Author Topic: Elan Staff Please read this  (Read 1146 times)

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Elan Staff Please read this
« on: December 20, 2003, 07:42:00 PM »
This is not a senseless bash on Elan.  I am not going to say anything immature or hatefull.  I know that alot of Elan staff read this site.  Then they either choose to not respond, or they respond annonymously.  I just want to say that Elan is not in anyway thereputic.  You may not understand this right now but most of the staff are brainwashed.  Some of the staff are just evil people who like to have power and controll and probably could not get it anywhere else.  But a lot of the staff members are good people who get brainwashed into the fact that they think they are helping people.  You see students go from rebelious to compliant and you think that the "therapy" is what is helping.  I went to elan for 3 years and I have spoken to many students since i left.  The only reason any of us complied is because we were scared shitless.  Public humiliation is the number one fear in this country statistically.  Personally I have had severe mental problems since leaving Elan.  Staff members please think of all of the students you have known throughout elan.  How many of them did well after leaving?  How many did well for a little bit then completely lost it?  The place where you are working is severly unhealthy.  I can assure you that no one is getting help from Elan.  It gets inside a childs brain and seriously brainwashes them.  The worst part of elan is there is no aftercare.  You are in this Insane reality where life consists of Yelling being humilated and cleaning compulsively then you are asked to just leave.  What the hell? What are you guys thinking.  If you work at Elan you might think that you are helping.  But no good person who is seriously in touch with reality would work at a place where you are literally torturing people.  Not a single soul no matter what they have done in there lives deserves the sick therepy that elan gives.  Joe Ricci had me working in a resteraunt as a waitress serving alchohlic beverages to people at his race track.  I was 14 years old.  That is illegal.  And he did not have to actually hire anyone to work there because me and about 4 other girls from my house would be put in a van and sent to Scarborough downs.  You have to be 21 or tip certified to serve alchohl.  I wasnt even old enough to have a job! But I did it and I didnt get paid.  I could go on and on about how corrupt elan is.  And they constantly tell us WE are manipulative?  How is it Manipulative to tell your mom that you just saw one of your friends get his nose broken in the ring?  Isnt it more manipulative for a parent to have no idea how there child is being treated?  My mother had no idea what elan was like.  And since I have been out and told her she wants me to warm people.  She feels so srry that she sent me there. According to the brochure elan is a beautiful school where everyone is caring and "family like"  AND OH MY GOD!  Go to the elan school website! and watch the video they have a teacher singing folk songs on the guitar and a buch of brainwashed kids talking about how great Elan is.  Ross erstling is one of them.  And I know that kid well enough to know how hard he was laughing his ass off while he was saying how wonderful elan is for him.  ITS A FUCKING SCAM! and all of us come to this page and direct our anger at eachother.  Or just plain dont know what to do! We were all abused.  That place was nuts!  How could they do that to us!  I saw a girl in a ring have a helmet slammed onto her head while her hair was infront of her face blindfolding her, then she got the shit kicked out of her while a girls 60 lbs heavier that her punched he repeatedly in the face.  This girl was my best friend! AND I WAS SUPPOSE TO CHEER!  Man staff CHEER while kids are beaten! HOW NUTS IS THAT! So staff my message to you is get out! ELan is bad and it will be shut down.  How can you live with yourselves.  Elan ruins lives! It does permanent damage to people.  It is a horrible horrible place. If you think otherwise you are brain washed it is as simple as that.  And for the people who post her at fornits please tell me if you agree, but please try and keep this topic on a muture and serious level.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »