Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform > Teen Challenge

I personally escaped this Cult

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DannyB II:

TC_Saved_Me wrote:
"Even if it's true what you say that I traded one addiction for another, which it's not - but if it is - what's the problem with that?"

Because you never get to experience your true power within. You never actually break free and stand alone with your beliefs.

TC, you are speaking with people who have recovered from serious drug and alcohol addictions through programs, God, AA, NA we get it.
I personally spent almost 20 years in AA/NA and left because of the dependency promoted by their philosophy.
So long as one accepts they will always be a drug addict, felon, alcoholic ect...we will never get better.
We do get better when we decide we want a better life. We make these decisions.
Even when talking of God's powers, you make a decision to accept them.

cum guzzler:


--- Quote from: "TC_Saved_Me" ---
--- Quote from: "none-ya" ---[attachment=0:21c8chim]SIN.jpg[/attachment:21c8chim]
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Hahaha!  Not quite that extreme, but there is definitely alot of discipline in the more successful programs!
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Care to detail?


--- Quote ---TC_Saved_Me wrote;
Even if it's true what you say that I traded one addiction for another, which it's not - but if it is - what's the problem with that?
--- End quote ---

You've traded one of personal destruction,for one that has oppressed the masses,started wars,and raped young boys for thousands of years. That is a problem. Maybe not for you though. But I guess that's all that matters (to you).



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