Author Topic: NISD officer shoots and kills teen after chase  (Read 21753 times)

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Comments 3: "Officer says he feared for his life..."
« Reply #30 on: August 25, 2011, 11:53:40 PM »
Comments left for the above article, "Officer says he feared for his life when he shot teen" (11/16/2010, News 4 WOAI), #s 41-60:

Jimkata - 11/17/2010 8:51 AM
    I'm with felontracker on this one... If you are hiding in a shed, the officer has no idea what kind of weapon you may have on you, or find in there. Like he said, tool sheds are usually full of makeshift "weapons". Doesn't matter that he was 14 years old. That's old enough to pull a trigger, stab, or beat somebody. My understanding is he was also large for a 14 year old. Bottom line is he threatened a cop who was holding a gun - STUPID. Here is something to think about too- story says he was shot in the chest. If he knocked the door open into the officer and then fled, wouldn't he have been shot in the back? He obviously was coming AT the officer.
MLZarazua - 11/17/2010 10:59 AM
    Listening to all these comments, I can only believe that most of you siding with the "poor 14 year old" either acted just like him when you were young or have children just like him. Try working with students like this on a DAILY BASIS! They have no fear because momma and daddy will take care of whoever says their baby is doing wrong. They don't think twice about killing and dying. America has now come to this..making excuses for everything a child does wrong! Every action has a consequence and believe me, this boy was headed for trouble! The amount of time/paperwork/ etc. it takes to actually expell a student is tremendous! It doesn't just happen overnight! There was nothing good about the way this young boy was living, period!
cons3rvative1 - 11/17/2010 11:31 AM
    jimkata, the size of any unarmed person doesn't matter. in order for this to be a justifiable homicide the teen would have had to have a weapon and he did not. this is murder plain and simple and san antonio needs to hold this bad cop accountable for his actions.
Jimkata - 11/17/2010 12:01 PM
    @Cons3rvative - Sorry, but if you are concealing yourself in a shed, what else could you be concealing? How was the cop supposed to know he was unarmed? The kid apparently felt froggy enough to charge an armed police officer, I would have assumed he was armed as well...
come on people - 11/17/2010 1:03 PM
    The person doesn't have to have a weapon for you to defend yourself. From what I gathered is the kid hit the officer in his face with the shed door then lunged at him. Officer training dictates that when you have to search a room/building/house for a suspect you are to have your weapon drawn for our own safety. Not with just NISD PD but with every PD. I have had to search buildings/homes/rooms for suspects, juvenile and adult, and I've always had my sidearm ready. Expecting an officer to search for a fleeing suspect and using rubber bullets, baton, taser, or pepper spray is putting the officer's life in danger. To the one comment that if the officer was scared to die and it comes with the job he should quit shows his real intelligence. Dying is not part of our job. Bottom line is the kid should have complied and none of this would have happened period! Whether he was bad or good. For all of you who think the officer should've done something different, think about this. Next time someone tries to carjack you, home invades you, or tries to do you harm take your own advice and see what happens and don't call us because we might to be mean to that person.
eltoro67 - 11/17/2010 1:05 PM
    Again, this story doesn't talk about this kid having any kind of weapon. So I guess all of you that sided with the officer are saying that it is better to shoot anyone that could come out of a shed whether they have a weapon or not just to be on the safe side? This is absolute stupidity. felontracker, just because you have machetes, pruning shears, hedge scissors in you shed doesn't mean everyone else has the same thing but what if this homeowner has the same things in their shed too. Let's also assume that the person hiding in this shed is not a 14 year old but an extremely dangerous convict that escaped and is hiding there. You, nor the cop, nor anyone else knows if this convict is holding someone else in the shed with him. What if he was holding someone else against their will? What if he shoved the door at the cop and then threw out the hostage and because the the cop was disoriented (as you like to put it) just shoots because he feared for his life and kills the wrong person? What would you say then? There could be alot of "what ifs" here that could have completely changed the ending of this story but the facts still remain. This officer has 17 years experience as a cop. He knew someone was hiding in the shed. He knew this person was 14 years old. All the "what ifs" that anyone could bring up doesn't excuse the actions of the cop because of the facts. It is possible that this cop may have known he was dealing with a dangerous kid. That being the case, after he yelled out "police!" several times he could have stood outside the shed at a safe distance and waited for backup. Don't try to convince everyone that the cop had no choice. There were other choices to his actions. But in the end according to this report, he shot an unarmed minor and all the what if's that you can think of will not change those facts. Like you said, it is what it is.
Jimkata - 11/17/2010 2:47 PM
    The kid may have been unarmed, but the police or military will teach you that when attempting to apprehend somebody, you assume they have a weapon until proven otherwise. This is how the term "suicide by cop" came to be - you pretend you have a weapon and threaten a police officer - bang - you're dead. Like was mentioned in a previous message, if the kid complied with the officer, he would still be alive. He did not.
eltoro67 - 11/17/2010 3:21 PM
    Jimkata, what you are saying makes perfect sense....if you have been taught and disciplined by the military but military law is irrelevant here. Clearly this is a civilian matter. Your comment, "you pretend you have a weapon and threaten a police officer - bang - you're dead." How many really young innocent children with toy guns have died because of people like you that really believe this? There are many murderers, sex predators and robbers that have not complied in any way with civilian and military laws. Most of these dangerous convicts fully armed tried to fight their way through police, hurting other people in the process and guess what, alot of them are sitting in jail right now. ALIVE! Many of them have gone back to jail many times, alive. Because police officers used their extensive training and professionalism to properly handle those situations. No, one thing is very clear here, if this teenager was unarmed he did not have to die!
cher01 - 11/17/2010 3:29 PM
    Something to think about...If this kid was armed, and as bad a human being as everyone is stating, don't you think instead of fist fighting, he would just blow this other person away????
Jimkata - 11/17/2010 4:05 PM
    Eltoro - I'm not sure what your point is, besides the kid was unarmed. You wanna tell me how the officer was to know the kid was unarmed? I'm not talking about "military law", I am talking about the same procedures that are used by both the military AND the police when taking somebody into custody. I'm not talking about innocent children playing cowboys and indians in the yard either when talking about "suicide by cop". Furthermore, we are not talking about some innocent kid. He had a long criminal record that involves assault. He was involved in another assault (fight), that he fled from. He trespassed, and broke into a storage shed in order to hide from the police. The homeowner called the police to report him. When instructed to come out of the shed, he rushed the officer, hitting him in the face with the shed door. He apparently continued to come at the officer, since he was shot in the chest. These are not things an innocent, "good boy" does. When somebody in law enforcement tells you to do something, you comply. If the officer is wrong, you deal with it later. This kid did not comply, but instead took AGGRESSIVE actions that led to him being shot. It's too bad that it happened, but it was his own fault and not the police officer's.
eltoro67 - 11/17/2010 7:49 PM
    I thought I made my point clear but I'll try again. The boy was not armed and he was shot dead. You claim it was the boy's fault that he got shot. I do not believe that officers shoot at everyone that charges at them when they are not armed. Again, there are bad people out there that have done worst than this kid and attacked cops with guns and knives and did not get killed. Cops have other means of incapacitating criminals than just shooting at them. You have another cop here saying there were other options. This cop knew he was in the shed. This cop knew he was 14 years old. If the cop did not know that this kid was armed or not why the hell would he risk getting close to the shed where this kid is already trapped in instead of waiting for back up? The kid was trapped and wasn't going anywhere. The cop's statement doesn't even say he killed him in self defense, he only says he was afraid for his life. How much clearer does this need to be? I'll say it again, this kid did not have to die.
raisenofool - 11/17/2010 7:52 PM
    This kid was kicked out of public school, alternative school, and fighting while skipping out of juvie. That was before attacking a police officer. Now Mom backs him up saying he was a "good kid". What exactly is her definition of a "bad kid"?
raisenofool - 11/17/2010 8:08 PM
    The officer going into a shed after a perpetrator DOESN'T KNOW whether he is armed or not at the time. Think about it. All of this became the kid's fault the second he chose to run from the officer.
wilkim45yes - 11/17/2010 11:39 PM
    IGNORANCE runs ramped on this blog. Those of you who are STUPID enough to pursue an individual (AFTER he was assaulting a third part) without their weapon drawn when approaching a HIDDEN THREAT (tool shed) well there you have it. You will join the many Police Officers buried all across America who CHOSE DEATH over a COMPLAINT from a suspect, who CHOSE DEATH over being sued by a suspect. Those type of Officers have no business caring a badge & gun BECAUSE THEY ENDANGER fellow Officers with serious bodily injury and/or death! THOSE OFFICERS READING MY POST KNOW EXACTLY WHAT I MEAN, YOU MAY HAVE ONE OF THOSE OFFICERS ON YOUR SHIFT, and you can't wait for him to PROMOTE to get him off the street & behind a desk WHERE HE BELONGS.
19kilo - 11/18/2010 1:45 AM
    I Dont feel bad that this has happened to this kid. But Something needs to be said about why did this officer use Excessive force? Come on now feared for your life he was 14years old and about what 110pounds soaking wet if you cant detain a person of that size you have no place on the police force? this is one of the many resones some or most people dont like calling the police to Respond to anything but then again its that one that ruins it for the others. Hope killing this boy makes you feel like a man!!! And i like it how people put Police officers on the same Playing feild as Our Service Men and Women just a point i wanted to make have a great day everyone.
DunoNuthin - 11/18/2010 7:39 AM
    All these "what-ifs..." I'll throw a couple out there. "What if" the kid complied with the officer's orders to halt and surrender? "What if" the kid hadn't lunged at the officer? A bullet hole in the chest is a clear indicatror this kid wasn't running away at the time of the shooting.
Jimkata - 11/18/2010 11:32 AM
    14 years old is old enough to know better than to do what he did.
eltoro67 - 11/18/2010 2:12 PM
    Nobody is denying this kid did something wrong. No one is denying this boy committed a crime. We all understand this. What seems to be a problem for some people to understand is that this kid DID NOT HAVE TO DIE. Why is this so difficult to understand? If everyone that commits a crime is treated in the same fashion there would not be a need for detention centers nor jails. This cop knew this kid trapped himself in this shed. He could have waited for backup if he felt this kid could be armed and if he absolutely felt the need to fire why would he shoot to kill instead of shooting him in the arm or the leg when this kid was CLEARLY UNARMED? People that sided with this cop have not even tried to answer any of these questions. The cop knew there was a 14 year old that broke the law hiding in the shed, again he was trapped. Why didn't this cop try to incapacitate this teen instead of killing him? Why didn't he have mace ready? Why didn't he have his baton ready? Why didn't he have a tazer ready? Why didn't he wait for back up? You cannot tell me that an NISD police officer's only option for a weapon is a gun are you? Are these questions too hard or complicated for anyone to answer? More importantly are all of you saying this cop had absolutely no choice but to kill an unarmed teen? Jimkata, DunoNuthin, raisenofool?
urdaddy - 11/18/2010 6:01 PM
    It's not hard to believe we have alot of morons on earth that show no compassion for human life and make idiotic comments regarding such a tragedy. If the officer was in fear for his life he could of called in for back up. He could of also used an asp or taser to take the teen into custody. If an officer cannot subdue an 8th grader, he should not be in that line of business. What gets me are all the "WHAT IF" comments. Like, "what if" he had a machete, "what if" he had a rake. The reality is the teen had no weapon and was shot. I think alot agree the teen should of not ran and made a bad judgement call. However, we are talking about a teen, the officer was an adult. You would expect the officer to use better judgement. So "what if" the officer used better judgement? The teen would be alive. It's plain in simple, the teen was murdered. I hope the DA files charges against the officer and the family sues. And for all the comments about him becoming a career criminal. I'm shocked to know so many San Antonians are psychic. Since ya'll can predict the future, please provide me with lotto numbers so I can win the lottery. Oh, arguing with Jimkata, DunoNuthin, raisenofool does not good. It's not good to argue with morons because they drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
Jimkata - 11/19/2010 9:03 AM
    @ urdaddy - so you too are one of those that if others don't see things your way, then they are morons? Saying that I don't care about human life is idiotic. I'll tell you what though, I value the lives of those that are sworn to protect us over those that break the law and cause trouble! Was the kid unarmed? YES. Thank you to the "Captain Hindsights" out there for pointing that out. That fact was not known however until it was too late! As a police officer, you don't have the luxury of hindsight, and you assume the worst until you know otherwise. Period. This city is riddled with 14 year old criminals, gang members, and otherwise, who have no respect for authority, the law, or anybody else other than themselves. Did he have to die? NO, but he made that choice, took that chance, when he rushed the police officer!

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Comments 4: "Officer says he feared for his life..."
« Reply #31 on: August 26, 2011, 11:10:23 AM »
Comments left for the above article, "Officer says he feared for his life when he shot teen" (11/16/2010, News 4 WOAI), #s 61-68:

eltoro67 - 11/19/2010 1:10 PM
    Jimkata, you said it yourself, "As a police officer, you don't have the luxury of hindsight, and you assume the worst until you know otherwise. Period." I agree with this statement 100 percent! So why don't you answer any of the questions I asked previously? If the cop assumed the worst why didn't he keep a safe distance and wait for back up? Cops call for back up when they assume the worst isn't this true?! This is common sense. If he feared for his life why did he try to be a hero? THIS DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE AT ALL! He knew this kid was 14 years old and was involved in a fist fight not with a knife nor a gun. So the only place he could have gotten a weapon would have been from the shed. So why did this cop choose the deadliest weapon at his disposal when he could have used mace, a baton, a tazer? Why are you avoiding these questions? You know very well the cop is responsible for his actions. You know very well the cop had other options and he chose the deadliest one against an unarmed 14 year old. THIS COP SERIOUSLY SCREWED UP AND YOU KNOW IT! You say you value the life of a police officer more than this 14 year old when this kid didn't even have a weapon. A TEENAGER WAS MURDERED and all you can say is he deserved what he got because he was a bad kid . Jimkata, your defense over this cop is pathetic! Like felontracker said, it is what it is.
Jimkata - 11/19/2010 2:18 PM
    @ eltoro - I wasn't there... apparently you were since you seem to know all of what happened and what should have happened. How do you know he didn't call for backup? How long was the kid hiding in the shed, and how long did it take him to come out? Do we even know that he knew it was this particular kid that was hiding in the building? Why did the officer pull his gun? Because he didn't know if the suspect was armed, and if so what he was armed with. Simple as that. You don't grab a taser when somebody is coming at you with a knife or machete, or even another gun. Yes, the officer is responsible for his actions, and in this case, his actions were appropriate. Nobody was "murdered" here as you say. I'm not saying the kid "got what he deserved because he was a bad kid" - I'm saying respect the laws of society, and those that enforce them and protect us. It makes NO difference that he was 14. It doesn't even make a real difference that he had a police record. It doesn't make a difference that in the end he turned out to be unarmed. What does matter is that a police officer told him to come out of the building, and the kid STUPIDLY ATTACKED A POLICE OFFICER! Live like a thug, die like a thug! This officer WILL be cleared of any wrongdoing, and nothing will bring this kid back. Instead of blaming the officer, why don't you blame those that let him think this kind of behavior was a good thing? I wonder if you would be crying so much if this had been an adult criminal?
eltoro67 - 11/19/2010 3:02 PM
    My comments are based on this story and what the cop's statement was. He couldn't even say he fired in self defense. A cop with 17 years experience says he fired because he feared for his life from a 14 year old. This kid did not charge at the officer with any weapon. Where is your statement, "you don't grab a tazer when someone is coming at you with a machete, or even another gun." coming from? Why would you even say this if there wasn't a machete involved? So why again did you say the cop didn't pull out a tazer? And you again ignored why he didn't wait for back up. You say he might have called for back up but why didn't he wait AT A SAFE DISTANCE if he feared for his life? Lastly you are saying that the cop had absolutely no other option than to kill this teen? If the cop's actions were appropriate, stop making up excuses for weapons that weren't even there and answer the questions. The comment about an adult criminal is irrelevant here. This kid could have paid for his mistakes through the courts and confinement and he would have also had the opportunity to turn his life around and maybe not, but he would still be alive. Given the circumstances in this case, it is not up to you nor I nor the cops to take that opportunity away from him. Are you avoiding these questions because you are afraid to admit the cop (possibly a friend or relative of yours) was wrong? You know there were other options, as I said before, another cop commented on this already. You know this cop screwed up. Look at the situation clearly and admit the truth otherwise, answer my questions.
Jimkata - 11/19/2010 3:22 PM
    Eltoro - I have answered your questions, you just won't accept the answer... When somebody is hiding in a building, you don't know who they are, if they are armed, what they are capable of, or what they are planning. Say what you want. The officer will be exonerated.
eltoro67 - 11/19/2010 11:35 PM
    You sound so sure of yourself but you still don't want to admit there were other options. We shall see.
cons3rvative1 - 11/21/2010 12:11 AM
    Sure hope the department doesn't try to cover this up. Hope there were other witnesses around that can tell what really happened since the junior high kid was not given that opportunity.
eltoro67 - 11/21/2010 6:56 PM
    It wouldn't be the first time something like this is covered up nor the last.
ferguson - 5/28/2011 3:18 AM
    how did the officer know that this kid was a career criminal? did he personally know the kid? and if so i don't think he would shoot him if he did know him. the cops actions were far from appropriate.

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Memorial fund set up for slain teen
« Reply #32 on: August 27, 2011, 12:56:15 PM »
San Antonio Express-News

Memorial fund set up for slain teen
Relatives of a 14-year-old fatally shot by a police officer have set up a memorial fund in his name.

By Eva Ruth Moravec
Published 11:32 a.m., Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A memorial fund has been set up for a teen shot to death by a police officer last week.

Derek Lopez, 14, was killed Friday after he reportedly lunged at a Northside Independent School District policeman in a shed in a far West Side backyard.

Relatives have set up an account in Derek's name at IBC Bank, according to Derek's aunt and a bank official.

Anyone wishing to contribute to the account may do so by referencing account number 2411787804.

Visitation for the slain teen is set for Thursday at Puente & Sons Funeral Chapels-Northeast, 14315 Judson Road, from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. with a rosary tentatively scheduled for 6:30 p.m.

A graveside service is scheduled for 10 a.m. Friday at San Fernando Catholic Cemetery No. 3. following a procession from Puente & Sons Funeral Chapels Northeast that will depart at 9 a.m.

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Shooting death of boy, 14, not black and white
« Reply #33 on: August 27, 2011, 07:05:59 PM »
A column from Cary Clack:

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San Antonio Express-News

Cary Clack: Shooting death of boy, 14, not black and white
A sign that a pulse still beats in a community's conscience is that it's troubled and outraged that a 14-year-old is shot to death.

San Antonio Express-News
Published 03:00 a.m., Thursday, November 18, 2010

A sign that a pulse still beats in a community's conscience is that it's troubled and outraged that a 14-year-old is shot to death.

Granted, the outrage isn't a unanimous wave of emotion rising from one direction in support of the teenager and his family. Such a tidal wave of sympathy is reserved for a victim whose innocence was unquestioned and whose actions didn't contribute to his death.

Sadly, for everyone, that wasn't the case with Derek Lopez, the 14-year-old shot and killed last Friday afternoon by a Northside Independent School District police officer.

The officer, Daniel Alvarado, was on patrol when he saw Lopez and another young man fighting at a bus stop outside Northside Alternative School. Lopez eluded Alvarado and ran to a nearby neighborhood where a homeowner, seeing him in her backyard, called 911.

According to a police report, Alvarado approached a storage shed, identified himself as the police and saw Lopez hiding. The teen ran out of the shed, hitting Alvarado in the face with the door. Fearing for his life, the officer shot Lopez in the chest and then performed CPR on the boy.

Predictable in the scores of comments heard and read in the days since the shooting is how some people have retreated to one extreme side of the tragedy, castigating the officer for his use of excessive force, and how others have taken residence in the opposite extreme side, saying that this was a bad kid who got what he deserved.

But isn't it most natural to be torn over this tragedy and to feel conflicted? How can anyone be comfortable in easily condemning these two human beings and not extending sympathy to both?

Of course it would have been better had Alvarado been able to protect himself without firing his gun and if Lopez could have been apprehended without anyone being hurt. It would have also been better had Lopez simply surrendered.

Lopez should have never put Alvarado or himself in that position, but it's wrong for anyone to minimize his death or to mock his family for saying that he was good.

For the past few years he'd been expelled from more schools - bouncing from campus to campus - and had more disciplinary problems than a 14-year-old should. Judge his family later, if you must, but their child just died. Right now, how he died and the questions they must ask themselves aren't as important as the painful fact that their child just died.

And a troubled kid can also be a good kid who's simply lost.

This tragedy has echoes of the April 2001 death of another 14-year-old in San Antonio. That boy was shot and killed by a South Side homeowner early one morning while stealing fighting cocks. Abandoned by his father, the boy would sleep in a white Pontiac Grand Am in front of the house they'd lived in.

The homeowner wasn't charged, and after the shooting there was a scalding debate about whether the boy got what was coming to him.

Neither of these 14-year-olds got what was coming to them or deserved to die, but neither of them had learned to avoid putting themselves in situations that risked their lives. Neither of them had learned that for all the trouble we find ourselves in, if we only stop running and start thinking about where we're going we can change the direction of our lives.

The killing of a 14-year-old, regardless of the circumstances, should rile a community and force it to look at the issues surrounding it so that such as death isn't repeated.

To all the 14-year-olds out there who are running scared, lonely and confused: stop.

The life you save may be your own.

Cary Clack's column appears on Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. To leave a message, call 210-250-3486 or e-mail at [email protected].

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NISD shooting probed in context of training
« Reply #34 on: August 28, 2011, 02:06:02 PM »
San Antonio Express-News

NISD shooting probed in context of training
Taught how to deal with juveniles, Officer Daniel Alvarado may not have known he was chasing a 14-year-old.

By Brian Chasnoff
Published 11:28 p.m., Thursday, November 18, 2010

The school district cop who last week chased and shot to death a 14-year-old boy had received the same basic training as any other officer in Texas on when he could seek an arrest without a warrant or use deadly force.

Officer Daniel Alvarado also received the same training as his colleagues in district policy, including the best ways to interact with teenagers and when to draw his weapon.

Whether Alvarado's decisions to pursue the unarmed student into a back yard and draw his weapon, firing it after the teen burst from a shed, were lawful or appropriate are questions that are moving into sharper focus as the San Antonio Police Department investigates.

Alvarado, 45, an officer with the Northside Independent School District, pursued Derek Lopez after he saw the teenager hit someone else after school at a bus stop. He fired when the shed door struck him in the face.

"He should have waited for backup," said Denys Lopez Moreno, the teen's mother. "What was the hurry for all that? He could have waited for (Derek) to calm down."

Christopher Moreno, the teen's father, cited the boy's age.

"He's a little kid," Moreno said. "There are other procedures they can go through, talking a 14-year-old kid out of the shed."

But Alvarado didn't realize Lopez was so young, said an SAPD source close to the investigation but unauthorized to speak to the media.

Alvarado claimed after the shooting that Lopez's size - 5-foot-9 and 160 pounds - was deceptive.

"He thought Derek was much older," the source said.

Training standards

The standards for becoming a peace officer are the same whether it's for a school district or a municipality.

All aspiring cops must complete 618 hours of training certified by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education, including 24 hours in "arrest, search and seizure" and 24 more in "force options."

Then they must pass an exam.

Alvarado passed, and joined the Leon Valley Police Department in 1993 before joining NISD 10 months later.

School district Police Chief John Page said his officers are trained in state law.

"I think the protection of life is probably the foremost goal," he said.

Once licensed and hired, officers must take 40 hours of continuing education every two years. Any agency can choose to require training beyond that.

"Certainly academies can set higher standards than what we require," said Laura LeBlanc, spokeswoman for the state standards commission.

At NISD, three additional courses are required: active shooter response, crisis intervention and "dealing with juveniles," said Pascual Gonzalez, the district's spokesman.

"What is their emotional state of mind? How mature are they?" Gonzalez said. Juveniles are "not thinking the way you and I think as an adult."

Shot fired

Page would not comment on last Friday's shooting. But the chief became agitated when reminded of a version of events contained in an SAPD report.

The report states Alvarado arrived at the bus stop "a moment or two" after Lopez struck someone there "with the back of his hand."

"That is a misnomer," Page said. "That is not correct."

Officers in Texas may not arrest someone without a warrant unless the person commits an offense in the officer's presence, the offense is a felony, or it's "against the public peace."

Striking someone with the hand is generally a misdemeanor.

"If the misdemeanor didn't occur in your presence, then the officer is not supposed to make an arrest without a warrant," said Chris Davis, director of the enforcement and legal division at the state standards commission.

But the SAPD source disputes the police report.

"It happened right in his view," the source said. "The officer basically pulled up on them when they started fighting."

Lopez ran into a neighborhood, where Alvarado lost sight of him. A witness flagged down the officer and said someone had trespassed into a neighbor's back yard in the 200 block of Roswell Canyon.

In the back yard, Alvarado drew his weapon before he reached the storage shed, the SAPD source said.

NISD policy states, "An officer shall not unholster and prepare to discharge his firearm except as a last resort when there is a danger of loss of life or serious bodily injury to the officer or to another person."

Deadly force is authorized only when such danger becomes "imminent."

Denys Lopez Moreno, the teen's mother, sobbed while imagining the scenario.

"What was the purpose for having the gun out?" she asked. Derek "was scared. He didn't want to get in trouble."

Gun drawn, Alvarado reached the shed and peered inside. Lopez lunged through the shed's doorway, causing the door to strike the officer in the face.

Alvarado fired a shot into the boy's torso.

Lopez died. The officer, according to the police report, suffered "pain and swelling to the lips."

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Funeral for Derek Lopez, 14
« Reply #35 on: August 28, 2011, 04:05:13 PM »
Several more pics from Derek Lopez's funeral at the title link:

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Funeral for Derek Lopez, 14

Anita Baca
Published 02:57 a.m., Saturday, November 20, 2010

Denys Lopez Moreno is comforted by her sister, Yvette Lopez, left, and their mother, Sylvia Oliva, right, as they wait for the burial service to begin during the funeral for Moreno's son, Derek Lopez, 14, at San Fernando Cemetery #3 in San Antonio on Friday, Nov. 19, 2010. Lopez was shot by NISD Officer Daniel Alvarado last week. / SA

Denys Lopez Moreno is comforted by her husband, Christopher Moreno, left, and her mother, Sylvia Oliva, right. / [email protected]

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Offline Ursus

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Police officer's past questioned in teen death
« Reply #36 on: September 02, 2011, 08:38:24 PM »
The truth comes out. Officer Daniel Alvarado's habitual lack of respect for rules, regulations, and appropriate protocols ... comes back to haunt him:

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News 4 WOAI
Police officer's past questioned in teen death

Reported by: Steve Linscomb
Email: [email protected]

Published: 5/23/2011 9:40 pm · Updated: 5/23/2011 11:06 pm

SAN ANTONIO - New information is coming to light about a tragic shooting last November. A teenage boy died after a North Side Independent School District police officer chased and then shot him.

According to police reports, 14-year-old Derek Lopez was killed last November after officer Daniel Alvarado came up on Lopez and another teenager who were fighting off Hunt Lane.  When he stopped to break it up, Lopez ran from the scene.  The officer pursued the boy and eventually shot and killed him in a neighborhood backyard off of Roswell Canyon Drive.

Attorneys for Lopez's family says killing the boy was not necessary, and the officer had a history of problems, including 16 reprimands in three years.

Wallace Brylak, attorney for the Lopez family, told News 4, "They were so bad that he was suspended without pay a number of times and the police department recommended that he be terminated back in 2008."

Brylak also says dispatch recordings show the officer disobeyed a supervisor's order to stop chasing Lopez and stay with the other boy still on the scene. While attorneys for NISD say they won't discuss the events of that day, they say Alvarado's reprimands never involved the safety of any student.

D. Craig Wood, attorney for NISD told us, "The officer was placed on office duty. He has not been nor will he be on patrol duty until there is some sort of formal finding."

Those findings will come from the San Antonio Police Department and the district attorney and will be presented to a grand jury for consideration.

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Comments: "Police officer's past questioned in teen death"
« Reply #37 on: September 05, 2011, 07:56:20 PM »
Comments left for the above article, "Police officer's past questioned in teen death" (by Steve Linscomb, 5/23/2011, News 4 WOAI), #s 1-20:

u n v me - 5/23/2011 10:34 PM
    i would like to thank mr alvarado for taking out another hoodrat.he is my kind of meskin
Deadman - 5/23/2011 11:16 PM
    Wow, I didnt know street fighting then running away from the PoPo is a shootable offense...Sounds like the legislatures should pass a new bill...hummm
BatLover - 5/24/2011 12:08 AM
    How about WOAI mentions this punks past as well as the officers?
backslash - 5/24/2011 1:27 AM
    FYI WOAI, the officer left the scene after gathering the information needed to be written on a report. He did not go looking for the teen. He was then waved down by a citizen stating someone was attempting to break into their home. Check the 911 calls you will see how this person called the police because of the possible burglar. The person then went outside to tell her neighbor and he waved down the NISD police officer who by mere coincidence was driving by. What do we expect him to do? Tell the citizen sorry I can not help or do we want him to take action. Come on people this story screams yellow journalism all the way with a shady reporting/story. I Wonder who investigates shady reporters who are out to make money and a name for themselves at others expense. What is the address and personal phone number of this bush league reporter so we can go to his house and ask him why he did a half ars job of reporting the truth.
Roland - 5/24/2011 2:53 AM
    Maybe guilt is the reason police commit suicide. Nah, cops shoot innocent people all the time. The mentality is "You can tell he's a criminal because I shot him." Thats the same Qualifyer we used to tell the Viet Cong from the the general population. Some of the readers on this post could care little about the citizens. They drink the kool-aid and blame the victims of police abuse. POLICE ARE HUMAN AND MAKE MISTAKES. STOP, THINK AND REALIZE THE POSSIBILITY EXIST, THERE ARE EVIL POLICE OUT THERE.
oldman - 5/24/2011 3:46 AM
    Why do we need armed police in the school district. We have a great city police force and a great sheriffs department. If trouble at the schools then we need to send the perps to detention at the city or county level. Get rid of this unneeded police presence and use the money for teachers. The school district should justify the need for armed officers to the general public.
rodrma - 5/24/2011 6:02 AM
    oldman and Roland's mentality make me pray for a comet that would take out the earth in one shot.
niceday - 5/24/2011 6:51 AM
ChimichangaS - 5/24/2011 7:29 AM
    If you RUN from the LAW and not follow an officers directions you escalate the problem. This is what happened here.
eltoro67 - 5/24/2011 7:34 AM
    It's very unfortunate that alot of people think this cop did nothing wrong. BatLover it is obvious that this kid had a troubled past and may or may not have had good parenting but this kid is not a grown up that has been professionally trained like this cop. This kid is not paid to protect everyone like this cop. This kid was definitely a troublemaker but it is not up to anyone including the cop to decide his fate. We have a court system that is supposed to take care of that. They say that this cop had a history of problems including 16 reprimands in three years. That they were so bad he was suspended several times without pay. That his reprimands never involved the safety of any student. I don't know how after all the cop's problems someone still thought he could be trusted with a gun. This cop was eventually going to kill someone. It's really screwed up that they had to wait for him to kill someone to finally decide he is not fit for street duty. For all the people that are siding with this cop, I really hope an idiot cop like this one never hurts or kills someone you care about.
CavScout - 5/24/2011 7:35 AM
    I love how many of these comments are based just on the information in this article. Wrong! Alverado was repremanded 16 times for administrative actions. That's paper work. He was flagged down by the lady and stated that he feared for his life when the kid charged at him. With no witnesses we have to take his word for it. Don't let your personal feelings lead to an ignorant opinion. Now, the family says he was a good kid who loved his family. This kid was as bad as they come. No bleeding hearts he didn't deserve to die because of this but he was no angel. I smell a civil lawsuit coming.
dcast - 5/24/2011 8:40 AM
    So backlash, now this "officer" took it upon himself to investigate a "burglar" sighting? Bottom line here is yeah that kid probably was a punk trouble maker and a pain in the rear, he probably did NOT have any type of parenting at home BUT he was still just a KID. This "officer" needs to be punished to the FULL extent of the law, lock him up, it was MURDER
FreeHole - 5/24/2011 8:55 AM
    So....we the people pay big money for the districts to hire ARMED guards to act against our kids? And not even well trained guards. More like our students have to live big parts of their day close to a person that can't decide if a boy will harm him or not, so the boy had to be shot. That's a great use for our money! First, the school officer should have called city police. Then he could have keep an eye on the kid, or even let him go, for a later arrest at his home. If too agressive, the boy should have been neutralized WITHOUT LETHAL FORCE. Of course there's a lawsuit coming. What would you do if a stupid grown-up "officer" killed your 14 year old son for no valid reason?
woolybully - 5/24/2011 8:58 AM
    Why is it when someone dies all of a sudden halo's and wings appear? I am sure that this 14 year old had more "repremands" than the officer did! Read what BACKSLASH and CAVSCOUT wrote. I too am sick of the news only reporting one side of a story. Why does the media make the police look bad? When your life is in danger who are you going to call? The police or the media? The officer deserves a medal and a raise.
blackscorpion - 5/24/2011 8:59 AM
    The only way school district police departments will go away is through consolidation of all law enforcement agencies into a metro law enforcement agency, as it is we are probably second in the state with the most law enforcement agencies, and we really don't need 23 city law enforcement agencies along with the constable offices, park police, airport police, and school district police.
blackscorpion - 5/24/2011 9:07 AM
    The way to justify getting rid of school district police is to first get rid of the police departments in these subrban cities, the constables office, the park police, and the airport police by consolidating them all into a metro police department and before we sit back and start calling these school district police officers dumb armed guards lets all remember how long it takes before we can even get a San Antonio Police Officer or Bexar County Sheriffs Deputy to respond.
yotube - 5/24/2011 9:37 AM
    stupid people suggesting the kid deserved it. that's why you people will never ever be good lawyers or judges. if the 14 year boy really was running from the cop, i dont care who you are. you dont shoot a kid in that situation. you are not trained to handle it in that manner. this is ridiculous. what's even more sad is the ignorant punks here who agree with that thug mentality of the cop.
Carmelos - 5/24/2011 10:03 AM
    What was the kids background again? Wasn't he sent to the school where the troublemakers are sent to segregate them from the other kids? Did he do anything other than run from the officer? All facts should be reported, especially after a 6 month hiatus from the story. If the kid did something to justify the response then this should be over. If the cop over-reacted and is found to be in the wrong then he should be prosecuted. From what I remember of the original story I think the officer had a reason to shoot.
losvatoslocos - 5/24/2011 10:04 AM
    Yea OK the paper said the kid was a habitual troubled RAT. Going from school to school cause he did'nt know how to RESPECT authority and the school system. BUT of course the family paints the RAT as a good kid that would do good things at home. Hmmm, lemme seeee. Ah ! Why couldn't the RAT apply the same good manners at school or in life in general ? Oh well yes yes he was a model person...YEA RIGHT ! Thats OK Officer you just did what you were trained to do !
nate74 - 5/24/2011 10:04 AM
    It's always a trajedy when a kid is killed. Sounds like the kid wasn't some upstanding kid but nonetheless a kid that probably didn't need to be shot and killed. This officer sounds like a real dandy. What other job could somebody have this kind of track record and keep their job? Only government workers. Well them too. Fire his butt and prosecute him. NISD get your checkbook out.

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Re: NISD officer shoots and kills teen after chase
« Reply #38 on: September 05, 2011, 07:57:27 PM »
He was a great officer who kept the peace!  lol
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Re: NISD officer shoots and kills teen after chase
« Reply #39 on: September 05, 2011, 07:58:41 PM »
Quote from: "DD Form 214"
He was a great officer who kept the peace!  lol
It seems that Officer Alvarado was more interested in exerting his authoritarian control of the situation by giving chase, regardless of potential consequence and even in direct violation of a supervisor's order, than he was in "keeping the peace." From the above article, emphasis added:

    Attorneys for Lopez's family says killing the boy was not necessary, and the officer had a history of problems, including 16 reprimands in three years.

    Wallace Brylak, attorney for the Lopez family, told News 4, "They were so bad that he was suspended without pay a number of times and the police department recommended that he be terminated back in 2008."

    Brylak also says dispatch recordings show the officer disobeyed a supervisor's order to stop chasing Lopez and stay with the other boy still on the scene. While attorneys for NISD say they won't discuss the events of that day, they say Alvarado's reprimands never involved the safety of any student.
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    Re: NISD officer shoots and kills teen after chase
    « Reply #40 on: September 05, 2011, 08:00:07 PM »
    The officer was a good man and many children had good things to say about him.  lol
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    Comments: "Police officer's past questioned in teen death"
    « Reply #41 on: September 06, 2011, 01:30:35 PM »
    Comments left for the above article, "Police officer's past questioned in teen death" (by Steve Linscomb, 5/23/2011, News 4 WOAI), #s 21-40:

    CowboyUp - 5/24/2011 10:08 AM
      This is just nuts. If you have your kids in school at NISD, and they get in a fight with another student and run, you better hope Officer Alvardo is not on patrol. He may decide to KILL them
    educatedloco - 5/24/2011 10:12 AM
      So let's see, you have one SAPD officer who let's a crack head get away, then a second SAPD officer cuts her hand while chasing a would be car thief that got away, then of course you have a handful of SAPD officers under investgation for sexual misconduct, and then the tragic suicides. Sounds to me like this NISD cop is doing a pretty good job compared to some of the SAPD officers. Just my opinion.
    TruthSpeaks - 5/24/2011 10:13 AM
      I think it's horrible to suggest that this kid "deserved" his ultimate fate, He was a kid and sometimes kids fight?? Thats nothing new, I think that the bottom line is Yes, He should not have ran, but the officer Should not have shot him, And the fact that he was killed my a school officer is absolutely appauling, and disgusting to me, Tax payer pay for them to protect our students, not to gun them down!!!
    sharpie - 5/24/2011 10:15 AM
      losvatoslocos - The officer did not do what he was trained to do. He disobeyed a direct order from his supervisor to not search for the child.
    Darkie Lawless - 5/24/2011 10:40 AM
      Hear the case is going to a grand jury either for "indictment" or "no bill" ,also the family is consulting with their attorney,and they have a good case against the NISD for millions on a wrongful death suit. The family's attorney has expert witnesses that specialize in law enforcement shootings,they sat the officer screwed up,armed vs unarmed. It's not all about who's the punk kid,who disobeys supervisors orders & has a write up history. It's all about armed vs unarmed. The SAPD shooting team said he screwed up.
    two beers - 5/24/2011 11:04 AM
      To everyone...those who are happy this kid was killed and those who are unhappy this kid was killed. You have got to believe that this officer did not WANT to kill an unarmed kid. He did not KNOW the kid was unarmed. I don't think he even KNEW the burglar he was notified of was actually the kid he saw fighting, so he probably did not know the victim was a KID. If I remember the original story, he was searching a backyard for a burglary suspect and about to open the shed doors when they flew open in his face. His gun was already drawn and he fired at the perceived threat. BOTH SIDES of this argument are letting their emotions color what happened. The kid was not executed for getting into a fight. The kid was not shot for running away. Be objective in your arguments. Don't make stuff up like Darkie Lawless is doing. Don't manufacture emotions or judgements like EVERYONE seems to be doing. I know people are passionate about the issue, but try to stick to the facts instead of making stuff up.
    dcast - 5/24/2011 11:17 AM
      Two beers, you have had two beers too many! Are u kidding saying he did not know who he was looking for in the backyard? If the homeowner told him that she thought there was a burglar hiding in her shed and he would have actually thought this was a REAL burglar instaead of this 14 year old kid that made the run on him then this coward would not have investigated, this COWARD would have called the REAL law enforcement and waited for them. He was a SCHOOL guard not a neighborhood watch patrol!!
    MLZarazua - 5/24/2011 11:34 AM
      As I've stated previously on another website, actions have consequences for both of them. However, painting this so-called "child" into a choir boy is ridiculous! He had been suspended NUMEROUS times and once from an elementary school. I cannot explain to you how difficult that is. These parents SHOULD have taught him to accept responsiblity for his actions and respect authority. THEN he might not have found himself in this situation. Now they are acting "over-involved" looking to make a penny off their son. This "kids-will-be-kids" mentality explains why we now have a generation of kids who feel entitled and blame everyone else for thier mess!
    eltoro67 - 5/24/2011 12:47 PM
      This is a very old argument. If memory serves the kid was hiding in a shed. The officer approached and the kid rushed out of the shed. I believe when the kid rushed out the shed door knocked the cop down and the cop fired. (Someone correct me if I'm wrong about this). The kid was unarmed when he was killed. The officer claimed he feared for his life. From what I remember, the cop knew the kid was hiding in the shed because the homeowner told him. The kid was already trapped and the cop could have waited for backup if he "feared for his life". If a cop feels a 14 year old is dangerous but trapped in a shed he should call for back up especially if he supposedly "FEARS FOR HIS LIFE"! Because the cop knew he was dealing with a 14 year old he also KNEW there were other options to using a gun (baton, tazer, etc.). It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see there is something seriously wrong with all this. CavScout, with all the options the cop had to avoid killing this kid there is absolutely no way in hell that you can expect anyone to take the cop's word on this. The cop either lied when he claimed he feared for his life, lacks common sense, or maybe the police force didn't train him properly, or maybe it was personal! Also, you claim his reprimands come from administrative work well, I don't know what kind of mistakes on paperwork could cause reprimands serious enough to get you suspended without pay and 16 times in three years! How can you tell me this is someone we can trust with a gun when we can't even trust him to perform simple administrative duties?
    Superspurs - 5/24/2011 1:39 PM
      None of us were present when this happened. None of us are police officers, so we really cant say with any certainty what was right or wrong.
    two beers - 5/24/2011 1:57 PM
      dcast, even with "two beers too many", I still make much more sense than you do. The fact that you draw a distinction between what you call a "school guard" and "real law enforcement" casts doubt on anything else you might say, true or not. All Texas POLICE OFFICERS must receive the same minimum basic academy training and must pass the same TCLEOSE exam. They must also ALL receive the same continuing education. The ONLY difference is the PHYSICAL jurisdiction. In this instance, the jurisdictions overlap. The school officer can have jurisdiction in the city, just like a Bexar County deputy has jurisdiction in the city. If it were a simple report call, the primary jurisdiction handles it. If there is an exigent circumstance, as in this case, any agency with jurisdiction may handle it. If it is a felony or a breach of the peace, ANY Texas Peace Officer may handle it. Read the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure and learn something. Or ask the police officer of your choice. Again, sticking to FACTS ONLY, and not ISD POLICE OFFICER is no different from a city, county, or state POLICE OFFICER. If it says Police on their uniform, they're not a security guard, they're a cop. Just because you are ANGRY with what happened, it does not change that FACT. You can question what he did all you want (and I back your right to do so!), but you can't change what he IS.
    ElJefe - 5/24/2011 2:06 PM
      We know one thing for certain, the killer here had 16 chances to right his wrongs and do better, then killed someone, and still has suffered no fitting consequences. The victim died at 14, and will never have another "chance". Wrong as he may have been, he was 14.
    dcast - 5/24/2011 2:32 PM
      Eljefe you just gained my respect, the simple truth here is that a 14 year old was murdered, plain and simple. Nobody has the right to be executioner, I seriously doubt the ones who are trying to justify this mans actions truly believe he was innocent in this case OR his prior 16 reprimands!!
    CowboyUp - 5/24/2011 2:51 PM
      Choir boy or juvenile delinquent, the kid did not need to be shot for running from a fight. The cop should have called for backup and waited, not rush into the backyard with his gun drawn to get a 14 year old. He had been written up 16 times for not following instructions, and again here his supervisor TOLD him not to pursue the kid, but he decided to anyways...
    losvatoslocos - 5/24/2011 3:36 PM
      U weren't there Sharpie Queen King what ever you are ! SO stop trying to stir the kettle ! When have you ever known for the news to ever get any information right, Just like YOU the news like to stir the kettle ! 'YAWWWWWWN ! Again Good job officer !
    two beers - 5/24/2011 4:02 PM
      Geez, there are plenty of good points to be made on both sides of this argument without having to resort to incendiary words like "executioner" and "murder". Whatever happened, I'm sure he was not shot BECAUSE he was "running from a fight". That is such a lame argument. Why not say, he shouldn't be shot for wearing a red shirt. Or for wearing shoes. Or for being a Virgo. Duh! You're making statements that anyone would agree with and pretending that it relates AT ALL to what happened here. C'mon people, make a good argument or don't post. Don't resort to name calling and falsehoods to try to make your point. If you can't make a point objectively, you probably don't have one. You are simply angry at WHAT happened and don't care to think about WHY it happened. Same to those who are simply stating, "one less hood rat" or "future crimes were prevented". You too are just letting your anger make your point. I'm sure nobody wanted this to happen, really. I'm sure everyone would love a "do-over". It's a tragedy for everyone involved. Throwing out lies and insults at EITHER the cop or the kid shows a serious lack of though or intelligence and an overabundance of emotion.
    two beers - 5/24/2011 4:03 PM
    Foxfire7 - 5/24/2011 4:12 PM
      I am sick of the diatribe of " none of us was there " or none of us are police officers. I think most officers go into that line of work because they have that bully instinct. They are zeroes wanting to seen as heroes. They are mentally ill. And just this morning they murder a 46 year old woman with scissors. They need to get over their God complex.
    orlando - 5/24/2011 4:30 PM
      Foxfire, El Jefe, and Cowboy up..RIGHT ON! Losvatoslocos, you're ignorrant and lack common sense and of course lack compassion.
    Deepcscott - 5/24/2011 5:59 PM
      Same old song and dance from Foxfire. Yawn. He must have been "bullied" by an officer at one point in his life and still hasn't gotten over being the "victim".Officers are people that do a job that most do not want or care to do. This officer's case will go to the Grand Jury and we will see what happens next. Until then nobody knows what will happen.

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    Comments: "Police officer's past questioned in teen death"
    « Reply #42 on: September 06, 2011, 04:12:37 PM »
    Comments left for the above article, "Police officer's past questioned in teen death" (by Steve Linscomb, 5/23/2011, News 4 WOAI), #s 41-56:

    dcast - 5/24/2011 6:28 PM
      Two beers you are right about one thing, the officer involved would love a "do-over" but unfortunately he cant get one and deserves to be punished to the full extent of the law, just because you have a badge does not make you exempt from them, sorry.
    ncflores210 - 5/25/2011 6:40 AM
      MURDER, plain and simple. Thats just plain old murder.
    two beers - 5/25/2011 6:57 AM
      dcast, I agree. A badge should not make anyone exempt from the law. ncflores210, look up the definition of "murder". You'll see how stupid your simple minded inflammatory post makes you look. This is my last post on the matter. Right or wrong, the cop is NOT an executioner or murderer. Good or bad, the kid did NOT "deserve" to die. It's not always black and white. There is a lot of gray area between the extremes that are being posted here.
    garden - 5/25/2011 8:50 AM
      firsat off charge him wiht manslaughter. I would like woai to get all the sa school dist, I would like all officers disciplainys, reports published on woai web site. this is public information. This man would probably weighs over two hundred pounds, killed a boy whould 80 pounds. He should have followed orders and stayed with the other boy. If he was military he would be court marshelled. Please dont let him keep his job. I hope hes not getting paid while this is being investing.
    Johnny Cash - 5/25/2011 8:57 AM
      Bottom line, you dont charge the police like you're going to attack them. I seen the woman on the news saying her son was devastated by the incident (money money money)next will come the frivolous law suit. I bet this kid was given everything his whole life except discipline. Unfortunatly it cost him his life. Quit getting away from the real thing that happened,and make people accountable for their actions.
    arewestupid - 5/25/2011 12:44 PM
      How was he able to "CHARGE" the cop, he was to busy hiding from him,it makes more sense that he tried to run away when the cop found himthen he was shot in the back ,now that makes sense.yes,big MAN/cop w/gun against little teenage boy. yeah sure senseless murder.plain&simple
    MLZarazua - 5/25/2011 12:49 PM
      El Jefe...the 14 year old kid had PLENTY of chances....geez, how many schools do you have to be suspended from before you wake up and realize that you are WRONG! Every action has a consequence and he chose to live this type of life over and over again. All of you talking about "poor kid" were probably the same type of problem child yourself or you have kids who misbehave but you blame others for it. Ridiculous!
    arewestupid - 5/25/2011 12:58 PM
      OK mlzarazue,The consequences of getting shot in the back "dead" trying to run away, is NOT right in my book!! it was cowardly and he should be punished and charged for what it was!! murder...
    MLZarazua - 5/25/2011 2:55 PM
      He wasn't shot in the back arewestupid...great screen name though! Yes we are raising a nation of entitled, spoiled children. Nobody taught him right from wrong, yet he was old enough to know the difference. He had a history of drugs, assault, theft and only 14? Please, he was a punk and I'm not saying he deserved to die, but CONSEQUENCES are what they are. Period!
    ferguson - 5/25/2011 5:28 PM
      @MLZarazua are you for real?? he had enough chances now it's time to shoot the kid?? there is something seriously wrong with you. how many times did the officer screw up at his job? does he deserve to be shot for thoses mistakes? get your head on straight.
    Richard121 - 5/26/2011 11:47 AM
      Way too many cops today are cowards. Remember, cowardice has two sides: fear of confronting a worthy opponent and unseemly desire to hurt an inferior opponent. Too many men become cops today hoping the badge and gun will make them brave; it never works. The gun only makes them dangerous and the badge means they usually get away with it. The old saying applies "Give a sissy a gun and he will shoot everything in sight." This cop is a coward. Worse, he is an angry coward who expressed his anger with a murder. He needs to be treated the same as anyone else who shot an unarmed kid. The family will file a lawsuit; the jury should award punitive damages in such an amount that the old coward's excuse "Department Policy" will have to change or suffer municipal bankruptcy.
    xrazorwirex - 5/26/2011 7:41 PM
      No way; are there really people who seriously defend the murderer?? ARE YOU SERIOUS!?!??! That makes my gut hurt, real bad, that there's such sociopathic people out there who, without a second thought, defend this cop's behavior. Some people won't change their minds until the state comes and violates themselves or someone they love, but seriously people, a huge cop hunted down and executed an unarmed 8th grader for a single punch to a schoolmate who hardly cared. How many times did you mess up as a kid? Maybe someone should have just hunted you down and executed you? 3-strikes you're out? Jesus... Please see a psychiatrist.
    hitmanoo73 - 5/27/2011 11:35 AM
      i dont live in san antone for a reason. your police force and district attorneys seem to have forgotten something called a constitution. the fat tub of guts that hides behind his badge and kills kids needs to come out here and we will show him how much respect we have for his badge and athority.
    ferguson - 5/28/2011 3:34 AM
      i'm sure the cop didn't know the kids history of drugs and assault or whatever you're using to justify the shooting. he just saw a teenager running away he chased him down and shot him. that's it. the kids history has nothing to do with it. all that came out after he died.
    ferguson - 5/28/2011 3:36 AM
      and if the cop did know the kids history he shouldve know how to deal with him. what kinda cold hearted person shoots a kid that he knows?
    mainewolf - 5/28/2011 7:57 AM
      protect and serve, that is what they dawn the badge and title they are to protect our children from others and themselves if the need-be they are not judge and jury.i saw no need for force not like they did not know where the kid lived or goes to school.

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    Officer who shot student had history of not following orders
    « Reply #43 on: September 07, 2011, 10:37:39 AM »
    Here's some more news coverage re. recent revelations 'bout Officer Daniel Alvarado's prior work history. This article appears to be the 'Full Monty' from which the Daily Mail extracted prescient portions (posted earlier by Oscar, 2nd article). Since there's quite a bit more to it, I'm gonna go ahead and post the whole thing...

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    San Antonio Express-News

    Officer who shot student had history of not following orders
    12 warnings. 4 suspensions. Why was the NISD cop who killed an unarmed 14-year-old on the job?

    By Brian Chasnoff / [email protected]
    08:34 a.m., Friday, May 20, 2011
    Updated 09:33 a.m., Wednesday, May 25, 2011

    Shortly after a supervisor told Daniel Alvarado to stay with the victim of a minor assault and not search for the suspect, the school district officer ran into the backyard of a Northwest Side home with his gun drawn.

    Moments later, Alvarado fired his weapon, killing an unarmed 14-year-old boy.

    The November incident was not the first time the officer had ignored an order, according to records recently obtained by the San Antonio Express-News.

    Since 2006, Alvarado's supervisors at the Northside Independent School District Police Department had reprimanded or counseled him on at least 12 occasions — six for not following orders. In other cases, Alvarado failed to show up for assignments, and his bosses appeared to suspect him of lying.

    Alvarado was suspended at least four times, and his supervisors warned of impending termination four times — once even recommending it.

    But Alvarado, 46, never was fired. Six months after the death of student Derek Lopez, as an investigation into the shooting continues, the 17-year veteran of the Police Department remains with the school district.

    For Denys Lopez Moreno, the teen's mother, such revelations about Alvarado's employment have compounded her grief.

    "They should've taken action a long time ago," Moreno said through tears. "He never followed orders. What makes you think he can deal with children?"

    At school, Lopez was troubled. Expelled from elementary school, he spent years rotating through alternative schools and the county's juvenile justice academy. He'd been disciplined for possessing drugs, assault and theft, school officials said.

    But at home, his family says he was a loving child who would cook for his younger brother and sister and help them with their homework.

    Moreno hired an attorney in December to investigate the shooting.

    The attorney, Wally Brylak, filed actions in court to force the school district to release records, including Alvarado's disciplinary history and a dispatch recording. He also subpoenaed witnesses for depositions, some of which contradict Alvarado's version of events.

    Reached by phone, Alvarado declined to discuss the shooting. NISD spokesman Pascual Gonzalez said the officer has been placed on administrative duty since the incident.

    The San Antonio Police Department has ruled the case a justified shooting. The Bexar County district attorney's office still is investigating.

    The question of whether the shooting was justified is unrelated to the officer's history of disobeying orders, Assistant District Attorney Cliff Herberg said. The former is a legal matter; the latter, administrative.

    Gonzalez echoed the distinction in a prepared statement.

    "We are aware of Officer Alvarado's work history," he said. "While there are some documented incidents, it's important to note that they were administrative in nature, and had nothing to do with student safety."

    But David Klinger, a former police officer who's now a professor of criminology and an expert in the use of deadly force, was surprised by Alvarado's disciplinary history.

    "It sounds like they knew this guy was a problem," Klinger said. "If someone's insubordinate in a bunch of circumstances, it's logical to believe they'll be insubordinate in an important circumstance."

    He added, "Mercifully, from what I know, these are rare. Most of the time when an officer has a problem following an order or doing their job, they get counseled so they learn how to do their job.

    "If they don't, at some point they're terminated."

    'Stay with the victim'

    Recorded in depositions, witnesses' recollections offer a closer look at the Nov. 12 incident.

    About 4:30 p.m., at Vista West Drive and Hunt Lane, a 13-year-old student from the Bexar County Juvenile Justice Academy was talking on a cell phone at a bus stop when Lopez, one of his classmates, punched him in the face.

    "He just hit me once," the boy said in his deposition. "It wasn't a fight. It was nothing."

    Alvarado, in a patrol car, saw the punch and said, "Freeze!"

    Lopez ran. Alvarado sped off in pursuit, at one point leaving his patrol car and chasing the boy into the backyard of a nearby subdivision, according to a police report.

    But Lopez slipped away.

    "I just had one run from me," Alvarado, out of breath, told a dispatcher. "I saw an assault in progress. He punched the guy several times."

    Alvarado returned to the bus stop. A police supervisor gave direction over the dispatch system.

    "Let's not do any big search over there," the supervisor said. "Let's stay with the victim and see if we can identify (the suspect) that way. We can put one in the area, but let's concentrate on getting the info from the victim."

    "I've got the victim right here," Alvarado said.

    He then ordered the boy into his patrol car and set off in search of the suspect, according to the police report.

    Accused of insubordination

    In March 2006, Alvarado received an indignant letter from a supervisor.

    Over the previous two months, the sergeant repeatedly had told him to close all of his cases before the end of his shifts, as policy requires.

    "Your complete disregard toward my directive was evident upon checking your reports that are still incomplete and in some cases not written at all," the sergeant wrote.

    A few weeks later, Alvarado's supervisor reprimanded him for making "no effort to complete said cases."

    Over the next three years, many letters followed.

    In January 2007, open cases still plagued Alvarado's work. When another reprimand failed to correct the issue, the sergeant issued Alvarado a letter of reprimand for insubordination.

    "Your complete disregard for my directive is a blatant act of insubordination," he wrote.

    A few months later, Alvarado's incomplete cases were disrupting court appointments, and a lieutenant recommended a one-day suspension.

    In January 2008, Alvarado was suspended for one day for failing to show up for assignments.

    He'd been scheduled to teach a grant-funded gang prevention class at a middle school. When the school's principal called the school district about the missing officer, a lieutenant called Alvarado and asked him where he was.

    At the middle school, Alvarado said.

    He arrived there 30 minutes later.

    "Any further incidents of failing to follow a directive, an assignment, or violating practices will result in immediate termination of your employment," the suspension letter stated.

    Later that year, Alvarado was four hours late to an assignment. Asked why, Alvarado said he'd told a clerk he couldn't make it.

    But the clerk said "she does not remember you telling her anything like that," a letter of reprimand states. "We recommend immediate termination of your employment."

    A few days later, Alvarado's bosses learned of even more violations, including more than 120 emails about his duties in the grant program that Alvarado had ignored.

    But Alvarado was not fired. He was removed from the grant program and suspended for three days.

    More violations followed.

    In two separate cases, Alvarado was suspended for collecting evidence that disappeared, including an MP3 player and fingerprint cards.

    In a letter for the latter case, a supervisor sent Alvarado a warning that must have sounded familiar.

    "Be advised that due to your past history of violations, reprimands and suspensions, any further incidents will result in a recommendation to terminate your employment with Northside ISD."

    The shooting

    The homeowner was scared.

    Someone had jumped over her fence in the 200 block of Roswell Canyon and entered her small shed, where her husband stored Christmas decorations, paint cans and a sledgehammer.

    The retired nurse was inside with her two daughters and 3-year-old granddaughter.

    "He went into the shed and I feared that he was going to get something and come after us," she recalled in a deposition.

    The person in the shed was Lopez. Despite his supervisor's directive, Alvarado was speeding down the suburban street in pursuit.

    The homeowner rushed to a window in her kitchen and screamed to a neighbor, who immediately saw the patrol car and flagged it down.

    The homeowner went outside to meet the officer. Alvarado drew his gun "when he came up the driveway," she recalled.

    No one saw the shooting. But inside the house, the homeowner and her daughters heard a gunshot about 45 seconds after Alvarado entered the backyard.

    In a report, Alvarado wrote that he was approaching the shed with his gun drawn when the door flew open, hitting him in the face. No witness recalled seeing any injuries to the officer's face after the shooting.

    "The suspect bull rushed his way out of the shed and lunged right at me," Alvarado wrote. "The suspect was literally inches away from me, and I feared for my safety."

    Tracing the bullet's path into the boy's chest as it ricocheted off the pancreas, colon, right liver and left kidney and exited the stomach, an autopsy report notes a lack of gunpowder on Lopez's bloodstained T-shirt.

    "There is no evidence of close range firing of the wound," the report concludes.

    The homeowner saw the officer carrying the boy out of the shed and putting him "on the grass, on the ground," she said. She grabbed a bath towel and ran outside.

    Applying pressure to the wound with the officer, she asked, "Why did you shoot him?"

    "He came at me," he told her.

    A paramedic who lived next door ran into the backyard.

    The boy looked bad: Sweaty and clammy, his skin was ashen and cool. He was taking short, gasping breaths. A pulse was barely there.

    As for the officer, "He looked a little dazed or distant," the paramedic said. "He needed someone to tell him what to do."

    The paramedic called for AirLife.

    In the patrol car, the boy from the bus stop was talking to his mother on the cellphone when he heard the gunshot and dropped the phone. Rushing to the car, his mother saw her son with watery eyes, "just staring."

    At one point, the mother told a witness, "He shot him? Why did he shoot him? He didn't have to shoot him."

    Still alive, Lopez was carried to the front yard on a tarp, and officers and paramedics converged on the scene. The mother saw a female officer wiping blood from the boy's mouth, saying, "Mijo, it's OK."

    Her son recalled Alvarado telling another officer that he had "panicked" when he fired.

    Before Lopez died, one of the homeowner's daughters went outside. She had been frightened when she saw him go into the shed, but now she felt something else.

    "I just remember his mouth moving a little bit," she said. "That's when I saw his braces. And that's when I realized that it was a little boy."

    © 2011 Hearst Communications Inc.
    « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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    Offline Ursus

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    Re: Officer who shot student had history of not following or
    « Reply #44 on: September 07, 2011, 09:54:14 PM »
    Sidebar to the above article, "Officer who shot student had history of not following orders":

    -------------- • -------------- • --------------

    San Antonio Express-News

    History of discipline

    NISD officer Daniel Alvarado was disciplined numerous times between 2006 and 2009. A partial list of violations:

    March 17, 2006
    Arrived 90 minutes late for assignment

    March 27, 2006
    Reprimand, for not completing reports

    Jan. 8, 2007
    Reprimand, insubordination for incomplete case reports

    Jan. 11, 2008
    One-day suspension for multiple missed assignments

    June 9, 2008
    Three-day suspension for substandard performance

    Aug. 21, 2008
    Reprimand, for failing to report confiscation of MP3 player

    Sept. 4, 2008
    Warned of impending termination because of 10 reprimands, counseling and suspensions in two years

    April 7, 2009
    Three-day suspension for missing fingerprint evidence

    © 2011 Hearst Communications Inc.
    « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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