Author Topic: PLEASE HELP!!! Should I send my son to Hyde???  (Read 40782 times)

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Offline RTP2003

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Re: PLEASE HELP!!! Should I send my son to Hyde???
« Reply #45 on: February 22, 2011, 02:23:22 PM »
I survived incarceration and torture in Straight, Inc. in the 1980s.  I have met survivors of Hyde both through this website and in my personal life.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
RTP2003 fought in defense of the Old Republic

Offline molly

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Re: PLEASE HELP!!! Should I send my son to Hyde???
« Reply #46 on: February 22, 2011, 02:40:03 PM »
I'm so sorry that you suffered such cruelty.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline heretik

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Re: PLEASE HELP!!! Should I send my son to Hyde???
« Reply #47 on: February 22, 2011, 04:43:15 PM »
I trust that through your intellect and heart you will find the answer for your son. This is a communal family problem one that can only be resolved by the family participating. I am so relieved that you are allowing the survivors here to educate you. We have I feel some of the brightest most caring people here I have ever met. Not only did they endure the hardships of decisions made for them by their parents but they learned from their experiences and are willing to help others. Such as you.
Fornits has helped me immensely in the short time I have been here, please stay in touch and continue to educate yourself. Include your husband and son when there ready. This is a family problem and there is a solution, I know you'll find it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Paul St. John

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Re: PLEASE HELP!!! Should I send my son to Hyde???
« Reply #48 on: February 23, 2011, 02:48:33 PM »
     I've always found it hard to give responses to questions like this.  There are just so many details and specifics that are unknown to me... even the essence of a situation, with all it's subtle nuances, which make up the complete tapestry of this living, existent situation of your's.  I don t know of any boarding school that I could recommend.  I know of few, and the ones I do, I've only heard mostly bad things about.... and also just from my point of view, in my own mind, it is hard to see how a boarding school, of all things, is going to help your son with his condition.

Here is my perspective.  I'm not answering as an expert, or even someone who went to a program.  I'm just gonna tell ya what I would do, 'cause why the hell not? I wouldn't be looking for a safety net.  I wouldn t be preparing for a failure that has not yet occurred, but rather, focusing all my attention, on my boy staying in his school, as you said, you do not want to send him away.
I wouldn t think twice about it.  I wouldn t waste my time thinking about it.  If, in the end, I could not keep him in his school, it would not be for lack of my trying, or due to my preparing my mind for an ensuing failure.  And if it did go down that way, I would deal with it then.  Life is fluid.  You gotta go with what you have now, and make the best of it.

My perspective is that, if you are already saying ' hopefully his school will keep him, but if not we got such and such place already planned out', it's like you already have him all locked up in your mind... like a problem needing a solution, not a person. ' ( I am not trying to criticize but only offering an outside perspective.)
Let's say he improves, and starts doing amazingly... Do you have a safety net for that?  ( see where I'm going with this?)

For me, I would just decide how I want this to go, and then asking questions based on that....
Is it possible to do this?  Has anyone done this?  What can help?   Basically- How can I do this?-

It starts with a solid resolution to keep your son with you, and help him develop to be his best. I would tell myself that this is important to me, and I am going to get it done.  I would seek out my own resources.  i would listen to the ones, that were useful to me, and build on those.

As far as the doc only believing in using drugs, as a last resort, personally, I am in full alignment with that. I do a very small, but important bit of knowledge on neuroscience, and of the belief, that yes brain chemistry absolutely effects behavior, BUT almost every time, our brain chemistry is at the effect of our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions.  You say that the test confirmed he had ADHD.. In my viewpoint, of course, it did.  It only told you what you already know.. If it didn t, then that would just mean that he is an actor. It's like watching the weather on TV to confirm you really see rain outside your window..
But most people do not think of it that way.  Tests are all official and important, and this one has confirmed that your child has a condition.... But you have to be very careful here... There is always the pull to blow the condition out of proportion, and this is bad... We like confirmation of a condition, because if it is an actual thing with an actual name, then we can cure it .. and we can say " Hey .. he has a condition.  Give him a break.. It's not his fault, and it's not ours... he has a condition dammit!"

But in this particular situation, there are problems with this-  One being that a psychological condition is not the same thing as a medical condition, because we are as far in this area of study, as we were eons ago, in medicine.  All they have is theories, hopes, and along list of failures.. most of them anyway.

The other is this, and this is very , very important in my mind- If you get focused on the condition, you lose sight of the person, and if you lose sight of the person, you lose ALL hope of helping him. That's a fact.  Our brain chemistry effects our behavior, but the only health way to change the brain chemistry almost every time, is through the person.. Through the person!

A Spartans had different brain chemistry then you and I . Different beliefs.. different ideas.   I have different brain chemistry when I am relaxing then when I am working my ass off.

Let's say a person has a belief that keeps them trapped in a state if fear or anxiety, perhaps, it so deep, that they are not even aware of it.. That could account for it.. Traumatic loss or phobias never dealt with could account for it.

The way I see it, ( and granted this is just the way I see it), you have 2 choices:

You can be the average human being, accept that your child, is very intelligent but also diseased.  let society cater to the disease.  he will probably never get better, but you can always blame the disease, and the condition.  people will understand.  they have to or they will be considered inconsiderate.  many people will offer their hope and counsle.. priests family, neighbors , etc.  all in a big drama to get nowhere... and many people will take over many things for you and relieve some of the burden, as for every disease there is at least one expert, taht just loves to have a diagnosis of which they know all...

or you can take a heroic approach.. Forget the disease, and focus on the boy.. Focus on the boy.. Focus on the boy.. get it done .. make it happen.  It will be messy, unclean, with no illusions of certainty.. Lots of times you will make progress, only to lose it later.. You will not be able to view him as a victim anymore, and it will take discpline on your part to move forward.  most people will disagree with what you are doing, and almost no one will support you, and in the end, hopefully, you get the job done.

As I see it, there is no cure.  There is only you.  there is you, and your boy, and your hope and intentions for him, because in the end, there is no one in this world, who will care about him as you do.  Me, I just don t think I d give up.   but again, I don t no any of the particulars..

Be well.. Take care..

Paul St. John

PS I hope this ain t Whooter..
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Ursus

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Re: PLEASE HELP!!! Should I send my son to Hyde???
« Reply #49 on: February 26, 2011, 12:23:39 AM »
Although it appears that Molly has taken her search for solutions elsewhere, I thought I'd share a tale, in the event that any future parent in such a quandary should come across this thread, which I think epitomizes the kind of focused humiliation and group-fueled ostracization that Hyde is capable of when it wants to "break" certain individuals.

I'm sure that Hyde hasn't employed the dog collar and the digging of one's own grave for many years, but the mindset on which these protocols were based lives on in full fury and is practiced to this day via less obvious (but no less damaging) similar such activities.

Originally posted on 29 Jan 2007:
Quote from: "Old Hyde Student 1973"
I have been lurking on this site for some time now trying to get a feeling for what has been occurring at The Hyde School since I attended from the summer of 1971 through graduation 1973 (High School Diploma, not Hyde School Diploma). I have been struggling with my feelings about the school. I have been trying to conjure up my past, taking into account that all of my experiences there were not negative. I have come to the conclusion that the years have changed but the place is still as poisonous as ever.

It was my decision to attend The Hyde School mostly to get away from a smothering situation at home. I was your typical academic underachiever, labeled by the public school as having above average intelligence but extremely immature and lazy. I was getting into more and more trouble at the public school for minor infractions, such as smoking cigarettes and not handing in homework. Up until that time I had not done any illegal drugs and had only a few experiences with alcohol. I wanted a fresh start away from the labels I had been given at the public school. I did have many non-academic interests including piloting small aircraft, playing guitar formal lessons, camping, hiking, and fishing. Not much into organized sports and not a joiner.

My experience with The Hyde School started in the summer of 1971, I had a really great time during that summer doing what I liked to do hiking, camping, rowing dory's etc.. During that summer there were your typical Hyde "Busts & Purges", runaways and challenges to ones abilities, trying to expand beyond ones comfort zone. In short, learning the "Hyde Way", not a bad thing. I decided to return for the regular session fall of 1972.

My first year at the school I don't recall to much conflict between myself and the "Hyde Way", I don't think I was flying under the radar, some may disagree, I was just trying to achieve what I needed to do and then move on with my life. Trying to learn what I thought were some good fundamental ways to live life. Of course "Seminar" was something that I and no one looked forward to but I was never abruptly confronted or asked to reveal anything I didn't feel comfortable with. I viewed Joe Gauld as someone who had my best interests at heart and someone I could confide in. As we all learned "Joe" did have his own way of dealing with student issues but I felt at the time that if you have two hundred children with different levels of problems and parents who never dealt with the problems then his sometimes abrupt ways were understandable.

I returned for my senior year in the fall 1973, more responsibility, and more expectations. This is the year I witnessed things and experienced things that made me question the methods of the Hyde School and I believe negatively impacted on my life. I had witnessed questionable forms of punishment my first year but at that time I dismissed it as a process that I did not fully yet understand and felt it  was probably necessary for the ultimate benefit of the recipient.

As I gained more experience with the "Hyde Method" I began to see these forms of punishment as sadistic and having no merit in the development of a student. I personally witnessed and participated in the approved shaving of student's heads. Students being forced to wear dog collars and lead around campus on a leash. The "Cool Hand Luke" method to get a students "Mind Right" of repeatedly digging and filling in of ones own grave until exhaustion and submission was ultimately achieved. Endless work crews, sleep depravation until students broke down in gasping tears. I saw little improvement by the students that these punishments were inflicted upon, in fact most ended up leaving the school and if there was an improvement it wasn't a real "break through" in the students development it was only a pavlovian response so as not to repeat the horror.

The abuse was not limited to the student body. There were two incidents involving teachers that to this day I can't believe were not only allowed but encouraged. One involved a teacher by the name of Larry Prey who was a real nice guy, very supportive of me but kind of quirky which left him wide open for criticism. He was forced to stand in front of the entire student body and reveal his very private and personal marital transgressions with another women enduring the judgments and ridicule of two hundred savage teenagers. Another involved the crucifixion of a teacher by the name of Mr. French whose only transgression was that he didn't fit the definition of what we felt was the hip young teacher. He was forced to stand in front of the student body and receive his brutal punishment of unfettered ridicule. To this day I sometimes lay awake at night and shudder at the thought of those teachers faces as these incidents took place.

The incident that scarred me,  still haunts me today and that I kept buried for many years involved a younger student and friend. This student who trusted me, was accused of stealing money and would not admit to his supposed guilt. I was given total control of this student to break him and ultimately obtain a confession of guilt. I was seventeen years old, immature for my years with no experience in dealing with this kind of issue. I was given no counseling as to how to proceed, no methodologies,  no boundaries of conduct were given. He was forbidden to attend any classes, sports activities or have any contact with other students. He was not to leave my sight. My only instructions were to break him. His head was shaven and a dog collar and leash applied. I must apologize I was given two methodologies one was  to force him to sleep next to me on a hard cold wooden floor with no bedding of any kind clothed only his underwear. The other was if he protested he was to receive a cold shower. I can't remember all of the sanctioned brutality that was inflicted upon this student but it was intensive and complete. I remember once when he was given a cold shower that the water was so frigid that his lips turned blue I became afraid and told him he could get out and warm up. My mind was in total conflict I couldn't continue this anymore, but I also believed that he needed to confess in order to be "Saved". I finally told Joe Gauld that this was of no use he was not going to confess and that I could not continue with this. The student left the school and went home. For many years after leaving the Hyde school myself, I would wake up at night in a cold sweat, having dreamed about what I did and the harm I must have caused to this then child.

As the end of my senior year approach we had what I remember as some sort of review of our progress to determine if graduation with a "Hyde Degree" was to be obtained that year. I was told that I had not made significant progress because the "Big" senior history paper I had written and required by Ed Legg for graduation was of poor quality and not up to college standards. Interestingly enough I don't remember any classes being given that addressed the proper way to write a term paper. I was also told that I had not confronted enough of my personal issues to graduate with a "Hyde Degree" and that they recommended that I return for another year. Well I told them that I didn't agree and would not be returning for another year at a school that I felt had deteriorated into some sort of gulag. I also remember having the distinct feeling that they liked my father's money a little too much. So off I went into the world with an expensive standard High School Degree and some knowledge of how to live my life based on the Hyde School Principals.

Well my life became a nightmare, insomnia, constant bad dreams of my experiences at the school, inability to cope in social situations, lack of focus, deep feelings of guilt. I succumbed to alcohol and drug abuse, I self medicated to hide these feelings and ultimately flunked out of college after only one semester. My life became a misery for an entire decade, I cannot blame all of it on The Hyde School, some of it was my own immaturity but I later learned that the blinding binges of drugs and alcohol were deffiently related to what I had witnessed and participated in at the school.

My life did turn out to be good and worth living I straightened out my substance abuse problems not needing any Rehabilitation Center, I just decided enough was enough and stopped. I met the girl of my dreams have been married for over twenty years, have a wonderful son, a good job and am looking forward to the rest of my life. Funny thing is I don't attribute much of the good part of my life to The Hyde School, I probably just needed to forgive myself, come to terms with who I am, deal with my short comings, grow up and get on with it, which was my intension from the very beginning of this long strange trip called life.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Inculcated

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Re: PLEASE HELP!!! Should I send my son to Hyde???
« Reply #50 on: February 26, 2011, 02:42:09 AM »
It pains me to read accounts such as the one quoted above, it also causes me a genuine anguish to view the attempts at revisionist histories of these places that minimize harsh and unconscionable cruelties meted out there as naïveté (in a blame it on the zeitgeist sort of way) or to hear claims of progress that glancingly acknowledge what they’ve long tried to justify and then to simply minimize...
These small acknowledgments in the then and now context reframing of the persistent and no less insidious legacy of these methods as *progress* are the lies of program propaganda.
True the shaving of heads is not so commonplace anymore, but blatant humiliations and still severe and punitive pressures disguised as therapeutics and character building are common tactics that persist throughout. So many of these places continue to operate with such methods in part precisely because of the inescapable ease with which they offer an effectively executed short term appearance of change
(at long lasting expense including PTSD), and in part because those who inflict or abet/allow them are too blind to see that they are not any less damaging they’ve just gotten more sophisticated.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
“A person needs a little madness, or else they never dare cut the rope and be free”  Nikos Kazantzakis

Offline molly

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Re: PLEASE HELP!!! Should I send my son to Hyde???
« Reply #51 on: February 26, 2011, 07:52:30 PM »
It has been a horrifying experience for me to read so many posts about the bizarre and rampant cruelty at Hyde.  As a parent seeking a healing school for my son, I had to read the first nine pages of Google results to find this website.  On the first two pages of results are many positive evaluations from parents and former students.  I'm wondering whether it might not be helpful for people who are now out of harm's way to describe their experiences on these more readily searchable sites that actively ask for reviews.  Maybe parents would think twice about sending their children to Hyde if they had access to some of what has been described here.

Thanks to everyone for all of the help you've given me.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Ursus

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Re: PLEASE HELP!!! Should I send my son to Hyde???
« Reply #52 on: February 26, 2011, 08:41:45 PM »
Quote from: "molly"
It has been a horrifying experience for me to read so many posts about the bizarre and rampant cruelty at Hyde.  As a parent seeking a healing school for my son, I had to read the first nine pages of Google results to find this website.  On the first two pages of results are many positive evaluations from parents and former students.  I'm wondering whether it might not be helpful for people who are now out of harm's way to describe their experiences on these more readily searchable sites that actively ask for reviews.  Maybe parents would think twice about sending their children to Hyde if they had access to some of what has been described here.

Thanks to everyone for all of the help you've given me.

"Negative reviews" have a way of "disappearing" from some of those sites, Molly. The institution or program complains and it is removed. Many of those review sites are even run by the programs themselves or groups of programs and allow only certain material on their sites. I'm not saying they all are, but enough are ... to dampen the enthusiasm of those wishing to tell their story.

Lon Woodbury, who runs Struggling Teens, is famous for such editorial activity. He used to run a forum on his site (perhaps still does, although, if so, it's no longer open to the public), and posts which portrayed one of these programs in a negative light, no matter how respectful or devoid of "inflammatory language," were excised quite quickly.

Hyde is especially canny when it comes to gaming the public relations and marketing scene. They spend a lot of money and time on it. They have many many blogs, all pretty much posting the same material, but by different bloggers. Many of their "articles" and "press reviews" consist of much of the same material chopped and rearranged so as to appear "new." Perhaps a few sentences in the opener refer to some recent newsworthy event, but the rest of the piece is merely the same old same old rearranged to relate how Hyde is the answer to whatever societal ill the news makes reference to.

I'm sure that Hyde employs the services of a firm like "Reputation Defender" or similar to help sanitize their image and boost the positive material over the negative on search engines. The sheer volume of their blogs is certainly part of that. Hyde and/or their apologists have also managed to block certain material on fornits from even appearing on a google. You can use a direct quote of material you know is here, perhaps even the thread title, put quotation marks around it, and Google will not be able to find it.

But thank you for your suggestion. There are a couple people here trying to get something like that underway. Mostly it's a question of trust. Achieving the state of being "out of harm's way" is a highly subjective criterion. What with long term PTSD, fear of reprisal from program advocates, not to mention assorted other effects, recovery from one's program experience takes considerably longer than the average person, not familiar with the insidious culty nature of this industry, could possibly even begin to imagine.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline deslock

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Should I send my child to Hyde???
« Reply #53 on: March 06, 2011, 03:00:50 PM »
Dear Molly,

I was in no way a perfect teen, but Hyde definitely helped me become a worse adult. The people who founded that school care about their own agenda, children are merely a means to that end and nothing more.

I suggest that you spend your money on enhancing your son's life with exposure to music, art, sports,(with good coaching), travel, and meeting good kids in his age range. When you stick a kid in any boarding school, you abandon control of his day to day life and learning to strangers, some better than others. Just don't do it. Don't become a stranger to your son, remain a parent. Be consistent with rules, but also be consistent in paying attention to his changing needs.

Also, consider getting a new therapist for your son. Anyone who would suggest an extreme solution such as Hyde must have a screw loose themselves.


« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline momanddad

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Re: PLEASE HELP!!! Should I send my son to Hyde???
« Reply #54 on: March 07, 2011, 09:02:02 PM »
Please DO NOT send your child to Hyde!  This and other websites are full of passionate, thoughtful statements by parents who regret having sent their child to Hyde.  Many, many educational consultants refuse to refer teens to Hyde; they have learned about the intense controversy surrounding the school.  Many professionals question Hyde's draconian, outdated, and simplistic methods.  There are many reputable alternatives.  Please find an educational consultant who is knowledgeable.  I'd be suspicious of any educational consultant who would refer to Hyde.  Hyde has been the subject of intense criticism in a number of professional publications.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline forjessinits

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Re: PLEASE HELP!!! Should I send my son to Hyde???
« Reply #55 on: March 08, 2011, 04:40:02 PM »
I give my son Super Snooze at 7:30 pm.   ADD can = sleep disorder.   A huge lack of sleep makes it harder for them to concentrate, sit still, and behave.
Super Snooze is an all natural combination of melatonin, and chamomile, and other herbs, that induce sleep and help you stay asleep.   Within 3 weeks, his behavior was a complete turn around at school.   I also give him a fish oil with the highest amount of DHA in it.   DHA has shown to improve the symptoms of ADD in many clinical trials, adding to concentration, as well overall benefits any one would receive.      I get them at CVS.   I let him slide on the Super Snooze on weekends.           Im really glad I was told about this.   I couldnt take the conferences, and remarks from teachers anymore.    Michael made 4 A's, a B, and a D, last grading period.   He was on honor roll the 1st 2 sessions.    Its not a drug so patience is a virtue, and theres no too much really of the fish oil.      The gummy ones taste the best to him and dont give him fishy burps.    Its a bit of trial and error, but daily in a month or so, you will see results.   Ive also heard that Mellisa Root works, however I am unable to afford it.     My advice:   Ditch the shrink and go to a chiropractor.   Alignment works miracles and they are generally homeopathic healers.  

I was put in a residential treatment facility.   I would never be able to put my own children through what I had to endure in secret until my parents got wise.   Its had long lasting effects on me that arent positive.    Dr's push what pharmacuetical companies make.   They do not tell you about diet and suppliments.   You buying vitamins does get them those vacations and kick backs.

My elsdest son was put on Ritalin, and 7 years later, it was just taken away with no weaning.   He turned to what he could find on the street to feel 'normal'.   Im blessed to stars that it was pot, and not crack.   However he tried lots of things before settling down.    He has relayed to me what he couldnt at 13 since, and it sounds like hard withdrawals.   Knowing better this time, theres no way im putting Michael on amphetamines.   Mitch was a zombie that couldnt even get excited at Christmas on Ritalin.    I will always regret that.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline heretik

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Re: PLEASE HELP!!! Should I send my son to Hyde???
« Reply #56 on: March 08, 2011, 05:38:07 PM »
Quote from: "forjessinits"
I give my son Super Snooze at 7:30 pm.   ADD can = sleep disorder.   A huge lack of sleep makes it harder for them to concentrate, sit still, and behave.
Super Snooze is an all natural combination of melatonin, and chamomile, and other herbs, that induce sleep and help you stay asleep.   Within 3 weeks, his behavior was a complete turn around at school.   I also give him a fish oil with the highest amount of DHA in it.   DHA has shown to improve the symptoms of ADD in many clinical trials, adding to concentration, as well overall benefits any one would receive.      I get them at CVS.   I let him slide on the Super Snooze on weekends.           I'm really glad I was told about this.   I couldn't take the conferences, and remarks from teachers anymore.    Michael made 4 A's, a B, and a D, last grading period.   He was on honor roll the 1st 2 sessions.    Its not a drug so patience is a virtue, and there's no too much really of the fish oil.      The gummy ones taste the best to him and dont give him fishy burps.    Its a bit of trial and error, but daily in a month or so, you will see results.   Ive also heard that Mellisa Root works, however I am unable to afford it.     My advice:   Ditch the shrink and go to a chiropractor.   Alignment works miracles and they are generally homeopathic healers.  

I was put in a residential treatment facility.   I would never be able to put my own children through what I had to endure in secret until my parents got wise.   Its had long lasting effects on me that aren't positive.    Dr's push what pharmaceutical companies make.   They do not tell you about diet and supplements.   You buying vitamins does get them those vacations and kick backs.

My eldest son was put on Ritalin, and 7 years later, it was just taken away with no weaning.   He turned to what he could find on the street to feel 'normal'.   Im blessed to stars that it was pot, and not crack.   However he tried lots of things before settling down.    He has relayed to me what he couldn't at 13 since, and it sounds like hard withdrawals.   Knowing better this time, there's no way I'm putting Michael on amphetamines.   Mitch was a zombie that couldn't even get excited at Christmas on Ritalin.    I will always regret that.

Thank you very much for this education. I am going to look into these possible alternatives. I love the chiropractic exercise, it makes sense.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Samara

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Re: PLEASE HELP!!! Should I send my son to Hyde???
« Reply #57 on: March 08, 2011, 09:57:15 PM »
Can you explain how chiro alignment helps ADHD. Need help and prefer all natural.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline hgrant

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Re: PLEASE HELP!!! Should I send my son to Hyde???
« Reply #58 on: June 22, 2011, 08:05:30 AM »
i hesitate to respond, only because of the dark place in my life created by the psychopaths at this institution. a friend has called me at his wits end because his son, 17, is about to be expelled from another private institution for misbehavior...nothing violent, but anti-social, you might call it. Defacating from dorm windows, defiance, refusal to follow any instructions...etc. You either know the behavior i am referring to or you do not. Now a wilderness program is being suggested and my nightmares return. This past February was the fourth anniversary of my son's suicide in the basement. Prior to that he had spent some time at Hyde, perhaps a year or less and whatever problems he had to begin with were so exacerbated by his experiences there that i have always linked the two. I couldn't say it was direct because there was some time between when he was thrown out of hyde and when he shot himself, but i believe to this day that the actions of the head of that school and several of its psycho caretakers were direct contributors. i can't go into details about what happened at hyde except to to say that the profound, deep, dishonesty practiced by the staff, many of whom i am sure are unqualified to be called such, the cultism, the terrorism inflicted on already disturbed children would result in long prison terms to the practioners thereof in any reasonable society. Hyde, in my opinion, is a nightmare, a mental torture chamber created by a psychopaths and created to breed acolytes...Do not send your son to Hyde. If you have already done so and he wants out; do not believe the staff at Hyde. Their entire purpose functions just as the street soldiers of Scientology function to recruit and impress more members. If you want to discuss this personally, face to face (figuratively speaking) perhaps there is some way to arrange this, though I don't know how we might accomplish this. If I were a praying man, I would pray for you and your son; as it is, I can only avail you of the benefit of my experience there and the terrible consequences one faces when allowing these kinds of individuals to oversee the psychological development of a child, especially one already having difficulty in the world.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Misled

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Re: PLEASE HELP!!! Should I send my son to Hyde???
« Reply #59 on: June 22, 2011, 09:59:57 AM »
I completely agree with HGrant and his assessment of Hyde Schools. I recently saw where they are advertising themselves as a "college prep school." Hyde does not prepare students for college. In fact it was very difficult to get our child back into a mainstream school after attending Hyde.

My educational consultant felt Hyde was a good placement for my child who needed motivation in school. He has since stopped sending any of his clients to Hyde and I obviously took my child out as soon as I discovered what type of place Hyde was. The majority of Hyde's students have drug and behavioral problems, although they are ill prepared to deal with either one of these issues. Most of the "teachers" at Hyde are either former students or parents of former students who themselves are dealing with major psychological issues. I strongly caution you about Hyde based on my family experience there. I saw many sickening things take place at Hyde and personally believe it damaged my child more than helped him. It was an experience that we try to forget. Hyde operates very much like a Cult and encourages the students and parents to solicit donations from outside sources in the community as well as bullying you into giving more dollars to the school. If you don't, then you are considered "not committed" and will be pressured from all those around you. What I saw at Hyde was very similar to brainwashing both the parents and kids. They prey on the weakest. Those  weakest swear by Hyde similar to members of a Cult. It's frightening to say the least.

Save your money, keep your child at home, and look for a good family psychologist. Most children work out their problems eventually. I was misled, but thankfully I did not have the same outcome as HGrant. I am very sorry for you and your loss. I can understand how Hyde can send someone over the edge.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »