Author Topic: Danny Bennison raped residents while Elan School staff  (Read 280746 times)

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Offline DannyB.II

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Re: Danny Bennison raped residents while Elan School staff
« Reply #195 on: January 11, 2013, 12:52:51 AM »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Ruaraidh.

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Re: Danny Bennison raped residents while Elan School staff
« Reply #196 on: January 26, 2013, 04:25:16 PM »
da bump
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Horatio.

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Re: Danny Bennison raped residents while Elan School staff
« Reply #197 on: February 01, 2013, 11:19:43 AM »
None Ya is Danny, no doubt. They both appear and disappear at the same time, and both for exactly 28 days

Danny's most recent photo
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Ruaraidh.

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Re: Danny Bennison raped residents while Elan School staff
« Reply #198 on: February 23, 2013, 07:57:15 PM »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline .T-Rex

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Re: Danny Bennison raped residents while Elan School staff
« Reply #199 on: March 07, 2013, 05:58:05 PM »
Senator Diamond will save you all LOLOLOL
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Ruaraidh.

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Re: Danny Bennison raped residents while Elan School staff
« Reply #200 on: March 09, 2013, 10:36:33 AM »
Senator Diamond is doing all he can to save himself and his ridiculous book
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline YV23

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Re: Danny Bennison raped residents while Elan School staff
« Reply #201 on: March 15, 2013, 11:08:36 PM »
January 28 at 3:44pm Report
 You can't be serious. Are you actually this desperate that you have to believe the stories of another Elanian, no matter how far fetched they are.
 I am not making any excuses for my employment all I said was, I was seventeen yrs. old for christ sake, eighteen when Wayne says he came into my life.
 Why don't you keep a open mind and really read what Wayne is writing, he is venting. Wayne is extremely upset and needs to vent, so be it.
 There will be no negative reaction from me. My comments will be reserved. But please don't mistake my silence for complicity.
 Most of what Wayne is saying here is for effect, twisted tales. he wants to hurt me and make sure he has my attention.
 Hey, I was a resident also for almost 2 years, I nearly killed myself with drugs and alcohol after I left. I stuffed my rage deep into a hole inside me and it leaked out all over everyone until I was almost 40 yrs.old.
 Please don't take sides nobody is fighting anybody here, Wayne has every reason to say what he must.
 If he decides to go take this to a different level when then we will deal with this.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Troublemaker

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Re: Danny Bennison raped residents while Elan School staff
« Reply #202 on: March 15, 2013, 11:17:49 PM »
May 16
Danny Bennison
OK I can dig that you want to support a book. Well first off it is not a book all it is, is a story by a person. Your characterization of reasoning or explaining your concept of the authenticity of Waynes story is beautiful because *S___ G________ (J___ W________, Grassyhero) told me the same thing but he was honest he didn't care if the book was honest or not he wanted to use it to close Elan.
Basically you are saying the same thing, you don't care if Wayne is lying so long as something is thrown out there. What story is being told K Lynn, a fabricated story that is littered with untruths.

Big difference between Straight and Elan, Straight would not do this, all along Straight went for the truth.
They hammered some ex-employees but people always said they wanted the truth not some twisted version of the truth.

Next, by all means please tell everyone what you think you saw in Nov 1976. First off you have no idea who I am now or then, trust me on this. I never had set foot in that house until 2/78. I slept in that building when it was still a bunkhouse but that was in 1975. Ken Steer was the Night watchmen.
What you don't know is many ex-employees stay in touch with one another and we all have kept up our schedules and where were from re-entry thru staff and Ass. Director. In Nov of 1976 I was already in E-4 working, I lived in Windham Me.
Next David Eldrich died in either late 1976 or very early 1977 of a suicide. So I don't know how long he was your Director even if he was. You may be confused on that. When you went to 2a Ronnie was your Director there along with Janet Ramos I believe.

I know you said you know who I am K, you don't. This would not be possible.
Wayne likes to think he knows me too, he can't even get his dates right to when I was actually at E-7 and when I left. When I was a Ass. Director and when I was demoted.
K Lynn you know why they made me a Ass.Director at 18yrs. because they needed to show the states they had a certain percentage of Directors, I was not qualified nor compensated.
Bravo to you and all the others on a story that is fucking pure bullshit, in his next book he is going to tell you he knew John Gottie, The Westies and that he gave the hitmen the cab drive to kill Paul Castalongno.
Elan story does need to be told but it needs to be done by someone who is rational and also a professional.
Why do you think Waynes story will never see the light of day, because he would have to have it vetted for the truth. Nice try.
I hope he does make some money, it will pay for the private investigators I hired to do a through background on him. One has to know who is soiling his backyard. Wayne likes to call it stalking, no it is called investigating a known felon who is actively defaming me. The information we garnered will be used when the time is appropriate.
Wayne, Matt, Felice, Mark, Sharon, Doug, Mary W. and their sock puppets and friends you can have them all. Yes I have no problem judging them and what they do and how they do it.
I own a business (medium size) about 176 employees now, judging is a actual necessity it is good business. Another word for it could be called analyze but I believe judging would be best.
If you folks want to pass judgment on me for a time in my life 17-19 have at it I could give a shit, honestly. I was a child, I have never looked at myself as staff or Ass.Director. I can not even conceptualize this position/job. I had a 8th grade education at the time.
So I have left all those idiots who want to play the employee card on the block list, I have no qualms putting more people there.

Thanks for answering my questions and allowing me to see a bit of you.
Once again I have no problem with you sharing what you think you saw back in Daves office or actually before you went into Daves office. Because I know it wasn't me.
I can't tell you how many people think they saw me. Ask Janet Ramos, Marc Rosenberg, Wendy Fraerman, Michele Kellman, Anne ?, Gayle Barron, Myarm Zybee, Susan Goodman, Tracy Austin, Sean O'hara, Mike O'Neil, Anna Goodman and on and on.
These people don't post here but they know me real well and know exactly where I was and when.
I can tell you one last thing if Wayne ever really tried to push a book through it would have to be honest, because Elan and all the employees that worked there while I was there would rip him to shreds. I know this sounds bad but it isn't because most of the employees I am talking about left from 1976-1978. We have all been gone for over 30 years. I am tired of the bullshit being heaped on past employees because you fucking people think you can.
Fuck we were past residents ourselves.
Oh and NO!!! We were not always trying to please the higher ups. We had are own minds and ideas, most of us were trying to make a difference. The same passion and desires every young 18 year old has, we wanted to change the world.
Then we grew up fast, just like when you first see your Gov't for the first time.

I know this was blunt and to the point but I needed you see how I really feel about everything that has been going on.
take carre

* Edited by Psy: safety issue
« Last Edit: April 20, 2023, 05:23:27 PM by psy »
The troubled teen industry is ineffective because advocates are after money, fame or are as abusive as the programs they\'re fighting

Offline liarsexposed

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Re: Danny Bennison raped residents while Elan School staff
« Reply #203 on: March 18, 2013, 05:27:54 PM »
Wayneboy (and I do mean boy)
Cant back peddle fast enough. Ive actually gotten quite a few laughs outa Wayneboy and Marky the illiterate,55 yr old fool stalking folks that dont agree with his perverse opinions,and statements.
Is EVERY Elan Survivor a creep ? Or is it just a pre-requisite to post here
Fucking liars/losers
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Sum-Ya

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edited upon request
« Reply #204 on: March 21, 2013, 11:30:37 PM »
edited upon request
« Last Edit: April 12, 2013, 05:12:59 AM by Sum-Ya »

Offline Bud Greenberg

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Re: Danny Bennison raped residents while Elan School staff
« Reply #205 on: March 22, 2013, 04:15:08 PM »
Arthur D. Warshawsky says:
Problem with exposing a corrupt Politician,is having proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Wayne (who is actually Mark Babitz of Fox Lake Il)
Mark is a mentally ill,emotionally challenged 55 year old man,who insists on telling perverse lies about anyone who doesnt agree with his sickened,under medicated,opinions. Give him a computer,and he will abuse all who disagree.
This man is a disgrace to his home town,and anyone interested in the truth. HE will not post his real name,because he has damaged himself online. This boy has fantasies involving Fecal Matter,and homosexual encounters,that can be seen all over the internet. This person needs help,and is quite possibly,the next school shooter. He should be locked up in a facililty that can manage his medications,and behaviors,so as not to be a danger to himself or others
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In reply to an earlier post on Jan 22, 2013 10:55:12 AM PST
Last edited by the author on Jan 22, 2013 12:45:36 PM PST
Wayne Kernochan says:
Wow Art, using the deaths of 26 children to attack a man who has done nothing except help close down Elan for abuse is a new low for even you. Amazon has my SS# and name and will confirm who I am

My name is Wayne Kernochan and I was a victim of sexual abuse by Danny Bennison in 1978 at the Elan school. Art Warshawsky admitted to raping a student when she was underage and Danny admitted to raping Yvette Portella in a private message to me in 2010. He nsaid she was 19, but a friend of the family said she was 15 or 16, then he changed his story, but not before I copy and saved the message and reported it to Facebook

Keep posting Art. Your language only shows that what happened there in Elan is true. You and Danny now abuse survivors on the internet because you still think you had the right to do whatever you want, even all these years later

I have contacted Mister Diamond and hope he is reading these posts because if he really is an advocate for sexually abused kids, he will want to contact csomeone and start an investigation

I have nothing to hide. You Danny, Marc Rosenberg, and Peter Rowe do

Let the authorities get in touch with me and you'll find out just how real I am

BTW, Art has threatened survivors with gun violence. Re cently, he told one to come to his house, "And make sure you wear kevlar" The second amendment does not guarantee your right to threaten to shoot people

Mark Babitz is a good man and has threatened no one. Sharon McCarthy hasn't either

Danny threatened to rape me again, and with gun violence. I have it saved to my computer and have three witnesses

I'm not afraid of you. I'd rather die than shut up and hide your crimes any longer through silence
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In reply to an earlier post on Jan 23, 2013 6:00:11 AM PST
Wayne Kernochan says:
Another question Art: Why do you and Danny keep responding to rape allegations by bringing up sexuality? That is an indication of guilt. Attack the victim. Question their sexuality. This is the real world Art, unlike Elan, these people don't think that homosexuals deserve to be raped or are asking for it, or worse, that they secretly enjoyed it

From what I'm hearing, you didn't rape Sharon at Elan, you did it after, and she revealed later that she was underage. Then you denied it, but sorry, your comment that you gave her the high hard one is an admission of guilt

Keep beating the "They're mentally ill" drum Art. Mentally ill people don't deserve to be raped either. Or are you trying to say that we're crazy and imagined the sexual abuse?

There's a huge difference between mentally ill and delusional

You should be locked in a facility that keeps criminals away from children. Child sex abusers reoffend 98% of the time
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« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline liarsexposed

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Re: Danny Bennison raped residents while Elan School staff
« Reply #206 on: March 22, 2013, 04:20:50 PM »
Nobody raped anyone at elan
Nobody cares what you post
Most people would prefer you to just die
How about you and Babbletits hold hands and jump off a bridge
I would pay to see that
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Danny Bennison STFU

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Re: Danny Bennison raped residents while Elan School staff
« Reply #207 on: March 22, 2013, 10:33:12 PM »
liarsexposed wrote :
> Nobody raped anyone at elan
> Nobody cares what you post
> Most people would prefer you to just die
> How about you and Babbletits hold hands and jump off a bridge
> I would pay to see that

@ Bud Greenberg did you get a load of this. Art Warshawsky would pay money to watch people die. That is pretty sick Art, you would enjoy seeing people that you have no idea who they are die, and you would pay money to see this. This is what Bill Dianmond is protecting rapists and psychotics?

@ Art  you have proven to Bill Diamond that you are an elanian idiot, Bill Diamond called and asked that you stop shitting on his child abuse book selling Amazon page. Art you should read your posts before you make a statement that you know nothing about. Ask LEECEE about rape at Elan , besides the other rape  you know of, you god dam scat freak. Bill said that while he loves his little frothing at the mouth psychotic abusing  elanian slave, he wishes that you would stop making him look like a hypocrite  and a fool by posting your contradictory post to post  bullshit, on his Amazon book page.

Seriously Art you aren't helping Bill Diamond sell books. And you are making him look like that just maybe, he is a fraking fraud. He likes being an expert on perverts but Art you are making him look like he condones and thinks this child abuse is fun. And he knows  what people like you would do to his tiny little  colo in prison , and he is very scared of getting his prison rape on, as you have posted about on his Amazon page, that it gives him  little anxiety panic attacks that course thru his body like little electric currents every ten to twelve minutes. And Art it is making it hard for Bill Diamond to get his beauty sleep.

Art does Bill diamond also blow you little kisses like you do the ones you abuse, Yeah you are a real piece of ART (Warshawsky).
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline liarsexposed

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Re: Danny Bennison raped residents while Elan School staff
« Reply #208 on: March 23, 2013, 04:04:34 PM »
At least Babbletits and Sharon did some great work to close Elan..
All you do is whine and lie Waynie
Today would be an excellant day to kill yourself
and YES I would pay to see it. Tho I dont think it will be too much longer. You are one miserable SOB
Either is just fine
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline none-ya the fag

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edited upon request
« Reply #209 on: March 23, 2013, 08:11:24 PM »
edited upon request
« Last Edit: March 29, 2013, 09:38:28 PM by none-ya the fag »