Just to be clear, I agree with Che on this, that most of the time these are situations that are instigated by staff. But unless you can find a written policy that says staff should instigate youth, there's little you can do to the program.
Incidents such as these are usually met with calls for more training, and maybe firing of the staff who gets involved in a lot of restraint incidents at most, not the wholesale closure of the program.
And unlike say the Family School, almost all referrals to Green Chimneys come through D.S.S. or local school districts. An internet "smear" campaign isn't going to have an impact on referrals. You need to talk directly to the source. Find out which schools and which counties are sending kids their and talk about your experiences directly with them.
The other thing is, what Green Chimneys was able to do in the 70's and 80's - is not what they would be able to get away with today. Wayne, if Ross called you at your sister's house today, I can't believe that's something they wouldn't be heavily cited for if you told the right person. Even though I'm sure they would have gotten away with it in the 70's and 80's.