General Interest > Let's talk about the weather...

Israel and the weather -

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Once more I will bring up a common debate in Christian circles: Are weather events ever related to God's judgment on a nation.
Following are links to a series of blog posts making the argument that sometimes they are. The timing of these events in relation to certain actions by governments is very interesting. Naturally, if you are not interested you need not bother reading further.


A few quotes: November 1, 1991, when we forced Israel to the Madrid Conference. We forced them to sit down at the table and start negotiating away their land to the Palestinians. That conference began on November 1, 1991, and on that exact day the Perfect Storm formed in the Atlantic. That perfect storm produced waves of over 100 feet and almost completely destroyed President Bush's home in Kennebunkport, Maine.

in the summer of 1992 when Yitzhak Rabin was elected the new prime minister of Israel. The moment he was elected in June, we put pressure on him and said he must come to Washington, sit down with the PLO's Arafat, and negotiate and give land to Arafat. He came and sat down with Arafat. Their meeting began on August 24, 1992, and on that very day Andrew Hurricane slammed into Miami. It was the greatest hurricane in the history of the United States up to that point.

the Camp David Summit in July of 2000, when Bill Clinton brought Israel's Prime Minister Ehud Barak and Yasser Arafat together. Clinton began to put pressure on Barak to trade away the heartland of Israel and also to give Arafat one half of Jerusalem. The day that conference began, fires broke out in the Western United States. Fifty fires consumed 500,000 acres of land before the end of the month.

in November of 2002, President Bush made this incredible statement. He said, "We have come to honor Allah, the God of Abraham." The very next day, a swarm of 88 tornadoes hit the central United States.

on May 4, 2003. The next day Colin Powell went to the Middle East to implement the plan. The first thing he did was to meet with the terrorist leader Hafez Assad who's now dead. As soon as the meeting was over, he called a press conference and announced he had promised President Assad that the Golan Heights would be promised in the Road Map. He said we would force Israel to give up the Golan Heights. That very day, the greatest tornado swarm in the history of the United States occurred — 412 tornados broke out. The previous high was only 177!

Zechariah 2:8 (NIV84)
8 For this is what the Lord Almighty says: “After he has honored me and has sent me against the nations that have plundered you [Israel] —for whoever touches you touches the apple of his eye—

Joel 3:1-2,
 "I will gather all the nations and bring them down to the valley of Jehoshaphat the valley of judgment, and then I will enter into judgment with them on behalf of my people and my inheritance Israel whom they have scattered among the nations and have divided up my land."

Just sayin'

Actually, the dates and numbers are off on the tornados, by quite a bit, actually.  For example, the tornado storms started on the 3rd of May 2003 (before the 4th). While the 4th was the most prolific day in the sequence, there were only 86 tornadoes on that day, and that day was hardly the record.  That would be 1974, where there were 148 tornadoes in a single day.  Only thing going on then was the watergate scandal.  Maybe god didn't like Nixon.

I agree Israel should be backed, espeically in the danger it is now, but it should be done for reasons of maintaining alliances, regional stability, and because it's the right thing to do, not because God might send us some bad weather.  The whole religious argument is one main reason why so many reflexively refuse to support Israel. Is it's explained in logical terms what will happen if Israel disappears...  Then people go "oh... that makes sense", but if you give them a religious argument, and they're not religious, they're likely to go back to believing that the only reason we support Israel is because of evangelical interpretations of the bible.  That is one of the reasons some people support Israel, yes, but there are many other very good ones that are not religious at all.

I totally agree there are many reasons to support and aid Israel outside of the Bible. I agree a rock solid case can be made just using common sense and rational thinking. However, for some reason, when it comes to Israel, common sense, rational thought, history, truth and justice are overwhelmingly ignored by peoples and nations across the globe. I have said before what I think the reason is - but this brings us back to spiritual matters.

I recall very well the '74 tornado outbreak. It was indeed an historical event.

If the dates and stats are wrong and you have a source on that, maybe you'll want to write the web site, and do a little show and tell. Still,  whatever your POV, don't you think this is an interesting thing to contemplate?

I dunno,the zionist,nasionalist govern ment of isreal is ,bombing,rocketing,and bulldosing peoples homes,denying the non-jewish neighbors of simple lively hood,and walling them off like the nazi's treated them. now if this is YOUR gods Idea of JUstice. I want no part of any of it. and it pisses me off to no end that the us is in bed with it. please tell me, chapter and verse ,where it says in the bible,old book or new, where its ok to do that.What do you know about the kebra negast? or the book of thomas, or the book of mary for that matter? wise up. my priest was an idiot,so is your preacher, they have adgendas.

So if this wheather phenomana happend, because of .......? then what ...Katrina happened because?.............. Hey you made the case....back it up...... dont tell me  the hatian earthquake happened because the country is catholic(ish) Odds are you  never lived there,and much like the WHO, your opinion is un -qualifeid.


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