innocent.
We are demanding the immediate discontinue of all harsh aversive methods. This is a warning that you should not take lightly.
We are Anonymous.
We are legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Judge Rotenberg Center, you should expect us.[/list]
In addition to the YouTube video Anonymous has published a
dox via Pastebin on the Judge Rotenberg Educational Center, including contact information for staff and donors.
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