Author Topic: PLEASE HELP!!! Should I send my son to Hyde???  (Read 38886 times)

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Offline Wh??ter

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Re: PLEASE HELP!!! Should I send my son to Hyde???
« Reply #75 on: June 22, 2011, 01:31:01 PM »
Quote from: "hgrant"
to the can see by this discussion that every once in a while you come across really extreme advocacy for Hyde. I urge you to be wary on this basis alone. This whooter or whoever he/she is, is a shill for the troubled teen industry and even if he/she isn't making money directly from placements etc./, if you investigated i can almost guarantee you will find that he/she/it is insinuated into the system somehow. There are many children who go through hyde and come out the other side but that isn't the issue...those cretins don't know one illness from another from a third and they simply put everyone through the same filter, discarding those who don't pass...if your child is among them, he will be destroyed by the hyde's hyde as in dr. jeckyl and mr. hyde. these people ( i use the term loosely - they are monsters in their own right) are self-appointed cultists, emotional terrorists and liars through and through...the fact that some less vulnerable children survive the experience and come back prosthelytizing for the cause means nothing...these people and many like them should be shut down and i believe that sooner or later the awful truth about what goes on at hyde will "out" and people like mr. wooster/rooster here will find some new excuse for it...don't send your son to hyde unless you are certain that he is strong enough to withstand the emotional battering he will receive there. they have made themselves very rich on the despair of others and employ their family and friends and other advocates as rewards - just like any cult...these people are dangerous, untrustworthy and eventually I believe they will be seen as criminal.

Oh come on, hgrant this is too much.  Hyde is a well respected and successful school.  Don't you think if what you are saying is true that it would have been discovered a long time ago and it would have been shut down.  Hint, that never happened.  Why?  Because everyone knows Hyde takes trouble teens and turns them around.  

Did you graduate Hyde, hgrant?  Or are you like most people here that make these crazy statements but have never even been to Hyde?  Or did you not do well and fail out?

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline hgrant

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Re: PLEASE HELP!!! Should I send my son to Hyde???
« Reply #76 on: June 22, 2011, 02:02:36 PM »
i am not sure this jerk deserves a reply, but i think i made my association with hyde completely clear in my first any event, whooter's association with the industry is still suspect and i urge anyone considering hyde as a destination for a troubled child to disregard the sycophantic gibberish he spouts as having any real validity. if you have a psychologist or counsellor, by the way, who also seems like a hyde advocate, ask them outright if they received kickbacks for recommendations. you may be surprised and sickened by the response. years of abuse by the catholic church went unreported for centuries. does that mean it didn't happen. this whooter is a shill, as i said before. a liar, a shill, a conman and probably on the take in some form. ignore him.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Wh??ter

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Re: PLEASE HELP!!! Should I send my son to Hyde???
« Reply #77 on: June 22, 2011, 02:18:43 PM »
Quote from: "hgrant"
i am not sure this jerk deserves a reply, but i think i made my association with hyde completely clear in my first any event, whooter's association with the industry is still suspect and i urge anyone considering hyde as a destination for a troubled child to disregard the sycophantic gibberish he spouts as having any real validity. if you have a psychologist or counsellor, by the way, who also seems like a hyde advocate, ask them outright if they received kickbacks for recommendations. you may be surprised and sickened by the response. years of abuse by the catholic church went unreported for centuries. does that mean it didn't happen. this whooter is a shill, as i said before. a liar, a shill, a conman and probably on the take in some form. ignore him.

It appears this poster did not do well at Hyde.  Hyde doesn't teach kids to call names and make wild accusations as far as I know.  I think he needs some more character development.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Ursus

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Re: PLEASE HELP!!! Should I send my son to Hyde???
« Reply #78 on: June 22, 2011, 03:34:18 PM »
Quote from: "hgrant"
i hesitate to respond, only because of the dark place in my life created by the psychopaths at this institution. a friend has called me at his wits end because his son, 17, is about to be expelled from another private institution for misbehavior...nothing violent, but anti-social, you might call it. Defacating from dorm windows, defiance, refusal to follow any instructions...etc. You either know the behavior i am referring to or you do not. Now a wilderness program is being suggested and my nightmares return. This past February was the fourth anniversary of my son's suicide in the basement. Prior to that he had spent some time at Hyde, perhaps a year or less and whatever problems he had to begin with were so exacerbated by his experiences there that i have always linked the two. I couldn't say it was direct because there was some time between when he was thrown out of hyde and when he shot himself, but i believe to this day that the actions of the head of that school and several of its psycho caretakers were direct contributors. i can't go into details about what happened at hyde except to to say that the profound, deep, dishonesty practiced by the staff, many of whom i am sure are unqualified to be called such, the cultism, the terrorism inflicted on already disturbed children would result in long prison terms to the practioners thereof in any reasonable society. Hyde, in my opinion, is a nightmare, a mental torture chamber created by a psychopaths and created to breed acolytes...Do not send your son to Hyde. If you have already done so and he wants out; do not believe the staff at Hyde. Their entire purpose functions just as the street soldiers of Scientology function to recruit and impress more members. If you want to discuss this personally, face to face (figuratively speaking) perhaps there is some way to arrange this, though I don't know how we might accomplish this. If I were a praying man, I would pray for you and your son; as it is, I can only avail you of the benefit of my experience there and the terrible consequences one faces when allowing these kinds of individuals to oversee the psychological development of a child, especially one already having difficulty in the world.
I'm very sorry to hear of the tragic and untimely end to your son's life, hgrant! Sadly, as more people find this forum, one hears of more stories like this.

I am curious as to what actions on the part of the school admins and staff you felt were contributing factors. If you'd rather not state it on the thread, please feel free to PM me.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Wh??ter

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Re: PLEASE HELP!!! Should I send my son to Hyde???
« Reply #79 on: June 22, 2011, 03:53:56 PM »
I don't see how this poor kid's suicide could be blamed on Hyde unless he left a note or something saying this is why he did it.  Many people unfortunately commit suicide for many reasons, usually depression.  Blaming the school does not seem to be logical at all.  A guy I went to school with killed himself last year but people aren't going around blaming our school.  Almost all of us are doing great, just like kids who went to Hyde.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline hgrant

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Re: PLEASE HELP!!! Should I send my son to Hyde???
« Reply #80 on: June 22, 2011, 04:35:14 PM »
to ursus:...i think you can see by the post from whooter following yours exactly what kind of character this fellow is. Knowing absolutely nothing about the circumstances, he proclaims Hyde could not have had anything to do with my son's death and even describes the circumstances that would convince him otherwise...he is also now an expert on suicide and et al...His obsessive defense of this institution is a pathology in itself.
i am not ready, even after these years to discuss the details of what happened to my son, the long tortured path that led to his death. I said that Hyde was a station along the way and contributed, though Hyde is not solely responsible in that sense.  am also afraid to give too much away that might identify me to Hyde trolls (like Whooter?) or others. The people at Hyde have shown they are quite capable of the most nefarious behavior in protecting their God Gauld and their little enterprise and I have no room left in me for fighting. I can tell you that they spun him like a rat...changing the maze whenever he thought he had it down and convincing him that he was a piece of s--- unless he played their game. He couldn't. He didn't. He failed there and they smashed his self-confidence to pieces. He was weak, mentally ill, needed some form of treatment but no one recognized it. I pulled him out jail over and over again, retrieved him from international locales after he'd been arrested, incarcerated in various institutions...his illness progressed and everyone along the way who made it worse - like the people at Hyde - contributed. I contributed myself. When your  20-year-old son takes your shotgun after breaking into a gun cabinet and blows his brains out, you are also destroyed by it. Suffice to say that the vulnerable types must be protected from institutions like Hyde because Hyde is no different from the general society, in that respect. Who doesn't conform, is destroyed. It is the school's failure to determine who it can help and who it cannot - who it will in fact make worse - that makes it a quasi-criminal enterprise. any truly idealistic institution would recognize its limitations to protect those it might harm. Not Hyde. Money drives hyde. Money, power and self-aggrandizement are its stock in trader. Once they get your money, it's actually in their interest to force you out because it's non-refundable and they get paid for not doing anything. Meanwhile the next fool steps up, urged on by Mr. Whooter, no doubt and another $30-40-50,000 goes into the company safe. It's a racket run by a kind of mafiosi, sociopaths with suits and sob stories and a very slick brochure. I really wonder what Whooter's agendas is others?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Wh??ter

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Re: PLEASE HELP!!! Should I send my son to Hyde???
« Reply #81 on: June 23, 2011, 12:14:25 PM »
hgrant, you know nothing about me except for maybe some of the lies posted here at Fornits.  I'm totally impartial, see both sides of the issues, and add balance to the discussion here.  Maybe you should try to get involved in the dialog instead of just bashing and lying about someone you don't even know.  Try something new for a change.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: PLEASE HELP!!! Should I send my son to Hyde???
« Reply #82 on: June 23, 2011, 01:10:20 PM »
Whooter wrote;
"I'm totally impartial, see both sides of the issues"

I almost choked on my pizza when I read that.
If you are so impartial,and play it right down the middle,How come no one here sees your piont. Nobody here has ever agreed with you execpt maybe Danny B. And even he's changed his tune.(still not so sure about that one either)
But my point is that if you were really objective, you would have connected with someone here on more that just an insult level. I've never heard you say 1 bad thing about any program that is still open. It's always PROGRAM=GOOD
WORK THINGS OUT AT HOME=BAD. I've never even heard you suggest that a program should be a LAST RESORT
in dealing with your child. Remember just because the majority of kids suvive these place,what about the few that don't? What about the ones who come out of these tough love gulags ACTUALLY BELIEVING what the the program pounded into their heads."YOU'RE A WORHTLESS PEICE OF SHIT,AND YOU ARE HERE BECAUSE YOU OWN PARENTS DON'T WANT YOU ANY MORE. WHITHOUT THE PROGRAM,YOU WILL DIE!"  Hell normal kids don't respond well to that kind of "treatment". Nobody knows how kids with soecial needs will react. (russian roulette).As in any kind of treatment,one size can't possibly fit all. Execpt for you Whooter.You're not gonna' quit until every kid in America has be indoctronated through one program or another.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Wh??ter

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Re: PLEASE HELP!!! Should I send my son to Hyde???
« Reply #83 on: June 23, 2011, 01:37:18 PM »
none-ya get real.  You know there are many programs I would not use.  I have listed them here before.  I only recommend safe and effective programs that are proven to work.  For example, I sent my child to ASR.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Misled

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Re: PLEASE HELP!!! Should I send my son to Hyde???
« Reply #84 on: June 23, 2011, 02:09:01 PM »

How can you say you are impartial? Also, how can you attest to Hyde being a great place that turns kids around unless you have personally experienced Hyde. I have experienced Hyde and I can tell you that it is seldom that they turn kids around. Not only does Hyde seldom turn kids around, but they damage the kids who are there by giving them a very poor education while continuing to say they are a "college prep school." Prep for what?

There have been accusations of sexual abuse, physical confrontations between students and faculty, and one faculty member, (part of the family) was fired for plagiarism. Another long time faculty member was fired after being sued by a family for sexually molesting their child. The school still allows him to hang around the school while the wife continues to teach there. The reason these things don't come to light is because when a parent raises a stink, they get rid of the family, or pay them off. Trust me when I tell you there have been many instances of inappropriate acts by the faculty at Hyde, but most family's want to get the hell out of there and forget they ever went to Hyde. I saw this many times while at Hyde, what about you Whooter? What did you experience while on campus? Where you on campus when one of the long time faculty members physically attacked a kid? Or were you there when someone was hurt so badly they went to the hospital with a concussion only to be brought back to campus, without being checked on through the night or the parents being informed? If you aren't a former student, then you must be an Ed Consultant! Whatever or whoever you are, Hyde can in no way be called a college prep boarding school or a school that "turns kids around."
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Wh??ter

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Re: PLEASE HELP!!! Should I send my son to Hyde???
« Reply #85 on: June 23, 2011, 03:45:14 PM »
Quote from: "Misled"

How can you say you are impartial? Also, how can you attest to Hyde being a great place that turns kids around unless you have personally experienced Hyde. I have experienced Hyde and I can tell you that it is seldom that they turn kids around. Not only does Hyde seldom turn kids around, but they damage the kids who are there by giving them a very poor education while continuing to say they are a "college prep school." Prep for what?

There have been accusations of sexual abuse, physical confrontations between students and faculty, and one faculty member, (part of the family) was fired for plagiarism. Another long time faculty member was fired after being sued by a family for sexually molesting their child. The school still allows him to hang around the school while the wife continues to teach there. The reason these things don't come to light is because when a parent raises a stink, they get rid of the family, or pay them off. Trust me when I tell you there have been many instances of inappropriate acts by the faculty at Hyde, but most family's want to get the hell out of there and forget they ever went to Hyde. I saw this many times while at Hyde, what about you Whooter? What did you experience while on campus? Where you on campus when one of the long time faculty members physically attacked a kid? Or were you there when someone was hurt so badly they went to the hospital with a concussion only to be brought back to campus, without being checked on through the night or the parents being informed? If you aren't a former student, then you must be an Ed Consultant! Whatever or whoever you are, Hyde can in no way be called a college prep boarding school or a school that "turns kids around."

Misled, the very reason I am here is to add balance to the discussion.  I see both sides clearly.  Many of you only see only see one side and aren't capable of recognizing that there are always two sides to every story.  I am completely unbiased and able to see the good and the bad of the industry.  Maybe someday you will also be able to.

Hyde has been around a long time and has helped many youths get back on track.  If the things you are claiming actually happened, why hasn't anyone been arrested, charged or convicted of anything?  Doesn't it seem a little strange to you that Hyde staff could be assaulting and raping kids and not one kid or one parent or one good staff member has ever gone to the police?  Not everyone can be "brainwashed" or "bought off", Misled.  We can all agree that scenario doesn't hold water.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline hgrant

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Re: PLEASE HELP!!! Should I send my son to Hyde???
« Reply #86 on: June 23, 2011, 04:27:31 PM »
whooter is a shill for the industry or for hyde itself...there is no other explanation for his slobbering worship of the hyde guess is his wife or brother is employed somehow in "rehabilitating" bad kids...he's a  jerk off who would do or say anything to protect whatever it is he's protecting from all this criticism.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Ursus

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Re: PLEASE HELP!!! Should I send my son to Hyde???
« Reply #87 on: June 23, 2011, 04:44:16 PM »
Quote from: "Wh??ter"
Misled, the very reason I am here is to add balance to the discussion.  I see both sides clearly.  Many of you only see only see one side and aren't capable of recognizing that there are always two sides to every story.  I am completely unbiased and able to see the good and the bad of the industry.  Maybe someday you will also be able to.
Hey, why limit yourself to just two?! There are always many sides to any story! That doesn't mean that they're all equally valid, however. Some sides may be missing some information; some sides may have a skewed POV due to "special circumstances," etc. etc.

Quote from: "Wh??ter"
Hyde has been around a long time and has helped many youths get back on track.  If the things you are claiming actually happened, why hasn't anyone been arrested, charged or convicted of anything?  Doesn't it seem a little strange to you that Hyde staff could be assaulting and raping kids and not one kid or one parent or one good staff member has ever gone to the police?  Not everyone can be "brainwashed" or "bought off", Misled.  We can all agree that scenario doesn't hold water.
Lol. With your reasoning, Wh??ter, we might as well discount all those allegations regarding pedophile priests in the Catholic Church. After all, that shit's been going on for centuries. Must be bogus!

I'll tell you one thing about going to the police, at least as far as Hyde School's Bath, Maine, location goes: you can find a nice not-so-little placard reading "Truth Over Harmony" hanging up on the wall in the local police station. Gee, I wonder where they got that from?

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline quanat

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Re: PLEASE HELP!!! Should I send my son to Hyde???
« Reply #88 on: June 23, 2011, 07:43:17 PM »
Quote from: "hgrant"
to ursus:...i think you can see by the post from whooter following yours exactly what kind of character this fellow is. Knowing absolutely nothing about the circumstances, he proclaims Hyde could not have had anything to do with my son's death and even describes the circumstances that would convince him otherwise...he is also now an expert on suicide and et al...His obsessive defense of this institution is a pathology in itself.
i am not ready, even after these years to discuss the details of what happened to my son, the long tortured path that led to his death. I said that Hyde was a station along the way and contributed, though Hyde is not solely responsible in that sense.  am also afraid to give too much away that might identify me to Hyde trolls (like Whooter?) or others. The people at Hyde have shown they are quite capable of the most nefarious behavior in protecting their God Gauld and their little enterprise and I have no room left in me for fighting. I can tell you that they spun him like a rat...changing the maze whenever he thought he had it down and convincing him that he was a piece of s--- unless he played their game. He couldn't. He didn't. He failed there and they smashed his self-confidence to pieces. He was weak, mentally ill, needed some form of treatment but no one recognized it. I pulled him out jail over and over again, retrieved him from international locales after he'd been arrested, incarcerated in various institutions...his illness progressed and everyone along the way who made it worse - like the people at Hyde - contributed. I contributed myself. When your  20-year-old son takes your shotgun after breaking into a gun cabinet and blows his brains out, you are also destroyed by it. Suffice to say that the vulnerable types must be protected from institutions like Hyde because Hyde is no different from the general society, in that respect. Who doesn't conform, is destroyed. It is the school's failure to determine who it can help and who it cannot - who it will in fact make worse - that makes it a quasi-criminal enterprise. any truly idealistic institution would recognize its limitations to protect those it might harm. Not Hyde. Money drives hyde. Money, power and self-aggrandizement are its stock in trader. Once they get your money, it's actually in their interest to force you out because it's non-refundable and they get paid for not doing anything. Meanwhile the next fool steps up, urged on by Mr. Whooter, no doubt and another $30-40-50,000 goes into the company safe. It's a racket run by a kind of mafiosi, sociopaths with suits and sob stories and a very slick brochure. I really wonder what Whooter's agendas is others?

i am confident Hyde caused your poor son's suicide (arguably murder). being tortured into submission is not an easy thing to live past. i am very sorry you got involved with those violent lunatics.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Misled

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Re: PLEASE HELP!!! Should I send my son to Hyde???
« Reply #89 on: June 24, 2011, 07:22:45 PM »
Whooter, I don't know how you can make certain statements. You ask why no one has gone to the police. In my couple of years there, I know of instances where the police have been called in as well as social services. Don't make statements you can't back up. From what you have written, you have no first hand experience at Hyde so you shouldn't make blanket statements!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »