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Offline woodbury reports

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Memorial Hermann Prevention & Recovery Center
« on: January 06, 2012, 11:54:50 AM »
Memorial Hermann Prevention & Recovery Center

Nationally Recognized Treatment for Drug and Alcohol Abuse

"I repeatedly state that the time I spent at "PaRC" saved my life and everything I hold dear and close to my heart. Without the PaRC, I would be in a dark and miserable place; that is, if I was still alive at all."

Laine W., PaRC Alumnus

Memorial Hermann Prevention & Recovery Center ("PaRC") is a twelve-step based alcohol and drug rehab center for adults and teenagers. We have a 29 year history of successfully treating drug & alcohol addiction by helping our patients and their families understand and manage the disease of addiction. PaRC helps thousands of individuals just like you and our confidential treatment programs continue to grow year after year. Our programs are recognized and respected. Some of our most recent distinctions include:  

  -  2011 NAATP Quality Improvement Award
   - 2011 Memorial Hermann President's Cup Award
  -  2010 The Joint Commission National "Gold Seal" Accreditation
   - 2010 NAADAC Organizational Achievement Award
   - 2009 Memorial Hermann Gold Circle Award
   - 2008 Memorial Hermann President's Cup Award

Eye-Opening Facts About Drug & Alcohol Addiction

It can be hard to believe, but people do not choose to become addicted to drugs or alcohol. Addiction is a serious, complex disease that gets worse over time if appropriate treatment is not received. It is not simply a "bad habit". And addiction can affect anyone regardless of their educational background, intelligence level, financial status, age, gender, race, religion, morals or how much willpower they have. Studies show that most people with substance abuse problems are ordinary citizens such as working professionals, housewives, young adults, teens, seniors and other individuals living in our communities. Drug and alcohol addiction is also more common than most people realize. According to the 2010 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, an estimated 23 million Americans aged 12 or older are illicit drug users and 76 million are either binge or heavy drinkers. You are not alone with this disease. Effective treatment and compassionate care are available at PaRC.

How PaRC Can Help You

Untreated addiction is a downward spiral with tragic consequences. PaRC's programs teach you the necessary tools and valuable skills you need to stop the cycle of addiction in your life. Our growing expertise, combined with our longevity in the community, enables us to constantly refine and customize our treatment strategies. At PaRC's drug and alcohol abuse treatment center, we offer a variety of services critical for establishing long-term sobriety including detox, inpatient rehab, outpatient rehab, 90-day rehab, aftercare program and more. You don't have to suffer with the effects of this disease. PaRC can help you manage this disease and keep your life, family, health and career intact. Remember, treatment at PaRC is confidential. Speak with a friendly PaRC representative at 713-939-7272 to learn more about how our highly respected treatment center in Houston, Texas can help you.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2012, 03:56:49 PM by woodbury reports »

Offline woodbury reports

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Memorial Hermann Prevention & Recovery Center
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2012, 11:55:17 AM »
To: The PaRC Alumni Family, March 2006

I write to each of you today with a heavy heart, a sober mind, a serene spirit and physical well being to say thank you for all that you have given me and goodbye to the PaRC Saturday aftercare program. If you are reading this right now chances are you are either in, attempting, struggling, returning to or related to someone in Recovery. I am all of the above. I am in - nearly seven years now. I have attempted - for 60 days in 1994. I have struggled - moving from selfishness to selflessness. I am also related - my wife has six plus years in recovery.

My first binge began in August of 1970 and ended on July 19th, 1999 when I could no longer envision another day with or without my drug. My drug is Addiction. I reached out on that July afternoon and Memorial Hermann was there to catch me. Here begins my recovery story. I met Jane B., my counselor, at the front door of the PaRC nervous and afraid. During my assessment Jane suggested that I may want to pack a bag because I might be there for a few days. Not me I said! Is there not some kind of outpatient type of program that I can do? After all I am not really that sick I came here of my own free will. Jane was reminded that day, in a very gentle way, that my free will is what got me there and that maybe I should consider checking my free will at the door. That fleeting moment of clarity, given to me by my God (and Jane) as I was later to understand, was just long enough for me to say “Yes” to recovery and “we” checked me in. I say “we” because it is a family disease and because “we” is the first word used in the twelve steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. If you want to know what it is like to be in addiction don’t asked the alcoholic ask his or her family.

I was put in a room with a guy so sick that he actually lived on the unit. I later discovered the reason they put me with him was that I was as sick as he was. My cell mate was Danny F. and he would work during the day and return to the unit in the evenings. He was my first sponsor, although he did not know it, I watched his every action and tried to do what he did. My first morning on the unit, after a restless night, I awoke and could not find my shoes. I asked Danny about it and he said that they were under my bed. I asked him why they were under the bed. He said when you get down on your knees to get your shoes thank God that you are here and ask that God grant you reprieve from your addiction today. Again I learned that we are sick people not bad people and that we are all worthy of God’s love for us.

We all have choices in recovery and at any moment we can choose not to be in recovery and return to our Addiction. One thing is certain none of us will get out of this life alive. Nelson E. said it best, “If you choose to return to your addiction you will die a hundred deaths. If you choose to stay in recovery you will only have to die once.” My addiction took away my spiritual understanding, my mental facilities and my physical well being. Recovery has restored each in the same order in which they were taken from me. There is so much I could say about what it was like then and what it is like now but I think I will save it for a speaker’s meeting. Please invite me to one.

Through out my journey of recovery the professionals, alumni, aftercare facilitators and my peers have understood that they were there to influence without interfering. This is why the PaRC and Saturday aftercare were the kingposts of my recovery that first year and continues to this day. I wanted what those who were leading and facilitating had - a spiritual awakening and a sincere desire to be of service. I hope that I have carried the message to those who suffer and practiced the principles in all my affairs. After nearly seven years it is time for me to move to my next phase of recovery. I was asked recently why I was leaving the Aftercare program and my reply was that it is now time for me to simply be “a fellow among fellows.”

I am in eternal gratitude to my God for allowing me to be of service, to my wife of thirty years for receiving my daily amends, to my sons for their support and encouragement without judgment, to the PaRC for their care giving and leadership, to my sponsors for their tireless listening and patience, and to my peers for their availability and commitment.

I again say thank you and close with a couple of my favorite passages from our big book. “Outsiders are sometimes shocked when we burst into merriment over a seemingly tragic experience out of the past. But why shouldn’t we laugh? We have recovered, and have been given the chance to help others”. “May God bless you and keep you . . . until then.

Keith M.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2012, 03:55:10 PM by woodbury reports »

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Memorial Hermann Prevention & Recovery Center
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2012, 11:55:39 AM »
The Dark Side of the Holidays
by Matt Feehery, CEO
Memorial Hermann Prevention & Recovery Center

The holidays are here which means attending office parties, having dinner with friends, visiting with family and doing lots of shopping. However, with all of these activities comes stress. Financial, social, emotional, and familial stressors can create anxiety and tension in many people’s lives. This is especially true for individuals who knowingly or unknowingly suffer from alcohol and drug addiction problems.

The disease of alcoholism and drug addiction does not discriminate by age, gender, race, religion, educational background or financial status. It has nothing to do with willpower or morality. The majority of people with substance abuse problems are not the homeless and indigent people that we see living on the streets. They are working professionals, housewives, young adults and adolescents living in our communities and neighborhoods.

According to the 2010 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, an estimated 23 million Americans aged 12 or older were illicit drug users. This estimate represents 9% of the population aged 12 or older. Illicit drugs include marijuana/hashish, cocaine (including crack), heroin, hallucinogens, inhalants or prescription-type psychotherapeutics used non-medically. About 23% of persons aged 12 or older participated in binge drinking. Binge drinking is defined as having five or more drinks on the same occasion on at least one day in the past 30 days. Heavy drinking was reported by 17 million people. Heavy drinking is defined as binge drinking on at least five days in the past 30 days.

“I used to take 50-60 Vicodin a day and spend a considerable amount of time lining up prescriptions and acquiring the drugs.” says Joe M., a 34 year old marketing director and former patient of Memorial Hermann Prevention & Recovery Center (PaRC) “It became a cycle that eventually spiraled out of control.”

Joe M. is not alone. A large percentage of drug abuse is due to overuse of powerfully addictive prescription medications often given to address chronic pain, sleep or mood disorders. Opiate painkillers such as Vicodin and Oxycontin, combined with Soma - a prescription muscle relaxer - have become some of the most over-prescribed medications in our country.

Other prescription medications, especially benzodiazepines such as Xanax and Valium, can also quickly turn into drugs of abuse. All of these drugs have become increasingly popular in recent years and are readily available through physicians, internet pharmacies and on the streets.
Withdrawal from prescription drugs can be very serious and detoxification from them should be conducted under medical supervision. “Detox is the first phase of treatment for the person abusing alcohol or drugs.” says Dr. Eugene Degner, Chief Physician of PaRC. Patients addressing drug or alcohol addiction typically require continued care in an

Inpatient or Outpatient setting. Effective treatment for drug and alcohol addiction involves customized, intense education and therapy that assists individuals in achieving and maintaining a lifestyle that does not involve turning to drugs or alcohol to cope with life’s stressors.

An estimated 22 million persons in 2010 were classified with substance dependence or abuse in the past year based on criteria specified in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition (DSMIV).

Almost everyone knows someone who exhibits the symptoms of alcohol or drug abuse.   What makes the situation difficult is identifying the problem at its earliest stages and intervening before the problem becomes a crisis. People turn to alcohol and other drugs for a multitude of seemingly innocent reasons: to cope, to feel better, to maintain an appearance or handle an emotional problem. “No one sets out to have a drinking or drug problem; but for millions of people, addiction has become a reality.” says Dr. Degner of PaRC.

During the holiday season families and employers should look for the signs and
symptoms of drug and alcohol abuse. These include:

- The need to use increased amounts to become intoxicated
-An increase in the time and effort spent in obtaining the substance
- A persistent desire to cut down or control the use of the substance
- Apparent withdrawal symptoms
- Continued use despite physical or psychological problems

The family might notice other signs such as increased mood swings, financial concerns, not spending time with the family, isolation, and increased defensiveness.  If you know someone who might have an alcohol or drug problem, talk to that person about it while they are sober. Be calm, loving and supportive in helping your loved one recover. Call Memorial Hermann Prevention & Recovery Center and learn more about how we can help you.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2012, 03:55:32 PM by woodbury reports »

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Memorial Hermann Prevention & Recovery Center
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2012, 11:56:05 AM »
Buprenorphine Use in Outpatient Treatment

by Robert M. “Mike” Leath, MD

Buprenorphine, a synthetic opioid marketed as Suboxone or Subutex, has given physicians an effective new treatment tool in helping opiate dependent persons. It is a helpful agent used by treatment providers whose philosophy is either harm reduction or abstinence. When the goal is to move the patient away from dependence on addictive opiate medications or drugs, an option is to use Suboxone as a temporary agent to safely and comfortably move someone through the withdrawal phase.

The move towards outpatient detoxification is understandable: it is less disruptive to the patient’s schedule, less costly, and more convenient. Patients who are appropriate for outpatient detox can seek assistance from a physician trained in this procedure in an office environment and continue their professional or other activities simultaneously. On the other hand, opiates are often not the only addictive drug being used--many patients who receive buprenorphine on an outpatient basis are poly-substance dependent. These patients are generally less compliant with treatment directives and follow-up. The process for weaning a patient completely off of buprenorphine in an outpatient setting is also drawn out considerably, sometimes up to 18 months .

In an inpatient setting, buprenorphine may be used more conservatively via a “touch dosing” method in combination with other medications for opiate withdrawal. It can make the patient more comfortable by easing withdrawal symptoms, reducing craving and blocking the effects of opioids during the detox process. Within a week or so of entering treatment, the patient is no longer being administered an addictive medication. Again, if the objective is abstinence, then this is the preferred approach. Buprenorphine does not have to be used as a substitute of one addictive drug for another in the same class.

In my experience, and that of many of my addiction medicine colleagues, outpatient detox using buprenorphine for opiate addicts is not as successful as desired. Patients are typically enthusiastic with the initial plan to taper and then discontinue the Suboxone, but after the plan is put into action, the enthusiasm often wanes. Not infrequently, the patient will feel our taper is too rapid. The most resistance is met when we try to discontinue the final dose. Fortunately, this is not always true. When a patient is involved in a recovery program, he or she is more focused on the recovery process and less so on the medication, so our mutual goal is quickly and easily met. The real benefit that this patient will realize is the contentment of life without a drug being the focus.

Many patients feel that if they can just detox from narcotics with the help of buprenorphine, then their worries will be over. Sadly, this is rarely the case. A psychological dependence is also created and patients are fiercely resistant to giving up that last dose of medication in order to move into a fully drug-free state. In some cases, the patient discontinues coming to see their attending physician altogether, seeking out another physician, who will continue to prescribe the medication rather than giving up that final dose.

Buprenorphine has become the preferred substitute for Methadone maintenance as it is safer and more convenient. In its two marketed forms Suboxone and Subutex are taken sublingually. They have less effect if swallowed. In an attempt to thwart abuse, buprenorphine is combined in the same tablet with a narcotic antagonist, naloxone, which can block the effect of any opiate, including buprenorphine. Naloxone, however, is not absorbed when placed under the tongue or swallowed, so when used as directed it will in no way interfere with the buprenorphine in the Suboxone. However, if the patient attempts to dissolve the Suboxone and inject it, then the naloxone in the preparation will not only block the desired effect of the buprenorphine, but will override and block the effect of any opiate in the individual’s system thereby precipitating acute opiate withdrawal.

The detox process alone is not designed to deal with the psychological, social, and behavioral problems associated with addiction, so it does not produce the lasting behavioral change necessary for recovery. As a result, an “outpatient detox only” approach has a higher risk for relapse. The disease of addiction is multifaceted and it impacts the behavioral as well as the physical. Compliance with a treatment plan involving counseling and intensive outpatient treatment is critical, yet many people want the medication without engaging in the equally important work of recovery.

While every case deserves an individualized evaluation and treatment plan, there are many common characteristics among addicts and other dependent persons, such as a lack of self esteem, the need to use drugs to suppress hurtful feelings, the use of drugs to self-medicate, developing drug tolerance, and so on; and it is because of these things that a physiological detox may not meet all the patients needs, but is a great start. Please, ask your physician if you feel you may be a candidate for such a treatment. If your physician does not feel comfortable carrying out such an evaluation and treatment plan, he or she can refer you to an addiction specialist.

About the Author

Mike Leath, MD is Board Certified in Family Medicine and is certified by the American Board of Addiction Medicine (ABAM). He is Medical Director of Outpatient Programs for Memorial Hermann Prevention and Recovery Center (PaRC) in Houston.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2012, 04:03:07 PM by woodbury reports »

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Memorial Hermann Prevention & Recovery Center
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2012, 11:56:32 AM »
Are the "New" Medications for Addiction Effective & Safe? The answer: It depends.
by Eugene A. Degner, MD

I  have seen massive changes in the field of addiction medicine (ADM) since I entered the treatment field in 1983. Some changes have been for the good of the patient and some have been very questionable.

Dr. Eugene A. DegnerWhen I was certified in Addiction Medicine, the focus was to help that patient get drug and alcohol free. We were taught that once a brain experienced addiction it was always susceptible to relapse, no matter how long a period of abstinence lasted. Because of that concept, patients were taken off all drugs that hinted of producing dependency, with the thought being that a “clean” brain was best able to avoid relapse (sometimes called “awakening the sleeping giant”). It appears to me that concept is now considered old-fashioned, archaic, and generally wrong.

Another major change in the ADM field has been in the area of co-morbidity. I vividly remember being told by several experts in the ADM field, at ADM conferences, that alcoholics and drug addicts when fully detoxed had the same percentages of mental health problems as the general population. The literature today reports that alcoholics and drug addicts have 60% to 75% co-morbidity. If that is true, it is easy to see why so many drugs are being used on recovering and non-recovering addicts.

I must confess my bias is very conservative. My personal, family, and many patient experiences over these last 25 years have convinced me the less medications used on recovering individuals, the better. Having said that, I still use a fair amount of medication for Detox, and in some cases, maintenance.

Obviously there is some co-morbidity that accompanies addictions; whether it is 60-75% is questionable, but surely some exists. So the use of anti-depressants, mood stabilizers, and drugs like the atypical anti-psychotics is appropriate and safe. Used for appropriate indications, I believe these medications can enhance the recovery process and if not used could very well hinder recovery.

I am often asked if the “new” medications for addiction are effective and safe. These “new” drugs include Campral, Vivitrol, and Buprenorphine (Subutex and Suboxone). Campral was released for use in this country about two years ago. Campral’s mechanism of action is to block receptor sites that cause craving for alcohol. We use a lot of Campral in our treatment facility and our private office. It is safe, relatively free of side effects, and helpful in many patients. Campral alone helps reduce the urge to drink, but does not take the place of the psycho-social changes needed to accomplish recovery from alcohol dependency.

Vivitrol is a new presentation of an old drug Naltrexone. Naltrexone, an opiate receptor blocker, was marketed as Revia. Revia came in a tablet form but through a different mechanism from Campral was designed to reduce alcohol cravings. There were a fair amount of side effects with Revia, so it was used sparingly. Vivitrol is an intramuscular (IM) form of Naltrexone, which is given once a month. Again, Naltrexone is a safe, non-addictive drug which has shown some promise and results in reducing alcohol ingestion. Campral and Vivitrol can be used together since they use different mechanisms of action.

Buprenorphine (Subutex, Suboxone) has been released and marketed for outpatient detoxification of opiates. Medical doctors must take an eight hour course to prescribe Buprenorphine and they are issued a special DEA number.

So far, my experience with Suboxone has been somewhat mixed. Suboxone is a partial opiate agonist. It is a very long-acting drug. When given at the proper place of withdrawal (W/D) it will stop W/D symptoms dramatically. Several short protocols were proposed, but most patients in the outpatient setting cannot or will not tolerate these short 7-10 day detoxes. We are instructed to encourage patients to engage in some form of psycho-social treatment but few patients follow through with this. We are presently attempting to set up in our office a trained therapist to try to fill this void.

Suboxone and Methadone share many characteristics. Suboxone without question is safer since overdoses, whether accidental or intentional, are virtually impossible. That is not true of Methadone. My greatest concern about Suboxone outpatient Detox is that, like Methadone, patients have a very, very difficult time getting all the way off the drug. They seem to tolerate low doses, but W/D symptoms hit when doses are further reduced and the patient tends to stall out. Our ultimate goal is always “drug free” but that appears to be very difficult to accomplish. My fear is this phenomenon will lead simply to Suboxone maintenance and the concept of full detoxification will be abandoned.

Where I have really found Suboxone to be the most help is in the Inpatient Detox unit.There patients are basically detoxed from opiates with high dose Clonidine. In most patients, there is a day or two in that process where they become quite uncomfortable and during those episodes we use small “touch” doses of Suboxone. Patients get excellent relief from this technique and do not get enough Suboxone to then have to withdraw from it. So Detox in our inpatient unit results in a drug free patient in most cases in 5-7 days.

Our goal in our private practice office and our chemical dependency unit for addicted patients is abstinence. To me, abstinence and a recovery program that works on body, mind and sprit is the key to a high quality of life. To me, to be drug free means more than “no drugs or alcohol in my body”. Drug free to me means, yes, abstinent of drug and alcohol, but free of all the “costs” of dependency: free of “Do I have enough?”, “Where can I get more?”, “How much does it cost?”, “Will I get arrested?”, “Can I pass my drug screen?”, “Will my liver be all right?”, “Will I ever be able to get off this stuff?”, and so on. I believe drug free means freedom.

Eugene A. Degner, MD serves as Medical Director of Memorial Hermann Prevention and Recovery Center in Houston, and is in Private Practice with Contemporary Medicine Associates. Dr. Degner is certified in Addiction Medicine by ASAM (American Society of Addiction Medicine) and is Board Certified in Family Medicine.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2012, 04:07:48 PM by woodbury reports »

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Memorial Hermann Prevention & Recovery Center
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2012, 11:56:51 AM »
Prometa - A Promising Treatment for Alcohol and Stimulant Dependence
by Matt Feehery

As new and updated treatments are integrated into the array of services offered for persons with chemical dependencies, it is imperative that treatment professionals educate themselves about them. We need to become familiar with these new technologies for many reasons, one reason being that consumers themselves are spending more time researching their treatment options before engaging a treatment service or program.

Matt FeeheryA second and equally important reason is that people want to know what their options are. A knowledgeable treatment professional can help guide the potential patient or inquiring family member in the decision making process. In this publication, a variety of treatment approaches and models are regularly presented: food for both thought and individual research.

In the medical arena, we know there have been recent advances in the treatment of opiate dependence and that there are many new medications that can reduce alcohol cravings during the early stages of recovery. Another treatment that is gaining wider acceptance is a program marketed under the name Prometa. Prometa is designed to assist persons dealing with alcohol, cocaine, and methamphetamine dependence.

The most remarkable aspect of the treatment is the way it can help restore mental clarity and significantly reduce cravings. Crack cocaine and methamphetamine dependent persons, as well as some alcoholics, have an extremely difficult time dealing with substantial cravings both during withdrawal and post withdrawal. Combine with that the inability of some addicts to focus on the behavioral aspects of their treatment or follow through with treatment recommendations and it is easy to see why this treatment can offer some hope of relief.

The key to Prometa is the drug Flumazenil, a benzo antagonist that restores the function of the brain’s GABA receptors, the same receptors that are altered by exposure to alcohol or stimulant abuse. Flumazenil has been traditionally used to treat benzodiazepine overdose, such as Xanax and Valium, and this use is off-label for addictions. (Many of the medications commonly used for treating withdrawal symptoms and addictions were developed for other purposes, hence their “off-label” use.)

Prometa treatments are administered intravenously in a series of treatments targeted to the specific drug of use. Both start with a series of treatments over a three day period and the treatment for stimulant dependence is enhanced by two follow-up treatments three weeks later. It is the dosing schedule and administration cycle that makes the treatment unique and effective.

From my perspective and anecdotal experience with the treatment, Prometa affords some individuals with a quicker start to their recovery program, especially in the area of craving reduction. It is not a cure nor is it touted as one. It is not, in my opinion, a stand alone treatment. The person choosing Prometa must address the behavioral aspects of their disease and engage in a program of recovery to achieve the desired results over the long term, which is true of all treatment approaches. Prometa highlights the behavioral treatment component and also addresses the nutritional aspects of recovery health.

Hythiam, Inc., the publicly traded parent company of Prometa, has spent years and millions of dollars developing the program and funding research. Prometa has also gone through many marketing campaigns and missteps since its introduction over four years ago. With a lack of US-based clinical studies to support the claims and the perception of an overly aggressive marketing approach, clinicians and treatment centers were wary of the company’s intentions and its business structure. But marketplace acceptance may be more forthcoming as clinical studies are being completed and reported.

The effectiveness of Prometa medical treatments for alcohol dependent subjects is currently being evaluated in open label and double-blind placebo-controlled studies under the direction of Jeffrey Wilkins, MD at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. A similar clinical study testing efficacy for treatment of methamphetamine dependence is being conducted by Walter Ling, MD at UCLA’s Integrated Substance Abuse Program.

Results of these and other clinical studies are expected beginning in the fall of 2008. A previous open-label study conducted by Research Across America and released in 2007 dealt with the safety and efficacy of the pharmacological component and showed cravings reductions among methamphetamine users.

The Prometa treatment program can be accessed in both residential and outpatient settings and can be incorporated into other treatment modalities at almost any time during the treatment process. The medications are non-addictive and use is obviously short term. Prometa treatment program costs start around $13,000 and are offered by licensees in all areas of the country. To find a lincensee in your area go to

In a positive development, Prometa treatment programs, which have only been available on a private pay basis, will be covered through some of Cigna’s insurance plans in the near future. A number of other managed care providers are also in the process of considering the addition of Prometa to their covered treatments, which should improve accessibility and ultimately drive down the cost. In the last legislative session, the State of Texas approved funding for offering Prometa through some probation and parole programs.

The primary drawback has been its high cost, but even that argument can be countered when you consider the number of repeat treatment episodes that many chemically dependent persons experience or the low success rates achieved with methamphetamine dependent persons. Sometimes we need to try different approaches if we wish to achieve different results.

A secondary drawback involves consumers looking for a “quick fix” and that is not what Prometa is. Counseling patients prior to treatment is an important step in preparing them for the potential benefits and realities. People can and will relapse, so we must do our best to educate and prepare them, no matter what treatment they consider.

Memorial Hermann Prevention and Recovery Center (PaRC) Houston was the second Prometa licensee in the US and has nearly four years of experience with it. Prometa was initially recommended on a limited basis to people experiencing severe cravings post withdrawal, people who had been treated multiple times (chronic relapses), and people whose cognition was heavily impaired by substances. With these types of cases, valuable time in treatment is often lost due to the patient’s inability to engage in treatment sooner.
Over time, the treatment has become more widely recommended for others.

Prometa is another important treatment tool available to treatment professionals and their patients. That is what drew me to inquire about it at an American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) conference over four years ago. I was intrigued by the medical and scientific aspects of Prometa and chose to investigate it. We are treating a brain disease and we need to have better medical tools to deal with it. No single treatment approach is entirely effective for all populations. If we commit ourselves to the bio-psycho-social-spiritual model of treatment and recovery, then we need to be aware of the new medicines and protocols that will enhance and improve the recovery process. When the physical aspects are better managed it is easier to address the behavioral aspects.

Matt Feehery, LCDC is CEO of Memorial Hermann Prevention and Recovery Center (PaRC) in Houston, 713-329-7300 Matt has worked in the treatment field for over 29 years and currently serves as a director on the TAAP State Board.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2012, 04:11:07 PM by woodbury reports »

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Memorial Hermann Prevention & Recovery Center
« Reply #6 on: January 06, 2012, 11:57:09 AM »
Contact PaRC

Speak with a knowledgeable PaRC representative at 713-939-7272 to learn more about how our comprehensive range of alcohol and drug rehab for adults and teens can help you. Or, complete the form at the right and we will contact you within the next business day.

Main Address

3043 Gessner
Houston, TX  77080


(713) 939-7272
(877) 464-7272 (toll-free)
« Last Edit: January 07, 2012, 04:17:04 PM by woodbury reports »

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Blue Butterfly Hair Extensions
« Reply #7 on: January 06, 2012, 12:13:34 PM »
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Re: Parent Empowerment by Lon Woodbury
« Reply #8 on: January 06, 2012, 06:46:22 PM »

At the beginning of every Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, someone reads out loud a plastic-laminated document that says, among other things, that this Twelve-Step program has rarely been known to fail, except for a few unfortunate people who are "constitutionally incapable of being honest with themselves":

    RARELY HAVE we seen a person fail who has thoroughly followed our path. Those who do not recover are those who cannot or will not give themselves completely to this simple program, usually men and women who are constitutionally incapable of being honest with themselves. There are such unfortunates. They are not at fault; they seem to have been born that way.
    A.A. Big Book, 3rd & 4th Editions, William G. Wilson, page 58.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Even the most ardent true believers who will be honest about it recognize that A.A. and N.A. have at least 90% failure rates. And the real numbers are more like 95% or 98% or 100% failure rates. It depends on who is doing the counting, how they are counting, and what they are counting or measuring.

A 5% success rate is nothing more than the rate of spontaneous remission in alcoholics and drug addicts. That is, out of any given group of alcoholics or drug addicts, approximately 5% per year will just wise up, and quit killing themselves.6 They just get sick and tired of being sick and tired, and of watching their friends die. (And something between 1% and 3% of their friends do die annually, so that is a big incentive.) They often quit with little or no official treatment or help. Some actually detox themselves on their own couches, or in their own beds, or locked in their own closets. Often, they don't go to a lot of meetings. They just quit, all on their own, or with the help of a couple of good friends who keep them locked up for a few days while they go through withdrawal. A.A. and N.A. true believers insist that addicts can't successfully quit that way, but they do, every day.

Every disease has a spontaneous remission rate. The rate for the common cold is basically 100 percent — almost nobody ever dies just from a cold. People routinely just "get over it", naturally. Likewise, ordinary influenza — "the flu" — has a very high spontaneous remission rate, greater than 99%. Yes, some old people do die from the flu every year, but not very many. Most people just get over it.

On the other hand, diseases like cancer and Ebola have very low spontaneous remission rates — left untreated, they are very deadly and few people recover from them.

Alcoholism is in the middle. The Harvard Medical School reported that in the long run, the rate of spontaneous remission in alcoholics is slightly over 50 percent. That means that the annual rate of spontaneous remission is around 5 percent.

Thus, an alcoholism treatment program that seems to have a 5% success rate probably really has a zero percent success rate — it is just taking credit for the spontaneous remission that is happening anyway. It is taking the credit for the people who were going to quit anyway. And a program that has less than a five percent success rate, like four or three, may really have a negative success rate — it is actually keeping some people from succeeding in getting clean and sober. Any success rate that is less than the usual rate of spontaneous remission indicates a program that is a real disaster and is hurting the patients.

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The actual scientific evidence, however, strongly contradicts the contentions of the alcoholism movement. or example, the standard wisdom is that AA is unmatched in effectiveness for dealing with alcoholism and that alcoholism would be licked is only everyone joined AA. Certainly, many people who belong to AA tell us that AA stopped them from drinking. However, this no more demonstrates the general effectiveness of AA than testimony that some people decide not to kill themselves after they discover Christ is evidence that Christianity is the cure for suicide. In fact, research has not found AA to be an effective treatment for general populations of alcoholics. Consider the following summary by researchers at the Downstate (New York) Medical Center Department of Psychiatry:

    The general applicability of AA as a treatment method is much more limited than has been supposed in the past. Available data do not support AA's claims of much higher success rates than clinic treatment. Indeed, when population differences are taken into account, the reverse seems to be true.2

Not one study has even found AA or its derivatives to be superior to any other approach, or even to be better than not receiving any help at all for eliminating alcoholism when alcoholics are assigned to different kinds of treatment. At the same time, other methods that have regularly been found to be superior to AA and other standard therapies for alcoholism have been completely rejected by American treatment programs. To preview the startling proposition that therapies that are universally advocated have already been shown to be ineffective and that more effective approaches are available, consider the prevailing approach to drunk-driving convictions in America—remanding drinking drivers for treatment. Advocates of a humane, informed approach to the problem continually plead for more referrals and bemoan primitive programs that simply arrest, imprison, or place on probation those caught driving while intoxicated (DWI). Meanwhile, comparative studies of standard treatment programs versus legal proceedings for drunk drivers regularly find that those who received ordinary judicial sanctions had fewer subsequent accidents and were rearrested less.3

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« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline woodbury reports

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Memorial Hermann Prevention & Recovery Center
« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2012, 05:08:36 PM »
Your Teen Can Recover from Substance Abuse ... ehab/teen/

"Each time we visit the PaRC we can see signs of our son – our true son – returning. It is in his eyes mostly.” - Veronica M., August 2010

Alcoholism and drug addiction are family diseases…and they are treatable. Your teen can recovery from substance abuse. You and your family can recover from the effects of the substance abuse.

PaRC’s specialty is substance abuse treatment. Our adolescent treatment program is respected, well-rounded, and aims to treat your teen and your family.  Your  teen  receives  comprehensive, individualized attention and treatment. You and your family receive the education, treatment, and guidance you need to remain healthy and focused while dealing with your teen’s alcohol or drug use.

Drug addiction and alcoholism are diseases that get worse and worse without treatment. Don't let your teen's disease progress any further. We urge you to take action and get help for your teen and your family now. The PaRC welcomes you. Come by our campus, take a tour, and get all the information you need to make an informed decision. Or simply speak with a knowledgeable PaRC representative at  713-939-7272  to learn how we help teens and their families each and every day.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Froderik

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Re: Memorial Hermann Prevention & Recovery Center
« Reply #10 on: January 09, 2012, 08:13:46 AM »
wtf is that attachment?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »