Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform > The Ridge Creek School / Hidden Lake Academy


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Jill, do you know what happened to Amy Klemm? She hung herself while I was there, (to the best of my memory) in the spring of 2003. It happened during one of the breaks, and she was airlifted by a ranger helicopter from lower left field. No one who knew her has any idea whatsoever what happened to her. Rumor was she was braindead, but that was just a rumor. A number of people I know who were friends with her would like to find out if she is still alive, how's she's doing, weather or not she's OK. Were you able to dig up any records on her at any point? was her attempt even reported? I would imagine that due to the severity of the incident and the ranger involvement there should be records out there somewhere. This was an especially troublesome incident because she threated to kill herself minutes prior to her doing so, and her counselor said to her "go ahead, make my day". His reaction was defended and justified by the administration and he was not fired.

Jill Ryan:

--- Quote from: "someonesomewhere" ---Jill, do you know what happened to Amy Klemm? She hung herself while I was there, (to the best of my memory) in the spring of 2003. It happened during one of the breaks, and she was airlifted by a ranger helicopter from lower left field. No one who knew her has any idea whatsoever what happened to her. Rumor was she was braindead, but that was just a rumor. A number of people I know who were friends with her would like to find out if she is still alive, how's she's doing, weather or not she's OK. Were you able to dig up any records on her at any point? was her attempt even reported? I would imagine that due to the severity of the incident and the ranger involvement there should be records out there somewhere. This was an especially troublesome incident because she threated to kill herself minutes prior to her doing so, and her counselor said to her "go ahead, make my day". His reaction was defended and justified by the administration and he was not fired.
--- End quote ---

Yes, I remember reading about "Amy's" case very well.  Staff have spoken about it, also.  Amy's "lifeflight" was before out time.  Unless she or her parents as guardians come forward, because of HIPPA laws, any settlement, the info cannot be released. I hope Amy is well enough to see the end of this.  This is for all the children.

You sound okay:)  I am glad.

Since I am new to this forum I would like to start with saying hello, and that I am very impressed with the work of the people who put this together.

Getting down to business, I am looking to write a novel about a young man who finds out his friend has been sent to an abusive alternative program, and tries to get her out. Do to an overwhelming amount of corruption surrounding the program his only choice is to attend himself and obtain evidence of the mistreatment he suspects is taking place. However, I have no first hand experience as my parents never outsourced parenting, so I don't know how to portray my chosen setting. If any of you on this forum are willing to share your stories with me, I would greatly appreciate it, and I have a few questions to ask if anyone is willing to answer.

I can be reached at, and again, any information you want to give is greatly appreciated.

Pile of Dead Kids:
Don't write it. Trust me on this. Don't.

really...listen to pile...don't write it. It's a ridiculous plot line. writing a story like that will require a significant departure from reality, and that's not good for anyone. Not for the cause, not for parents, not for the teens that will read the book. For starters,
A. that plot line - "get sent to prison on purpose" - has been used and re-used over and over ad naseum. It's generic as all hell.
 B. no kid would ever get himself set away for that purpose, it's ridiculous beyond comprehension.
C. if it was possible to "get sent away and then collect evidence" we would be doing that already. What the hell do you think fornits has been doing for the last decade? eh? When you're in the program, you're in the program. your hands are tied. You're fucked until your parents wake up and decide otherwise. Even those of us that have mountains of evidence can't do much with it. your protagonist going to walk in on the headmaster anally raping a 12 yr old? or dig up some papers where the owner outright confesses to tax fraud? and even he managed to do that, how will they get that evidence out? these schools are closed societies. What goes in and out is tightly controlled, and they all have an incredible amount of support from local governments so coverups are easy. Just look at how various organizations gave HLA the blind eye for years.

ANYWAY, the issues at hand are much more complex than the examples cited. If it was as simple as tax fraud or sexual assault, it would be easy to get these schools shut down. They wouldnt need some kid to send himself away. The problem with these schools is the "mind-fuck" they put you through and the long-term negative psychological effects of that. PTSD, among other things. It's something that is entirely up for debate, there is no consensus on what's "right" or "wrong" with these schools. The parents think they are doing right, the school thinks they are doing right, half the kids are brainwashed into thinking they are in the right place and going through something necessary.
You don't have any experience to write about that sort of thing and unless you go through it yourself, you can't possibly even begin to comprehend what it's like to have your parents outsource their work. It will end up being some bullshit like that movie "boot camp". It will just sensationalize the issue and make people more skeptical of the truth.

and seriously, what are you doing asking us for help? you want us to write the damn thing for you or something?

Don't write it. Don't embarass yourself and turn this very serious issue into another sensationalistic teen pulp novel. Let the people with credibility do it.


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