Your book is not a source of competent information. I wish you would not act so surprised at being called out to answer a question. You had this conversation with Albert Beauchane this is known. I was just wondering if you could explain the contradiction. You say here that you got to Elan in Feb. 1978 but in the conversation with Albert Beauchane you said you came to Elan in April. The reason you had this brief conversation was to show the members of the facebook site that you and Albert could not of known one another.
Albert says he left Elan in Feb and you are saying now that you got there in Feb. Yet both of you don't know one another.
OK that could happen.
But what is not excusable is your attempt to manipulate dates of your arrival so you can cover your lies.
Albert Beauchane did not leave Elan in Feb. 1978. We are not absolutely sure when he left but he was still there in June 1978 when Danny left Elan 7.
Why do I know this because I also went through Elan and was Danny's roommate when we lived in downtown Portland, Eastern Promenade by Fort Sumper Park .
If anyone was around back then in 1978 and remembers Heather Mc K. she was a Director for Elan 3 along with Jeff Gottlieb I was her boyfriend at the time, I worked in Old Orchard Beach as a night manager at the Club The White Room. I was originally from Worcester Mass. I live now in Lafayette, La. been here since Danny and I left Maine together in 8/78 and went to work on the oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico, Morgan City La. I started as a boats mate now a Capt. of my own Tug Boat/Supply Ship. Danny stayed with the oil rigs working as a roustabout until he went into the Marine Corps.
Wayne what your ignorant butt doesn't know is that Yvette Portella came down to Louisiana, Danny flew her down. We had a wonderful time she was a special woman, absolutely beautiful. She left after a couple of weeks and then Danny flew up there to try and convince her to come back down and that is when her father and brothers stepped in and put a stop to everything. They were very mean people, IMO.
I will not call you names Wayne but what you are doing concerning Danny and Yvette is wrong, they never did anything with each other while at Elan. None of us ever had sex with anyone, I never understood how anyone could with expeditors and night watchmen running around every 15 mins. What can you accomplish in 15 mins and can you call it sex.
I know for a fact Danny is not gay, bi-sexual, sexual predator and never has abused women ect...why you are claiming he attacked you at Elan is absurd. Have you no respect for yourself.
Margaret Devlin, Barry Strickland, Scott Kremer, Richard Isacc, Steve Hutch, John Wright, John Hardy (we thought he was dead but he is not) and Susan Goodman will be coming around to post. They all know Danny very well, most went to Elan and the others went to Marathon House. Some also were at other institutions with Albert Beuachane and Danny.
Wayno I hope your memory is not faltering because two of those names above are people who were in Elan 7 from late 1976 to late 1978. Three of these people (which includes the two I already referred to) will prove without a doubt Albert Beauchane was still there as of 6/78.
They played on the football team that Peter McCann coached 1976, Joe Ricci took over as coach for Elan 4 and Elan 7 and combined them into one team for 1977.
No one remembers you but hey I will say this for your defense. Danny was talking with Ken Russel last night and Ken told him that Jeffery Gottlieb and Clair Woodman remember you. One problem with that scenario you had already left before Clair showed up at Elan. Even Kenny boy was willing to lie for you. Ken is a bit twisted because he thinks Elan back in the 70's was great place to send your child.