It is self published because his publisher kicked him to the curb and banned his abusive vulgar personality from the Absolute Writers blog that helped him with this memoir. This is how Wayne says thank you to people who help him. This memoir was built on a lie and was solely written for publicity for other books Wayne wanted to sell. Wayne is not a survivor of Elan and has found it extremely difficult to prove the allegations he made against me. Wayne K. told every one here on this site and other sites that he had 4 witnesses with their written testimonies. We now know this was a lie. He had Albert Beauchane.
He has pretty much lost all the respect of the writing community he was in and is struggling with the truth concerning this book.
Since my rebuttal of this memoir started in earnest 5 months ago. Wayne has decided to call me a rapist and a sodomizer.
This is alright because one thing I know is the truth is on my side.
I went to Elan long after youguys were gone. I don't know you
If someone called me the things Wayne has called you, and put this book up, and it wasn't true, I'd want him dead. Why would you salute the guy?
This is why you look like a lliar
His book is number 48 in Kindle. That's pretty high
'd demand Amazon take it down
Wayne Kernochan
"This is the West, sir. When the legend becomes fact, print the legend."~ The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance