... t_ep_dpt_2By Michael T Pedone - See all my reviews
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This review is from: A Life Gone Awry: My Story of the Elan School (Kindle Edition)
The author seems to have an interesting and important story to tell. Prior to reading this, I was not aware of the Elan School, the horrible things that allegedly occurred there, or the abuses that apparently occur at other similar programs. These are undoubtedly things we should seek to understand and prevent from reoccurring.
But here's the problem: The writing just isn't very good. This book really illustrates how digital self-publishing is a double-edged sword. It gives us access to stories that might otherwise be ignored by the big publishing houses, but it forces us to muddle through writing that needs editing and, in this case, could probably have benefited from a co-author. This book was a bit hard to follow in some spots (I'm only about 90% clear about what was involved in a "shot down", and it took most of the book to get there). It also includes a couple of sub-plot lines that aren't fully explored (I'm sure it was traumatic, but it would really help to know what happened in that basement). The epilogue almost reads like stream-of-consciousness -- it raised more questions than it answered for me.
Unfortunately, I think the author's credibility is undermined by the weak writing and the fact that he is apparently self-published. The accusations in the book are pretty harsh. It feels like a rant sometimes, and a rant without corroborative support from an editor who insists on fact-checking isn't entirely credible. To be clear, I'm not taking a position about the truth or falseness of the book. I'm just saying it's difficult to know one way or the other with confidence.
Bottom line: It's an interesting story, but a mediocre read. A moderately fast reader should be able to bang it out in one night, maybe two. It's priced right at $2.99.