Sorry nope, Danny did not make up the relationship Wayno. Yvette and Danny actually did in fact have a relationship after the program. During the program they both had to suffice with having a thing for each other. Danny definitely had a thing for Yvette. We don't have a problem saying this at all.
The only problem with this whole Yvette and Danny situation has been the sick perverted fucking losers that have tried to capitalize on it.
Wayne has gone crazy with it and tried to parlay it into a tri-fecta rape, molest and sodomy.
Went on a radio show and tried to fake being traumatized. We were shocked at first at how far down this guy can go and then we laughed our asses off.
What a big freaking dumbass. He now has to live for all time with this radio show and his accusations.
Wayne you really don't get it do you.
If you are a rapist and sodomite you don't just stop and never do it again. Read any survey that was ever done these perverts never stop.
So if Danny had done these things there must be a trail somewhere. I mean here he is on this site and others posting from time to time.
The FBI, abuse activist organizations, police ect...all know where he is. From all the raucous you said you were creating I would of thought
Danny would be in jail by now. What happened Wayno???
Let me tell you, Nothing.
You called a innocent man a rapist, sodomite and a abuser. You lied on web sites, blogs, facebook and on a radio show. That information has all
been collected.
Dude I just hope in the end when you have to answer for all of this that you really did have a plan. That somehow this was accomplishing some
purpose that got by all of us.
But in the short time I have gotten to know you, I doubt that you were even the slightest conscious of what you were doing.