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Limbaugh's Disease - Thomas Szasz
« on: November 08, 2003, 10:10:00 AM »
From: Thomas Szasz [via DrugNews]
Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2003 10:20:55 EST

Limbaugh's disease. Liberty, 17: 15-16 (December), 2003.

Limbaugh's Disease

Rush Limbaugh has been outed as a secret drug user and gone off to rehab. Will he learn anything from his plight?

Exposed as an illegal user of "legal" (prescription) drugs, Rush Limbaugh  has declared that he is an "addict" and said that he would check himself  into a "treatment" center.

I oppose the war on drugs. I regret when anyone gets injured by it. It will  be interesting to see whether Limbaugh learns anything from his plight.  When he returns to the airwaves -- assuming he'll be able to do his job  when he is "healthy" and not "suffering from drug addiction" -- will he  reassume his role as a bigoted drug warrior or will he realize that he has  been waging a war against liberty, responsibility, and the rule of law and  act accordingly?

I have long been on record opposing drug prohibition in any form. I believe  that we have a constitutional right to use any drug we please, that (bad)  habits are not diseases, and that efforts to change habits are not  treatments. Twenty-nine years have elapsed since the first publication of  my book, Ceremonial Chemistry. Since then, the cold war has ended and the  political geography of our world has been transformed. But the war on drugs  is still raging. The combatants -- drug providers and drug prohibitionists  alike -- have too much to gain from their participation in the hostilities  to end it.

Millions of people the world over continue to grow, manufacture, smuggle,  sell, buy, ingest, inhale, and inject illegal drugs, and other millions  persecute and prosecute them as participants in a medical-heretical  depravity. The pervasive criminalization and medicalization of drug use  transformed self-medication into "drug abuse" and created a  political-economic drama with a vast cast of characters whose roles require  that they engage in violence, endangering participants and non-participants  in the drug war alike.

Despite this vast, worldwide turmoil, few people seem to question the  premises used to justify waging a war on drugs or the morality of the means  with which it is pursued. This is because the war on drugs is but one  manifestation, albeit a very dramatic one, of the great moral contests of  our age -- the struggle between two diametrically opposed images of man:  between man as responsible moral agent, "condemned" to freedom, benefiting  and suffering from the consequences of his actions; and man as  irresponsible child, unfit for freedom, "protected" from its risks by  agents of the omnicompetent state.

In the cold war, this struggle was cast as the conflict between the  "hazards" of capitalism and the "security" of communism -- the production  and distribution of goods and services regulated by the market or the  state. In the drug war, the struggle is cast as the conflict between  persons opposing laws aimed at protecting adults from themselves and  persons supporting such protections as requirements for the security of  society.

So long as a drug remains outside of the human body -- in the field, the  laboratory, or the store -- it is an inert substance. No drug poses a  danger to the person who does not use it. As soon as the possession of a  drugs is made illegal, however, it becomes dangerous -- not  pharmacologically, but juristically and socially. It is an abuse of  language to call such a drug "dangerous," as if it were a criminal; and it  is folly to declare a "war" on it. War can be fought only by some people  against some other people. The war on drugs is thus a battle fought by  governments, firstly against their own citizens, and secondly against  foreigners who grow or sell substances which the drug warriors have chosen  to prohibit. For nearly a century, the governments of the civilized world  -- led by the United States -- have waged a crusade against certain drugs.

Psychoactive drugs are as old as civilization. Prior to the twentieth  century, deploying the criminal law to prevent a person from ingesting  whatever substance he wanted would have been considered an absurd  usurpation of his most elementary right,  a right far more basic than his  right to vote. Yet, today, the psychoactive drugs people want the most are  illegal, while the psychoactive drugs they do not want at all are often  forcibly administered to them, especially if they are diagnosed as mentally  ill.

Although the war on drugs is typically viewed as a medical or public health  effort to prevent illness or maintain health, actually it is a  quasi-religious, ceremonial struggle to rid society of evil -- the  forbidden drug standing as a scapegoat for a variety of the problems that  beset modern societies. To understand the popular support for this war, it  is necessary to keep in mind that the scapegoat's social function is  symbolic. Persecuting scapegoats "works" not because it protects society  from harm, but because it reaffirms the group's core values and reassures  people that its guardians are doing their job. The scapegoaters of the  pharmacopoeia have been at their job since the beginning of the last  century. The result is not drug peace but an unending drug war, accompanied  by the popular belief that the medical-criminal control of drug use is a  "scientific problem," and the popular acceptance of punishments for  violating such controls far more severe than those meted out for violent  crimes others. The minimum penalties imposed by U.S. federal law for the  following offenses tell the story: Burglary with a gun -- 2.0 years;  kidnapping -- 4.2 years; rape -- 5.8 years; attempted murder with harm --  6.5 years; possession of LSD -- 10.1 years.

A hundred years ago, a person in Limbaugh's position could have bought  Laudanum (tincture of opium) and obtained pain relief legally and without  endangering his hearing. Limbaugh, if rumors are right, bought Vicodin (a  combination of hydrocodone and acetaminophen) illegally. As a result, he  may have lost his hearing and is now stigmatized as a drug law violator.

History is not likely to remember Limbaugh for his support of conservative  causes, regardless of how mistaken they might be. However, given his  immense influence, history might well remember him if, freed from "rehab,"  he would oppose the war on drugs with the same vigor with which has  supported it. His achievements while "on drugs" ought to convince anyone --  especially him -- that drug prohibition rests, just  as did alcohol  prohibition, on equal parts of deception, self-deception, and hypocrisy.

The twenty-first amendment solved America's "alcohol problem." Repeal of  drug prohibition -- which, significantly, requires no constitutional  amendment -- would solve our "drug problem."  

Necessity never made a good bargain
--Benjamin Franklin Apr. 1734

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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