Author Topic: A Life Gone Awry: My Story of the Elan School --????  (Read 32633 times)

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Re: A Life Gone Awry: My Story of the Elan School --????
« Reply #195 on: January 17, 2012, 05:29:30 PM »
« Last Edit: February 02, 2012, 01:06:53 AM by Anonymous »

Offline DannyB II

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Re: A Life Gone Awry: My Story of the Elan School --????
« Reply #196 on: January 17, 2012, 08:34:48 PM »
Try this instead. Google "Danny Bennison liar" ... el=suggest
                                         And Wayne Kernochan liar ... el=suggest

Wayne you have worn this out. Nobody is buying into these stupid immature impersonations and campaign style stalking of me from site to site and blog to blog. Felice, Mark, Matt and Wayne actually created emails and usernames and impersonated me for months on 2-3 different blogs. Had the admins all pissed off to the point I had to be contacted to verify who I was. The authorities found out it was one of these guys and damn near had them arrested. But of course Wayne will not mention this.

The only person who has accused me is him. He, on the other hand has dozens of people calling him a liar. Read my signature. He admitted to it privately and gave his endorsement, as well as a 5 star review. What person would do that if it wasn't true?

Wayne that is not true at all. Lets see Paul St.John has questioned your truth, None ya has questioned your thruth, Eric Norwood has questioned your truth, Margaret Devlin, Raud, Horatio, John W, heretik, Albert Beauchane and I can keep going on. Your fellow members on absolute write have question your integrity in writing this memoir.  
Plenty of people have questioned your honesty. You say I have been banned by sites you had better ask these admins again.

Danny, there's a standing invitation for you. Yes or No? Coward viewtopic.php?f=2&t=38924
If you worm out of it like the punk ass bitch you are, I'm done here. This is a waste of my time

I am not interested in this Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) bullshit. Go take some adderall and chill out.
Anyone who knows me knows I would like nothing else but to see you physically hurt like the actual kids that "ARE" being raped and sodomized that you disrespect every time you open up your lying filthy mouth. You are the most inhumane piece of shit I have ever known. I mean this Wayne you are.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline DannyB II

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Re: A Life Gone Awry: My Story of the Elan School --????
« Reply #197 on: January 17, 2012, 08:44:10 PM »
This is your signature Wayne at the bottom of every post you write here. lets look at it and analyze what it is saying. I am the author so I think I can be of big help.

From a private message
?June 22Danny Bennison
Your Book
I don’t mind you promoting it on our site, Wayne. Really!! It may make you feel uncomfortable and I have thought of this. But I have really put some brain into this and I keep coming up with that if we are to reconcile then we must first acknowledge together the truth.
I just wanted to put this out there for some careful consideration.
Your friend

"acknowledge together the truth".
Don't think we ever got there, did we Wayno. I sent Wayne this PM or Email when we were co-admins of a facebook group. My feeling was if we could become comfortable with one another the truth would possibly come out. I was later to realize that Wayne was never going to get honest, he could not. The memoir held his pride captive.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline DannyB II

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Re: A Life Gone Awry: My Story of the Elan School --????
« Reply #198 on: January 17, 2012, 08:49:15 PM »
Please notice the time of these last few posts now look at the posts concerning me in the Open Forum. Look at the time of those posts. I told you it is Wayne Kernochan. He never disappoints.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline YV23

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Re: A Life Gone Awry: My Story of the Elan School --????
« Reply #199 on: January 17, 2012, 11:41:33 PM »
Quote from: "DannyB II"
Quote from: "Froderik"
What exactly was bullshit about Wayne's memoir?

Is this a sincere question or are you just another in a long line of so-called supporters for survivors that are going to support this memoir no matter what?? Then I could also ask this question, "Are you going to doubt whatever I say because my name is Danny Bennison"??
Froderik over the past year I have posted numerous lies, errors, characteristics of Elan that are inaccurate that Wayne wrote about in the memoir (if you could even call it a memoir). Things he would have known if he was actually there. Even down to the pilot he said picked him up. We all knew the pilot in 1978. He owned a electrical contracting company along with having a pilot license. He never wore a uniform with a hat. This kind of shit is what I am talking about Froderik. Now it was possible that maybe in late 1990's or early 2000 that the pilots had uniforms because by then Joe (Elan) was leasing the plane with the pilot from a commercial airline company. Problem here is Wayne (or whoever he is was not there) so he had to have gotten this info from others. Also Elan never used Joe's plane in 1978 to pick up State Kids as Wayne said he was. Wayne was from CT. during this time in 1978, New Preston (Litchfield) we believe and/or Wolcott, CT. next to Bristol Ct.
There is a Elan survivor Albert Beauchane that I know personally. I was incarcerated (institutionalized) with him and Margaret Devlin starting in 1973 up until are placement at Elan in 1975. All of us were placed at Elan in 1975 within a month or two of each other. Bobby Jones and Mike O'Neil (I have permission to use there names) were also familiar with Albert Beauchane and are time at Elan. None and I mean none of us remember Wayne K at all.
Elan 7 used to be a cottage that was converted into a house but the sqft'd never changed. It remained about 750-800 sqft, Albert got there in 1976 and (Wayne as he says) showed up in 2/78. Albert doesn't know Wayne from adam. Wayne has also stated he doesn't know Albert. Wayne mentions all these other people including staff but doesn't remember Albert who I sort of favored during my brief time working there. The mens dorms were even smaller the the house.
Wayne goes on to state that I committed physical abusive acts which is not true at all. Remember he said he had 4 witnesses who would corroborate this when the book came out. Where are they??? This has been going on for 2 years.
No body has corroborated or commented that any of this is true. Now Wayne likes to say,"Well nobody has said it isn't true". WTF!!! His whole idea is that since none of the people he mentioned in the book have said it is not true then it makes his memoir the truth. We know that Mike Calabrese is no longer alive but we haven't had any success tracking down the others he mentioned in the book. Wayne Weaver is not in prison in Connecticut we know this but we also do not know of his whereabouts.  
I wrote a rebuttal of his book which will be posted with a link here shortly I hope. There are still legal ramifications that have to be worked out.
Wayne also went on a radio show LA Blog radio Susan Schofield and told the listeners that I sodomized him at Elan and raped Yvette Portella. This being said after two years of knowing me, being a Co-admin on a facebook group asnd intoducing me to countless women and men he knew.
These allegations came out after I went after him in all earnest to expose him lying, impersonating a survivor, for plagiarizing others when writing this memoir ect....this was his retaliation.

Froderik I understand many members of Straight and myself have had our problems but I have never lied or fabricated stories on this site or any others. This fucking guy is a fake, he never went to Elan. Albert Beauchane gave him his inside information about Elan 7 and the rest came from select unethical Elan members and sites like this one. The Elan forum on this site has a vast amount of information concerning the ins and outs of Elan.
Back in late 2007-early 2008 there was a big push to get a book out about Elan. I arrived about that time, Sharon McCarthy (if you remember her) had an Elan site. This was the second Elan site I was on. Very soon after joining that site the reputation of Elanians showed itself. You know what I am talking about. You see it every day in the Open Forum. Well I became enemies with several Elanians. Because of this rift they felt that any means to sabotage my good name was OK. So Wayne was enticed to write (which was not a big problem especially with his interest in Mike Skakel) Albert Beauchane gave the background of Elan 7 and Matt Hoffman, Sharon McCarthy, Felice Eliscue and Mark Babbitz filled in the rest. Everyone was pissed at me because I publicly acknowledged the stabbing incident involving Matt and I wouldn't take any shit from the rest of them. So they used the fact I was a staff member at 17 yrs old till 19 yrs old.
You already know this, though.
This is a very very short version I am almost finished with the more in-depth version.
If Wayne wants to be the next James Frye well the scrutiny will be turned up. He calls what I am doing stalking. Well in the real world we call it investigative research into a person/author who is defaming and slandering a person. He doesn't get to play with two hats, a author and a survivor, on this particular issue.
This is the biggest crock of shit I've ever read. Of course Danny will come back and accuse me of being Wayne, but he's the sock puppet king. Horatio, Ruraidh and Margaret Devlin are all him. He's a joke.

As far as Danny's good name  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  

Danny. Your name on fornits is shit. You've attacked people, lied through your yellow drunken teeth, and your name is Danny Fuckin Bennison. You name is synonymous with abuse.

I know Wayne, and was his staff member (reentry) and can say without hesitation, he is telling the truth about everything

Ken Russel says Hi Danny. He'll be over here soon to discuss your claim that he's a liar. Jeff Gottlieb confirmed that Wayne was there.

You are a liar. I saw you stand there when they dragged Mary Jones behind that van. You didn't drive. You stood there smiling.

As far as you being staff. You asked Juan Ferraria to work for him. I saw the message you sent him about Wayne. Which is more lies

I thought you went into the army after Elan???? More lies

You were in Marathon house, Daytop, the Third Nail.

Do you even know what the truth is?

Froderick, if you read Danny's post, that's time better spent picking lint out of your navel.

Marty slapped Danny's stupid face right in front of me. That was the only good thing that half Indian piece of shit ever did

Anyone who entertains thew idea that Danny is a survivor is stupid. He created survivors.

Nunez is a troll. He was never in Elan. He sucks dick here  Danny sends him money

That is all
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline YV23

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Re: A Life Gone Awry: My Story of the Elan School --????
« Reply #200 on: January 17, 2012, 11:47:59 PM »
Horatio » 23 Oct 2011, 03:04
Horatio wrote:
Your book is not a source of competent information. I wish you would not act so surprised at being called out to answer a question. You had this conversation with Albert Beauchane this is known. I was just wondering if you could explain the contradiction. You say here that you got to Elan in Feb. 1978 but in the conversation with Albert Beauchane you said you came to Elan in April. The reason you had this brief conversation was to show the members of the facebook site that you and Albert could not of known one another.
Albert says he left Elan in Feb and you are saying now that you got there in Feb. Yet both of you don't know one another.
OK that could happen.
But what is not excusable is your attempt to manipulate dates of your arrival so you can cover your lies.

Albert Beauchane did not leave Elan in Feb. 1978. We are not absolutely sure when he left but he was still there in June 1978 when Danny left Elan 7.

Why do I know this because I also went through Elan and was Danny's roommate when we lived in downtown Portland, Eastern Promenade by Fort Sumper Park .
If anyone was around back then in 1978 and remembers Heather Mc K. she was a Director for Elan 3 along with Jeff Gottlieb I was her boyfriend at the time, I worked in Old Orchard Beach as a night manager at the Club The White Room. I was originally from Worcester Mass. I live now in Lafayette, La. been here since Danny and I left Maine together in 8/78 and went to work on the oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico, Morgan City La. I started as a boats mate now a Capt. of my own Tug Boat/Supply Ship. Danny stayed with the oil rigs working as a roustabout until he went into the Marine Corps.
Wayne what your ignorant butt doesn't know is that Yvette Portella came down to Louisiana, Danny flew her down. We had a wonderful time she was a special woman, absolutely beautiful. She left after a couple of weeks and then Danny flew up there to try and convince her to come back down and that is when her father and brothers stepped in and put a stop to everything. They were very mean people, IMO.
I will not call you names Wayne but what you are doing concerning Danny and Yvette is wrong, they never did anything with each other while at Elan. None of us ever had sex with anyone, I never understood how anyone could with expeditors and night watchmen running around every 15 mins. What can you accomplish in 15 mins and can you call it sex.  
I know for a fact Danny is not gay, bi-sexual, sexual predator and never has abused women ect...why you are claiming he attacked you at Elan is absurd. Have you no respect for yourself.
Margaret Devlin, Barry Strickland, Scott Kremer, Richard Isacc, Steve Hutch, John Wright, John Hardy (we thought he was dead but he is not) and Susan Goodman will be coming around to post. They all know Danny very well, most went to Elan and the others went to Marathon House. Some also were at other institutions with Albert Beuachane and Danny.
Wayno I hope your memory is not faltering because two of those names above are people who were in Elan 7 from late 1976 to late 1978. Three of these people (which includes the two I already referred to) will prove without a doubt Albert Beauchane was still there as of 6/78.
They played on the football team that Peter McCann coached 1976, Joe Ricci took over as coach for Elan 4 and Elan 7 and combined them into one team for 1977.
No one remembers you but hey I will say this for your defense. Danny was talking with Ken Russel last night and Ken told him that Jeffery Gottlieb and Clair Woodman remember you. One problem with that scenario you had already left before Clair showed up at Elan. Even Kenny boy was willing to lie for you. Ken is a bit twisted because he thinks Elan back in the 70's was great place to send your child.

Everyone knows this is you Danny Fuckin Bennison

Why would Ken and Jeff, and me, and Clare Woodman lie for him? They all dislike him

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline YV23

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Re: A Life Gone Awry: My Story of the Elan School --????
« Reply #201 on: January 18, 2012, 01:03:45 AM »
Marietta Daily Journal Legals
8 Apr 2011 ... F-1324 BENNISON, DANIEL L. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER By virtue of the power of sale contained in a Deed to Secure Debt by Daniel L. ..., l.

F-1324 BENNISON, DANIEL L. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER By virtue of the power of sale contained in a Deed to Secure Debt by Daniel L. Bennison to Bank of America, N.A., dated September 29, 2006 and filed for record October 12, 2006 in Deed Book 9125, Page 225, Cherokee County, Georgia records, and securing a Note in the original principal amount of $146,000.00, there will be sold at a public outcry for cash to the highest bidder before the Courthouse door of Cherokee County, Georgia, between the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in May, 2011, by Bank of America, N.A. as Attorney-in-Fact for Daniel L. Bennison the following property to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 1107 of the 21st District, 2nd Section of Cherokee County Georgia and being Lot 227 of Ridge Mill, Phase 1, as per Plat thereof recorded at Plat Book 89, Pages 103 through 105, and all revisions of said plat, if any, Cherokee County, Georgia Records. Said plat and all revised plats, if any, being incorporated herein and made a part hereof by reference for a more complete description of captioned property and being improved property known as 538 Rendezvous Road, Acworth, GA 30102, according to the present system of numbering houses in Cherokee County, Georgia. The above described property is also known as 538 Rendezvous Road, Acworth, GA 30102. The indebtedness secured by said Deed to Secure Debt having been declared due and payable because of default in the payment of the indebtedness secured thereby, this sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same and all expenses of sale, including attorney's fees, if applicable. The property will be sold as the property of the aforesaid grantor subject to the following: all prior restrictive covenants, easements, rights-of-way, security deeds, or encumbrances of record; all valid zoning ordinances; matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey of the property or by any inspection of the property; all outstanding taxes, assessments, unpaid bills, charges, and expenses that are a lien against the property whether due and payable or not yet due and payable. To the best of the undersigned's knowledge and belief, possession of the subject property is held by Daniel L. Bennison . Pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 44-14-162.2, the name, address and telephone number of the individual or entity who shall have the full authority to negotiate, amend or modify all terms of the above described mortgage is as follows: BAC Home Loans Servicing, L.P., Attn: Loss Mitigation Dept., P. O. Box 5170, MS SV314B, Simi Valley, CA 93065, Telephone: 1-800-669-6650. The foregoing notwithstanding, nothing in O.C.G.A. § 44-14-162.2 shall be construed to require BAC Home Loans Servcing, LP as servicer for Bank of America, N.A. to negotiate, amend or modify the terms of the Deed to Secure Debt described herein. Bank of America, N.A. as Attorney-in-Fact for Daniel L. Bennison SHUPING, MORSE & ROSS, LLP By: S. Andrew Shuping, Jr. S. Andrew Shuping, Jr. 6259 Riverdale Road, Suite 100 Riverdale, Georgia 30274-1698 (770) 991-0000 THIS LAW FIRM IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. 4:8,15,22,29 ... &showads=1
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: A Life Gone Awry: My Story of the Elan School --????
« Reply #202 on: January 18, 2012, 07:49:06 AM »
So, it was the "other" Daniel Lee Bennison of Cherokee county Georgia

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Froderik

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Re: A Life Gone Awry: My Story of the Elan School --????
« Reply #203 on: January 18, 2012, 08:19:04 AM »
Would "the real Danny" care to comment now?

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #204 on: January 18, 2012, 10:30:12 AM »
« Last Edit: February 23, 2012, 12:48:35 AM by dr phil show »

Offline DannyB II

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Re: A Life Gone Awry: My Story of the Elan School --????
« Reply #205 on: January 18, 2012, 03:14:58 PM »
Froderik, do we have to always be a asshole.
Why is this person me and when did I say I owned a townhouse in Cherokee County Georgia? One more thing if I did own that property I would have let it go also. There was a $146,000.00 mortgage and the value had dropped to $67,000.00. I think it is no brainer to walk. Christ sack for that matter you could turn around and hand your cousin $67,000.00 and buy it back at auction. Wait maybe 7 years, do the right thing and your credit is golden, then the town house has appreciated that you have been leasing it at $1000.00 a month which is $84,000.00 at 7 years. You have made your money back (plus the appreciation). Wake the fuck up douche bags.
Nobody is keeping a property that has DE-valued 52,400.00 in 2 years. Nobody!!!
This whole rumor I owned a home in Georgia started with Sharon McCarthy and Mark Babbitz. They posted a satellite pic of this same house maybe two years ago.
Guys you don't know who I am or where I live. If you want to ask the admins fine go ahead but they still don't know. All they have is this IP address which tells them where I might be.
Yes I went along with this whole Georgia thing and Oklahoma thing. You really can't be serious I would tell you where I live or give you any idea, do you?

Alas!!  Wayne, the Seymours and Froderik don't know this because they have never been there. Owning a home, building a future ect....So please my little wannabes please keep posting.
I think this guy Daniel L. Bennison in Acworth Ga. Cherokee County is a bit smarter then you three fucking douche bags here masturbating with your laptops.

Nice chatting...Goodbye!
« Last Edit: January 19, 2012, 12:50:32 PM by DannyB II »
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Offline Froderik

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Re: A Life Gone Awry: My Story of the Elan School --????
« Reply #206 on: January 18, 2012, 03:19:21 PM »
Quote from: "dr phil show"
Quote from: "Froderik"
Would "the real Danny" care to comment now?


Froderik you touched on the important issue of multiple personality disorders and survivors should exercise extreme caution.

 :rofl:  ::OMG::  :roflmao:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline DannyB II

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Re: A Life Gone Awry: My Story of the Elan School --????
« Reply #207 on: January 18, 2012, 03:22:19 PM »
« Last Edit: January 19, 2012, 12:44:53 PM by DannyB II »
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Offline Froderik

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Re: A Life Gone Awry: My Story of the Elan School --????
« Reply #208 on: January 18, 2012, 03:22:40 PM »
Quote from: "YV23"
Horatio » 23 Oct 2011, 03:04
Horatio wrote:
Your book is not a source of competent information. I wish you would not act so surprised at being called out to answer a question. You had this conversation with Albert Beauchane this is known. I was just wondering if you could explain the contradiction. You say here that you got to Elan in Feb. 1978 but in the conversation with Albert Beauchane you said you came to Elan in April. The reason you had this brief conversation was to show the members of the facebook site that you and Albert could not of known one another.
Albert says he left Elan in Feb and you are saying now that you got there in Feb. Yet both of you don't know one another.
OK that could happen.
But what is not excusable is your attempt to manipulate dates of your arrival so you can cover your lies.

Albert Beauchane did not leave Elan in Feb. 1978. We are not absolutely sure when he left but he was still there in June 1978 when Danny left Elan 7.

Why do I know this because I also went through Elan and was Danny's roommate when we lived in downtown Portland, Eastern Promenade by Fort Sumper Park .
If anyone was around back then in 1978 and remembers Heather Mc K. she was a Director for Elan 3 along with Jeff Gottlieb I was her boyfriend at the time, I worked in Old Orchard Beach as a night manager at the Club The White Room. I was originally from Worcester Mass. I live now in Lafayette, La. been here since Danny and I left Maine together in 8/78 and went to work on the oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico, Morgan City La. I started as a boats mate now a Capt. of my own Tug Boat/Supply Ship. Danny stayed with the oil rigs working as a roustabout until he went into the Marine Corps.
Wayne what your ignorant butt doesn't know is that Yvette Portella came down to Louisiana, Danny flew her down. We had a wonderful time she was a special woman, absolutely beautiful. She left after a couple of weeks and then Danny flew up there to try and convince her to come back down and that is when her father and brothers stepped in and put a stop to everything. They were very mean people, IMO.
I will not call you names Wayne but what you are doing concerning Danny and Yvette is wrong, they never did anything with each other while at Elan. None of us ever had sex with anyone, I never understood how anyone could with expeditors and night watchmen running around every 15 mins. What can you accomplish in 15 mins and can you call it sex.  
I know for a fact Danny is not gay, bi-sexual, sexual predator and never has abused women ect...why you are claiming he attacked you at Elan is absurd. Have you no respect for yourself.
Margaret Devlin, Barry Strickland, Scott Kremer, Richard Isacc, Steve Hutch, John Wright, John Hardy (we thought he was dead but he is not) and Susan Goodman will be coming around to post. They all know Danny very well, most went to Elan and the others went to Marathon House. Some also were at other institutions with Albert Beuachane and Danny.
Wayno I hope your memory is not faltering because two of those names above are people who were in Elan 7 from late 1976 to late 1978. Three of these people (which includes the two I already referred to) will prove without a doubt Albert Beauchane was still there as of 6/78.
They played on the football team that Peter McCann coached 1976, Joe Ricci took over as coach for Elan 4 and Elan 7 and combined them into one team for 1977.
No one remembers you but hey I will say this for your defense. Danny was talking with Ken Russel last night and Ken told him that Jeffery Gottlieb and Clair Woodman remember you. One problem with that scenario you had already left before Clair showed up at Elan. Even Kenny boy was willing to lie for you. Ken is a bit twisted because he thinks Elan back in the 70's was great place to send your child.

Everyone knows this is you Danny Fuckin Bennison

Why would Ken and Jeff, and me, and Clare Woodman lie for him? They all dislike him

Ok Danny, but what about this??
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Froderik

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Re: A Life Gone Awry: My Story of the Elan School --????
« Reply #209 on: January 18, 2012, 03:25:18 PM »
Quote from: "YV23"
Quote from: "DannyB II"
Quote from: "Froderik"
What exactly was bullshit about Wayne's memoir?

Is this a sincere question or are you just another in a long line of so-called supporters for survivors that are going to support this memoir no matter what?? Then I could also ask this question, "Are you going to doubt whatever I say because my name is Danny Bennison"??
Froderik over the past year I have posted numerous lies, errors, characteristics of Elan that are inaccurate that Wayne wrote about in the memoir (if you could even call it a memoir). Things he would have known if he was actually there. Even down to the pilot he said picked him up. We all knew the pilot in 1978. He owned a electrical contracting company along with having a pilot license. He never wore a uniform with a hat. This kind of shit is what I am talking about Froderik. Now it was possible that maybe in late 1990's or early 2000 that the pilots had uniforms because by then Joe (Elan) was leasing the plane with the pilot from a commercial airline company. Problem here is Wayne (or whoever he is was not there) so he had to have gotten this info from others. Also Elan never used Joe's plane in 1978 to pick up State Kids as Wayne said he was. Wayne was from CT. during this time in 1978, New Preston (Litchfield) we believe and/or Wolcott, CT. next to Bristol Ct.
There is a Elan survivor Albert Beauchane that I know personally. I was incarcerated (institutionalized) with him and Margaret Devlin starting in 1973 up until are placement at Elan in 1975. All of us were placed at Elan in 1975 within a month or two of each other. Bobby Jones and Mike O'Neil (I have permission to use there names) were also familiar with Albert Beauchane and are time at Elan. None and I mean none of us remember Wayne K at all.
Elan 7 used to be a cottage that was converted into a house but the sqft'd never changed. It remained about 750-800 sqft, Albert got there in 1976 and (Wayne as he says) showed up in 2/78. Albert doesn't know Wayne from adam. Wayne has also stated he doesn't know Albert. Wayne mentions all these other people including staff but doesn't remember Albert who I sort of favored during my brief time working there. The mens dorms were even smaller the the house.
Wayne goes on to state that I committed physical abusive acts which is not true at all. Remember he said he had 4 witnesses who would corroborate this when the book came out. Where are they??? This has been going on for 2 years.
No body has corroborated or commented that any of this is true. Now Wayne likes to say,"Well nobody has said it isn't true". WTF!!! His whole idea is that since none of the people he mentioned in the book have said it is not true then it makes his memoir the truth. We know that Mike Calabrese is no longer alive but we haven't had any success tracking down the others he mentioned in the book. Wayne Weaver is not in prison in Connecticut we know this but we also do not know of his whereabouts.  
I wrote a rebuttal of his book which will be posted with a link here shortly I hope. There are still legal ramifications that have to be worked out.
Wayne also went on a radio show LA Blog radio Susan Schofield and told the listeners that I sodomized him at Elan and raped Yvette Portella. This being said after two years of knowing me, being a Co-admin on a facebook group asnd intoducing me to countless women and men he knew.
These allegations came out after I went after him in all earnest to expose him lying, impersonating a survivor, for plagiarizing others when writing this memoir ect....this was his retaliation.

Froderik I understand many members of Straight and myself have had our problems but I have never lied or fabricated stories on this site or any others. This fucking guy is a fake, he never went to Elan. Albert Beauchane gave him his inside information about Elan 7 and the rest came from select unethical Elan members and sites like this one. The Elan forum on this site has a vast amount of information concerning the ins and outs of Elan.
Back in late 2007-early 2008 there was a big push to get a book out about Elan. I arrived about that time, Sharon McCarthy (if you remember her) had an Elan site. This was the second Elan site I was on. Very soon after joining that site the reputation of Elanians showed itself. You know what I am talking about. You see it every day in the Open Forum. Well I became enemies with several Elanians. Because of this rift they felt that any means to sabotage my good name was OK. So Wayne was enticed to write (which was not a big problem especially with his interest in Mike Skakel) Albert Beauchane gave the background of Elan 7 and Matt Hoffman, Sharon McCarthy, Felice Eliscue and Mark Babbitz filled in the rest. Everyone was pissed at me because I publicly acknowledged the stabbing incident involving Matt and I wouldn't take any shit from the rest of them. So they used the fact I was a staff member at 17 yrs old till 19 yrs old.
You already know this, though.
This is a very very short version I am almost finished with the more in-depth version.
If Wayne wants to be the next James Frye well the scrutiny will be turned up. He calls what I am doing stalking. Well in the real world we call it investigative research into a person/author who is defaming and slandering a person. He doesn't get to play with two hats, a author and a survivor, on this particular issue.
This is the biggest crock of shit I've ever read. Of course Danny will come back and accuse me of being Wayne, but he's the sock puppet king. Horatio, Ruraidh and Margaret Devlin are all him. He's a joke.

As far as Danny's good name  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  

Danny. Your name on fornits is shit. You've attacked people, lied through your yellow drunken teeth, and your name is Danny Fuckin Bennison. You name is synonymous with abuse.

I know Wayne, and was his staff member (reentry) and can say without hesitation, he is telling the truth about everything

Ken Russel says Hi Danny. He'll be over here soon to discuss your claim that he's a liar. Jeff Gottlieb confirmed that Wayne was there.

You are a liar. I saw you stand there when they dragged Mary Jones behind that van. You didn't drive. You stood there smiling.

As far as you being staff. You asked Juan Ferraria to work for him. I saw the message you sent him about Wayne. Which is more lies

I thought you went into the army after Elan???? More lies

You were in Marathon house, Daytop, the Third Nail.

Do you even know what the truth is?

Froderick, if you read Danny's post, that's time better spent picking lint out of your navel.

Marty slapped Danny's stupid face right in front of me. That was the only good thing that half Indian piece of shit ever did

Anyone who entertains thew idea that Danny is a survivor is stupid. He created survivors.

Nunez is a troll. He was never in Elan. He sucks dick here  Danny sends him money

That is all
....or this??
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »