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Offline ajax13

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Endzone Dance
« on: January 19, 2012, 12:53:00 PM »
"Last July, American historian William Blum published his "updated summary of the record of US foreign policy". Since the Second World War, the US has:

1. Attempted to overthrow more than 50 governments, most of them democratically-elected.

2. Attempted to suppress a populist or national movement in 20 countries.

3. Grossly interfered in democratic elections in at least 30 countries.

4. Dropped bombs on the people of more than 30 countries.

5. Attempted to assassinate more than 50 foreign leaders.

In total, the United States has carried out one or more of these actions in 69 countries.

Beyond the drivel, as the great whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg had predicted, a military coup was taking place in Washington, and Obama was their man. Having seduced the anti-war movement into virtual silence, he has given America’s corrupt military officer class unprecedented powers of state and engagement. These include the prospect of wars in Africa and opportunities for provocations against China, America’s largest creditor and new "enemy" in Asia. Under Obama, the old source of official paranoia Russia, has been encircled with ballistic missiles and the Russian opposition infiltrated. Military and CIA assassination teams have been assigned to 120 countries; long planned attacks on Syria and Iran beckon a world war. Israel, the exemplar of US violence and lawlessness by proxy, has just received its annual pocket money of $3bn together with Obama’s permission to steal more Palestinian land.

On 5 January, in an extraordinary speech at the Pentagon, Obama said the military would not only be ready to "secure territory and populations" overseas but to fight in the "homeland" and provide "support to the civil authorities". In other words, US troops will be deployed on the streets of American cities when the inevitable civil unrest takes hold.

America is now a land of epidemic poverty and barbaric prisons: the consequence of a "market" extremism which, under Obama, has prompted the transfer of $14 trillion in public money to criminal enterprises in Wall Street." ... &aid=28753
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"AARC will go on serving youth and families as long as it will be needed, if it keeps open to God for inspiration" Dr. F. Dean Vause Executive Director

MR. NELSON: Mr. Speaker, AADAC has been involved with
assistance in developing the program of the Alberta Adolescent
Recovery Centre since its inception originally as Kids of the
Canadian West."
Alberta Hansard, March 24, 1992

Offline Ursus

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Area police officers train for a new breed of terrorists
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2012, 03:51:08 PM »
On 5 January, in an extraordinary speech at the Pentagon, Obama said the military would not only be ready to "secure territory and populations" overseas but to fight in the "homeland" and provide "support to the civil authorities". In other words, US troops will be deployed on the streets of American cities when the inevitable civil unrest takes hold.
Speaking of which, here's how the local SWAT teams are getting ready:

    "There is no point trying to do what we normally do. You cannot leave them standing. If you are going to shoot them, empty the magazine in them."[/list]

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    Battle Creek Enquirer
    Area police officers train for a new breed of terrorists

    1:57 AM, Jan. 18, 2012
    Written by Trace Christenson

    Officers from the Battle Creek Emergency Response Team attack a bus held by terrorists during a training on Tuesday. / Trace Christenson/The Enquirer

    One SWAT team killed terrorists in a bus Monday in Battle Creek, while another team shot people in a car and a third team attacked those inside an airplane.

    The police assaults were simulated but the threats are real.

    "If they take a vehicle their intention is to kill everyone and then kill themselves," Andrew Fyfe told police officers at the beginning of an all-day anti-terrorism training. "There is no point trying to do what we normally do. You cannot leave them standing. If you are going to shoot them, empty the magazine in them."

    Fyfe, from Scotland, is a tactical medic instructor and former member of the United Kingdom's special forces, and was one of two instructors at the advanced vehicle assault training program held Tuesday for about 50 officers from the Battle Creek Emergency Response Team and from the Barry County and St. Joseph County SWAT teams.

    He joined Jared Hall, a former member of an American special forces unit and now an instructor at Kellogg Community College in counterterrorism, to teach the class.

    Fyfe told the officers they will be the first line of defense when a new breed of terrorists likely hits the United States.

    He said Europeans have been fighting mercenaries who attack civilian targets with the only goal to inflict as much death as possible to draw attention to a cause.

    These terrorists, he said, will kill men, women and children and use any method possible, including wrapping bombs around innocent people, in their attacks.

    "They are guns for hire and they are there for the brass (money) and not the cause. But they are after the news," he said. "If I can't teach you anything else today, empty the magazine."

    Instruction included how to attack and enter vehicles in seconds as officers try to kill the terrorists while minimizing the loss of life of hostages or officers.

    "These guys need to think in a different mindset," Fyfe said later about officers facing these new types of threats. "They are going to be on the front line, they will be there first."

    Sgt. Jeff Case of the Battle Creek Police Department, and also an instructor at the training session, said most SWAT teams in this country have primarily dealt with drug raids and people barricaded in their homes.

    "But now we have to be prepared for anything," he said. "It is only a matter of time before everyone has to deal with it."

    The Tuesday training is one of a series of programs organized by KCC and in part is designed to teach SWAT members identical practices so members of different teams can work together when necessary, Hall said.

    "We are concentrating on preparedness and collaboration," he said.

    Trace Christenson can be reached at 966-0685 or[/size]
    « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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