Partisan? I object to that. You dont know me well enough. Creepy? well .......Ive been called just let me say this.
Heres what I believe, government is a farce, vote for the idiot du jour,but remember he's a politician.It matters not one iota
what party hes with today.
Personally the last decent president we had was (in my opinion) Truman. Kennedy was lame,so was johnson,nixon,ford ,carter,ronnie ray-gun(bonzo was smarter)bush the 1st,clinton,and the 2nd bush.
At different times in my life ive been:
A registered democrat
A registered republican
A registered independant
A registered felon
I think people should own guns.Im pro-choice.I wish my country would stop trying to be the worlds policeman.I wish pot was legal so people could make up their own minds. I wish the economy wasnt based on bullshit.Id be happy if people had jobs,and gas was cheaper. Now how the hell is that partisan? Is it too much to ask for school systems to work? WTF.