Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform > The Ridge Creek School / Hidden Lake Academy


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Jill Ryan:


--- Quote from: "Wh??ter" ---Ha,Ha,Ha

--- End quote ---

You really find it humorous that there was yet ANOTHER attempted suicide and that the acting director of the school only had a high school degree? You are one sick individual.


--- Quote from: "Wh??ter" ---Look, Guest3, you and Jill keep posting these items about HLA/RCS, but the proof is in the pudding so to speak.  ORS never takes any action against HLA/RCS so these incidents must not be that serious, right?  If these were serious allegations the state would be all over HLA/RCS and they would be shut down.  These kids have problems.  Sometimes they harm themselves.  That's why they were placed at HLA/RCS, for their safety.  Without the school these kids would be dead, insane or in jail.  That's just the simple facts.

--- End quote ---

I guess we'll see what happens... won't we?

Sorry Whooter, but you're wrong. HLA/RCS has been fined by the ORCC. You would know this if you bothered to read the reports.

Jill Ryan:


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