Matt Hoffman:
Damn Dannny L Bennison has been busy. In his deluded way of thinking coupled by severe paranoia that induces his bazarre conspiracy theories he is absolutely wrong. He is a liar.
The only two items that bennison has posted is that yes Matt did stab another (at age 16and a half 35 years ago) resident and yes Bennison did not know Matt in elan. These are true.
Bennison will distort the truth by lying and lying some more ( the proof is on the internet).
There were not two stabbing incidents by Matt, and Marty Kruglik did not just give the base ball bat to two men right after the stabbing incident incident. Matt had run away fronm the hellhole that was elan, after the incident. He was caught and put in the corner for a month prior to a 4 house tour of general meetings upon which then he was shotdown.
It was at the beginning of this shot down thaty Marty Kruglik gave a baseball bat to two men with the instructions that "if he even gives you the hint that he is going to run away ,you are to beat him to DEATH on the spot " not as the boy liar Bennison says that kruglik said to whack him .
Believe me bennison wasn't there and bennison did not know Matt in elan. Matt had not ever assaulted anyone prior to elan with a knife or any weapon ,bennison lies and just keeps on lying just like the pathological liar that he is.
I don't think that it is possible that anyone could write a book about elan the way Wayne Kernochan has written in his book titled A Life gone Awry:My story about the Elan School with out having been in elan. It is very accurate during my time which was 11 months before Danny L Bennison got there as a matter of fact.
And I know for a fact that there is not enough info on ,or anywhere ,to write a book that accurately portrays the deviant perverted sexual harrassment that the directors , directed towards the adults and children that were residents in this violent ,brutal ,sadistic ,soul eating hell hole that was Elan.
And yes Danny L Bennison you are a liar. You have been banned from many survivor sites because you abuse survivors of abusive programs. I am Matt Hoffman
What you need to do is really shut up. You are the last person that should be talking about abuse you sick fuck. Everything we have heard about you from at least 7-9 people has been consistent to what Danny has posted. You brought this distorted behavior to Elan. Danny is not saying Elan did not acerbate the violent behavior you already demonstrated in your home life.
You did not run away from Elan 2a after this incident because you were constantly watched. Also a bat was given to two residents with orders to whack you if you moved directly after the stabbing incident. Nobody is saying this is right or doesn't constitute abusive behavior, all we are saying is it happened exactly that way. You are a liar and you have been lying all along.
Nobody said that there was two stabbing incidents. What was said is you stabbed Robert two times. Pay attention, you psychotic freak.
It is very possible to write a book about Elan when the information you are being given comes from Matt Hoffman, Felice Eliscue, Albert Beauchene, Mark Babbitz, other Elan residents, Fornits Elan Forum and other various resources. Yes Matt you can write a book that resembles the real deal.
How many more ways does Danny and others have to prove that Wayne was never there and he will never find anyone to disprove this. Even Albert who was there with him for 9 months doesn't know him. You know how big those cottages were, Matt, well all they did was just transform one into a house. It was maybe 700 - 800 sqft. if that. There is no way Wayne and Albert miss one another. I said Mike Calabrese was never in Elan 7, well Albert never disagreed.
Waynes book is so flawed with mis information, dates are screwy, time lines wrong is comical.
Remember Wayne saying he has witnesses, testimonies ect....these people were going to bury Danny. Well we have talked with two of these people he said would bear witness. They don't even know him never mind that he didn't contact them.
If this is Matt, do us all a favor and stop coming off like you are a expert on Elan because you are not. Actually you are one of the most ignorant fools we have read concerning Elan. Your knowledge is limited and based around your perverted sexual exploits while at Elan. Like Wayne your buddy you were also confused about your sexuality. Nobody believes you when you talk about Ken like you do. Once again it is your twisted perverted fantasies coming through. Plus your need to be vindictive.
Do you really think we care if we are banned from Reddit, Cafety, and your Elan Facebook Sites, really. Matt are we are still in highschool playing who is most popular. All we care about right now is Wayne and certain friends of his being exposed for the liars and abusers they truly are. If you are one of them then let this be your warning.
Last, ask Wayne if Danny was a rapist and a sodomite again, then ask him why did he introduce all the young gals (ages 22-28) to Danny that he did. Why did he call Danny as many times as he did, become a co-admin with Danny, speak up for Danny ect...Nobody acts like this with there victimizer, nobody. Danny knows this all to well, he was actually molested and Wayne knew this. Talk about taking a cheap shot.
Matt, Danny and the rest of us have not lied or ever lied about what we have posted. You may not have liked what we posted or how we posted it but it wasn't a lie. Just because Danny has a short temper for fools, has said some outrageous things to people ect...once again that doesn't mean he was lying.
At some point you are going to have to concede that Wayne is a fraud, liar, abuser and a user of people.