As a Casa by the sea survivor, and seeing abuse RIGHT in front of me from LUKE HALLOWS sitting on top of a 14 year old LITTLE girl screaming and cussing at her in R and R will never leave my memory, or seeing the girls walk through the gates from High impact, where the WWASPS says they had NO affiliation with them!!! I cant belive this! PLEASE PARENTS!!!! THESE PROGRAMS HAVE SEMINARS THAT ARE ABUSIVE AND BRAIN WASHING YOUR POOR KIDS!!! I KNOW MORE THAN YOU KNOW! PLEASE EMAIL ME IF YOU HAVE ANY PERSONAL QUESTIONS THAT I CANT MENTION ON HERE, DUE TO MY FAMILY BEING A PART OF THIS HORRIBLE ABUSE. THANK YOU, MY PARENTS WISH NOW THAT THEY WOULD OF NEVER SENT ME THERE, NOW THAT THEY KNOW THE TRUTH, AND MY POOR DAD IS STILL WORKING TO THIS DAY TO PAY OFF THIS BS PROGRAM, WHEN HE WAS SUPPOSED TO RETIRE 7 YEARS AGO >: