Author Topic: Let me introduce myself  (Read 8688 times)

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Offline Troublemaker

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Re: Let me introduce myself
« Reply #30 on: February 05, 2012, 11:42:33 PM »
OK this is good. So let me understand. It really makes a big difference when you were told Danny was a Ass. Director. Why is this so important Matt, because I am having a hard time believing at this point in your life (what are you 50+ yrs) that a young adult 18yrs could be seriously considered to be a Ass. Dir, @ a residential treatment program. That you would under other circumstances look at this as a credible argument. No, I don't think you would.
Matt all you do in these posts you write is vent the residual anger you still feel about Danny outing you. It doesn't make a difference if Wes Fager and Ginger knew, you knew Elan people did not know and you had no intention of telling them. So quit preaching to Danny about when you are supposed to tell people things.
The story Danny wrote concerning Richmond Virginia and AA holding a mens retreat was and still is a joke. Danny told Matt that if he didn't settle down that he would bring over 250 guys and they would drag him off to a meeting. Matt has decided to use this story and the contents to accuse Danny of threatening him. Guys why do you think Matt would do this, yep your right, to humiliate Danny. To accuse a ex-employee of Elan (even though this person was 17-19 yrs old) of abusing him. What Matt doesn't understand is Matt was already there when Danny got there. Yep Matt got there is 1974 and Danny got there in 1975. Danny visited Waterford where Matt was at in early 1976 and he knew many of the same people Matt knew.
Matt and Danny spoke on the phone often back in late 2008 and early 2009. Matt even went so far as to say it was OK that you were staff, Danny, because I was re-entry staff at Waterford. Matt also admitted to going out with other residents and /or employees and transporting kids back to Elan. OK so it was alright to say I was staff but because I did not say I was a Ass. Director @ 18 this is a big problem. MATT, Danny was 18 years old for crying out loud, WTF do you think at 18 made him qualified to be one. No you just think this is a bigger stick to beat him up with.
Just so we know Danny was Ass. Director for maybe 2 months, if that.
Matt Hoffman, it is high time you started acting like you are almost 52 years old, a married man with children. Why are you here screwing around with people who have no desire to grow up, take on responsibility or be anything more then a internet troll.
Like we said earlier, we have no beef with you. We would just assume you get over it and move on. You got as good as you gave, so stop it.
Matt, you and Danny are both survivors and you both hurt one another all this other bullshit happening around you two is bullshit. It has nothing to do with what started the fight between you two. Go back to that point and see it for what it was.
Damn Matt, stop being stubborn.

P.S. You keep saying you did not know Danny at Elan. Ok! I don't think Danny ever posted that he sat down with you at Elan and had a conversation with you. So really Matt, who gives a shit. Like knowing Danny would change your shitty behavior towards him, I don't think so
You really are an idiot, you know that?

 :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
The troubled teen industry is ineffective because advocates are after money, fame or are as abusive as the programs they\'re fighting

Offline Matt C. Hoffman

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Re: Let me introduce myself
« Reply #31 on: February 06, 2012, 12:22:07 AM »
Quote from: "Horatio"
Quote from: "Matt C. Hoffman"
danny bennison I did not know you in elan ,thank fucking God . I never had a conversation with you ever in elan. I do not consider you a survivor under any situation ,just having  been to elan` in my book is not the golden ticket to being a survivor of elan .

A little breakdown for you danny ,you never told me that you worked as an assistant director at that hell hole  during our 4 phone calls . you lied to me  by ommission simply put.  . Then you lied and lied some more ,then you tried to hurt me by rubbing the stabbing incident in my face .especally after I had told  you , danny bennison ,yes you that I still felt bad about that ,and your reply to me was , in that low volume high pressured voice (that Ben Parks is very familar with ,the technique used to feign caring and emotional concern)the voice you learned from kruglik. and you said to me in that voice "I know you do matt ,i know you still feel bad ,and then danny Bennison you proceeded to rub it in my face in it as you tried to take me back to my hell that was in elan after that incident . you  really tried to cause me emotional harm with threats ,coercion, and abuse , and every other elan technique that you had learned from elan and still use to this day to abuse survivors .

All because I said  "you never told me that you were an assistant director during  your employement at  elan and I  know you were a liar. Plain and simple . And danny bennison you are a liar .

I have seen how you use your sock puppets to lie and lie more about me , And you lie at the drop of a hat , about things you have no clue.. You really have no clue who I am or who I was in elan . Or my story yet for some reason which I have yet to figure out you tried to shut me up about my speaking out about elan ????

It's like this I no longer carry the guilt from that incident ,Sure it happened but my god I know if elan had been a decent place and had not been a sick fucked up hell hole .yes danny your precious elan was a fraudulent and gross neligent place that had idiots working there that were as incompentent as the day is long . Yes your precious elan danny bennison .  

as I said danny bennison quit lying about me and slandering me ,unlike you I am a good person and I have made something of myself and yes I am a survivor from elan ,something that you are not as evidenced how you treat all survivors .

Danny bennison you are a sick ,distorted ,abusive lying twisted fruitcake of a psychotic lunatic and I have said quite lying about me. and seriously go to hell danny bennison . I am tird of your horseshit ,you are a sick stalker of me and you need to deal with your sick infatuation of me . I am tired of reading your lies about me in your gossip queen style of blabbering your nonsense.

I really do believe from you lies and unprovoked abuse and stalking from  you  of me that you may very well have done the shit that you have been alledged to have done . It is your bed you made it you  deal with it it is not of my concern . though I do know with out a doubt that you are incapable of ever telling the truth .

go to hell danny bennison ,seriously go to hell.

OK this is good. So let me understand. It really makes a big difference when you were told Danny was a Ass. Director. Why is this so important Matt, because I am having a hard time believing at this point in your life (what are you 50+ yrs) that a young adult 18yrs could be seriously considered to be a Ass. Dir, @ a residential treatment program. That you would under other circumstances look at this as a credible argument. No, I don't think you would.
Matt all you do in these posts you write is vent the residual anger you still feel about Danny outing you. It doesn't make a difference if Wes Fager and Ginger knew, you knew Elan people did not know and you had no intention of telling them. So quit preaching to Danny about when you are supposed to tell people things.
The story Danny wrote concerning Richmond Virginia and AA holding a mens retreat was and still is a joke. Danny told Matt that if he didn't settle down that he would bring over 250 guys and they would drag him off to a meeting. Matt has decided to use this story and the contents to accuse Danny of threatening him. Guys why do you think Matt would do this, yep your right, to humiliate Danny. To accuse a ex-employee of Elan (even though this person was 17-19 yrs old) of abusing him. What Matt doesn't understand is Matt was already there when Danny got there. Yep Matt got there is 1974 and Danny got there in 1975. Danny visited Waterford where Matt was at in early 1976 and he knew many of the same people Matt knew.
Matt and Danny spoke on the phone often back in late 2008 and early 2009. Matt even went so far as to say it was OK that you were staff, Danny, because I was re-entry staff at Waterford. Matt also admitted to going out with other residents and /or employees and transporting kids back to Elan. OK so it was alright to say I was staff but because I did not say I was a Ass. Director @ 18 this is a big problem. MATT, Danny was 18 years old for crying out loud, WTF do you think at 18 made him qualified to be one. No you just think this is a bigger stick to beat him up with.
Just so we know Danny was Ass. Director for maybe 2 months, if that.
Matt Hoffman, it is high time you started acting like you are almost 52 years old, a married man with children. Why are you here screwing around with people who have no desire to grow up, take on responsibility or be anything more then a internet troll.

Like we said earlier, we have no beef with you. We would just assume you get over it and move on. You got as good as you gave, so stop it.
Matt, you and Danny are both survivors and you both hurt one another all this other bullshit happening around you two is bullshit. It has nothing to do with what started the fight between you two. Go back to that point and see it for what it was.
Damn Matt, stop being stubborn.

P.S. You keep saying you did not know Danny at Elan. Ok! I don't think Danny ever posted that he sat down with you at Elan and had a conversation with you. So really Matt, who gives a shit. Like knowing Danny would change your shitty behavior towards him, I don't think so.

danny ,danny ,danny you lying sadistic fuck . I most certainly did not have phone conversations with you until Feb of 2010. I did not know you existed until then and I had 4 phonecalls with you. I had no clue who you were until you posted your "staff manifesto " on facebook , you told me that you were only a delivery driver for joe ,you lied then and you lie now .

What pissed me off was that you danny bennison lied to me and had me convinced that all you were for elan  and joe was joe's food delivery driver, and well thats how I came to know what you are a stone faced liar. I came to know you as an abuser of survivors much later in March of 2010 . And you have been a staker of mine ever since and you really neeed to deal with your sick infatuation of me danny I am tired of reading your lies about me on the internet ,like in your above post. It just shows me how sick and distorted you really are and other folks think you are dangerous , shit maybe you are, I just think you are one guilty lying sick fuck bully .

You were a paid employee of elan's.I was re-entry staff .We have gone over this before danny, my parents were STILL paying elan during this time which I  ,myself had no choice in the matter of doing re-entry staff. They obviously felt that I was so whacked from what had happened to me ,my re-education at the hands of incompentent sadists ,(like you) that they joe and all felt that they could not let me out of their sight for my re-entry ,lol.not that I was angry or dangerous they just couldn't afford  to have me to talk to people in the real world and talk to someone who cared about what I had just gone thru in my re-education at elan .lol. And thats a fact there danny boi.

 Elan was paying you to WORK there. I had no choice you did .......but hey danny thats not why I think you are a sick fuck it is because you abuse survivors and still do abuse survivors .  and you have tried your best to abuse me post elan thru your lying idiotic bullshit.  and danny I am no drunk , but I am flattered to hear that you think I am coming from a dry drunk such as yourself ,lol. it is really funny , considering the source.Its also so funny how you post here that you worked there for 22 months pretty soon I imagine that eventually you never will have eveah have worked at elan in any capacity ,lol, and that appears to be happening as you lie now about your elan tenure.

It was never about you being the big bad assistant director ,never been about that so don't blow smoke up your own ass . It has everything to do with who you are now and how you treat survivors of all programs . And to me danny bennison you aint no survivor in any sense. I am tired of your lies and bullshit .

Hell Art is a survivor compared to you ,sorry Art  Man I have more respect for Art W. as being a survivor than I do you danny bennison, because of how you treat survivors of all programs.

conme on danny be a man and "get honest " oh thats right that is something you are truly incapable of doing .  To some one who knows the truth ,your lies are very telling and they tell as much as your tells tell us who your sock puppets are. of course they are you ,who else would be such an idiot to lie the way you do.

And danny that threat you issured to me about corralling me and then I might be brainwashed ,to me and how I percieved it was a threat to do me bodily harm .  not take me to a fucking AA meeting as you lying put it in your above post . Hell you need to go to stinkin and thinkin and read your threat there or better yet it is all over fornits here ,your actually words ,the truth as to what you said to me . And danny don't ever try to control me or try to stiffle me or lean on me to "get me to settle down". You  asshole, are not my assistant director and this is the real world now asshole .it aint elan anymore. You need to go refresh your self to what it was that you really said to me ,liar,in what I percieved as being a threat to me ,and thats what counts asshole, how I percieved it ya bully lying sick fuck.

go to hell danny bennison ,seriously go to hell.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline DannyB.II

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Re: Let me introduce myself
« Reply #32 on: February 06, 2012, 12:40:52 AM »
Quote from: "DannyB.II"
Quote from: "Horatio"
Quote from: "Matt C. Hoffman"
danny bennison I did not know you in elan ,thank fucking God . I never had a conversation with you ever in elan. I do not consider you a survivor under any situation ,just having  been to elan` in my book is not the golden ticket to being a survivor of elan .

A little breakdown for you danny ,you never told me that you worked as an assistant director at that hell hole  during our 4 phone calls . you lied to me  by ommission simply put.  . Then you lied and lied some more ,then you tried to hurt me by rubbing the stabbing incident in my face .especally after I had told  you , danny bennison ,yes you that I still felt bad about that ,and your reply to me was , in that low volume high pressured voice (that Ben Parks is very familar with ,the technique used to feign caring and emotional concern)the voice you learned from kruglik. and you said to me in that voice "I know you do matt ,i know you still feel bad ,and then danny Bennison you proceeded to rub it in my face in it as you tried to take me back to my hell that was in elan after that incident . you  really tried to cause me emotional harm with threats ,coercion, and abuse , and every other elan technique that you had learned from elan and still use to this day to abuse survivors .

All because I said  "you never told me that you were an assistant director during  your employement at  elan and I  know you were a liar. Plain and simple . And danny bennison you are a liar .

I have seen how you use your sock puppets to lie and lie more about me , And you lie at the drop of a hat , about things you have no clue.. You really have no clue who I am or who I was in elan . Or my story yet for some reason which I have yet to figure out you tried to shut me up about my speaking out about elan ????

It's like this I no longer carry the guilt from that incident ,Sure it happened but my god I know if elan had been a decent place and had not been a sick fucked up hell hole .yes danny your precious elan was a fraudulent and gross neligent place that had idiots working there that were as incompentent as the day is long . Yes your precious elan danny bennison .  

as I said danny bennison quit lying about me and slandering me ,unlike you I am a good person and I have made something of myself and yes I am a survivor from elan ,something that you are not as evidenced how you treat all survivors .

Danny bennison you are a sick ,distorted ,abusive lying twisted fruitcake of a psychotic lunatic and I have said quite lying about me. and seriously go to hell danny bennison . I am tird of your horseshit ,you are a sick stalker of me and you need to deal with your sick infatuation of me . I am tired of reading your lies about me in your gossip queen style of blabbering your nonsense.

I really do believe from you lies and unprovoked abuse and stalking from  you  of me that you may very well have done the shit that you have been alledged to have done . It is your bed you made it you  deal with it it is not of my concern . though I do know with out a doubt that you are incapable of ever telling the truth .

go to hell danny bennison ,seriously go to hell.

OK this is good. So let me understand. It really makes a big difference when you were told Danny was a Ass. Director. Why is this so important Matt, because I am having a hard time believing at this point in your life (what are you 50+ yrs) that a young adult 18yrs could be seriously considered to be a Ass. Dir, @ a residential treatment program. That you would under other circumstances look at this as a credible argument. No, I don't think you would.
Matt all you do in these posts you write is vent the residual anger you still feel about Danny outing you. It doesn't make a difference if Wes Fager and Ginger knew, you knew Elan people did not know and you had no intention of telling them. So quit preaching to Danny about when you are supposed to tell people things.
The story Danny wrote concerning Richmond Virginia and AA holding a mens retreat was and still is a joke. Danny told Matt that if he didn't settle down that he would bring over 250 guys and they would drag him off to a meeting. Matt has decided to use this story and the contents to accuse Danny of threatening him. Guys why do you think Matt would do this, yep your right, to humiliate Danny. To accuse a ex-employee of Elan (even though this person was 17-19 yrs old) of abusing him. What Matt doesn't understand is Matt was already there when Danny got there. Yep Matt got there is 1974 and Danny got there in 1975. Danny visited Waterford where Matt was at in early 1976 and he knew many of the same people Matt knew.
Matt and Danny spoke on the phone often back in late 2008 and early 2009. Matt even went so far as to say it was OK that you were staff, Danny, because I was re-entry staff at Waterford. Matt also admitted to going out with other residents and /or employees and transporting kids back to Elan. OK so it was alright to say I was staff but because I did not say I was a Ass. Director @ 18 this is a big problem. MATT, Danny was 18 years old for crying out loud, WTF do you think at 18 made him qualified to be one. No you just think this is a bigger stick to beat him up with.
Just so we know Danny was Ass. Director for maybe 2 months, if that.
Matt Hoffman, it is high time you started acting like you are almost 52 years old, a married man with children. Why are you here screwing around with people who have no desire to grow up, take on responsibility or be anything more then a internet troll.
Like we said earlier, we have no beef with you. We would just assume you get over it and move on. You got as good as you gave, so stop it.
Matt, you and Danny are both survivors and you both hurt one another all this other bullshit happening around you two is bullshit. It has nothing to do with what started the fight between you two. Go back to that point and see it for what it was.
Damn Matt, stop being stubborn.

P.S. You keep saying you did not know Danny at Elan. Ok! I don't think Danny ever posted that he sat down with you at Elan and had a conversation with you. So really Matt, who gives a shit. Like knowing Danny would change your shitty behavior towards him, I don't think so.
You really are an idiot, you know that?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Horatio

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Re: Let me introduce myself
« Reply #33 on: February 06, 2012, 12:51:29 AM »
Quote from: "Matt C. Hoffman"
Quote from: "Horatio"
Quote from: "Matt C. Hoffman"
danny bennison I did not know you in elan ,thank fucking God . I never had a conversation with you ever in elan. I do not consider you a survivor under any situation ,just having  been to elan` in my book is not the golden ticket to being a survivor of elan .

A little breakdown for you danny ,you never told me that you worked as an assistant director at that hell hole  during our 4 phone calls . you lied to me  by ommission simply put.  . Then you lied and lied some more ,then you tried to hurt me by rubbing the stabbing incident in my face .especally after I had told  you , danny bennison ,yes you that I still felt bad about that ,and your reply to me was , in that low volume high pressured voice (that Ben Parks is very familar with ,the technique used to feign caring and emotional concern)the voice you learned from kruglik. and you said to me in that voice "I know you do matt ,i know you still feel bad ,and then danny Bennison you proceeded to rub it in my face in it as you tried to take me back to my hell that was in elan after that incident . you  really tried to cause me emotional harm with threats ,coercion, and abuse , and every other elan technique that you had learned from elan and still use to this day to abuse survivors .

All because I said  "you never told me that you were an assistant director during  your employement at  elan and I  know you were a liar. Plain and simple . And danny bennison you are a liar .

I have seen how you use your sock puppets to lie and lie more about me , And you lie at the drop of a hat , about things you have no clue.. You really have no clue who I am or who I was in elan . Or my story yet for some reason which I have yet to figure out you tried to shut me up about my speaking out about elan ????

It's like this I no longer carry the guilt from that incident ,Sure it happened but my god I know if elan had been a decent place and had not been a sick fucked up hell hole .yes danny your precious elan was a fraudulent and gross neligent place that had idiots working there that were as incompentent as the day is long . Yes your precious elan danny bennison .  

as I said danny bennison quit lying about me and slandering me ,unlike you I am a good person and I have made something of myself and yes I am a survivor from elan ,something that you are not as evidenced how you treat all survivors .

Danny bennison you are a sick ,distorted ,abusive lying twisted fruitcake of a psychotic lunatic and I have said quite lying about me. and seriously go to hell danny bennison . I am tird of your horseshit ,you are a sick stalker of me and you need to deal with your sick infatuation of me . I am tired of reading your lies about me in your gossip queen style of blabbering your nonsense.

I really do believe from you lies and unprovoked abuse and stalking from  you  of me that you may very well have done the shit that you have been alledged to have done . It is your bed you made it you  deal with it it is not of my concern . though I do know with out a doubt that you are incapable of ever telling the truth .

go to hell danny bennison ,seriously go to hell.

OK this is good. So let me understand. It really makes a big difference when you were told Danny was a Ass. Director. Why is this so important Matt, because I am having a hard time believing at this point in your life (what are you 50+ yrs) that a young adult 18yrs could be seriously considered to be a Ass. Dir, @ a residential treatment program. That you would under other circumstances look at this as a credible argument. No, I don't think you would.
Matt all you do in these posts you write is vent the residual anger you still feel about Danny outing you. It doesn't make a difference if Wes Fager and Ginger knew, you knew Elan people did not know and you had no intention of telling them. So quit preaching to Danny about when you are supposed to tell people things.
The story Danny wrote concerning Richmond Virginia and AA holding a mens retreat was and still is a joke. Danny told Matt that if he didn't settle down that he would bring over 250 guys and they would drag him off to a meeting. Matt has decided to use this story and the contents to accuse Danny of threatening him. Guys why do you think Matt would do this, yep your right, to humiliate Danny. To accuse a ex-employee of Elan (even though this person was 17-19 yrs old) of abusing him. What Matt doesn't understand is Matt was already there when Danny got there. Yep Matt got there is 1974 and Danny got there in 1975. Danny visited Waterford where Matt was at in early 1976 and he knew many of the same people Matt knew.
Matt and Danny spoke on the phone often back in late 2008 and early 2009. Matt even went so far as to say it was OK that you were staff, Danny, because I was re-entry staff at Waterford. Matt also admitted to going out with other residents and /or employees and transporting kids back to Elan. OK so it was alright to say I was staff but because I did not say I was a Ass. Director @ 18 this is a big problem. MATT, Danny was 18 years old for crying out loud, WTF do you think at 18 made him qualified to be one. No you just think this is a bigger stick to beat him up with.
Just so we know Danny was Ass. Director for maybe 2 months, if that.
Matt Hoffman, it is high time you started acting like you are almost 52 years old, a married man with children. Why are you here screwing around with people who have no desire to grow up, take on responsibility or be anything more then a internet troll.

Like we said earlier, we have no beef with you. We would just assume you get over it and move on. You got as good as you gave, so stop it.
Matt, you and Danny are both survivors and you both hurt one another all this other bullshit happening around you two is bullshit. It has nothing to do with what started the fight between you two. Go back to that point and see it for what it was.
Damn Matt, stop being stubborn.

P.S. You keep saying you did not know Danny at Elan. Ok! I don't think Danny ever posted that he sat down with you at Elan and had a conversation with you. So really Matt, who gives a shit. Like knowing Danny would change your shitty behavior towards him, I don't think so.

danny ,danny ,danny you lying sadistic fuck . I most certainly did not have phone conversations with you until Feb of 2010. I did not know you existed until then and I had 4 phonecalls with you. I had no clue who you were until you posted your "staff manifesto " on facebook , you told me that you were only a delivery driver for joe ,you lied then and you lie now .

What pissed me off was that you danny bennison lied to me and had me convinced that all you were for elan  and joe was joe's food delivery driver, and well thats how I came to know what you are a stone faced liar. I came to know you as an abuser of survivors much later in March of 2010 . And you have been a staker of mine ever since and you really neeed to deal with your sick infatuation of me danny I am tired of reading your lies about me on the internet ,like in your above post. It just shows me how sick and distorted you really are and other folks think you are dangerous , shit maybe you are, I just think you are one guilty lying sick fuck bully .

You were a paid employee of elan's.I was re-entry staff .We have gone over this before danny, my parents were STILL paying elan during this time which I  ,myself had no choice in the matter of doing re-entry staff. They obviously felt that I was so whacked from what had happened to me ,my re-education at the hands of incompentent sadists ,(like you) that they joe and all felt that they could not let me out of their sight for my re-entry ,lol.not that I was angry or dangerous they just couldn't afford  to have me to talk to people in the real world and talk to someone who cared about what I had just gone thru in my re-education at elan .lol. And thats a fact there danny boi.

 Elan was paying you to WORK there. I had no choice you did .......but hey danny thats not why I think you are a sick fuck it is because you abuse survivors and still do abuse survivors .  and you have tried your best to abuse me post elan thru your lying idiotic bullshit.  and danny I am no drunk , but I am flattered to hear that you think I am coming from a dry drunk such as yourself ,lol. it is really funny , considering the source.Its also so funny how you post here that you worked there for 22 months pretty soon I imagine that eventually you never will have eveah have worked at elan in any capacity ,lol, and that appears to be happening as you lie now about your elan tenure.

It was never about you being the big bad assistant director ,never been about that so don't blow smoke up your own ass . It has everything to do with who you are now and how you treat survivors of all programs . And to me danny bennison you aint no survivor in any sense. I am tired of your lies and bullshit .

Hell Art is a survivor compared to you ,sorry Art  Man I have more respect for Art W. as being a survivor than I do you danny bennison, because of how you treat survivors of all programs.

conme on danny be a man and "get honest " oh thats right that is something you are truly incapable of doing .  to some one who knows the truth ,your lies are very telling and they tell as much as your tells tell us who your sock puppets are. of course they are you ,who else would be such an idiot to lie the way you do.

And danny that threat you issured to me about corralling me and then I might be brainwashed ,to me and how I percieved it was a threat to do me bodily harm .  not take me to a fucking AA meeting as you lying put it in your above post . Hekl you need to go to stinkin and thinkin and read your threat there or better yet it is all over fornits here ,your actually words ,the truth as to what you said to me . And danny don't ever try to control me or try to stiffle me or lean on me to "get me to settle down. you are not my assistant director and this is the real world now asshole it aint elan anymoe. you need to go refresh your self to what it was that you really said to me liar.

go to hell danny bennison ,seriously go to hell.

Matt, now we are really getting somewhere. Are you really going to go with the story Danny told you he was a delivery driver for Elan? Matt you got that from Danny's early posts on the Elan facebook site.
Matt you were right it was late 2009 and early 2010.
Matt you keep saying Danny is abusing you, look at your posts above they are profane and vulgar is this not abuse. Matt, Danny does not like you or most of the Elan scumbags he has met on these sites. Who gives a shit if Danny went to Elan or not, he still does not like you guys. Danny doesn't  care that you went to Elan. He feels no connection to you assholes.
Why do you refuse to acknowledge your petty vindictiveness, why is that Matt? Why can't you see how stubborn you are being?
You do love to rant Matt.... :D
Matt, when I (Horatio) tell you to settle down I mean it, shut the fuck up and listen. From what I remember Danny telling me when he was on the phone with you, you don't know when to shut up and listen. So try it now. You are wearing this whole saga out. No one cares what you think of Danny or wants to read it. So do us all a favor, get off the computer and take care of your kids. Help your wife for awhile, OK.
Then when you get the impulse to come here, don't.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Horatio

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Re: Let me introduce myself
« Reply #34 on: February 06, 2012, 12:53:31 AM »
Quote from: "DannyB.II"
Quote from: "DannyB.II"
Quote from: "Horatio"
Quote from: "Matt C. Hoffman"
danny bennison I did not know you in elan ,thank fucking God . I never had a conversation with you ever in elan. I do not consider you a survivor under any situation ,just having  been to elan` in my book is not the golden ticket to being a survivor of elan .

A little breakdown for you danny ,you never told me that you worked as an assistant director at that hell hole  during our 4 phone calls . you lied to me  by ommission simply put.  . Then you lied and lied some more ,then you tried to hurt me by rubbing the stabbing incident in my face .especally after I had told  you , danny bennison ,yes you that I still felt bad about that ,and your reply to me was , in that low volume high pressured voice (that Ben Parks is very familar with ,the technique used to feign caring and emotional concern)the voice you learned from kruglik. and you said to me in that voice "I know you do matt ,i know you still feel bad ,and then danny Bennison you proceeded to rub it in my face in it as you tried to take me back to my hell that was in elan after that incident . you  really tried to cause me emotional harm with threats ,coercion, and abuse , and every other elan technique that you had learned from elan and still use to this day to abuse survivors .

All because I said  "you never told me that you were an assistant director during  your employement at  elan and I  know you were a liar. Plain and simple . And danny bennison you are a liar .

I have seen how you use your sock puppets to lie and lie more about me , And you lie at the drop of a hat , about things you have no clue.. You really have no clue who I am or who I was in elan . Or my story yet for some reason which I have yet to figure out you tried to shut me up about my speaking out about elan ????

It's like this I no longer carry the guilt from that incident ,Sure it happened but my god I know if elan had been a decent place and had not been a sick fucked up hell hole .yes danny your precious elan was a fraudulent and gross neligent place that had idiots working there that were as incompentent as the day is long . Yes your precious elan danny bennison .  

as I said danny bennison quit lying about me and slandering me ,unlike you I am a good person and I have made something of myself and yes I am a survivor from elan ,something that you are not as evidenced how you treat all survivors .

Danny bennison you are a sick ,distorted ,abusive lying twisted fruitcake of a psychotic lunatic and I have said quite lying about me. and seriously go to hell danny bennison . I am tird of your horseshit ,you are a sick stalker of me and you need to deal with your sick infatuation of me . I am tired of reading your lies about me in your gossip queen style of blabbering your nonsense.

I really do believe from you lies and unprovoked abuse and stalking from  you  of me that you may very well have done the shit that you have been alledged to have done . It is your bed you made it you  deal with it it is not of my concern . though I do know with out a doubt that you are incapable of ever telling the truth .

go to hell danny bennison ,seriously go to hell.

OK this is good. So let me understand. It really makes a big difference when you were told Danny was a Ass. Director. Why is this so important Matt, because I am having a hard time believing at this point in your life (what are you 50+ yrs) that a young adult 18yrs could be seriously considered to be a Ass. Dir, @ a residential treatment program. That you would under other circumstances look at this as a credible argument. No, I don't think you would.
Matt all you do in these posts you write is vent the residual anger you still feel about Danny outing you. It doesn't make a difference if Wes Fager and Ginger knew, you knew Elan people did not know and you had no intention of telling them. So quit preaching to Danny about when you are supposed to tell people things.
The story Danny wrote concerning Richmond Virginia and AA holding a mens retreat was and still is a joke. Danny told Matt that if he didn't settle down that he would bring over 250 guys and they would drag him off to a meeting. Matt has decided to use this story and the contents to accuse Danny of threatening him. Guys why do you think Matt would do this, yep your right, to humiliate Danny. To accuse a ex-employee of Elan (even though this person was 17-19 yrs old) of abusing him. What Matt doesn't understand is Matt was already there when Danny got there. Yep Matt got there is 1974 and Danny got there in 1975. Danny visited Waterford where Matt was at in early 1976 and he knew many of the same people Matt knew.
Matt and Danny spoke on the phone often back in late 2008 and early 2009. Matt even went so far as to say it was OK that you were staff, Danny, because I was re-entry staff at Waterford. Matt also admitted to going out with other residents and /or employees and transporting kids back to Elan. OK so it was alright to say I was staff but because I did not say I was a Ass. Director @ 18 this is a big problem. MATT, Danny was 18 years old for crying out loud, WTF do you think at 18 made him qualified to be one. No you just think this is a bigger stick to beat him up with.
Just so we know Danny was Ass. Director for maybe 2 months, if that.
Matt Hoffman, it is high time you started acting like you are almost 52 years old, a married man with children. Why are you here screwing around with people who have no desire to grow up, take on responsibility or be anything more then a internet troll.
Like we said earlier, we have no beef with you. We would just assume you get over it and move on. You got as good as you gave, so stop it.
Matt, you and Danny are both survivors and you both hurt one another all this other bullshit happening around you two is bullshit. It has nothing to do with what started the fight between you two. Go back to that point and see it for what it was.
Damn Matt, stop being stubborn.

P.S. You keep saying you did not know Danny at Elan. Ok! I don't think Danny ever posted that he sat down with you at Elan and had a conversation with you. So really Matt, who gives a shit. Like knowing Danny would change your shitty behavior towards him, I don't think so.
You really are an idiot, you know that?

They are typo's can't be serious.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Matt C. Hoffman

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Re: Let me introduce myself
« Reply #35 on: February 06, 2012, 02:56:45 AM »
Quote from: "Horatio"
Quote from: "Matt C. Hoffman"
Quote from: "Horatio"
Quote from: "Matt C. Hoffman"
danny bennison I did not know you in elan ,thank fucking God . I never had a conversation with you ever in elan. I do not consider you a survivor under any situation ,just having  been to elan` in my book is not the golden ticket to being a survivor of elan .

A little breakdown for you danny ,you never told me that you worked as an assistant director at that hell hole  during our 4 phone calls . you lied to me  by ommission simply put.  . Then you lied and lied some more ,then you tried to hurt me by rubbing the stabbing incident in my face .especally after I had told  you , danny bennison ,yes you that I still felt bad about that ,and your reply to me was , in that low volume high pressured voice (that Ben Parks is very familar with ,the technique used to feign caring and emotional concern)the voice you learned from kruglik. and you said to me in that voice "I know you do matt ,i know you still feel bad ,and then danny Bennison you proceeded to rub it in my face in it as you tried to take me back to my hell that was in elan after that incident . you  really tried to cause me emotional harm with threats ,coercion, and abuse , and every other elan technique that you had learned from elan and still use to this day to abuse survivors .

All because I said  "you never told me that you were an assistant director during  your employement at  elan and I  know you were a liar. Plain and simple . And danny bennison you are a liar .

I have seen how you use your sock puppets to lie and lie more about me , And you lie at the drop of a hat , about things you have no clue.. You really have no clue who I am or who I was in elan . Or my story yet for some reason which I have yet to figure out you tried to shut me up about my speaking out about elan ????

It's like this I no longer carry the guilt from that incident ,Sure it happened but my god I know if elan had been a decent place and had not been a sick fucked up hell hole .yes danny your precious elan was a fraudulent and gross neligent place that had idiots working there that were as incompentent as the day is long . Yes your precious elan danny bennison .  

as I said danny bennison quit lying about me and slandering me ,unlike you I am a good person and I have made something of myself and yes I am a survivor from elan ,something that you are not as evidenced how you treat all survivors .

Danny bennison you are a sick ,distorted ,abusive lying twisted fruitcake of a psychotic lunatic and I have said quite lying about me. and seriously go to hell danny bennison . I am tird of your horseshit ,you are a sick stalker of me and you need to deal with your sick infatuation of me . I am tired of reading your lies about me in your gossip queen style of blabbering your nonsense.

I really do believe from you lies and unprovoked abuse and stalking from  you  of me that you may very well have done the shit that you have been alledged to have done . It is your bed you made it you  deal with it it is not of my concern . though I do know with out a doubt that you are incapable of ever telling the truth .

go to hell danny bennison ,seriously go to hell.

OK this is good. So let me understand. It really makes a big difference when you were told Danny was a Ass. Director. Why is this so important Matt, because I am having a hard time believing at this point in your life (what are you 50+ yrs) that a young adult 18yrs could be seriously considered to be a Ass. Dir, @ a residential treatment program. That you would under other circumstances look at this as a credible argument. No, I don't think you would.
Matt all you do in these posts you write is vent the residual anger you still feel about Danny outing you. It doesn't make a difference if Wes Fager and Ginger knew, you knew Elan people did not know and you had no intention of telling them. So quit preaching to Danny about when you are supposed to tell people things.
The story Danny wrote concerning Richmond Virginia and AA holding a mens retreat was and still is a joke. Danny told Matt that if he didn't settle down that he would bring over 250 guys and they would drag him off to a meeting. Matt has decided to use this story and the contents to accuse Danny of threatening him. Guys why do you think Matt would do this, yep your right, to humiliate Danny. To accuse a ex-employee of Elan (even though this person was 17-19 yrs old) of abusing him. What Matt doesn't understand is Matt was already there when Danny got there. Yep Matt got there is 1974 and Danny got there in 1975. Danny visited Waterford where Matt was at in early 1976 and he knew many of the same people Matt knew.
Matt and Danny spoke on the phone often back in late 2008 and early 2009. Matt even went so far as to say it was OK that you were staff, Danny, because I was re-entry staff at Waterford. Matt also admitted to going out with other residents and /or employees and transporting kids back to Elan. OK so it was alright to say I was staff but because I did not say I was a Ass. Director @ 18 this is a big problem. MATT, Danny was 18 years old for crying out loud, WTF do you think at 18 made him qualified to be one. No you just think this is a bigger stick to beat him up with.
Just so we know Danny was Ass. Director for maybe 2 months, if that.
Matt Hoffman, it is high time you started acting like you are almost 52 years old, a married man with children. Why are you here screwing around with people who have no desire to grow up, take on responsibility or be anything more then a internet troll.

Like we said earlier, we have no beef with you. We would just assume you get over it and move on. You got as good as you gave, so stop it.
Matt, you and Danny are both survivors and you both hurt one another all this other bullshit happening around you two is bullshit. It has nothing to do with what started the fight between you two. Go back to that point and see it for what it was.
Damn Matt, stop being stubborn.

P.S. You keep saying you did not know Danny at Elan. Ok! I don't think Danny ever posted that he sat down with you at Elan and had a conversation with you. So really Matt, who gives a shit. Like knowing Danny would change your shitty behavior towards him, I don't think so.

danny ,danny ,danny you lying sadistic fuck . I most certainly did not have phone conversations with you until Feb of 2010. I did not know you existed until then and I had 4 phonecalls with you. I had no clue who you were until you posted your "staff manifesto " on facebook , you told me that you were only a delivery driver for joe ,you lied then and you lie now .

What pissed me off was that you danny bennison lied to me and had me convinced that all you were for elan  and joe was joe's food delivery driver, and well thats how I came to know what you are a stone faced liar. I came to know you as an abuser of survivors much later in March of 2010 . And you have been a staker of mine ever since and you really neeed to deal with your sick infatuation of me danny I am tired of reading your lies about me on the internet ,like in your above post. It just shows me how sick and distorted you really are and other folks think you are dangerous , shit maybe you are, I just think you are one guilty lying sick fuck bully .

You were a paid employee of elan's.I was re-entry staff .We have gone over this before danny, my parents were STILL paying elan during this time which I  ,myself had no choice in the matter of doing re-entry staff. They obviously felt that I was so whacked from what had happened to me ,my re-education at the hands of incompentent sadists ,(like you) that they joe and all felt that they could not let me out of their sight for my re-entry ,lol.not that I was angry or dangerous they just couldn't afford  to have me to talk to people in the real world and talk to someone who cared about what I had just gone thru in my re-education at elan .lol. And thats a fact there danny boi.

 Elan was paying you to WORK there. I had no choice you did .......but hey danny thats not why I think you are a sick fuck it is because you abuse survivors and still do abuse survivors .  and you have tried your best to abuse me post elan thru your lying idiotic bullshit.  and danny I am no drunk , but I am flattered to hear that you think I am coming from a dry drunk such as yourself ,lol. it is really funny , considering the source.Its also so funny how you post here that you worked there for 22 months pretty soon I imagine that eventually you never will have eveah have worked at elan in any capacity ,lol, and that appears to be happening as you lie now about your elan tenure.

It was never about you being the big bad assistant director ,never been about that so don't blow smoke up your own ass . It has everything to do with who you are now and how you treat survivors of all programs . And to me danny bennison you aint no survivor in any sense. I am tired of your lies and bullshit .

Hell Art is a survivor compared to you ,sorry Art  Man I have more respect for Art W. as being a survivor than I do you danny bennison, because of how you treat survivors of all programs.

conme on danny be a man and "get honest " oh thats right that is something you are truly incapable of doing .  to some one who knows the truth ,your lies are very telling and they tell as much as your tells tell us who your sock puppets are. of course they are you ,who else would be such an idiot to lie the way you do.

And danny that threat you issured to me about corralling me and then I might be brainwashed ,to me and how I percieved it was a threat to do me bodily harm .  not take me to a fucking AA meeting as you lying put it in your above post . Hekl you need to go to stinkin and thinkin and read your threat there or better yet it is all over fornits here ,your actually words ,the truth as to what you said to me . And danny don't ever try to control me or try to stiffle me or lean on me to "get me to settle down. you are not my assistant director and this is the real world now asshole it aint elan anymoe. you need to go refresh your self to what it was that you really said to me liar.

go to hell danny bennison ,seriously go to hell.

Matt, now we are really getting somewhere. Are you really going to go with the story Danny told you he was a delivery driver for Elan? Matt you got that from Danny's early posts on the Elan facebook site.
Matt you were right it was late 2009 and early 2010.
Matt you keep saying Danny is abusing you, look at your posts above they are profane and vulgar is this not abuse. Matt, Danny does not like you or most of the Elan scumbags he has met on these sites. Who gives a shit if Danny went to Elan or not, he still does not like you guys. Danny doesn't  care that you went to Elan. He feels no connection to you assholes.
Why do you refuse to acknowledge your petty vindictiveness, why is that Matt? Why can't you see how stubborn you are being?
You do love to rant Matt.... :D
Matt, when I (Horatio) tell you to settle down I mean it, shut the fuck up and listen. From what I remember Danny telling me when he was on the phone with you, you don't know when to shut up and listen. So try it now. You are wearing this whole saga out. No one cares what you think of Danny or wants to read it. So do us all a favor, get off the computer and take care of your kids. Help your wife for awhile, OK.
Then when you get the impulse to come here, don't.

 no danny you aren't getting anywhere you are the slippery little liar . no no No I did not get the story that danny was "just a delivery driver " from face book no danny I got it from your on lips by way of the phone calls . look danny you can lie all you want I know the truth the phone calls took place in feb of 2010 not  ever in any part of the year 2009 did we ever talk by phone  and if you remember danny we stopped talking I read your "staff manifesto" that you wrote and put on on facebook . When I saw it I  called you  got your voice mail and left the message 'you didn't tell me that you were an assistant director danny " and hung up . You  danny bennison  you lying idiot called me back about 45 minutes later and I did not answer the phone cause I knew you were a liar. remember danny of course you do ,though you will lie about it .

Has nothing to do with vindictiveness you stupid little bitch .It has to do with the fact that you lie and stalk me all over the internet ,you don't tell the truth  when you post my name ,you post stupid tripe that a threat is not a threat cause its ajoke and it goes on and on . I have said it before I could really give a shit danny  bennison if  you  like or dislike me I don't fuckin care. I think you are a lying sadistic ,survivor abusing ,lunatic idiot .  

Me vulgar, shit danny' I have seen the garbage that you write to survivors of all programs.  You are  the one that has been being lying in ther most vulger  way possible  about me . You don't see me posting this way to any body else because they don't lie about me like you do, asshole. And you have been very obcessed about my sexuality ,and I have had to tell you many times on fornits that danny really I am not interested ,I am a hetrosexual. you are a sick sadistic lying fuck. It is the truth no vulgarity in that at all. just the simple and plain truth .

Danny you are truly incapable of telling the truth I realize it is deep rooted sickness of yours and quite frankly I am tired of it . I have also told you before don't tell me what to do .danny you are not my assistant director ,hell you never were ,seems like you were Wayne's and he wrote abook about that experience. Don't tell me what to do danny this aint elan ,this is the real world and its your problem if you are still stuck in elan .I could give a flying leap. you are an asshole and a lying sick deluded distorted fuck.

I don't suffer lying assholes like yourself  lightly and I have said quite lying about me and quite making me feel like you are stalking me with your lies and bullshit that I see on the internet . You danny bennison shut the fuck up .

I am a survivor of the certain pains of hell that was elan you danny bennison cannot deminish what I went thru and what I rise above and have survived. You do not have a right to tell me not to come here and post. if I see your lies I will straighten you out like now  and if that means that I have to call you a sick lying idiot, then so be it .

you have no right asshole, to tell me what the fuck to do !!!!!  nor to try to censor what I post on fornits . Or to tell me not to post on fornits . If you weren't such a sick lying fuck, I would not have to talk to your lying ass in this fashion. My elan experience is mine not yours you have no right to comment on my experienceor belittle my experience like you have done and do.  You are not me you stupid fuck. You have no right to tell me not to post here. I will post where ever I see fit ,asshole. Last I looked asshole this is America, and if you don't like it fucking leave asshole.

Got to hell danny bennison ,seriously go to hell and don't tell me what the fuck to do.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Eliscu2

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Re: Let me introduce myself
« Reply #36 on: February 06, 2012, 03:48:41 AM »
****I don't need a sock puppet to tell you to FUCK OFF DANIEL LEE BENNISON.
 :twofinger:  ::deadhorse::
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Horatio

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Re: Let me introduce myself
« Reply #37 on: February 06, 2012, 01:26:30 PM »
Quote from: "Eliscu2"
****I don't need a sock puppet to tell you to FUCK OFF DANIEL LEE BENNISON.
 :twofinger:  ::deadhorse::

No you need about 5 sock puppets. The first four are there to help you formulate a thought and the last one is to actually help discern the guilt you must feel every time you post.
Felice abusing Danny with assorted sock puppets will not help shed away the years of guilt you feel from abusing everything and everybody around you.
But hey, if you get a moment of reprieve, go for it.

I just love it when the Grand Jewish Princess of the Parodies comes in and shows herself. Take a bow baby doll.  :notworthy:

Danny says hi... :)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anti-Troll

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Re: Let me introduce myself
« Reply #38 on: February 06, 2012, 02:18:19 PM »
Quote from: "Horatio"
Quote from: "Eliscu2"
****I don't need a sock puppet to tell you to FUCK OFF DANIEL LEE BENNISON.
 :twofinger:  ::deadhorse::

No you need about 5 sock puppets. The first four are there to help you formulate a thought and the last one is to actually help discern the guilt you must feel every time you post.
Felice abusing Danny with assorted sock puppets  :rasta:  :rasta:  :rasta:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  ::evil:: will not help shed away the years of guilt you feel from abusing everything and everybody around you.
But hey, if you get a moment of reprieve, go for it.

I just love it when the Grand Jewish Princess of the Parodies comes in and shows herself. Take a bow baby doll.  :notworthy:

Danny says hi... :)

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Because you are a TROLL"

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Re: Let me introduce myself
« Reply #39 on: February 06, 2012, 02:21:56 PM »
Quote from: "Horatio"
Quote from: "Eliscu2"
****I don't need a sock puppet to tell you to FUCK OFF DANIEL LEE BENNISON.
 :twofinger:  ::deadhorse::

No you need about 5 sock puppets. The first four are there to help you formulate a thought and the last one is to actually help discern the guilt you must feel every time you post.
Felice abusing Danny with assorted sock puppets will not help shed away the years of guilt you feel from abusing everything and everybody around you.
But hey, if you get a moment of reprieve, go for it.

I just love it when the Grand Jewish Princess of the Parodies comes in and shows herself. Take a bow baby doll.  :notworthy:

Danny says hi... :)

Meet Diablo, aka, Danny Bennison


“Matty be careful I visit your hometowne [sic] with about 250 other AA men for a conference every May look it up. I should be seeing you in May. We just may corral you and before you know it you be brainwashed. Oh and If I forgot to tell you that I come to your hometown ( like I forgot to tell you about being a Ex-Ass. Dir.) sorry I was going to surprise you.

Now I know you don’t want to start talking about the mother of your children do you Matt, please leave mine out of this conversation. I mentioned it for reference, she went on to post to Ursus. Not you.

Matt whenever you want to crawl out of your whoa is me, the Ex Ass Dir is picking on me routine that would be nice. Your [sic] 51 now grow up. Remember you said that you worked thru [sic] this, well act like it.

This is Danny now has been since 1978….So nice try so many others were there before you pulling this shit, read it Matt. What are you 15 again. If that is the case then please be serious for the sake of others. Matt you can’t spin this on me buddy sorry take your latent anger out on your counselors. I gave you every opportunity to get honest and you never did. Why because Matty did not want to look like he was siding with a Ass.Director in front of all his Elan resident buddies. Boy that would look horrible….Go back Matt to a phone call I had with you asking you why Mark was posting on facebook that I was a driver flunky for Joe. He knew I was a Ass. Director from my post on a site Sharon had. No this is the explanation you wanted to believe in order to hang out with me. Fine I could have accepted that if you had from the beginning just said I have a problem with associating with you because of.

But you did not you chose a very disrespectful way trash me publically [sic], remember you started this publically [sic] I spoke first in private, so don’t go running around acting like your [sic] innocent.

- Danny”

“I have 21 yrs. in A.A. It does work if you work it.Stay in touch - Danny “

The above quotes are from a guy named Danny Bennison, an AA with a spotted history, and a vicious mean streak. Currently, he writes for “McGowdoghouse,” a blog dedicated to this blog’s existence. His handle over there is “heretikreb,” but he is better known among those who peruse our comment section as “Diablo” (also “Cuggle,” and whatever other sockpuppet he may have slinked through our filter). Understanding the context of the quote requires a bit of background information, both of Diablo (Danny) and the recipient of the comment. It all started with Elan School.

Elan is a private school in Maine, dedicated to helping wayward teenagers. It employs a type of therapy known as “therapeutic community,” which makes the 12-steps look like walk through the park. Its most famous alumnus is Kennedy cousin Michael Skakel, made famous for the murder of his neighbor, Martha Moxley – an act he committed prior to attending Elan. Like Michel Skakel, most of those housed there are from well-to-do families, with the current annual fees costing upwards of $50,000.

Diablo was at Elan, starting in the mid-seventies, for almost three and a half years. First as a student, and later as a resident staff member. He made quite the impression on the other students, with threads in internet forums dedicated specifically to him, by former students of the school who characterize him with terms such as “monster.” People now in their fifties, were so traumatized by him, that multiple internet sites and forums have been started to help his victims connect and cope.

One such student, Wayne Kernochan, was so traumatized by his experience at Elan School, that he wrote an online book about his and other students’ experiences there – with our resident troll, Diablo, as the central figure in the plot: A Life Gone Awry: My Story of the Elan School. Among the many abuses chronicled in the book, was a time when Diablo tied a girl up and dragged her behind the back of his car. She was overweight, and this was Diablo’s method of convincing her to lose weight. As horrific as this sounds, it’s an incident to which Diablo fully admits, and for which he has no regrets. This is from an internet forum where Diablo engages his victims:

“…As far as the dragging incident I am not nor will I be ashamed at programs and the courses it takes, I know that the once Fat Girl thanks me now. I will help any of you lose wight [sic] like here [sic] just call me….”

What kind of sadistic ass-clown ties someone up and drags them around behind the back of a car? And with no remorse. This was written after he had written one of his “amends letters™” to those in this forum whom he had abused. Among the highlights in the amends letter™:

“Wayne I also want to take this time to apologize for any and all harm I caused you either directly or indirectly. I was put in charge to care for you (whether Elan wanted me to do this or not) I knew that you needed to be protected and I failed horribly.

I can only hope in time you can see just how sincere I am.

Now I would also like to take the time to express my sincere apologies to others to have gone to Elan that I was unkind to and down right [sic] rude to over the last year or so. As I have said before I could not have prepared myself enough to understand the impact of emotions that stormed back into my life when I ventured onto this site and others concerning Elan.

I did not handle the emotions from others well. I can only hope that Felice, Sharon, Matt, Mark, Wayne and others can forgive my intolerable behavior I displayed here and other sites a while back. My ongoing amends to you all has been to leave you alone and to empathize with your pain and how I can irritate this with my behavior.”

Notice his mention of those who he had been “unkind to and down right [sic] rude to.” He’s making reference to his numerous meltdowns and continued degradation toward those who he had abused years ago. Today, most of these have been deleted by forum moderators, but there are still fragments of conversations – responses containing quotes from now deleted posts – which give a fairly clear picture of Diablo’s emotional instability. A quick google search of “Danny Bennison Elan” will give you a treasure trove of sociopathic-like behavior, both from Diablo’s words, and from the accounts of his victims. For years, Diablo has been trolling the forums set up to discuss him. His comments teeter from belligerence to apologetic. From anger, to amends™, and back to anger again. It’s the same bi-polar M.O. he operated under here. Often in the same, slogan-ridden language of AA – using the standard catch words and aphorisms. It makes Bill Wilson’s personality look like the epitome of stability. Diablo is just flat-out crazy.

Every human has a few skeletons in their closet, and has people in their past they may have harmed and taken advantage of — but how many people have treated others so badly, they have forums dedicated to help their victims cope with the abuse that they’ve had imposed on them. Who has been so abusive in their life that someone from thirty years in their past decides to write a book about it? Who has friends in high school refer to them as a “monster”?  How can this possibly be rectified in an amends letter™?

We have debated whether or not to post about this, but we decided to do so for a few reasons. First, Diablo posted his name openly in our comment section, so the question of anonymity on his part was not a problem. We will not disclose anyone’s name publicly, even those with whom we disagree; and even someone as vicious as Diablo.

Secondly, a rumor has started among a couple of people who were vaguely aware of Diablo’s identity, that he was somehow involved in a murder, which is not remotely true. Diablo has done enough to make himself look bad, without any help from false accusations and innuendo. As big of a jerk as Diablo is, even the implication of his involvement in a murder is unconscionable. The truth is that Diablo claims to have been deposed as a witness in the Michael Skakel trial, which is entirely possible, because they were both at Elan School at the same time. There was a question as to whether Skakel had confessed to the murder of Martha Moxley while he was a student at Elan. Diablo’s involvement as a witness (if he actually did testify) was ancillary, and he had no involvement in the incident. It happened well before Skakel had entered the school, or met the other students (including Diablo).

Finally, and most importantly, he has since we banned him, made contact with some of the readers of this blog, whose emails he acquired after contacting them as a member of the community forum. Our primary reason for getting rid of the forum, is because we could not prevent internet predators and trolls from gaining the trust, and potentially harming, other members. Not just with Diablo, but others, as well. If Diabo (or “heretikreb” or “cuggle” or any of his other aliases we are unaware of) has made contact with you, be aware of the type of person you are dealing with. Diablo, Danny Bennison, is a sick person, and he is aptly named.

Diablo has been an AA for over twenty years. He has sponsored people and worked his way through the AA social circle. No doubt those he sat next to in meetings, sponsored, gained trust from, and coached through the program; had no knowledge of his past, and most likely his present. A person who is inclined to drag a girl around on a rope with a car, has problems that stem well beyond drinking. Clearly, just judging from actions here on our blog, his manipulation and abuse never really ended. At least with us, it was simply head games on the internet, which makes him fairly harmless (unless any of you were foolish enough to share email or telephone information). In AA, it is different. This is a person you are told to trust, that his – not your – judgment is what matters. This is who you are asked to give yourself over to. This Diablo is team McGowdog’s, but there are tens of thousands of Diablos throughout AA. This is the guy sitting next to you at a meeting.

- MA
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Because you are a TROLL"

Offline Anti-Troll

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Re: Let me introduce myself
« Reply #40 on: February 06, 2012, 02:24:37 PM »
Quote from: "Horatio"
Quote from: "Eliscu2"
****I don't need a sock puppet to tell you to FUCK OFF DANIEL LEE BENNISON.
 :twofinger:  ::deadhorse::

No you need about 5 sock puppets. The first four are there to help you formulate a thought and the last one is to actually help discern the guilt you must feel every time you post.
Felice abusing Danny with assorted sock puppets will not help shed away the years of guilt you feel from abusing everything and everybody around you.
But hey, if you get a moment of reprieve, go for it.

I just love it when the Grand Jewish Princess of the Parodies comes in and shows herself. Take a bow baby doll.  :notworthy:

Danny says hi... :)

Meet Diablo, aka, Danny Bennison


“Matty be careful I visit your hometowne [sic] with about 250 other AA men for a conference every May look it up. I should be seeing you in May. We just may corral you and before you know it you be brainwashed. Oh and If I forgot to tell you that I come to your hometown ( like I forgot to tell you about being a Ex-Ass. Dir.) sorry I was going to surprise you.

Now I know you don’t want to start talking about the mother of your children do you Matt, please leave mine out of this conversation. I mentioned it for reference, she went on to post to Ursus. Not you.

Matt whenever you want to crawl out of your whoa is me, the Ex Ass Dir is picking on me routine that would be nice. Your [sic] 51 now grow up. Remember you said that you worked thru [sic] this, well act like it.

This is Danny now has been since 1978….So nice try so many others were there before you pulling this shit, read it Matt. What are you 15 again. If that is the case then please be serious for the sake of others. Matt you can’t spin this on me buddy sorry take your latent anger out on your counselors. I gave you every opportunity to get honest and you never did. Why because Matty did not want to look like he was siding with a Ass.Director in front of all his Elan resident buddies. Boy that would look horrible….Go back Matt to a phone call I had with you asking you why Mark was posting on facebook that I was a driver flunky for Joe. He knew I was a Ass. Director from my post on a site Sharon had. No this is the explanation you wanted to believe in order to hang out with me. Fine I could have accepted that if you had from the beginning just said I have a problem with associating with you because of.

But you did not you chose a very disrespectful way trash me publically [sic], remember you started this publically [sic] I spoke first in private, so don’t go running around acting like your [sic] innocent.

- Danny”

“I have 21 yrs. in A.A. It does work if you work it.Stay in touch - Danny “

The above quotes are from a guy named Danny Bennison, an AA with a spotted history, and a vicious mean streak. Currently, he writes for “McGowdoghouse,” a blog dedicated to this blog’s existence. His handle over there is “heretikreb,” but he is better known among those who peruse our comment section as “Diablo” (also “Cuggle,” and whatever other sockpuppet he may have slinked through our filter). Understanding the context of the quote requires a bit of background information, both of Diablo (Danny) and the recipient of the comment. It all started with Elan School.

Elan is a private school in Maine, dedicated to helping wayward teenagers. It employs a type of therapy known as “therapeutic community,” which makes the 12-steps look like walk through the park. Its most famous alumnus is Kennedy cousin Michael Skakel, made famous for the murder of his neighbor, Martha Moxley – an act he committed prior to attending Elan. Like Michel Skakel, most of those housed there are from well-to-do families, with the current annual fees costing upwards of $50,000.

Diablo was at Elan, starting in the mid-seventies, for almost three and a half years. First as a student, and later as a resident staff member. He made quite the impression on the other students, with threads in internet forums dedicated specifically to him, by former students of the school who characterize him with terms such as “monster.” People now in their fifties, were so traumatized by him, that multiple internet sites and forums have been started to help his victims connect and cope.

One such student, Wayne Kernochan, was so traumatized by his experience at Elan School, that he wrote an online book about his and other students’ experiences there – with our resident troll, Diablo, as the central figure in the plot: A Life Gone Awry: My Story of the Elan School. Among the many abuses chronicled in the book, was a time when Diablo tied a girl up and dragged her behind the back of his car. She was overweight, and this was Diablo’s method of convincing her to lose weight. As horrific as this sounds, it’s an incident to which Diablo fully admits, and for which he has no regrets. This is from an internet forum where Diablo engages his victims:

“…As far as the dragging incident I am not nor will I be ashamed at programs and the courses it takes, I know that the once Fat Girl thanks me now. I will help any of you lose wight [sic] like here [sic] just call me….”

What kind of sadistic ass-clown ties someone up and drags them around behind the back of a car? And with no remorse. This was written after he had written one of his “amends letters™” to those in this forum whom he had abused. Among the highlights in the amends letter™:

“Wayne I also want to take this time to apologize for any and all harm I caused you either directly or indirectly. I was put in charge to care for you (whether Elan wanted me to do this or not) I knew that you needed to be protected and I failed horribly.

I can only hope in time you can see just how sincere I am.

Now I would also like to take the time to express my sincere apologies to others to have gone to Elan that I was unkind to and down right [sic] rude to over the last year or so. As I have said before I could not have prepared myself enough to understand the impact of emotions that stormed back into my life when I ventured onto this site and others concerning Elan.

I did not handle the emotions from others well. I can only hope that Felice, Sharon, Matt, Mark, Wayne and others can forgive my intolerable behavior I displayed here and other sites a while back. My ongoing amends to you all has been to leave you alone and to empathize with your pain and how I can irritate this with my behavior.”

Notice his mention of those who he had been “unkind to and down right [sic] rude to.” He’s making reference to his numerous meltdowns and continued degradation toward those who he had abused years ago. Today, most of these have been deleted by forum moderators, but there are still fragments of conversations – responses containing quotes from now deleted posts – which give a fairly clear picture of Diablo’s emotional instability. A quick google search of “Danny Bennison Elan” will give you a treasure trove of sociopathic-like behavior, both from Diablo’s words, and from the accounts of his victims. For years, Diablo has been trolling the forums set up to discuss him. His comments teeter from belligerence to apologetic. From anger, to amends™, and back to anger again. It’s the same bi-polar M.O. he operated under here. Often in the same, slogan-ridden language of AA – using the standard catch words and aphorisms. It makes Bill Wilson’s personality look like the epitome of stability. Diablo is just flat-out crazy.

Every human has a few skeletons in their closet, and has people in their past they may have harmed and taken advantage of — but how many people have treated others so badly, they have forums dedicated to help their victims cope with the abuse that they’ve had imposed on them. Who has been so abusive in their life that someone from thirty years in their past decides to write a book about it? Who has friends in high school refer to them as a “monster”?  How can this possibly be rectified in an amends letter™?

We have debated whether or not to post about this, but we decided to do so for a few reasons. First, Diablo posted his name openly in our comment section, so the question of anonymity on his part was not a problem. We will not disclose anyone’s name publicly, even those with whom we disagree; and even someone as vicious as Diablo.

Secondly, a rumor has started among a couple of people who were vaguely aware of Diablo’s identity, that he was somehow involved in a murder, which is not remotely true. Diablo has done enough to make himself look bad, without any help from false accusations and innuendo. As big of a jerk as Diablo is, even the implication of his involvement in a murder is unconscionable. The truth is that Diablo claims to have been deposed as a witness in the Michael Skakel trial, which is entirely possible, because they were both at Elan School at the same time. There was a question as to whether Skakel had confessed to the murder of Martha Moxley while he was a student at Elan. Diablo’s involvement as a witness (if he actually did testify) was ancillary, and he had no involvement in the incident. It happened well before Skakel had entered the school, or met the other students (including Diablo).

Finally, and most importantly, he has since we banned him, made contact with some of the readers of this blog, whose emails he acquired after contacting them as a member of the community forum. Our primary reason for getting rid of the forum, is because we could not prevent internet predators and trolls from gaining the trust, and potentially harming, other members. Not just with Diablo, but others, as well. If Diabo (or “heretikreb” or “cuggle” or any of his other aliases we are unaware of) has made contact with you, be aware of the type of person you are dealing with. Diablo, Danny Bennison, is a sick person, and he is aptly named.

Diablo has been an AA for over twenty years. He has sponsored people and worked his way through the AA social circle. No doubt those he sat next to in meetings, sponsored, gained trust from, and coached through the program; had no knowledge of his past, and most likely his present. A person who is inclined to drag a girl around on a rope with a car, has problems that stem well beyond drinking. Clearly, just judging from actions here on our blog, his manipulation and abuse never really ended. At least with us, it was simply head games on the internet, which makes him fairly harmless (unless any of you were foolish enough to share email or telephone information). In AA, it is different. This is a person you are told to trust, that his – not your – judgment is what matters. This is who you are asked to give yourself over to. This Diablo is team McGowdog’s, but there are tens of thousands of Diablos throughout AA. This is the guy sitting next to you at a meeting.

- MA
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Because you are a TROLL"

Offline Horatio

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Re: Let me introduce myself
« Reply #41 on: February 06, 2012, 04:19:57 PM »
Matt Hoffman wrote:
no danny you aren't getting anywhere you are the slippery little liar . no no No I did not get the story that danny was "just a delivery driver " from face book no danny I got it from your on lips by way of the phone calls . look danny you can lie all you want I know the truth the phone calls took place in feb of 2010 not ever in any part of the year 2009 did we ever talk by phone and if you remember danny we stopped talking I read your "staff manifesto" that you wrote and put on on facebook . When I saw it I called you got your voice mail and left the message 'you didn't tell me that you were an assistant director danny " and hung up . You danny bennison you lying idiot called me back about 45 minutes later and I did not answer the phone cause I knew you were a liar. remember danny of course you do ,though you will lie about it .

Has nothing to do with vindictiveness you stupid little bitch .It has to do with the fact that you lie and stalk me all over the internet ,you don't tell the truth when you post my name ,you post stupid tripe that a threat is not a threat cause its ajoke and it goes on and on . I have said it before I could really give a shit danny bennison if you like or dislike me I don't fuckin care. I think you are a lying sadistic ,survivor abusing ,lunatic idiot .

Me vulgar, shit danny' I have seen the garbage that you write to survivors of all programs. You are the one that has been being lying in ther most vulger way possible about me . You don't see me posting this way to any body else because they don't lie about me like you do, asshole. And you have been very obcessed about my sexuality ,and I have had to tell you many times on fornits that danny really I am not interested ,I am a hetrosexual. you are a sick sadistic lying fuck. It is the truth no vulgarity in that at all. just the simple and plain truth .

Danny you are truly incapable of telling the truth I realize it is deep rooted sickness of yours and quite frankly I am tired of it . I have also told you before don't tell me what to do .danny you are not my assistant director ,hell you never were ,seems like you were Wayne's and he wrote abook about that experience. Don't tell me what to do danny this aint elan ,this is the real world and its your problem if you are still stuck in elan .I could give a flying leap. you are an asshole and a lying sick deluded distorted fuck.

I don't suffer lying assholes like yourself lightly and I have said quite lying about me and quite making me feel like you are stalking me with your lies and bullshit that I see on the internet . You danny bennison shut the fuck up .

I am a survivor of the certain pains of hell that was elan you danny bennison cannot deminish what I went thru and what I rise above and have survived. You do not have a right to tell me not to come here and post. if I see your lies I will straighten you out like now and if that means that I have to call you a sick lying idiot, then so be it .

you have no right asshole, to tell me what the fuck to do !!!!! nor to try to censor what I post on fornits . Or to tell me not to post on fornits . If you weren't such a sick lying fuck, I would not have to talk to your lying ass in this fashion. My elan experience is mine not yours you have no right to comment on my experienceor belittle my experience like you have done and do. You are not me you stupid fuck. You have no right to tell me not to post here. I will post where ever I see fit ,asshole. Last I looked asshole this is America, and if you don't like it fucking leave asshole.

Got to hell danny bennison ,seriously go to hell and don't tell me what the fuck to do.

Matt thanks big guy for sharing. BTW, I am still not Danny. I (HORATIO) just happen to know several people who were with you back in Elan. We were talking about you yesterday during the Super Bowl and I have to tell you they all agreed you have not changed at all. We are seriously concerned for your wife and children. Matt I have said this several times, calm the fuck down. Stop abusing Danny.
We have every right to tell you what to do and to censor you if possible. You are abusing Danny and we are tired of it.
Matt we are sorry you did not tell anybody from Elan that you stabbed Robert. We went through the posts dating all the way back to the beginning of this Elan Forum. We found that no one knew you while you were at Elan, there were a few people at Elan while you were there but they did not know you personally and most of the Elan people posting on the forum got there years after you had already left.
So there you go. You are a liar, Matt. It is no surprise.
Matt, you and your friends (wayne, mark and felice) have been lying since I (HORATIO) have known you. Then when I (HORATIO) began to look into the stories you four have been posting throughout the TTI, I realized you not only lied but concocted many layers of bullshit to go with it.
Matt- Gayle, Dickie, Ronnie, Mar`yam, Jeff, Robert and Gary are not going to come here and embarrass you but they will be character witnesses if you are ever deposed for this bullshit you have been complicit to. Just like your fake buddy Wayne will have a hell of time trying to explain himself at a deposition.
You know why you are a piece of shit Matt, Danny said it well, "Matt can not see his part in anything". I (HORATIO) have to agree. You refuse to acknowledge that you had a major part in starting this disagreement with Danny.
Matt we are not going to try and convince you anymore about the chain of events that led up to you acting like aN abusive asshole. What we are going to do is make sure you are exposed for being vulgar, profane and abusive with other survivors you do not like.
We have you on record telling  survivors that they are not survivors because they have a different opinion then yours. We also have you telling Danny he is not a survivor because he refuses to take your shit.
As a matter of fact Danny and his friends here verbally kick your ass with facts every time we argue.
Matt you are done, your sorry little act is old. Nobody is interested in your repetitive boring biased assessment of Danny. It is littered with untruths and anger you have for him.
You are a dangerous man Matt, you have proven this. If we find out you have had anything to do with the death threats (and we will) you my friend will answer for it. I(HORATIO) would not be surprised with your back ground that you have something to do with them. At the very least you are complicit. I (HORATIO) sincerely hope the phone calls you made with Wayne did not fall on these days around the hours we received the death threats.  
We really thought you were smarter then this Matt, I (HORATIO) guess we were wrong.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Troublemaker

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Re: Let me introduce myself
« Reply #42 on: February 06, 2012, 05:37:32 PM »
Matt thanks big guy for sharing. BTW, I am still not Danny. I (HORATIO) just happen to know several people who were with you  back in Elan. We were talking about you yesterday during the Super Bowl and I have to tell you they all agreed you have not changed at all. We are seriously concerned for your wife and children. Matt I have said this several times, calm the fuck down. Stop abusing Danny.
We have every right to tell you what to do and to censor you if possible. You are abusing Danny and we are tired of it.
Matt we are sorry you did not tell anybody from Elan that you stabbed Robert. We went through the posts dating all the way back to the beginning of this Elan Forum. We found that no one knew you while you were at Elan, there were a few people at Elan while you were there but they did not know you personally and most of the Elan people posting on the forum got there years after you had already left.
So there you go. You are a liar, Matt. It is no surprise.
Matt, you and your friends (wayne, mark and felice) have been lying since I (HORATIO) have known you. Then when I (HORATIO) began to look into the stories you four have been posting throughout the TTI, I realized you not only lied but concocted many layers of bullshit to go with it.
Matt- Gayle, Dickie, Ronnie, Mar`yam, Jeff, Robert and Gary are not going to come here and embarrass you but they will be character witnesses if you are ever deposed for this bullshit you have been complicit to. Just like your fake buddy Wayne will have a hell of time trying to explain himself at a deposition.
You know why you are a piece of shit Matt, Danny said it well, "Matt can not see his part in anything". I (HORATIO) have to agree. You refuse to acknowledge that you had a major part in starting this disagreement with Danny.
Matt we are not going to try and convince you anymore about the chain of events that led up to you acting like aN abusive asshole. What we are going to do is make sure you are exposed for being vulgar, profane and abusive with other survivors you do not like.
We have you on record telling  survivors that they are not survivors because they have a different opinion then yours. We also have you telling Danny he is not a survivor because he refuses to take your shit.
As a matter of fact Danny and his friends here verbally kick your ass with facts every time we argue.
Matt you are done, your sorry little act is old. Nobody is interested in your repetitive boring biased assessment of Danny. It is littered with untruths and anger you have for him.
You are a dangerous man Matt, you have proven this. If we find out you have had anything to do with the death threats (and we will) you my friend will answer for it. I(HORATIO) would not be surprised with your back ground that you have something to do with them. At the very least you are complicit. I (HORATIO) sincerely hope the phone calls you made with Wayne did not fall on these days around the hours we received the death threats.  
We really thought you were smarter then this Matt, I (HORATIO) guess we were wrong.

Pedophiles and pimps score at large sporting events like Super Bowl XLVI

The annual Super Bowl weekend is considered to be the largest sex trafficking event in the United States, and some even say it is the largest in the world. In dimly lit rooms, pimps and johns will buy and sell child prostitutes as part of the reprehensible crime of sex trafficking.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
The troubled teen industry is ineffective because advocates are after money, fame or are as abusive as the programs they\'re fighting