Author Topic: Julian Youth Academy employee arrested in death of baby  (Read 25484 times)

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Re: Julian Youth Academy employee arrested for killing baby
« Reply #45 on: January 15, 2012, 08:54:52 PM »
What are the vacant buildings?  Are they dormitories or are they old farming structures?  Are they used in any capacity?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Julian Youth Academy employee arrested for killing baby
« Reply #46 on: January 15, 2012, 10:22:14 PM »
« Last Edit: February 02, 2012, 01:10:08 AM by Anonymous »

Offline Ursus

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Re: Julian Youth Academy employee arrested for killing baby
« Reply #47 on: January 15, 2012, 10:58:00 PM »
Quote from: "Xelebes"
What are the vacant buildings?  Are they dormitories or are they old farming structures?  Are they used in any capacity?
Apparently this campus used to be the old Cascade School (CEDU offshoot). Maybe someone from that program might know more.

    "The [Julian Youth Academy] has leased a 250-acre ranch formerly known as Shepherd's Ranch and the Cascade School, east of Whitmore, since 2009."[/list]
    « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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    Re: Julian Youth Academy employee arrested for killing baby
    « Reply #48 on: January 16, 2012, 05:21:50 AM »
    It is the old Cascade and Shepherd Ranch Academy campus. We have decided to give this case a special page with links from the victim list page.
    « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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    Comments: New Details About Mummified Baby's Mom; Facebook..
    « Reply #49 on: January 16, 2012, 02:52:59 PM »
    Comments left for the above article, "New Details About Mummified Baby's Mom; Facebook Support Group Created" (by Shay Arthur; November 10/12, 2011; KRCR-TV):

    Jennifer Anderson · Santa Rosa High · November 11, 2011 at 2:15am
      Jennifer Anderson · Santa Rosa High · November 11, 2011 at 3:09pm
      Breanna Heydon · November 12, 2011 at 1:21am
        I just opps.
      Alexandria Newlin · November 11, 2011 at 2:17am
        I went to this "christian school" and there are many stories to be told, I can't believe it has taken this long to reach the media.
      Breanna Heydon · Everest Colleges, Institutes, and Universities · November 11, 2011 at 7:11am
        I went to that same school for 20 months....and I knew Jessica...Iam a mother and I think its disgusting what she did....Ive been friends with her on facebook for about two years and I think its funny how no one is mentioning all the drinking and partying she's been doing and continued to do while pregnant.
        Alyssa Frazier · Nanny at Independent Contractor · November 11, 2011 at 2:23pm
          Actually the article states she drank every weekend.
        Jordan Courtney Wright · November 11, 2011 at 8:47am
          I went to the "school" as well... There are so many things that have happened there.. I'm suprised it is still open taking "troubled teens". Dig deeper.
        Lindsae Anne · November 11, 2011 at 11:27am
          Finally there is something that they can't run from. I hope the police does a full investigation there.
        Dionne Lake · November 11, 2011 at 11:32am
          I went to this "school" and first off, its not a school. Its a behavior modification program dressed up like a school. They are lying about her position there. She was employed by Julian Youth Academy, and she was a staff member in charge of the care of many young girls. She was also a former "student." I find it appalling that she was hired on after being a student in the program. What licensing or accreditation did she have to care for these girls? Why is it that Julian Youth Academy is hiring many former students as staff members? This subject has been brought up before. Concern about the level of qualifcation the staff have has reached the ears of the CEO, Phil Ludwig, as far back as 2008. Google Julian Youth Academy and check out the LA Times page. Its time for Phil Ludwig to start answering some serious questions. What the heck is going on over there?
        Crystal Maurer · San Diego, California · November 11, 2011 at 11:41am
          This story is appalling in every aspect. A friend of mine went to this school and told me of the weird things that go on there. I find it hard to believe that any decent parent would send their children here with hopes that it will help them and they would be cared for while people like this are in charge and the mentors.
        Megan Goldblum · November 11, 2011 at 2:26pm
          Hello My name is Megan Goldblum and I am a past student of Julian Youth Academy. I am shocked to hear the news regaurding Jessica Bradford as I'm sure none of us could predict such an act of cruelty coming from her behalf as many of us were friends with Jessica Bradford and many others looked up to her. I wanted to state that Jessica Bradfords behavior is not reflection on Julian Youth Academy. We are all responsible for our own choices and actions. Unfortunatly the incident did occure on the academys property so my concern is that the academy might be liable. My concerns for the program are the young girls that are being mentored. They are in the process of discovering themselves and making better lifestyle choices- so is this environment the best one for their growth? Also I believe that Jessica Bradford is deep down an intell...igent beautiful young lady who oviously was in need of guidence herself. My opinion is that I believe JYA needs to hire individuals who have some sort of licencing and are perhaps older that in there 20's. As I feel that when your in that age bracket in some instinces you may still need more maturing yourself. I feel that Jessica Bradford needed help and guidence herself so how could she possibly be a possitive mentor to other teen girls when she was only 23 years old and needing guidence herself. As a past student and mother myself I believe that Julian Youth Academy has changed since the previous directors retired. The Lights had a very mature and possitive influence on both the school and the students. My thoughts and prayers are with Jessica and her baby, The family, The school, and all the individuals that were effected.
          Patricia McCann · December 31, 2011 at 8:48pm
            I am sorry to say that while you may have admired Jessica, as an employee of Julian Youth Academy who worked as a mentor who lived on the premises, she most definitely DOES represent Julian. Her behavior was irresponsible immoral, and not acceptable in ANY civilized society-let alone a home for troubled youth with whom she has contact. Now Julian is obligated to provide outside counseling to all residents who had contact with this employee who clearly was NOT properly monitored or even properly screened prior to employment. By having Jessica on the grounds working with troubled teens, Julian did a disservice to all of its students and failed to uphold its responsibility for their safety and care. A baby killer is not considered a role model in anyone's book.
          Tracy O'Campo · November 11, 2011 at 4:39pm
            Like it or not, the Julian Academy has actually helped more young women than not. Maybe it wasn't the right program for you, but don't dismiss its benefits.
            Sarah Otteson Warkentin · November 12, 2011 at 9:00am
              And making illegitimate opinions before one really knows the whole story and leading others astray is the same level as murder! Be careful what you say! It does have it's consequences, too!
            Alexandria Newlin · November 12, 2011 at 11:22am
              Sarah Otteson Warkentin How is an opinion ever illegitimate? That is why it is called an opinion, not a fact. And what consequences, are you threatening us?
            Tracy O'Campo · November 13, 2011 at 12:14am
              Alexandria Newlin: I did not read that she was being threatening. She was just saying that what you say, whether right or wrong, has consequences, a truth that I try to teach my kids as well.
            Breanna Greene · Shasta Lake, California · November 11, 2011 at 5:28pm
              Funny...........I went there too, but I don't recognize any of you.......this place saved my life.
            Emily Schneider Carrera · November 11, 2011 at 5:48pm
              They should have been shut down long before now! was a student there for 10 months and 10 days. hate everything they say they are, and glad this came out and hope they loose everything. Wish I could sue them for all the stress and pain they caused me! not to mention the staff that said they had the rights to do what they did.
            Sara Moody · Redding, California · November 11, 2011 at 10:46pm
              Really? A support group? What the heck is wrong with you people? She MURDERED a BABY, who had NO choice but to STARVE to death while she went on with her own life? I hope all the "people" who want to love and support her, get the opportunity that this little girl had, I hope you all get to starve to death while the person you care about, and the person who is SUPPOSED to take care of you, watches you starve to death. Can you imagine what this baby had to endure? Crying for her mommy because she is so hungry, knowing her mom could hear her while she was dying and did NOTHING!
              I don't care what you all THINK God would do, I think God would NEVER want his children, his angels to be killed at the hands of those who are supposed to protect them! I hope I am there with you when you all enter the gates for your Judgment day, and the one you all think would want us to forgive her and support her during her tough time, get to see the look of disappointment on his face, and my laugh as he sends you all to where you should be going..... There is something wrong with you people!
              SICK b**ch!
            « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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            Jessica Nicole Bradford Starved her Baby to Death
            « Reply #50 on: January 16, 2012, 03:05:42 PM »
            From crime commentator Chelsea Hoffman:

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            Jessica Nicole Bradford Starved her Baby to Death

            by  Chelsea Hoffman
            November 10, 2011 06:35 PM EST

            Jessica Nicole Bradford is charged with murder after she starved her newborn baby to death. This horrid display of child abuse and neglect just further adds a touch of reason to those who think forced sterilization should be a form of criminal punishment.

            It's being reported that 23-year-old Jessica Nicole Bradford was arrested on Sunday and charged with the murder of her daughter. This grim story is a bit disturbing, and seems to be reminiscent of a few other similar cases of bad moms lately. What the hell is wrong with some people? You see, the mummified remains of a newborn infant were discovered in a utility closet of a youth academy for weird Christian kids -- from here the story just gets worse.

            Jessica admitted to giving birth on the 19th of September. She hid her pregnancy from everyone, so apparently nobody knew about it. She didn't go to the hospital for her own wellbeing. Nor did she consider the tiny human life she delivered needed medical attention as well. In fact, this idiotic little puke didn't even name her newborn daughter. Instead, she hid the baby in an abandoned building, alive. She didn't care for the little girl or provide her with even the tiniest shred of a fighting chance at life. She could've taken this newborn baby girl to any hospital or other assigned "Safe Haven" drop off point.

            Over a course of four days, Jessica Nicole Bradford checked periodically on the starving infant to pretty much check to see if she was dead yet. Not once in those four days did this sorry excuse for a woman think twice about what she was doing. She continued to check. As this little infant lay starving for four days until she died a horribly agonizing death, Jessica didn't even consider putting the poor little thing out of her misery.

            After the baby died a horrific starvation death in four days, at literally four days old, Jessica Nicole Brock hid the little corpse in her laundry basket at home; much like the Tennessee mother Lindsey Lowe who drowned her twin newborns in a toilet and hid their corpses in her laundry hamper. After this, she transported the body to the utility closet at the youth academy where it mummified and was discovered just this past week. Women like this do not deserve to be free from whatever prison or nuthouse they wind up in. The kind of person who could allow a child to starve to death over a course of four days without so much as a second thought are the worse kind of people.

            ©Chelsea Hoffman is the Author of "Chloe and Louis," and the "Fear Chronicles," series of books. She also covers a myriad of true crime stories online. Visit ChelseaHoffman.Com to follow the blog and contact Chelsea directly.

            Copyright © 2011 Gather Inc.
            « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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            Offline Ursus

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            Comments: Jessica Nicole Bradford Starved her Baby to Death
            « Reply #51 on: January 16, 2012, 03:11:03 PM »
            Comments left for the above opinion piece, "Jessica Nicole Bradford Starved her Baby to Death" (by  Chelsea Hoffman; Nov 10, 2011;, #s 1-20:

            paul k.  Nov 10, 2011, 8:00pm EST
              Chelsea that is a very bias bit of media reporting .I mean report the story yes but good reporters do not give personal oppinions ,For instance women like this dont deserve to be free put her in a nuthouse .Idiotic little puke.Obviously your not a psychologist or psychiatrist do you know what frame of mind this young lady was in ? or the circumstances of the pregnancy ? it could be rape .incensual or anything do you know the facts . ? Yes it is a tradgedy and my heart goes out to the little baby ,and my prayers may her soul rest in peace .But dont condemn someone without having all the facts just because the police charged her with murder does not mean she is guilty of murder .
              Shannon R.  Nov 10, 2011, 8:04pm EST
                I dont care what the reasons are. I dont care if she was raped and didnt want the child... she could have taken it to a hospital and left it inside the building without telling anyone she was getting rid of it. Thats a safe haven and she wouldnt be getting arrested if she did that and the baby would still be alive.
              Chelsea Hoffman  Nov 10, 2011, 8:13pm EST
                Paul, this is a commentary site. I am a commentator. I share my opinions. You are free to either read it or not.
              paul k.  Nov 10, 2011, 8:29pm EST
                Yes i know Chelsea and i was just giving my oppinion on the article ,Nothing personal against you ,Im sure your a beautifull person,
                It was just my oppinion on the article i thought it was a bit over the top without knowing all the facts .then again i could be wrong you may very well know the whole story .If that is correct im sorry ,.This is my first day on this site and my first post it was so im not even sure what the go is .Just when i read your commentary my first oppinion was that is very bias reporting .As for the baby iam very saddened that these sorts of things still happen in our society in this day and age .
              Chelsea Hoffman  Nov 10, 2011, 8:32pm EST
                yah, your opinion that this is "biased reporting" is based on a "commentary website" by a "commentator."

                I am supposed to be biased, that is why I am not a reporter, but a commentator. Sorry that's gone over your head :(

                At any rate, I hope you've accomplished whatever complaining about my opinions may have accomplished for you, personally.

                Thanks for commenting! :)
              Jenna B.  Nov 10, 2011, 9:04pm EST
                I happen to love the way you described this human piece of sh-t. She is not worth the air she breathes!
              Shannon R.  Nov 10, 2011, 8:02pm EST
                Ugh this just makes me so sick I cant even stomach this one. I am so saddened for that poor baby.
              paul k.  Nov 10, 2011, 8:18pm EST
                shannon in no way am i justifying or trying to justify what happened to the baby ,These sorts of cases also make me sick to the stomach .My point i was trying to make is the name calling and inuendo and the pressumption of innocence till we know what the facts really are .Condemming without trial ,bias reporting ,that was the point i was making .I prefer to see evidence and see a defence before condeming someone .No where does the reporter say the word alledgedly ,the headline is sensationalising starved her baby to death ?,then there is the call for sterilisation ,lol without even having a hearing .
                Chelsea Hoffman  Nov 10, 2011, 8:20pm EST
                  (you keep mistaking for a reporter. I'll give you time to look up the definition of "commentator" before you come back, because you really should at least know the diff, even though you've already been told differently. Sorry you have a problem with people sharing their opinions on commentary websites -- maybe stick to CNN for "reports" )
                paul k.  Nov 10, 2011, 8:38pm EST
                  okay Chelsea your right i keep saying reporter and im sorry i thought that is what it was ,No i dont watch CNN im Australian we dont watch that crap over here ... .Chill out i did say my mistake .Was not looking for a argument just giving my oppinion .I jumped the gun not realising its just a commentary oppinion .SORRY Chelsea
                Jenna B.  Nov 10, 2011, 9:11pm EST
                  What is very sad about this case.....some damn defense lawyer will scream post partum depression and she'll get a very minimal sentence! And, Jennifer Nicole Bradford is much worse than an "idioc little puke"! She is evil! Anyone who can let a little baby starve to death and check everyday to see if the baby is still alive deserves worse than the fires of HELL!
                  paul k.  Nov 11, 2011, 1:17am EST
                    Well Jenna there is some truth to what you say ,and makes me wonder also anyone that can go see the baby everyday and watch the baby starve to death is more then just unusual but would border along the lines of insanity . As was my first post i said you have to know the whole facts what sort of frame of mind this person was in ..And No iam not sticking up for her at all ,Im a father of 8 kids myself and a grandfather of 8 .I could never imagine why these things happen but they do .
                  Kory ha  Nov 10, 2011, 10:49pm EST
                    No even post pardom wknt justify that nonsence it is sickening.. She js the devil.. A woman who carries a child for 9 months then just starves it.. No this woman deserves let me say again DESERVES forced sterilization.. She should never have a child.. Poor baby girl.. What is up with all these mothers today.. I knkw I would never hurt my babies yet all these women are giving moms bad names :( I hate this...
                  anthony diaz  Nov 10, 2011, 10:50pm EST
                    How do you know the kids at the academy are weird Christians. The story doesn't mention anything about the attendees of the school. Seems a bit presumptive. Fine if you're a commentator and add your opinion, I get that but at least be accurate.
                    Chelsea Hoffman  Nov 10, 2011, 10:54pm EST
                      would "academy for weird baby-starving single moms?" been better for ya?
                    anthony diaz  Nov 10, 2011, 11:54pm EST
                      Well, that's plural and as far as I've read this is an isolated incident involving one individual's choices. Generalizing and assuming will get us nowhere. Let's not get it twisted, were looking at an individual who already did that.
                      Chelsea Hoffman Nov 11, 2011, 12:05am EST
                      paul k.  Nov 11, 2011, 1:34am EST
                        Looking forward to seeing the end result on this one Chelsea ,Can you please keep me posted and upto date ?As we dont get much of the american news in OZ .
                      Chelsea Hoffman  Nov 11, 2011, 1:39am EST
                        :) paul, a I always try to keep up with the updates of cases like these follow my twitter or add me on here and you'll see the updates (if they become available )

                      Amy Gary  Nov 11, 2011, 12:18pm EST
                        She worked/lived as a counselor at a home for "troubled" teens that were sent there because of bad behavior. What I don't understand is how she could hide the baby at this home where there are so many people. Didn't the baby cry? Why isn't the school being investigated as well?

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                      Comments: Jessica Nicole Bradford Starved her Baby to Death
                      « Reply #52 on: January 16, 2012, 03:23:59 PM »
                      Comments left for the above opinion piece, "Jessica Nicole Bradford Starved her Baby to Death" (by  Chelsea Hoffman; Nov 10, 2011;, #s 21-24:

                        Chelsea Hoffman  Nov 11, 2011, 12:34pm EST
                          @amy -- that's interesting to know and thanks for sharing that info --

                          evidently, she didn't give birth there or kill the baby there... She put it in an abandoned building until it was dead then she transported it around until it wound up at the facility. :(
                        Amy Gary  Nov 11, 2011, 12:56pm EST
                          ok, from other articles I read, it sounded like she had the baby at the facility and kept it on an abandoned building on campus, maybe I misread the other articles. that would make more sense about no one knowing. But the way that "school" works is 4 days/nights on 3 days/nights off, but the staff stays/lives on campus even on days off. Really, no one noticed she was prego? I just really am questioning the school because I have heard so many other horror stories about Julian Youth Academy/Teen Rescue. I am in no way trying to turn the story around, this woman obviously had major issues and this baby deserves justice. But many other staff members at this facility are sick and they are supposed to be helping troubled teenagers. If this woman treated her own infant this way at this school, imagine how the "students" are treated every day. This school is labeled a "boarding school" but is really a "reform school" where innocent children are trapped. I have tried to use the information I have gathered from former students/parents/staff to bring them down, but they are protected somehow. I was hoping this incident might bring questioning on the school itself. I guess not.
                        Jennifer Bell  Nov 15, 2011, 2:16pm EST
                          I myself went to this "reform school" from 1999-2001. It was traumatizing for many reasons, but the main issue is their manipulation. It is in my opinion extremely emotionally abusive. I have so many things to say about the school but don't know where to start. I agree that the school should be under investigation. An interesting point to mention is that the baby's body was found 2 days before the police were called. I asked the woman who reported the information directly about this (she was a "student" with me 10 years ago and is now basically running the place as staff)... she was careful because of legal reasons, but she hinted at the fact that when she was first found "It was around halloween" and someone thought it was a prank. I know this is graphic, but ARE YOU SERIOUS...what about the smell? Something is not right. Something doesn't add up. I encourage all questions anyone may have for me regarding this matter. Please, ask away. I can't sleep at night. There are a group of us that are furious with the way the CEO of the "academy" has responded to this horrific event, quoted as saying "This has nothing to do with the school." Ya right. We need facts. Oh, and don't bother trying to look up JYA on google, the official site is suddenly "Down for Maintenance." Not to mention the fact that Phil Ludwig blocked any girls that were asking him questions regarding the matter on our private facebook group. More attention should be paid to this. Chelsea, thank you for posting this.
                          I mourn this innocent baby's death deeply. Rest in peace, sweet darling.
                        Jennifer Bell Nov 15, 2011, 2:19pm EST
                          Chelsea, it is reported that Jessica had the baby ON CAMPUS under a deck by her room. She hid it in a laundry basket in HER CLOSET for 6 weeks. She lived on campus. When another staff found the baby, and Jessica found out, she then moved the baby to a utility closet on campus. Two days later authorities were called.

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                        « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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                        Woman accused of starving her baby to death pleads not guilt
                        « Reply #53 on: January 17, 2012, 12:04:49 AM »
                        The Record Searchlight
                        Woman accused of starving her baby to death pleads not guilty

                        By Record Searchlight staff
                        Posted November 16, 2011 at 5:17 p.m., updated November 16, 2011 at 5:17 p.m.

                        Jessica Bradford

                        A Shasta County woman accused of murdering her 4-day-old daughter pleaded not guilty this afternoon in Shasta County Superior Court.

                        Jessica Nicole Bradford, 23, who is being represented by the Shasta County public defender's office, is scheduled to return to court on Nov. 30 for the setting of a preliminary hearing date.

                        Bradford is charged with murder, child abuse and a related enhancement in connection with her baby's death. She faces life in prison if convicted of the charges against her.

                        Shasta County sheriff's deputies arrested Bradford on Nov. 7 after she allegedly allowed her 4-day-old daughter to starve to death.

                        The baby's mummified body was found Nov. 6 at the Julian Youth Academy in Whitmore where Bradford worked as a staff member for the private Christian boarding school for troubled teens.

                        © 2011 Record Searchlight.
                        « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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                        Comments: Woman accused of starving her baby to death pleads
                        « Reply #54 on: January 17, 2012, 12:11:15 AM »
                        Comments left for the above article, "Woman accused of starving her baby to death pleads not guilty" (by Record Searchlight staff; November 16, 2011; Record Searchlight), #s 1-20:

                        thumper6977 writes: November 16, 2011 5:28 p.m.
                          I think they need to put her on bread & water for 60 days to let her see how it feels.....
                        ThisIsRedding writes: November 16, 2011 5:32 p.m.
                          "...where Bradford worked as a staff member for the private Christian boarding school for troubled teens."

                          Wow - she is barely an adult herself.

                          Sad and unfortunate all the way around.
                        Prancer3 writes: November 16, 2011 5:33 p.m.
                          Good idea Thumper...but NO bread. Did the baby get she didn't. This selfish egotisical girl did too starve that baby. Did she think a newborn could drive herself to McDonalds for a Happy Meal...geez what is the matter with people?
                        buster6 writes: November 16, 2011 5:34 p.m.
                            in response to
                            I think they need to put her on bread & water for 60 days to let her see how it feels.....
                          [/list][/size]You are being to nice. The baby didn't even get that.[/list]
                          randy writes: November 16, 2011 5:34 p.m.
                            How is it I wonder that some of the most sickeningly perverted crimes happen within the "Christian" community.

                            Decades of child molestation being tolerated in the Catholic church, local church leaders caught molesting family members, the Canadian, Christian run boarding school for Native Americans caught molesting and then murdering kids and burying them in mass graves.

                            I think perverts are just attracted to the gullible environment of churches.
                          Reddingite001 writes: November 16, 2011 5:47 p.m.
                            Another little angel god needed in heaven :(
                          JohnDixon writes: November 16, 2011 5:59 p.m.
                            The lack of understanding the sanctity of life is sad and her not wanting to bond with the child but not willing to give it up is ugly.
                          Cycotron writes: November 16, 2011 6:02 p.m.
                            FIRST lets stop calling this monster a mother. Secondly the ordasity of this person to plea not gulty is absurd. MUMMIFIDE BODY!!! HELLO!
                          dalton writes: November 16, 2011 6:02 p.m.
                              in response to
                              How is it I wonder that some of the most sickeningly perverted crimes happen within the "Christian" community.

                              Decades of child molestation being tolerated in the Catholic church, local church leaders caught molesting family members, the Canadian, Christian run boarding school for Native Americans caught molesting and then murdering kids and burying them in mass graves.

                              I think perverts are just attracted to the gullible environment of churches.
                            [/list][/size]Just like the econuts attached to the religion of global warming.[/list]
                            Prancer3 writes: November 16, 2011 6:10 p.m.
                                in response to
                                FIRST lets stop calling this monster a mother. Secondly the ordasity of this person to plea not gulty is absurd. MUMMIFIDE BODY!!! HELLO!
                              [/list][/size]Yes, exactly. You hit it right on.[/list]
                              MyBad writes: November 16, 2011 6:11 p.m.
                                  in response to
                                  FIRST lets stop calling this monster a mother. Secondly the ordasity of this person to plea not gulty is absurd. MUMMIFIDE BODY!!! HELLO!
                                [/list][/size]What's with these sick, demented people that say they are NOT guilty of the henious crimes they've committed!!! There's the kid that stabbed that poor homeless man to death is pleading NOT guilty after admitting he did it, and they have it on video, and now this!!

                                I can't believe the public defenders office has the stomach or sense of justice to actually encourage these clients to plead NOT guilty! What is wrong with this picture!!![/list]
                                concernedredding writes: November 16, 2011 6:21 p.m.
                                  Look, I'm not an attorney nor do I play one on T.V. I believe all these people that plead not guilty straight up when they obviously are, do so based on our legal system. After pleading not guilty, I think then they are able to have a settlement conference with the DA and get a potential "plea deal" which is most likely better than what she would get if she goes to jury trial. I think it's a cost-saving tactic, if you don't go to trial you get a lighter sentence. I believe it's just a dance that our legal system plays.

                                  Of course, I could be wrong, but in this case, I don't think I am.
                                HomeinTrinity writes: November 16, 2011 6:23 p.m.
                                    in response to
                                    How is it I wonder that some of the most sickeningly perverted crimes happen within the "Christian" community.

                                    Decades of child molestation being tolerated in the Catholic church, local church leaders caught molesting family members, the Canadian, Christian run boarding school for Native Americans caught molesting and then murdering kids and burying them in mass graves.

                                    I think perverts are just attracted to the gullible environment of churches.
                                  [/list][/size]Just a thought, but there is major differences between Christianity and Catholicism. First off, Christianity is based on the teachings of Jesus. Catholicism is based on the teachings of men. Christians throughout history have been martyred for their beliefs. Catholics did the martyring (notice how it sounds like murdering?). Christians worship the Living God Jesus Christ. Catholics worship His mom. I took the time to do the research to find out the differences. It is to my understanding that the references you used were either Catholics or agnostics. So please, before you accuse Christians of committing those acts, it would behoove one to research the actual facts.

                                  Man is inherently sinful. This is the reason so many horrible things happen. If he/she were to turn their life over to Jesus Christ, they would not want to commit these crimes. But, Because one Man did what no other could do, all of our sins and transgressions have been forgiven. All we have to do is accept the offer and repent of our sins. The only question is: Will You?[/list]
                                  MyBad writes: November 16, 2011 6:49 p.m.
                                      in response to
                                      Look, I'm not an attorney nor do I play one on T.V. I believe all these people that plead not guilty straight up when they obviously are, do so based on our legal system. After pleading not guilty, I think then they are able to have a settlement conference with the DA and get a potential "plea deal" which is most likely better than what she would get if she goes to jury trial. I think it's a cost-saving tactic, if you don't go to trial you get a lighter sentence. I believe it's just a dance that our legal system plays.

                                      Of course, I could be wrong, but in this case, I don't think I am.
                                    [/list][/size]Well, it's a SICK dance if you ask me!!! What is the problem with just calling a murderer a murderer!!!! What is in our legal system that caters to the criminal giving them a way to beat the system out of a death sentence? Both these henious people need to be put to death in my book! Eye for an eye!!!

                                    So now we'll have to support them for the next five or ten years then they'll be out to kill and kill again! The system sucks!!![/list]
                                    Lillybee writes: November 16, 2011 6:54 p.m.
                                      would like to see someone look into this school.
                                      I think that something odd is going on there.

                                      The school's web page has been off line for maintenance for about a week. Other pages referring to it have been taken down.

                                      This school has only 13 students and one teacher.

                                      The non profit that this woman was alleged to work for F.A.C.E.S.S. has no internet presence.
                                    RDH writes: November 16, 2011 6:59 p.m.
                                      Who is this baby's father?Does he run the "school"?
                                    MADDMom writes: November 16, 2011 7:03 p.m.
                                      Funny that the father of this baby, who happens to work at the school, is left out of this entire story! Unless she weighs 400 lbs, you can't hide a pregnancy from your boyfriend!! Some Christian environment the school provides! He isn't even man enough to step up to his part in the crime. Maybe a married Christian man.......? Just guessing!
                                    concernedredding writes: November 16, 2011 7:07 p.m.
                                        in response to
                                        Well, it's a SICK dance if you ask me!!! What is the problem with just calling a murderer a murderer!!!! What is in our legal system that caters to the criminal giving them a way to beat the system out of a death sentence? Both these henious people need to be put to death in my book! Eye for an eye!!!

                                        So now we'll have to support them for the next five or ten years then they'll be out to kill and kill again! The system sucks!!!
                                      [/list][/size]I agree. This is how are legal system works or so I believe. Like I said, I'm not an attorney but all clients, for the most part are advised to plead not guilty. Then they get settlement conferences and pre-trial B.S. and at any time, the D.A. can offer and normally do offer a "plea deal" up until the jury deliberates and actually comes back into court.

                                      I don't know but you may have been on jury service and either excused prior to actually going into court and thanked for your service.

                                      Or . . . you may have served on a jury only be told that they have reached a deal and still thanked for your service.[/list]
                                      ReddingCritic writes: November 16, 2011 7:17 p.m.
                                        am wondering why the R/S. does not identify the school. The name of the school seems pertinent to the story as the baby was found by school staff on school property, and the perpetrator was employed by the school.

                                        It seems to me that the state licensing people should be evaluating this school and their process for screening their employees. Note also that although school employees found the body on Friday, they did not call the police until Sunday.

                                        So why is the name of the school a big secret at the R/S?
                                      Lillybee writes: November 16, 2011 7:22 p.m.
                                          in response to
                                          I am wondering why the R/S. does not identify the school. The name of the school seems pertinent to the story as the baby was found by school staff on school property, and the perpetrator was employed by the school.

                                          It seems to me that the state licensing people should be evaluating this school and their process for screening their employees. Note also that although school employees found the body on Friday, they did not call the police until Sunday.

                                          So why is the name of the school a big secret at the R/S?
                                        [/list][/size]^The school is the Julian Christian Academy. It was named in the very first story and no longer mentioned.[/list]

                                        © 2011 Record Searchlight.
                                        « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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                                        Offline Ursus

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                                        Comments: Woman accused of starving her baby to death pleads
                                        « Reply #55 on: January 17, 2012, 12:16:13 AM »
                                        Comments left for the above article, "Woman accused of starving her baby to death pleads not guilty" (by Record Searchlight staff; November 16, 2011; Record Searchlight), #s 21-40:

                                        waganupawest writes: November 16, 2011 7:23 p.m.
                                            in response to
                                            Just a thought, but there is major differences between Christianity and Catholicism. First off, Christianity is based on the teachings of Jesus. Catholicism is based on the teachings of men. Christians throughout history have been martyred for their beliefs. Catholics did the martyring (notice how it sounds like murdering?). Christians worship the Living God Jesus Christ. Catholics worship His mom. I took the time to do the research to find out the differences. It is to my understanding that the references you used were either Catholics or agnostics. So please, before you accuse Christians of committing those acts, it would behoove one to research the actual facts.

                                            Man is inherently sinful. This is the reason so many horrible things happen. If he/she were to turn their life over to Jesus Christ, they would not want to commit these crimes. But, Because one Man did what no other could do, all of our sins and transgressions have been forgiven. All we have to do is accept the offer and repent of our sins. The only question is: Will You?
                                          [/list][/size]It's all based on the teachings of men. Life's hard, so if it takes the crutch of invisible friends and fairytales to make it down the road that's fine. What isn't fine is all the killing and cruelty in the name of some cockeyed religious righteousness.[/list]
                                          booboo (Inactive) writes: November 16, 2011 7:26 p.m.
                                            am appauled at this girl..she had 9 months and a long time to confide in someone to help guide her due to her pregnancy and yet she lets it starve for days? This isn't anything close to thinking normal...Even for a young 23 year old there is no excuse..Not here, not today... :(
                                          MyBad writes: November 16, 2011 8:31 p.m.
                                              in response to
                                              I agree. This is how are legal system works or so I believe. Like I said, I'm not an attorney but all clients, for the most part are advised to plead not guilty. Then they get settlement conferences and pre-trial B.S. and at any time, the D.A. can offer and normally do offer a "plea deal" up until the jury deliberates and actually comes back into court.

                                              I don't know but you may have been on jury service and either excused prior to actually going into court and thanked for your service.

                                              Or . . . you may have served on a jury only be told that they have reached a deal and still thanked for your service.
                                            [/list][/size]Never served on a jury in my life, not that I haven't wanted to tho. In this situation they may not accept me because I would be too biased. BUT, in all fairness, I still have a problem with our judicial system allowing CONFESSED criminals to go through the expensive judicial process of a jury trial, then getting off in five or so years just because they behave themselves in the penal system - only to kill again.

                                            You comments suggest you are more 'intune' with the process than you let on. I expect you would be an interesting person to interview one on one. :-) [/list]
                                            jjasper writes: November 16, 2011 8:48 p.m.
                                                in response to
                                                ^The school is the Julian Christian Academy. It was named in the very first story and no longer mentioned.
                                              [/list][/size]Ha yeah. Most of the comments are boring repeats.[/list]
                                              Odious writes: November 16, 2011 9:11 p.m.
                                                  in response to
                                                  Well, it's a SICK dance if you ask me!!! What is the problem with just calling a murderer a murderer!!!! What is in our legal system that caters to the criminal giving them a way to beat the system out of a death sentence? Both these henious people need to be put to death in my book! Eye for an eye!!!

                                                  So now we'll have to support them for the next five or ten years then they'll be out to kill and kill again! The system sucks!!!
                                                [/list][/size]The system was built so that the government could not just point fingers and chop off heads.

                                                Due process.

                                                I support what is left of it.[/list]
                                                randy writes: November 16, 2011 9:49 p.m.
                                                    in response to
                                                    Just a thought, but there is major differences between Christianity and Catholicism. First off, Christianity is based on the teachings of Jesus. Catholicism is based on the teachings of men. Christians throughout history have been martyred for their beliefs. Catholics did the martyring (notice how it sounds like murdering?). Christians worship the Living God Jesus Christ. Catholics worship His mom. I took the time to do the research to find out the differences. It is to my understanding that the references you used were either Catholics or agnostics. So please, before you accuse Christians of committing those acts, it would behoove one to research the actual facts.

                                                    Man is inherently sinful. This is the reason so many horrible things happen. If he/she were to turn their life over to Jesus Christ, they would not want to commit these crimes. But, Because one Man did what no other could do, all of our sins and transgressions have been forgiven. All we have to do is accept the offer and repent of our sins. The only question is: Will You?
                                                  [/list][/size]I turn my life over to no one as I hold ultimate responsibility for my being and all choices I make I must own on my own.

                                                  Religious belief does not "wash away" the sins of those sexual predators secured in the church any more than it will erase the damage done the to victims of their crimes.[/list]
                                                  right1baby writes: November 16, 2011 9:53 p.m.
                                                    no plea deal. no life in prison. simply straight to the electric chair. no other alternative need be considered.
                                                  right1baby writes: November 16, 2011 10:01 p.m.
                                                    California needs to wake up and get serious about crimes against children. Baby killers, child rapists and the agencies "supervising" these criminals need to be severely punished for allowing this to happen. These kinds of people cannot be "rehabilitated". They need to be ereased off the face of the planet. Crimes against children is a serious problem, not politics, religion or the effing environment.
                                                  MyBad writes: November 16, 2011 10:09 p.m.
                                                      in response to
                                                      I turn my life over to no one as I hold ultimate responsibility for my being and all choices I make I must own on my own.

                                                      Religious belief does not "wash away" the sins of those sexual predators secured in the church any more than it will erase the damage done the to victims of their crimes.
                                                    [/list][/size]What some religious beliefs tend to forget, is that even tho they may be "forgiven for their sin" doesn't mean they don't have to pay the penalty for it. The sins of a sexual predator may be 'washed away' if he truly repents and is sorry for what he did, with no intention of ever committing that sin again, BUT he still has to pay the price for that crime. No where in the "Book" does it say just because someone repented of a sin, do they go without punishment. If a 'church' tells you that, they're WRONG!!![/list]
                                                    knothead writes: November 16, 2011 10:29 p.m.
                                                        in response to
                                                        I am appauled at this girl..she had 9 months and a long time to confide in someone to help guide her due to her pregnancy and yet she lets it starve for days? This isn't anything close to thinking normal...Even for a young 23 year old there is no excuse..Not here, not today... :(
                                                      [/list][/size]We often disagree, not this time! Good, thoughtful post.[/list]
                                                      charly3947 writes: November 16, 2011 11:34 p.m.
                                                          in response to
                                                          Just a thought, but there is major differences between Christianity and Catholicism. First off, Christianity is based on the teachings of Jesus. Catholicism is based on the teachings of men. Christians throughout history have been martyred for their beliefs. Catholics did the martyring (notice how it sounds like murdering?). Christians worship the Living God Jesus Christ. Catholics worship His mom. I took the time to do the research to find out the differences. It is to my understanding that the references you used were either Catholics or agnostics. So please, before you accuse Christians of committing those acts, it would behoove one to research the actual facts.

                                                          Man is inherently sinful. This is the reason so many horrible things happen. If he/she were to turn their life over to Jesus Christ, they would not want to commit these crimes. But, Because one Man did what no other could do, all of our sins and transgressions have been forgiven. All we have to do is accept the offer and repent of our sins. The only question is: Will You?
                                                        [/list][/size]First of all, Catholicism is Jesus based. We use his teachings in our Mass. We worship him as our savior. Your research (if you really did it) is incorrect. We do not worship Mary. We venerate her for her williness to be the flesh mother of our Lord Jesus Christ. We love her as one would their own mother. And just as one keeps pictures, or art work, or physical likeness of someone deeply loved and looks at them with fondness; so too do we with Mary. Our pictures of our loved ones are used by us as a reminder of our beloved and how much we love them. So too, are the pictures and statues of Mary used in the same way. Just as many houses have pictures of the people who are important to them, out of love for them. You do not consider looking at those pictures, talking to those picture with love in your heart as whorshiping them. We use pictures and statues of Mary as a way of connecting with her in our hearts. They are ways of focusing on our love for her. Just as one looks at "mom's" picture with love.
                                                        There is a difference between love and worship.
                                                        There are evil people in all walks of life in every church and organization. We are given free will by our Father God to choose the good path or the bad. Some people choose evil. It is not the church making that choice.[/list]
                                                        galex66 writes: November 16, 2011 11:52 p.m.
                                                            in response to
                                                            I would like to see someone look into this school.
                                                            I think that something odd is going on there.

                                                            The school's web page has been off line for maintenance for about a week. Other pages referring to it have been taken down.

                                                            This school has only 13 students and one teacher.

                                                            The non profit that this woman was alleged to work for F.A.C.E.S.S. has no internet presence.
                                                          [/list][/size]I went to the school, there are lots of ex-students and parents of ex-students trying to get the school looked at. There are more than 13 students and more than one staff, there is no accredited teacher. If you want more information. Feel free to send me a message or write me on here. The user agreement limits all I can say on here but am willing to talk to anyone who wants to know more.[/list]
                                                          thumper6977 writes: November 17, 2011 3:54 a.m.
                                                              in response to
                                                              Good idea Thumper...but NO bread. Did the baby get she didn't. This selfish egotisical girl did too starve that baby. Did she think a newborn could drive herself to McDonalds for a Happy Meal...geez what is the matter with people?
                                                            [/list][/size]I actually had a better solution but retracted it. I would have been banned for life had I posted it....[/list]
                                                            raydan4208 writes: November 17, 2011 5:17 a.m.
                                                              I have reviewed many of these site types since Jessica did what she did...but this one was more outspoken than most which is why I felt the need to comment!!I am not, in any way or form, trying to JUSTIFY what Jessica did...IT'S AWFUL AND IM DISGUSTED NOT TO MENTION DISAPPOINTED.AT THIS POINT I'VE ACCEPTED WHAT HAS HAPPENED AS REALITY;IT'S FINALLY SUNK IN...HOWEVER...IT TOOK A SINCE SHE WAS TAKEN INTO CUSTODY UNTIL YESTERDAY.I knew Jessica PERSONALLY;she was my Friend;and I can't speak for her...I have no idea what she was thinking when she made this choice which she seems to have obviously made so early on in her pregnancy judging from what the News Sites have said she did each and every weekend that she was pregnant with this precious little girl...I met her as a Student at JYA...we were both attended AS STUDENTS at the time of Friendship.She Graduated JYA[JULIAN YOUTH ACADEMY;
                                                            raydan4208 writes: November 17, 2011 5:18 a.m.
                                                              judge...who are any of us to...In God's Eyes...a SIN IS A SIN...the only Sin that is unforgivable in which case is not equal to any Sin
                                                            [as all Sins are equal in God's Eyes except one]is Blasphemy...which this is not!!!!On many levels I agree with all of you...but on many others I don't.She was a good person...and still is...she just made a POOR choice!!!!!!!!!!JYA IS NOT A BAD PLACE!!!I need everyone to understand this.And to whomever posted that JYA has 1 staff and 13 students...THATS NOT TRUE!F.A.C.E.S.S. is the overall corporation...JYA is just a branch of it...which is where Jessica and myself attended years ago as Students.There are MANY Staff Members overseeing a group of 45-50 Girls...maybe more...and there is now a Boys side of the Program of which both Sexes do not MESH...they never see eachother.Jessicas Boyfriend did NOT know of the are to stay Celibate while a Staff in the Program which is clearly an indicator that you're a follower of Christ!!!!!It clearly[/list]
                                                            raydan4208 writes: November 17, 2011 5:20 a.m.
                                                              the very Program this incident took place...but she was Staff Member at this point...not a student]before I did and I later Graduated after she had come back a Staff Member.Jessicas Spirit was always calming.She was so full of life...funny to no end...and comforting to all.She was strong in Christ...even the strongest of Faith make mistakes...and this just so happens to be HUGE.She will have to answer to God...and that scares me more for her than whats she is currently going through!I believe in "AN EYE FOR AN EYE"...friend or not...she needs to be served justice at it's best for this type of case...shes no better than any other Woman who's done this to their Child whom I didn't know...I view her through the same eyes...I'm just deeply hurt and confused at this point...I feel some sort of betrayal and my heart aches for her Family;Boyfriend
                                                            [whom I guess would be considered an EX now]and that poor Child who[/list]
                                                            raydan4208 writes: November 17, 2011 5:20 a.m.
                                                              never got a chance!She had a full support system...FULL...and she selfishly chose to not take them into consideration;she allowed FEAR to overcome her better sense of judgement...she opened the door to SATAN HIMSELF and left all Trust in Christ behind.He would've delivered for her...but she chose not to listen...and thats what doesnt make sense!Who am I to states in one of the News Sites that Jessica was asked by 1 Staff Member if she was Pregnant as she started gaining more weight than she normally did
                                                            [she was a heavy set girl...her weight always drastically fluctuated]and she responded "HOW CAN I BE PREGNANT IF IM CELIBATE?" There was nothing more they could do from there but trust was out of their minds[/list]
                                                            raydan4208 writes: November 17, 2011 5:21 a.m.
                                                              that she would do something this horrible!!!!!!!!!!It also states in one of the News Sites how she hid the pregnancy and how she had the baby/where she had the baby with no assistance and no interruption!!!!You call need to understand these Staff aren't there for eachother...they're there for the sole support of those Girls and Boys who so desperately need their attention and guidance...take it from me...I know FIRST HAND!They love us matter the mistakes we've made before being sent there or make while we're there including after we've left.Stop judging the Program and making it out to be something it's not...Jessica is not defined by where she works...she made her mistakes on her own and theres no justifying that!It's wrong and Justice needs to be SERVED in honor of that Precious life that was selfishly Taken in early September!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                                            Prancer3 writes: November 17, 2011 5:45 a.m.
                                                                in response to
                                                                no plea deal. no life in prison. simply straight to the electric chair. no other alternative need be considered.
                                                              [/list][/size]Is the electric chair even still plugged in? If not...plug it IN, dust it off and get it are right.[/list]
                                                              Prancer3 writes: November 17, 2011 5:52 a.m.
                                                                  in response to
                                                                  I actually had a better solution but retracted it. I would have been banned for life had I posted it....
                                                                [/list][/size]I know...geez. You'd be Thumper6978.....[/list][/list]

                                                                © 2011 Record Searchlight.
                                                                « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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                                                                Offline Ursus

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                                                                Comments: Woman accused of starving her baby to death pleads
                                                                « Reply #56 on: January 17, 2012, 01:08:22 AM »
                                                                Comments left for the above article, "Woman accused of starving her baby to death pleads not guilty" (by Record Searchlight staff; November 16, 2011; Record Searchlight), #s 41-53:

                                                                Cynicalone writes: November 17, 2011 8:03 a.m.
                                                                    in response to
                                                                    The system was built so that the government could not just point fingers and chop off heads.

                                                                    Due process.

                                                                    I support what is left of it.
                                                                  [/list][/size]Thank you Odious for being one of the few that understands and defends our constitutional process on you said, whats left of it. Her testimony, other witnesses, and the facts need to be presented for an official record. Most of these folks will apparently believe anything that is written in the paper, take it literally and become judge, jury, and executioner.
                                                                  Ive had my head bitten off (grows back) for defending these people long enough to get the entire story. It seems that a picture and a newspaper article gives some folks the right to say whatever they want. I understand how they feel and want nothing short of justice for this kid, that transient, and every other victim in our community. The problem is all the facts need to be presented and presided over in a non-biased atmosphere. Until you or someone you care about is on the hot seat, you just dont appreciate what that means.[/list]
                                                                  bdupre writes: November 17, 2011 8:10 a.m.
                                                                      in response to
                                                                      Who is this baby's father?Does he run the "school"?
                                                                    [/list][/size]Good question. My thought too.[/list]
                                                                    thumper6977 writes: November 17, 2011 8:15 a.m.
                                                                        in response to
                                                                        I know...geez. You'd be Thumper6978.....
                                                                      [/list][/size]Wow, I hope not! There is a reason for the 6977... :) [/list]
                                                                      IDKMuch00 writes: November 17, 2011 12:56 p.m.
                                                                          in response to
                                                                          Good question. My thought too.
                                                                        [/list][/size]No, he doesn't run the school. Phil runs the school. I do know this first hand.[/list]
                                                                        IDKMuch00 writes: November 17, 2011 12:59 p.m.
                                                                            in response to
                                                                            Thank you Odious for being one of the few that understands and defends our constitutional process on you said, whats left of it. Her testimony, other witnesses, and the facts need to be presented for an official record. Most of these folks will apparently believe anything that is written in the paper, take it literally and become judge, jury, and executioner.
                                                                            Ive had my head bitten off (grows back) for defending these people long enough to get the entire story. It seems that a picture and a newspaper article gives some folks the right to say whatever they want. I understand how they feel and want nothing short of justice for this kid, that transient, and every other victim in our community. The problem is all the facts need to be presented and presided over in a non-biased atmosphere. Until you or someone you care about is on the hot seat, you just dont appreciate what that means.
                                                                          [/list][/size]Yes, I agree. The media is a biased, commercial entity, well known for distorting facts. I think it's wise to reserve judgement. However, this is a comment section. Comments vary in length, insight, and emotionalism. They are generally all valid "comments" nonetheless.[/list]
                                                                          IDKMuch00 writes: November 17, 2011 1:09 p.m.
                                                                              in response to
                                                                              I turn my life over to no one as I hold ultimate responsibility for my being and all choices I make I must own on my own.

                                                                              Religious belief does not "wash away" the sins of those sexual predators secured in the church any more than it will erase the damage done the to victims of their crimes.
                                                                            [/list][/size]The last time I checked, there was not a single institution that didn't have gullible people or heinous skeletons in the closet. I agree that anyone, regardless of faith, who commits a crime, should be punished for it. I think, just because you change the oil in your car, it doesn't make you a mechanic. Thus, if you've met Christians, or went to church as a kid, it doesn't really make you an expert. Sure, some Christians do stupid things. If they ask for forgiveness, it's their God who forgives them, not the belief that man should assuage any guilt for it. There are stupid/selfish/mean/(insert whatever you wish...) people everywhere. I don't think that it means some institution they belong to or belief they hold should automatically be denigrated because of it. They would be stupid/selfish... no matter what they believed.[/list]
                                                                            IDKMuch00 writes: November 17, 2011 1:19 p.m.
                                                                                in response to
                                                                                that she would do something this horrible!!!!!!!!!!It also states in one of the News Sites how she hid the pregnancy and how she had the baby/where she had the baby with no assistance and no interruption!!!!You call need to understand these Staff aren't there for eachother...they're there for the sole support of those Girls and Boys who so desperately need their attention and guidance...take it from me...I know FIRST HAND!They love us matter the mistakes we've made before being sent there or make while we're there including after we've left.Stop judging the Program and making it out to be something it's not...Jessica is not defined by where she works...she made her mistakes on her own and theres no justifying that!It's wrong and Justice needs to be SERVED in honor of that Precious life that was selfishly Taken in early September!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                                                              [/list][/size]I'm not sure if you're a current employee who is too afraid to mention it, but I don't believe you have it all right. I worked for JYA for a time during Jessica's employ. I will say, my impression is quite different from your own. People disagree, that's a given. However, I do think that JYA has more of a role to play than you indicate. The goal of the company, while good, creates some serious misapplication. I posted it before and I will post it again. Given the mistake Jessica made (pre-marital sex), while not condoned by JYA policy, she was fully aware of the severe consequences. I personally know of a number of people who have suffered ridiculous consequences from JYA admin, for far less. Given that Jessica's boyfriend as well as her own life was completely wrapped-up in the school; it's a daunting task to face given her mistake. I'm not justifying in any way. The clearly dysfunctional thought process she went through to come-up with what the media says she did it insane (if true). My point is, JYA does have a role to play and at the very least, they should seriously consider how they treat their employees. No, this isn't some personal vendetta . My employment, while unpleasant given their structure, was terminated amenably.[/list]
                                                                              Cynicalone writes: November 17, 2011 2:38 p.m.
                                                                                  in response to
                                                                                  that she would do something this horrible!!!!!!!!!!It also states in one of the News Sites how she hid the pregnancy and how she had the baby/where she had the baby with no assistance and no interruption!!!!You call need to understand these Staff aren't there for eachother...they're there for the sole support of those Girls and Boys who so desperately need their attention and guidance...take it from me...I know FIRST HAND!They love us matter the mistakes we've made before being sent there or make while we're there including after we've left.Stop judging the Program and making it out to be something it's not...Jessica is not defined by where she works...she made her mistakes on her own and theres no justifying that!It's wrong and Justice needs to be SERVED in honor of that Precious life that was selfishly Taken in early September!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                                                                [/list][/size]Raydan- decaf. Satan isnt usually up before 9am to defend himself or his followers. Spare us the drrrraaaamaaaaa..its over.[/list]
                                                                                concernedredding writes: November 17, 2011 6:57 p.m.
                                                                                    in response to
                                                                                    Never served on a jury in my life, not that I haven't wanted to tho. In this situation they may not accept me because I would be too biased. BUT, in all fairness, I still have a problem with our judicial system allowing CONFESSED criminals to go through the expensive judicial process of a jury trial, then getting off in five or so years just because they behave themselves in the penal system - only to kill again.

                                                                                    You comments suggest you are more 'intune' with the process than you let on. I expect you would be an interesting person to interview one on one. :-)
                                                                                  [/list][/size]Look, I am just an educated individual, who looked into law at one point or another. I did choose to get a BA in business and have just started a MA also in business as well.
                                                                                  However, if you were to look into the normal trial process, you may as well choose to come up with the same outlook. It goes something like this to me (which you are free to differ with)
                                                                                  • Arraignment, which defendant can choose to enter in a plea or not (which most enter a not guilty plea)
                                                                                  • If a defendant enters a not guilty plea it usually goes to a settlement conference ( a chance to negotiate a deal with the DA)
                                                                                  • If a deal is not reached it then goes to a trial readiness conference
                                                                                  • Then it goes to jury trial (and that means goes to selection, etc. but not necessarily a jury) but at any time they can have another settlement conference
                                                                                  • The DA's office will most likely always want to cut a deal with you prior to going to court, that's just the way it works.+[/list]
                                                                                  HomeinTrinity writes: November 18, 2011 6:27 a.m.
                                                                                      in response to
                                                                                      First of all, Catholicism is Jesus based. We use his teachings in our Mass. We worship him as our savior. Your research (if you really did it) is incorrect. We do not worship Mary. We venerate her for her williness to be the flesh mother of our Lord Jesus Christ. We love her as one would their own mother. And just as one keeps pictures, or art work, or physical likeness of someone deeply loved and looks at them with fondness; so too do we with Mary. Our pictures of our loved ones are used by us as a reminder of our beloved and how much we love them. So too, are the pictures and statues of Mary used in the same way. Just as many houses have pictures of the people who are important to them, out of love for them. You do not consider looking at those pictures, talking to those picture with love in your heart as whorshiping them. We use pictures and statues of Mary as a way of connecting with her in our hearts. They are ways of focusing on our love for her. Just as one looks at "mom's" picture with love.
                                                                                      There is a difference between love and worship.
                                                                                      There are evil people in all walks of life in every church and organization. We are given free will by our Father God to choose the good path or the bad. Some people choose evil. It is not the church making that choice.
                                                                                    [/list][/size]The meaning of venerate needs to be traced back to its original meaning in order to get a full understanding of it.

                                                                                    1615–25; < Latin vener?tus, past participle of vener?r? to solicit the goodwill of (a god), worship, revere, verbal derivative of vener-, stem of venus, presumably in its original sense "desire"; see Venus)

                                                                                    Also, Catholicism is NOT based on Jesus. IF it were, then there would be no need for a man that is hold in higher esteem than the BIBLE! If Catholicism was truly "Jesus Based", then why would the Catholic Church limit the Holy Bible to only the Latin Vulgate? Because they did not want The common people to have the same knowledge. Only the "Church" wanted to be able to read it. Only the bishops, cardinals, and the pope knew Latin. This way, they could "translate" God's word as they see fit.

                                                                                    Two reasons out of many that show Catholicism is not based on the Teachings of Christ. If you would like, I could show you why the pope is a walking hypocrite :-) [/list]
                                                                                    sadnews writes: November 18, 2011 8:43 a.m.
                                                                                      Family and friends did suspect she was pregnant, I would know.
                                                                                    raydan4208 writes: November 19, 2011 8:01 a.m.
                                                                                        in response to
                                                                                        I'm not sure if you're a current employee who is too afraid to mention it, but I don't believe you have it all right. I worked for JYA for a time during Jessica's employ. I will say, my impression is quite different from your own. People disagree, that's a given. However, I do think that JYA has more of a role to play than you indicate. The goal of the company, while good, creates some serious misapplication. I posted it before and I will post it again. Given the mistake Jessica made (pre-marital sex), while not condoned by JYA policy, she was fully aware of the severe consequences. I personally know of a number of people who have suffered ridiculous consequences from JYA admin, for far less. Given that Jessica's boyfriend as well as her own life was completely wrapped-up in the school; it's a daunting task to face given her mistake. I'm not justifying in any way. The clearly dysfunctional thought process she went through to come-up with what the media says she did it insane (if true). My point is, JYA does have a role to play and at the very least, they should seriously consider how they treat their employees. No, this isn't some personal vendetta . My employment, while unpleasant given their structure, was terminated amenably.
                                                                                      [/list][/size]I am not a Staff and never have been...I graduated the Program as a Student of 2 1/2 Years in 2008 at 17 Years Old;Jessica was a staff at this time. I will say this;I have no idea what goes on behind closed doors w/ the Staff...thats a FACT. They dont discuss anything that they discuss w/ us unless completely necessary...which you should know since you say you were a which case I'm sure we may have known one another. Opinions are what they are...and they are not valid at all...I guess voicing them is getting all of completely no where. I see what you're saying in the aspect of JYA playing a role in the choice Jessica made b/c Staff were to remain celibate as the Teachings of God do say this is how it should I agree with their consequences for such matters....absolutely not...anyone should be able to do what they want when they want and it remain their business and completely private...firing anyone for this reason isn't right b/c it's considered passing judgement which God also says isn't this can go many ways. Thank you for bring that point up...that does make a lot of sense. I guess being her friend I feel the natural need to defend...but I just want everyone to know that in this posting and the previous LONG one that was broken down... I am not trying to defend what she did...she deserves CAPITAL punishment for this horrible action.[/list]
                                                                                      raydan4208 writes: November 19, 2011 8:07 a.m.
                                                                                          in response to
                                                                                          Raydan- decaf. Satan isnt usually up before 9am to defend himself or his followers. Spare us the drrrraaaamaaaaa..its over.
                                                                                        [/list][/size]Not sure what you're trying to imply with this comment. I was up so early b/c I work Graveyard Shifts...10 PM-6 AM 5 Nights a week...therefore...on my days off I am still up from 5 PM-5 AM :):) I can't possibly "cause drama" unless someone allows me to. I was simply placing my input as all of you did previous to my comments coming from someone who went to that exact Program she attended and Staffed as well as someone who knew her personally!! Satan has nothing to do with my post...Satan has everything to do with Jessicas actions. I understand that it's over...but if it were really over in your eyes you wouldn't have commented back stating "its over" don't insult me please. I dont DEFEND Jessica...I simply try to remember her as the person I once knew...and if that helps me sleep at night...thats my business;who is anyone to judge me for that. She was wrong to do what she did...CAPITAL PUNISHMENT IS WHAT SHE DESERVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/list]

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                                                                                        « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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                                                                                        Julian leader backs school; recent death of infant has...
                                                                                        « Reply #57 on: January 17, 2012, 09:46:50 PM »
                                                                                        Phil Ludwig, Julian Youth Academy's director, gives some revealing perspective in the below article:

                                                                                        -------------- • -------------- • --------------

                                                                                        The Record Searchlight
                                                                                        Julian leader backs school; recent death of infant has drawn criticism

                                                                                        By Alayna Shulman
                                                                                        Posted November 19, 2011 at 9:46 p.m.

                                                                                        Phil Ludwig

                                                                                        The leader of a Christian boarding school for troubled teens that has generated controversy after a staff member's mummified infant daughter was found hidden in a utility closet at its Whitmore campus said criticism that has risen since the death is unwarranted.

                                                                                        Staff member and former student Jessica Nicole Bradford, 23, was arrested Nov. 7. Sheriff's deputies said she admitted starving her 4-day-old daughter to death in September and keeping the child's body hidden in her room on the Julian Youth Academy campus for more than a month.

                                                                                        Bradford declined an interview request from the Record Searchlight. She has pleaded not guilty to murder and remains in the Shasta County Jail, with bail set at $1 million.

                                                                                        Phil Ludwig, the school's director, said that incident doesn't reflect on the academy, and the vast majority of former students say they had a good experience there.

                                                                                        "All clients of any business are not always going to be ecstatic about the service they got," he said. "If they're saying that we're abusing these kids, why are they waiting until this tragedy? Why are they focusing on themselves?"

                                                                                        But a former student at another Julian campus said she is certain the baby's death occurred at least partly because of the strict conditioning that goes on at the schools.

                                                                                        "They have such a lifestyle up there of hiding things and hiding people's issues and hiding this and that, that now look what's happened," said Dionne Lake, 26, of Huntington Beach. "She said to police she killed her baby, hid her baby after she killed it, and it's because she didn't want it to affect her lifestyle."

                                                                                        The school

                                                                                        Despite criticism from former students like Lake, Ludwig said the academy for troubled teens runs a "relationship-based" program that most students and parents praise.

                                                                                        "All we're trying to do is provide an inexpensive way to help keep their child safe and get an education," Ludwig said of the school, where tuition runs around $3,000 a month, but can be as low as $500 monthly with a need-based scholarship. "We love kids, and that's why we do this."

                                                                                        Ludwig, a former San Diego police officer, described the school's religious affiliation as "mainstream" Christian.

                                                                                        "Even our Christian doctrine is, we don't force it on anyone," he said. "We're really mainstream, normal Christian people."

                                                                                        Ludwig said claims that students are force-fed or have to do manual labor are untrue. Those accusations have sprouted up on Internet websites in the wake of the Bradford story.

                                                                                        "We do not use food as discipline, ... we do not use corporal punishment," he said. "We never use human rights as discipline."

                                                                                        Instead, students are disciplined based on "positivity," Ludwig said, like writing down resolutions to their misbehavior, such as "I will show more respect to authority."

                                                                                        But Lake, who said she attended the school's now-defunct Julian campus in Southern California until 2001, said she still feels traumatized by her year and a half there, and it was more psychologically stressful than anything.

                                                                                        "If you say anything while you're there negative about the program, then you're punished; if you say anything negative about your feelings, you're punished," she said. "It's like a cult, that's actually the only way I can describe it. You step out of the car, you're automatically greeted by someone who has you go in a bathroom with them and remove your clothes. It's like a cavity search. It's traumatic."

                                                                                        Lake said there was a "no-talk" policy sometimes in which students aren't allowed to speak to one another or staff.

                                                                                        Ludwig said the school does have a policy that requires students write down their questions or comments at times if they're not crucial.

                                                                                        "It teaches a child that you can't demand attention just because you are ready to complain," he said. "We're teaching them there's a time and place based on severity and importance. If you're sitting there working, it's annoying ... it's all about, 'Well, you've got to listen to me right now.' We're trying to teach them mutual respect."

                                                                                        But if there's a threatening situation, students can always vocally address staff members, he said.

                                                                                        Ludwig said the school is currently accredited through one agency whose name he couldn't immediately recall, and it's going through the process of accreditation with the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. Alice Hauser, an administrative assistant with the Western Association of Schools and Colleges' Northern California office, said accreditation with her organization is the most credible.

                                                                                        "We're the ones that work hand in hand with the department of education for California," she said. "There's a lot of other accrediting agencies that don't mean anything ... as far as we see, they're not affiliated with anybody that we recognize."

                                                                                        The staff

                                                                                        Some staff members at the academy, like Bradford, are former students. Ludwig said he wasn't sure how many of the Whitmore campus's roughly 30 staff members are former students, and he wouldn't comment on what kind of position Bradford held.

                                                                                        Jessica Bradford

                                                                                        But to him, the fact that a student would want to stay on as a staff member shows the success of the program, Ludwig said.

                                                                                        "They come back with the attitude of wanting to help because they got help," he said. "To me, I think that's kind of an encouragement."

                                                                                        Lake said she thinks staff members are frequently hired because they've already gone through the program and are easy to control — and that's "a major red flag."

                                                                                        "It's almost like an insurance policy," she said. "They bend to his will, and they haven't been arguing about it. I think it's absolutely dangerous."

                                                                                        Bradford entered the academy at 17 and was hired upon graduating, according to the Shasta County Sheriff's Office. Lake said she thinks former students might also be hired after graduation because they'll work for less money than older employees would.

                                                                                        An ad posting on lists a "house parent" position at the Whitmore campus as paying $9.25 an hour. The posting doesn't list any specific job requirements, though the ad does say applicants must consent to a background check.

                                                                                        "We ask that our staff be spiritually mature with great communication skills and be especially willing and able to listen. Staff need to have a heart for this kind of ministry. We want them to provide the love and support the students need while maintaining the discipline and accountability required," the ad reads.

                                                                                        Ludwig said his average staff member is 28 years old, and some have master's degrees of education or counseling. All have to go through a background check with the state justice department, he said.

                                                                                        But some things, like Jessica Bradford's situation, just can't be anticipated, he said.

                                                                                        "Who's going to predict that? This girl kept this so secretive her mother and her boyfriend didn't even know," he said. "It's not going to catch everything."

                                                                                        There isn't a requirement for employees to undergo any kind of psychological evaluation, he said.

                                                                                        Still, Ludwig, who lives in Orange County, said he has "complete confidence" that staff members run things soundly in his absence. He said he visits the campus for a training program for seven to 10 days a month.

                                                                                        "We are doing it right, and I'm confident in that based on our history and our background," he said.

                                                                                        The secrecy

                                                                                        Websites affiliated with the school, including, its parent organization founded by Ludwig, haven't been running since Bradford's arrest. Links say "Down for maintenance" or "Not found."

                                                                                        The school's Facebook and Myspace pages are blank or private. One Facebook page for the group offers the school's Wikipedia profile as its only public information.

                                                                                        Other websites with information on the school refer questions to a 1-800 number in Chino, where Teen Rescue is rooted.

                                                                                        The school, which has been in Shasta County for around three years, isn't listed on Google Maps or in the phone book. It's tucked away in the foothills of Whitmore, some 50 miles from downtown Redding.

                                                                                        Ludwig said the secrecy surrounding the school is an effort to protect students from the situations that got them there in the first place.

                                                                                        The teens, who already have gone through troubled pasts, have had to deal with even more strife since Bradford's arrest, he said. They've been visited by a counselor to cope with the "awful, horrendous tragedy."

                                                                                        He said the focus should be on supporting them, and it doesn't make sense that people wouldn't have spoken out about alleged abuse at the school before now if it really happened.

                                                                                        "I can't get my head around how it's shifted from this tragedy to making themselves the victim," he said. "To crucify us in the press, to me, tells us the validity of the stories."

                                                                                        But Lake said she knows other people who had traumatic experiences at Julian, and they're afraid of the consequences of complaining.

                                                                                        "We get conditioned, like we can't say anything because ... we just want to graduate and be done with it. It's not necessarily textbook abusive, (but) I think it's still dangerous ..." she said. "I always get dismissed as a troublesome, disgruntled student. I'm not a disgruntled student, I'm a woman who has looked back at an issue that happened in her childhood and has spoken out about it."

                                                                                        © 2011 Record Searchlight.
                                                                                        « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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                                                                                        Comments: "Julian leader backs school; recent death of..."
                                                                                        « Reply #58 on: January 17, 2012, 10:13:21 PM »
                                                                                        Comments left for the above article, "Julian leader backs school; recent death of infant has drawn criticism" (by Alayna Shulman; November 19, 2011; Record Searchlight), #s 1-20:

                                                                                        Lillybee writes: November 19, 2011 11:06 p.m.
                                                                                          Thank you for this story. It didn't answer my questions but at least it was a start.
                                                                                        mrphixit2 writes: November 20, 2011 1:05 a.m.
                                                                                          The whole Jessica Bradford story is so very sad. I don’t think any school or organization, public or private, should be blamed for someone getting pregnant, not telling her mother or boyfriend and then starving the baby. She had nine months to contact Planned Parenthood but chose not to. Bradford admitted making trips to town after the baby was born, where she could have dropped the baby off almost anywhere with no questions asked. No one ever needed to know.
                                                                                          The choices Bradford made were unfortunate and tragic for her, the baby, her parents and everyone around or close to her.

                                                                                          Now Ms. Lake who admittedly attended a different campus eight or more years ago as a ‘troubled teen’ and has obviously never been to this campus, pops up. Ms. Lake who “always gets dismissed as a troublesome, disgruntled student” could have gotten the publicity and attention she seeks now, by contacting Gloria Allred eight years ago. Or if she really had those “traumatic experiences” in her childhood at the campus in Southern CA, why didn’t she simply go to CPS (Child Protective Services) or the Police when she escaped upon graduation? Sounds a lot like revenge towards her parents who sacrificed to send her to the school in an attempt to get her the help she needed.
                                                                                        dmcgaughey writes: November 20, 2011 3:28 a.m.
                                                                                        OnetoWatch writes: November 20, 2011 3:58 a.m.
                                                                                          Phil Ludwig says "
                                                                                        [The program] teaches a child that you can't demand attention just because you are ready to complain" but he wonders why none of these children contact CPS??? This program is scaring them into silence! He sees no relation to why his own employee/former student hides her pregnancy and then hides her dead baby inside a utility closets and the way he describes what the program teaches?? I wonder if Jessica Bradford would have been dismissed as easily as it seems he is dismissing the complaints of his own "students." I know for a fact that there have been allegations of abuse made by the girls in this school. I have heard story after story of girls who go to Phil Ludwig and the staff at this place and tell them of issues of abuse. The only reason these things aren't being reported to CPS is because Phil himself is dropping the ball and not reporting them!

                                                                                        I think he is missing the point also on why there is a need to give his staff psychological evaluations. Yeah, you can't screen for someone turning into a monster, but maybe if he had the proper staff screened in the first place when Jessica was an actual student at the school, she could have gotten the help she obviously needed by a staff member who actually had more qualifications then just being a 'Christian with a loving heart.' You know who else claimed to be a Christian? Jeffrey Dahmer. So would that make him qualifed in Phil's eyes?[/list]
                                                                                        ReddingCritic writes: November 20, 2011 5:55 a.m.
                                                                                          "Ludwig said the school is currently accredited through one agency whose name he couldn't immediately recall..."

                                                                                          Obviously accreditation is not central to Ludwig's concerns. Had he taken accreditation seriously, two important things would be quite different than they are:

                                                                                          1. Staff would have been screened carefully, so that Bradford would not have been hired, and

                                                                                          2. Staff that discovered the dead baby on a Friday would not have waited until Sunday to call the authorities.

                                                                                          Finally, the R/S is following up on important issues in this tragedy. One of many remaining questions is whether or not charges are to be brought against the mandated child abuse reporters on staff who did not report finding a dead baby "immediately" as required by law.
                                                                                        baampilotcars writes: November 20, 2011 6:28 a.m.
                                                                                          My problem is that they have conditioned her into away of thinking that resulted in the starving to death of a new born baby. There is no way anyone can convince me that the school is not reponsible.
                                                                                        OnetoWatch writes: November 20, 2011 6:41 a.m.
                                                                                          Many of these former students, myself included, have brought up issues of abuse to Phil Ludwig, and HE is the one who is dropping the ball in reporting them to the proper authorities. For someone who throws around his background as a former police officer, it sure does seem like he doesn't know the law that requires school officials to report child abuse. Also this place is not even really a school! How come he says in some places that Julian Youth Academy is a school, but then in other places he says it is a Behavior Modification program? Which one is it? Lets get to the bottom of what this place really is! What kinds of "troubled teens" does he accept, and who does he have taking care of them? He said on his website (before it got shut down for maintenance) that this was a theraputic program, so where are the therapists?
                                                                                        FivePlusOne writes: November 20, 2011 6:53 a.m.
                                                                                            in response to
                                                                                            The whole Jessica Bradford story is so very sad. I don't think any school or organization, public or private, should be blamed for someone getting pregnant, not telling her mother or boyfriend and then starving the baby. She had nine months to contact Planned Parenthood but chose not to. Bradford admitted making trips to town after the baby was born, where she could have dropped the baby off almost anywhere with no questions asked. No one ever needed to know.
                                                                                            The choices Bradford made were unfortunate and tragic for her, the baby, her parents and everyone around or close to her.

                                                                                            Now Ms. Lake who admittedly attended a different campus eight or more years ago as a 'troubled teen' and has obviously never been to this campus, pops up. Ms. Lake who "always gets dismissed as a troublesome, disgruntled student" could have gotten the publicity and attention she seeks now, by contacting Gloria Allred eight years ago. Or if she really had those "traumatic experiences" in her childhood at the campus in Southern CA, why didn't she simply go to CPS (Child Protective Services) or the Police when she escaped upon graduation? Sounds a lot like revenge towards her parents who sacrificed to send her to the school in an attempt to get her the help she needed.
                                                                                          [/list][/size]I agree...[/list]
                                                                                          dacndoc writes: November 20, 2011 7 a.m.
                                                                                            Who's funding this school? Private or gov't? I bet I can guess!!!!!!!!!
                                                                                          arose10 writes: November 20, 2011 7:14 a.m.
                                                                                            Ms. Lake and many other students have told their story, not only to the CEO of this program asking him questions, but also to officers of the law and news reporters. No one was interested in listening , until this horrific tragedy. It is sad that this tragedy is the only thing that has opened the ears to the public. If you look at old stories posted about Julian Youth Academy, you will see proof that these students have been reaching out.
                                                                                          kishkan writes: November 20, 2011 7:14 a.m.
                                                                                              in response to
                                                                                              Who's funding this school? Private or gov't? I bet I can guess!!!!!!!!!
                                                                                            [/list][/size]Anyone can guess. Only you can't read an article which states how it's paid for.[/list]
                                                                                            doitdon writes: November 20, 2011 7:24 a.m.
                                                                                              Stay on it Shulman.
                                                                                            Transfer_Master writes: November 20, 2011 7:43 a.m.
                                                                                              (This comment was removed by the site staff.)[/list]
                                                                                              BkPkers2 writes: November 20, 2011 8:07 a.m.
                                                                                                  in response to
                                                                                                  Who's funding this school? Private or gov't? I bet I can guess!!!!!!!!!
                                                                                                [/list][/size]The article clearly states that tuition is $3000 per month - and that's a tidy sum X all the kids they have there. . .nice annual income for this school.

                                                                                                With that sort of tuition, one can only presume these are children from well to do families - out of sight and out of mind! Just how many people can afford $36K/year for educating their "troubled" kids.

                                                                                                Wonder just how many "students" have gone through this school in Whitmore and how many through the other "campuses" in the State - and does this school pay taxes or are they under some "exempt" status because they claim a pseudo-religious affiliation.

                                                                                                I really find it difficult to believe that as the school's "Director", Mr. Ludwig cannot remember what agency has "accredited" this facility - based on the comment from the WASC spokesperson, it appears they have no accreditation at all - but, hey "they love kids" and that's why they charge $3,000 per month. Wonder why the southern California campus is now defunct.[/list]
                                                                                                AShulman (staff) writes: November 20, 2011 8:20 a.m.
                                                                                                    in response to
                                                                                                    The article clearly states that tuition is $3000 per month - and that's a tidy sum X all the kids they have there. . .nice annual income for this school.

                                                                                                    With that sort of tuition, one can only presume these are children from well to do families - out of sight and out of mind! Just how many people can afford $36K/year for educating their "troubled" kids.

                                                                                                    Wonder just how many "students" have gone through this school in Whitmore and how many through the other "campuses" in the State - and does this school pay taxes or are they under some "exempt" status because they claim a pseudo-religious affiliation.

                                                                                                    I really find it difficult to believe that as the school's "Director", Mr. Ludwig cannot remember what agency has "accredited" this facility - based on the comment from the WASC spokesperson, it appears they have no accreditation at all - but, hey "they love kids" and that's why they charge $3,000 per month. Wonder why the southern California campus is now defunct.
                                                                                                  The Southern California campus burned to the ground in 2003, so they relocated to Whitmore. Sorry for the confusion.

                                                                                                  - Alayna Shulman[/list]
                                                                                                  DarkElla30 writes: November 20, 2011 8:21 a.m.
                                                                                                    The woman who killed her child never mentioned that the school made her do it, or that she did it because of the school, or that she was in any way unhappy at the school. I understood from her statements that she didn't want her lifestyle to change, meaning: she'd be sent away from the program if she had a child, or that her BF wouldn't like her child, or something like that. The school can't he held responsible for the warped choice a mentally ill person made.

                                                                                                    If this other student -not even from the same school- was ordered by a court to serve time or go to a reform school, then of *course* she doesn't have anything good to say about the program. Yes, they will search you upon entrance. Yes, there are structure and rules. Troubled kids only get out of these programs what they put into them.

                                                                                                    Everyone wants someone to blame for this hideous situation, and I think it's ok to say, "Sadly, some troubled kid behaved in a troubled way." She will have her lifestyle altered now by jailtime, or by being moved into some tougher facility where she can't run off to have sex, that's all.
                                                                                                  New_Voice writes: November 20, 2011 8:48 a.m.
                                                                                                    think this school should def. be investigated. I don't believe they are responsible for this horrific event but how could something like this go unnoticed. A 9month pregnancy, the birth of an infant, 4 days of it crying from not being fed, and then its body being hidden inside a dormitory for a month. REALLY, nobody noticed anything??? As a school for troubled youth, I would think they would be held to a higher standard, with more involvement then regular schools. As for the accusations of mistreatment from previous students, I believe they are probably true. If something like this can happen with a staff member and go completely unnoticed, I cant imagine the kind of things that happens to the children/students behind closed doors, especially when they've been labeled "TROUBLED YOUTH" with a history of lying. MAKES ME SICK!!!!!!!!!!!
                                                                                                  randy writes: November 20, 2011 8:51 a.m.
                                                                                                    "The tree shall be known by it's fruit"?
                                                                                                  localborne writes: November 20, 2011 8:59 a.m.
                                                                                                    "Sadly, some troubled kid behaved in a troubled way."

                                                                                                    She was 22 when she got pregnant, not a kid at all. I think this kind of reasoning/attitude is what got this woman in the situation to begin with.

                                                                                                    Unsaid is that they most likely "teach" abstinence and drill the pro-Life message.

                                                                                                    Well, that did not work.
                                                                                                  JYASurvivor writes: November 20, 2011 9:22 a.m.
                                                                                                    I am one of the former students of JYA. The first place of residence was in julian,ca. The lease was up so we all the students boys and girls had to pack everything up and move to another location about 3 mile down the hill top and road. That location was still in Julian, ca. That location was burnt down in the san diego fires. look it up! I was a student from '93 to '96. I am now a mother, wife, survivor, and grown woman. My time at jya was not pleasant to say the least. I had to dig holes 4 feet wide and 6 feet in length when I did or said something wrong. I also had to run up and down a set of stairs to the point where i could hardly breath for hours with no water nor a break, i had to write thousands of sentences, when i try to run away to get help i was caught and then had to wear a bath robe and slippers in the snow for 3 weeks with no shower at all. plus 5000 sentences each 500 had to be a bible verse no less then 13 words, and every 500 had to be a diferent verse. the staff would randomly come in our rooms and flip it upside down and do room searches for hidden food or drinks ( non alcoholic ) water or juices. there were voice monitors in every room to listen to our every move or sound we made. there was an up and down buddy system. the up buddies were in charge to watch over and hold accountable the down buddies and if the down buddies did anything wrong even speaking when not aloud to the up buddy would be held responsible. I could go on. There are many of us out here that have spoken about our time there and it has been tossed under the rug multiple times. Phil Ludwig was barely around. maybe once every couple of months he would come down to SD for a meeting or when there was new staff. But other than that Phil did not care nor show any kindness towards us teenagers. As a matter of fact he personally threatened to send me to the Dominic Republic after I had attempted to run away until I was 18. On another note. My mother was a single mother of two teenage girls, my father had just died in '92 and she was trying her hardest to raise us alone. I have no ill feelings toward my mom for doing what she thought was right at the time. I hold solely JYA responsible for tearing us down punishing us making us feel like dog poop and never knowing how to build us back up properly. Phil talked about an aftercare program and home, but of course that never happened. Phil is a good talker! If your gonna talk the talk then be prepared to walk the walk. And you wonder why all the sites are down for JYA? Because Phil is trying his best to not have to deal with the reality at hand and all the years of breaking down these innocent souls that took a wrong turn in life.

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                                                                                                  Comments: "Julian leader backs school; recent death of..."
                                                                                                  « Reply #59 on: January 17, 2012, 10:17:57 PM »
                                                                                                  Comments left for the above article, "Julian leader backs school; recent death of infant has drawn criticism" (by Alayna Shulman; November 19, 2011; Record Searchlight), #s 21-40:

                                                                                                  scobechay writes: November 20, 2011 9:34 a.m.
                                                                                                    Why was Ms. Lake put in a "troubled teens" school in the first place. Obviously, she had some problems to work on??????
                                                                                                  Jabberwocky writes: November 20, 2011 9:43 a.m.
                                                                                                    Here we go again!!! Blaming someone or something else for the actions of another, thus perpetuating the "I take no personal responsibility for my actions" mantra. People!! This WOMAN chose to get pregnant - yes chose. In this day a and age there are just too many ways to avoid pregnancy if you so choose. Then she chose to go forward with the pregnancy. Again, in this day and age, that too can be addressed. Then she CHOSE to hide her pregnancy from everyone. Then she CHOSE to deliver her child without seeking help. Then she CHOSE to hide and starve her child to death when there were so many other alternatives.

                                                                                                    This woman is not troubled - she is EVIL! She methodically and deliberately chose every step along this journey. Now, she AND SHE ALONE must pay for her actions! The schools is not to blame, her parents and friends are not to blame and for God's sake - society is not to blame!

                                                                                                    Let the judicial chips fall where they may for this scum. I hope they lock her up and throw away the key. Let's see if that changes her life style!!!!
                                                                                                  galex66 writes: November 20, 2011 10:01 a.m.
                                                                                                      in response to
                                                                                                      The whole Jessica Bradford story is so very sad. I don't think any school or organization, public or private, should be blamed for someone getting pregnant, not telling her mother or boyfriend and then starving the baby. She had nine months to contact Planned Parenthood but chose not to. Bradford admitted making trips to town after the baby was born, where she could have dropped the baby off almost anywhere with no questions asked. No one ever needed to know.
                                                                                                      The choices Bradford made were unfortunate and tragic for her, the baby, her parents and everyone around or close to her.

                                                                                                      Now Ms. Lake who admittedly attended a different campus eight or more years ago as a 'troubled teen' and has obviously never been to this campus, pops up. Ms. Lake who "always gets dismissed as a troublesome, disgruntled student" could have gotten the publicity and attention she seeks now, by contacting Gloria Allred eight years ago. Or if she really had those "traumatic experiences" in her childhood at the campus in Southern CA, why didn't she simply go to CPS (Child Protective Services) or the Police when she escaped upon graduation? Sounds a lot like revenge towards her parents who sacrificed to send her to the school in an attempt to get her the help she needed.
                                                                                                    [/list][/size]There are a lot of people who went to that school, who have tried to get the story behind this school out there, for years! We have reached out to numerous news outlets, lawyers, CPS etc. As far as the local police, they know about the school and are told we are liars and if a child is caught running to immediately bring them back and don't listen to a word we say. For parents it is hard to accept the stories the kids tell them, when they finally get out, because all communication during your stay is monitored. Phil also warns parents that we will try to manipulate them by telling lies about the school. So even talking to your parents about the issues at the school can be very hard, until enough time has passed that they can accept that Phil is not the man he claims to be nor runs the program he claims to run.[/list]
                                                                                                    galex66 writes: November 20, 2011 10:19 a.m.
                                                                                                      As another former member of this school, I definitely feel this school should be looked into. There are many students who have stories to tell of things that happened to them while they were there. It is not that we are disgruntled we just want future parents of students to know what they are REALLY getting into. As far as a "relationship-based program" what program is he talking about? You are not allowed to have relationships with other students, if they see you are building too close of a friendship, they mark no-talk on your tag and the people's names you are not allowed to talk to. Good staff, were hard to find but even a relationship with them could be seen critically and they would back away. Relationships with family are destroyed during your time there, you aren't allowed to write anyone but your parents, so good bye sisters, brothers, grandma, grandpa, see you when I get out, hopefully. Phil's answers to questions are allusive at best. He answers the question with as little information as possible. I like how he said he spends 7-10 ten days there a month, the whole time I was there I saw him on campus three times and off campus for all the off campus trips so he could give the impression he had done something nice for us. So much more stuff I could write a book. Doesn't anyone else think its interesting he took down all the websites about the school and is working on changing the name of it? What does he have to hide that he doesn't want us to see?
                                                                                                    alishiamarie writes: November 20, 2011 10:42 a.m.
                                                                                                      All I have to say is that I grew up in Whitmore. I had friends that went to that school like almost 20 years ago. I can CLEARLY recal hearing the same stories that this former student is coming forward with! I absolutly feel its valid. I think ANYTIME there is a question of child abuse of ANYKIND it should be looked at and investigated. If this school has nothing to hide then they will surely welcome a closer look inside its curriculum and how its run. I was abused as a child and I know first hand the control an adult can have and how this can affect your thoughts and decisions. This is a very serious situation and its REAL people! Stop looking the other way. Investigate child abuse if we don't who will? People get away with it everyday and children are made to keep quiet about it not just out of fear but out of embarrasment. I hope this doesn't just get swept under the table because the effects of child abuse have a dominoe effect on the whole community. It doesn't end with the abuser and the abused obviously now we have a dead infant. Wake up people!
                                                                                                    Lynordess writes: November 20, 2011 10:49 a.m.
                                                                                                      would LOVE to hear from other "students" of this place. Thank you galex66 for sharing your story.
                                                                                                    kitkaboodle26#212514 writes: November 20, 2011 11:04 a.m.
                                                                                                      While reading this horrific story and learning that it happened at a Christian based school, it made me reflect on my ex sister in law's stay in a Christian based Rehab in Southern CA. She had just recovered from a mastectomy and her parents "believed" she had an addiction to pain medication so they "suggested" she go there. The rules were no communication witht he opposite sex while attending church services, that means NO LOOKING at them either. Males on one side, females on the other. The staff read your incoming mail and your outgoing mail. She was told that she could no longer write or recieve mail from my brother; no not the ex husband brother, another sibling because he was a non related male. Anytime she had a phone conversation, yes even when I called, she was very selective about what she could say, as her conversations as well as her physical self was being monitored. Yes, there was punishments for violations of the rules. One in particular that I found rather disturbing as well as the rest of the family ( on my side) is at night, you are taken from your room and you have to dig a hole at least 6 feet deep. They made her do it..still recovering from a mastectomy 4 months before that. I asked her "WHY"? Her explaination was short and brief.."It comes from scriptures". I was shocked to say the least as well as angry. Is this the equal to "stoning"?
                                                                                                      I beleive there is credibility to Ms. lake's story. I think these facilities are ran on border line zealousy. Church is separate of the state so they can get by with things.
                                                                                                      I also find it very disturbing that Mr. Ludwig doesn't know who the other accreditors are.
                                                                                                      The conditioning is right in front of our eyes, "Hide Hide Hide." That is probably why they waited to report it to law enforcement..had to make sure it was okay with the management and how they can best figure out how to exonerate the school. I think this place needs to be shut down. As for the mother, I think she is mentally ill, but no insanity plea. She knew exactly what she was doing and the why. I find the school indirectly responsible for the doctrine they teach..HIDE HIDE HIDE. her and her boyfriend were probably not supposed to be boyfriend and of the big NO NO'S. I am not justifying anything that girl did because there is no justification.. just trying to understand how a place like that school can manipulate people this far..and look at the tragedy that has taken place because of their freaked up rules. But she alone is responsible for this ugly act.
                                                                                                    alishiamarie writes: November 20, 2011 11:18 a.m.
                                                                                                      Go on google maps and pull this place up. Its on Tamarac road. When was the last time you have even seen a prison that was this secluded? No joke people. Tamarac is an old logging road!
                                                                                                    Lillybee writes: November 20, 2011 11:52 a.m.
                                                                                                      don't understand why almost all information about this school seems to have been scrubbed from the net.
                                                                                                    mrphixit2 writes: November 20, 2011 12:16 p.m.
                                                                                                        in response to
                                                                                                        While reading this horrific story and learning that it happened at a Christian based school, it made me reflect on my ex sister in law's stay in a Christian based Rehab in Southern CA. She had just recovered from a mastectomy and her parents "believed" she had an addiction to pain medication so they "suggested" she go there. The rules were no communication witht he opposite sex while attending church services, that means NO LOOKING at them either. Males on one side, females on the other. The staff read your incoming mail and your outgoing mail. She was told that she could no longer write or recieve mail from my brother; no not the ex husband brother, another sibling because he was a non related male. Anytime she had a phone conversation, yes even when I called, she was very selective about what she could say, as her conversations as well as her physical self was being monitored. Yes, there was punishments for violations of the rules. One in particular that I found rather disturbing as well as the rest of the family ( on my side) is at night, you are taken from your room and you have to dig a hole at least 6 feet deep. They made her do it..still recovering from a mastectomy 4 months before that. I asked her "WHY"? Her explaination was short and brief.."It comes from scriptures". I was shocked to say the least as well as angry. Is this the equal to "stoning"?
                                                                                                        I beleive there is credibility to Ms. lake's story. I think these facilities are ran on border line zealousy. Church is separate of the state so they can get by with things.
                                                                                                        I also find it very disturbing that Mr. Ludwig doesn't know who the other accreditors are.
                                                                                                        The conditioning is right in front of our eyes, "Hide Hide Hide." That is probably why they waited to report it to law enforcement..had to make sure it was okay with the management and how they can best figure out how to exonerate the school. I think this place needs to be shut down. As for the mother, I think she is mentally ill, but no insanity plea. She knew exactly what she was doing and the why. I find the school indirectly responsible for the doctrine they teach..HIDE HIDE HIDE. her and her boyfriend were probably not supposed to be boyfriend and of the big NO NO'S. I am not justifying anything that girl did because there is no justification.. just trying to understand how a place like that school can manipulate people this far..and look at the tragedy that has taken place because of their freaked up rules. But she alone is responsible for this ugly act.
                                                                                                      [/list][/size]Thank you for reflecting on your ex sister in law's stay in a Christian based Rehab in Southern CA.

                                                                                                      Nothing like throwing in a 3rd party rumor unrelated to this story, this school or anyone there now or in the past. Adding that "at night, you are taken from your room and you have to dig a hole at least 6 feet deep." doesn't pass the smell test.

                                                                                                      With no factual or first hand knowledge you say 'I think this place needs to be shut down.' I hope you never get called for Jury Duty.[/list]
                                                                                                      Universal writes: November 20, 2011 12:21 p.m.
                                                                                                        Julian does sound like another christian based cult that is common in CA. The brain washing and secrecy is the common thread. Not too unlike that which goes on with Scientology, which by the way, is a cult of the highest order, minus the faith component.
                                                                                                      javajink writes: November 20, 2011 12:44 p.m.
                                                                                                        As another past student (survivor) of Julian Youth Academy, I want it to be cleared up that Phil Ludwig stated some things in his comments that are COMPLETELY false...

                                                                                                        1. "Even our Christian doctrine is, we don't force it on anyone," he said. "We're really mainstream, normal Christian people."

                                                                                                        I personally want this to be addressed. Attending this "program" is a very long process that usually last 15 months to 2 yrs. From day 1, you are required to attend bible studies, church gatherings and any other christian functions they choose for you. You have to conform to their beliefs. If you ask to be removed from these practices due to your own personal beliefs or opinions, you are automatically labeled as rebelling or straying away from the program and will be punished and disciplined accordingly. Discipline meaning, writing biblical lines chosen by staff members sometimes up to 1500 times, running lines (set up by staff), running stairs, NO-TALK (no speaking, no gestures, no smiling, no questions)sometimes this can last over a month... If you do not accept their beliefs and religion you will be stuck until you do.
                                                                                                      javajink writes: November 20, 2011 12:45 p.m.
                                                                                                        2. "Ludwig said claims that students are force-fed or have to do manual labor are untrue. Those accusations have sprouted up on Internet websites in the wake of the Bradford story."

                                                                                                        "We do not use food as discipline, ... we do not use corporal punishment," he said. "We never use human rights as discipline."

                                                                                                        This is complete falsity. It scares me that he either believes people will not speak out or he really has NO idea what is really going on at his institution.

                                                                                                        Force-feeding: This is a daily routine on campus. Starting from your first meal when you arrive, you are served a full plate and are REQUIRED to eat the portions in its entirety (even if it is something you are not used to eating. Example: Vegetarians having to eat meat, Vegan's having to eat dairy and meat)even if your body does not respond well. You are not allowed to get up from the table until you have eaten your full plate. This is strictly monitored.

                                                                                                        3."All clients of any business are not always going to be ecstatic about the service they got," he said. "If they're saying that we're abusing these kids, why are they waiting until this tragedy? Why are they focusing on themselves?"

                                                                                                        I just want to state this for the record that past students that have issues with things that happened to them in Julian Youth Academy's care HAVE been trying to speak out for years! Unfortunately, it has taken a great tragedy like this, for people to open their ears and eyes and look deeper into the harsh, irresponsible environment that JYA provides.

                                                                                                        2. cont. "We never use human rights as discipline."

                                                                                                        Must I bring up the "NO-TALK" issue and go over the ammendments from the Constitution of the United States. Not to mention the physical labor that is required on a daily basis including cleaning, digging, shoveling, raking, stump removal and other "chores" required.

                                                                                                        I personally know for a fact that Phil Ludwig may be the CEO and have all kinds of pleasant words to speak about "his" JULIAN YOUTH ACADEMY, but the fact of the matter is that in the 2 years that I attended, I saw him a total 5 times in those 2 years, and NEVER once did I speak to him on a personal level. I believe that these "troubled teens" are a paycheck to him. That is all. This is his lively hood.
                                                                                                      mrphixit2 writes: November 20, 2011 1:31 p.m.
                                                                                                        This horrific story and the 'blame someone else' postings sadden me. Blame the parents, Blame the public schools the failing kid attended. Blame the new school that completely separates the sexes to prevent student pregnancies. Blame the other staff members who could not see she was pregnant under bulky clothes. We know pregnancies have never gone undetected anywhere else, even with parents watching. Blame the school administrators who try to guide these problem kids away from the drugs, alcohol and prostitution trades they came from. Blame the CEO for not foreseeing that she would get pregnant and kill the baby. Blame the evil police and school staff members who search in the wilderness for hours to bring back poor kids who runaway and head into 100miles of forest populated with 'real' bears with no food and wearing a tee shirt. Blame CPS for not believing kids who were sent to these schools for destructive behavioral problems and habitual lying. Blame the Courts that gave some of them a choice of "one of these schools or jail". Military Service would be best for them but our volunteer Military would not accept most of them.
                                                                                                        It's always someone else's fault. Surprising that no one has said it was 'Bush's fault'.

                                                                                                        The students (and some others) need a sign on their mirrors that read, "I am my own problem and I am the only one who can fix it"
                                                                                                      galex66 writes: November 20, 2011 2:05 p.m.
                                                                                                          in response to
                                                                                                          This horrific story and the 'blame someone else' postings sadden me. Blame the parents, Blame the public schools the failing kid attended. Blame the new school that completely separates the sexes to prevent student pregnancies. Blame the other staff members who could not see she was pregnant under bulky clothes. We know pregnancies have never gone undetected anywhere else, even with parents watching. Blame the school administrators who try to guide these problem kids away from the drugs, alcohol and prostitution trades they came from. Blame the CEO for not foreseeing that she would get pregnant and kill the baby. Blame the evil police and school staff members who search in the wilderness for hours to bring back poor kids who runaway and head into 100miles of forest populated with 'real' bears with no food and wearing a tee shirt. Blame CPS for not believing kids who were sent to these schools for destructive behavioral problems and habitual lying. Blame the Courts that gave some of them a choice of "one of these schools or jail". Military Service would be best for them but our volunteer Military would not accept most of them.
                                                                                                          It's always someone else's fault. Surprising that no one has said it was 'Bush's fault'.

                                                                                                          The students (and some others) need a sign on their mirrors that read, "I am my own problem and I am the only one who can fix it"
                                                                                                        [/list][/size]A previous article on this site about this girl states "Bradford also told detectives she never told anyone about the baby or her pregnancy because she feared she would lose her job and her lifestyle." A innocent baby's life was lost because she was scared of the repercussions from this "Christian" boarding school. They advocate Christianity is a way of life not a religion and it means to live Christ like. Does it not show something about the schools administration and how it was ran, that she was scared of what they would do to her, even fire her. I believe in California you can not fire someone who is pregnant, that would be considered wrongful termination. So she was scared the school would slander her to the students and other staff and make her life miserable. Now, rather than dealing with that, she is facing charges of murder. How did she think she was going to hide this forever? Why did the school find the baby on a Friday but not call the cops until Sunday, were they going to cover it up? Like they do so many other things. I wasn't sent there by the courts, I was not sent there because I am a liar, I was not in danger of failing school,you assume a lot about a bunch of people you don't know and never will. When someone ran away two staff went to look for them, not a search and rescue team like you are portraying. Sexes have always been segregated at this school in all of its locations. At one point they got rid of the boys, why? Because they attacked one another, you could look up the court documents but because they are minors they aren't public record, but three guys were arrested on campus and went to jail. Many witnessed it, not just me. They told the parents the boys were "too much to handle," that was their only explanation. Why did they lie to the parents? Once again, covering their tracks? As for girls who were sent there who were already pregnant, they were told to give the baby up for adoption and told the parents to make them do it and tell the girls they would not help or support them. These girls didn't know their rights. Many of them went through this. Is that their fault? A lot of girls have babies young and they step up and grow up. They don't live off mommy and daddy, they get jobs, go to school and make a better life for their children. Did the school inform them that it was an option to do that? No, they told the kids on your eighteenth birthday you can choose to walk out of here with nothing but the clothes on your back, basically threatening to hold them there and no keeping the baby wasn't an option. If you argued with them they threatened to send you to the Dominican Republic, where you would have to pull boulders back and forth everyday, and they claimed the age of 18 was not considered an adult. Is that an act of love? Or just another scare tactic to keep the kids in check?[/list]
                                                                                                        galex66 writes: November 20, 2011 2:06 p.m.
                                                                                                            in response to
                                                                                                            A previous article on this site about this girl states "Bradford also told detectives she never told anyone about the baby or her pregnancy because she feared she would lose her job and her lifestyle." A innocent baby's life was lost because she was scared of the repercussions from this "Christian" boarding school. They advocate Christianity is a way of life not a religion and it means to live Christ like. Does it not show something about the schools administration and how it was ran, that she was scared of what they would do to her, even fire her. I believe in California you can not fire someone who is pregnant, that would be considered wrongful termination. So she was scared the school would slander her to the students and other staff and make her life miserable. Now, rather than dealing with that, she is facing charges of murder. How did she think she was going to hide this forever? Why did the school find the baby on a Friday but not call the cops until Sunday, were they going to cover it up? Like they do so many other things. I wasn't sent there by the courts, I was not sent there because I am a liar, I was not in danger of failing school,you assume a lot about a bunch of people you don't know and never will. When someone ran away two staff went to look for them, not a search and rescue team like you are portraying. Sexes have always been segregated at this school in all of its locations. At one point they got rid of the boys, why? Because they attacked one another, you could look up the court documents but because they are minors they aren't public record, but three guys were arrested on campus and went to jail. Many witnessed it, not just me. They told the parents the boys were "too much to handle," that was their only explanation. Why did they lie to the parents? Once again, covering their tracks? As for girls who were sent there who were already pregnant, they were told to give the baby up for adoption and told the parents to make them do it and tell the girls they would not help or support them. These girls didn't know their rights. Many of them went through this. Is that their fault? A lot of girls have babies young and they step up and grow up. They don't live off mommy and daddy, they get jobs, go to school and make a better life for their children. Did the school inform them that it was an option to do that? No, they told the kids on your eighteenth birthday you can choose to walk out of here with nothing but the clothes on your back, basically threatening to hold them there and no keeping the baby wasn't an option. If you argued with them they threatened to send you to the Dominican Republic, where you would have to pull boulders back and forth everyday, and they claimed the age of 18 was not considered an adult. Is that an act of love? Or just another scare tactic to keep the kids in check?
                                                                                                          [/list][/size]It was not a school of learning and healing, it was a lock down. I do look in the mirror everyday and tell myself, look at all you have accomplished because of the strong person you are! If something is not going great I can fix it! And I do. Everything I have done in my life good or bad, is a reflection of me and my desire to improve my life.[/list]
                                                                                                          Lillybee writes: November 20, 2011 3:19 p.m.
                                                                                                            Thank you for sharing.

                                                                                                            One thing I read about Julian Christian Academy is that the students were only allowed to listen to Christian radio and only allowed to watch Christian TV stations. Is this something shared by mainstream Christians? Ludwig claims that this a mainstream Christian school.
                                                                                                          galex66 writes: November 20, 2011 5:52 p.m.
                                                                                                              in response to
                                                                                                              Thank you for sharing.

                                                                                                              One thing I read about Julian Christian Academy is that the students were only allowed to listen to Christian radio and only allowed to watch Christian TV stations. Is this something shared by mainstream Christians? Ludwig claims that this a mainstream Christian school.
                                                                                                            [/list][/size]I don't think that is mainstream Christianity at all. We were only allowed to listen to Christian music. As far as TV we watched the news weekly when I was there. We also had movie nights weekly that were usually classic films. If a more recent film was shown and there was parts they didn't want us to see they fast forwarded through them. No other Christian I know does those things.[/list]
                                                                                                            NotBornYesterday writes: November 20, 2011 6:51 p.m.
                                                                                                                in response to
                                                                                                                The whole Jessica Bradford story is so very sad. I don't think any school or organization, public or private, should be blamed for someone getting pregnant, not telling her mother or boyfriend and then starving the baby. She had nine months to contact Planned Parenthood but chose not to. Bradford admitted making trips to town after the baby was born, where she could have dropped the baby off almost anywhere with no questions asked. No one ever needed to know.
                                                                                                                The choices Bradford made were unfortunate and tragic for her, the baby, her parents and everyone around or close to her.

                                                                                                                Now Ms. Lake who admittedly attended a different campus eight or more years ago as a 'troubled teen' and has obviously never been to this campus, pops up. Ms. Lake who "always gets dismissed as a troublesome, disgruntled student" could have gotten the publicity and attention she seeks now, by contacting Gloria Allred eight years ago. Or if she really had those "traumatic experiences" in her childhood at the campus in Southern CA, why didn't she simply go to CPS (Child Protective Services) or the Police when she escaped upon graduation? Sounds a lot like revenge towards her parents who sacrificed to send her to the school in an attempt to get her the help she needed.
                                                                                                              [/list][/size]I don't believe anyone is "blaming" the school for the actions themselves but more for emotional issues due to their seemingly cult-like practices. Ms. Bradford is and should be held accountable but looking at the bigger picture here is also necessary in addition to. Jessica will suffer the consequences of her actions and so should the school.

                                                                                                              I am proud of Ms. Lake for standing up and speaking about her time at this school and for giving her opinion. This IS what America is all about..[/list]
                                                                                                              mad4him writes: November 21, 2011 1:24 a.m.
                                                                                                                I personally know all the people in this story. I know Mrs. Lake, I know Phil Ludwig, and I know Jessica Bradford. I am a former student at this program as well. I know that Ms.Lake was contacted by the reporter. She did not contact the reporter herself to talk about JYA. The reporter called her because she had found her information online at another site about JYA. She is definitely not troubled. She is actually one of my good friends and she has helped me recover from a lot of the damage I feel I recieved at this place. I don't think anyone is saying JYA is to blame for Jessica killing her baby. What Jessica did is cold blooded evil. I think the point was more about WHY is Jessica a employee trusted to take care of teens, and WHY do they all hide things up there? WHY is their website hidden? WHY doesn't Phil Ludwig report the abuses to the proper authorities when they are reported to him? I don't think anyone is making themselves out to be a victim relating to the Jessica Bradford baby killing. I think that people just wanted to know what this place was that Jessica came from and worked at. They have questions about the program/school. I don't think that the Jessica Bradford baby killing and the school are related in the sense that it is the schools fault. I think the point was more about this school/program being at fault for putting it's students at risk by hiring just about anyone. Case in point: Obviously Jessica had some troubled issues herself (whether they were mental or evil issues is irrelevant) So why was she hired to care for teens that need help with their own issues? I can say as a ex-student, the place needs to have stricter hiring requirements. To sum it up, they are not responsible or to blame for Jessica being a murderer, and that is not what Ms. Lake was saying. What they ARE resonsible for is hiring staff like this murderer. And what they ARE responisible for is the overall way of sweeping so many issues under the rug. I think us girls are speaking out about it now because parents will finally see that we've been telling the truth all along. Just because we might be sent to the place by our parents (not by a court or judge like someone here said) for having a hard time in life with issues like divorced parents or depression, doesnt mean that we are lying about the place. We finally have a chance to speak up and be believed, because now parents can look at how the staff didn't even call the police right away after the murder, and they can see that not everything is as Phil tries to make you believe.

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