Author Topic: Was Pathway / Kids helping kids active near Dayton, Ohio  (Read 1361 times)

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Was Pathway / Kids helping kids active near Dayton, Ohio
« on: June 29, 2011, 12:59:45 AM »
Parents of a girl diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder seem to be ready to entrust their daughter at a foster mom which a long history of fostering. The girl have settle with a kind of homemade level system where she has to earn the right of basically everything. She are kept from speaking with her birth mother because her father keeps the custorial rights to prevent such communication.

It looks a little like Pathways. Was they active in Dayton, Ohio?

Here is a link for the thread on another message board where the case is mentioned: Temporary Foster Care...

Yesterday evening DH went down to the foster care place where Onyxx will be staying until court.

The lady who runs it is very strict... Onyxx is going to hate it... (But IMO? She ruined her own summer.) No phone privileges at all the first week - no iPod/mp3/cell/computer/anything... She must earn them. She will be allowed to call her custodial parents... That would be DH. Not even allowed to call me (which is fine). After the first week, if she has earned privileges, then it's at specific times, etc.

Lady also is extremely court-conscious, regarding custody orders, etc. BM can call her (not Onyxx); but whatever DH says goes. All visits are supervised. AND... She brought up to DH that Onyxx probably will earn phone privileges at first - and explained honeymooning to him. DH was happy about this - b/c one, clearly she knew what she was talking about, and two, something his wife said was corroborated... (YAY ME!!!)

Lady has also dealt with court system regarding false allegations, too. She calls it the "center of attention syndrome". And... She is state-certified to work with troubled teen girls... Extreme cases.

So... She will pick up Onyxx from the shelter today. Onyxx has apparently already spoken with her; she knows she cannot stay at the shelter... Normally they will keep kids for 2 weeks, they added an extra week for her as an exception.

Court is July 21. I am praying - HARD - that they order RTC.

DH wants to look into RTCs in places like Texas. I think the one 2.5 hours from here is fine - he says BM will pick up Onyxx just to cause trouble - I don't think so. I think she would try, but you know what? He still is custodial parent, and the RTC will know that. (BM says she is filing to get custody back - and where is she going to put Onyxx??? Clearly the child cannot live with her and her husband... Oh, yes, let the kid live with her mother, and watch her self-destruct in no time flat... Add in that she voluntarily gave up custody, and has had no meaningful contact with the kid till last week... Timing there is awful suspicious, since Onyxx was at the shelter for two weeks before calling BM...)

And so it goes...

The parents (birth-father and step-mom) were not satisfied with the diagnose and want her treated aka punished for something else.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »