Author Topic: Dr Gerald Davidson Was Jennifer's uncle?  (Read 60344 times)

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Offline Dee Verry

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Dr Gerald Davidson Was Jennifer's uncle?
« on: November 05, 2003, 12:41:00 PM »
That is messed up!Part owner with Joe. Marty and Jeff were you still high? Really I wonder?What was her learning experence for? making her a mummy in front of the house,she could not move her arms,legs nothing.Then you made 120 kids or so run through the woods acting like wild Indains
throwing her off the dock pretending you would drown her .was so theroputic and ,that's not the end of her GM we all went back up to the house and she got hours more of your General meeting! I am going to keep repeating all her GM's every day until the right person reads and, it will happen Ken. unlike what you think people do care out here and the sick shit you all pulled will be told that't all I ever wanted not money, ass.Lets not forget all the goofing you did on penises and size.?yeah your healthy men in a pigs ass.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Matt C. Hoffman

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Dr Gerald Davidson Was Jennifer's uncle?
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2003, 09:09:00 PM »
Yeah Diane

Jennifer was related to that quack .Since we are speaking of dr. Davidson he was in charge of the therapy and you would think that that would involve talking with the residents .I mean afterall he was a psychiatrist and isn't that part of the job to talk to people .

I met davidson once during my entire almost 2 year stay .And no other shrink could be found on the site .

Jennifer Stamler  they tortured that poor girl .She was a talented person, she played the guitar and had a very nice voice .It is my opinion that they drove her crazy . After pushing her over the edge ,elan broke another of the three cardnal rules .No drugs of any kind .elan medicated this poor woman .

I would like to know how she is doing ,anyone know? .Yeah Diane I remember Jennifer and she was brutally tortured by elan and its henchmen .She was a nice person caught up in a very unfortunate situation called elan .
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Dee Verry

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Dr Gerald Davidson Was Jennifer's uncle?
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2003, 07:13:00 PM »
It does not,not then and not now .How sad and I honestly wonder how they can get away with it all.However, they do and I give here. I will no longer post it get's me no where and elan will always be elan and they smile, you were right ken they will always win!I don't care anymore. I wanted to be apart of somthing good.I do not want to be part of sickness and childish posting.I wasn't sick when I went there and I am not sick now.I never was at elan with weard people and I guess it did change.we were of simple problems and issues.not sick shit players all the crazy shit I read.If you are reading I will not be part of your play,I will not be part of any of this .take care all. :wave:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Dr Gerald Davidson Was Jennifer's uncle?
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2003, 08:56:00 PM »
That's not true. You will be here again ranting and raving the next time you get drunk.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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Re: Dr Gerald Davidson Was Jennifer's uncle?
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2010, 09:00:02 AM »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline Matt C. Hoffman

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Re: Dr Gerald Davidson Was Jennifer's uncle?
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2010, 10:41:34 AM »
Hi Ginger,

Oh I most certainly remember Jennifer. she got general meetings on a religious basis. She got the electric sauce laddled over here head . gottlieb had a thing for coming out sick on that poor girl . Jennifer was tall  thin with light brown hair.

Yeah I was there when they thru her off the dock  down by the lake. One particularly brutal gm they sauced her and Mary O' (those 2 sometimes hung out together) and wrapped them up in sheets just like mummies and had them lay on the dining room floor in this condition for hours, with the electric sause still on them encased. I also believe handcuffs were involved as well.

At one point they decided to (elan and henchmen) drug her into submission. she would stand around for hours  and weeks in this severely drugged condition mouth agape , lips severely chapped and sometimes drooling. Now davidson was the only one that had the MD license and they were related ... go figure Blood is just so much thicker.

From the eyes of a !5 and a half year old kid who came from wickedly abusive childhood, it blew me away how the directors and joe sometimes would get the house all worked up into this bazarre mob mentiality frenzy and then they would bring in Jennifer and the mob would just unlesh its fury on this poor girl.

General meeting were always like that a weirdly directed mob frenzy mentality, it was frightening.

Jennifer was actually a nice person , if you ever sat down and talked with her. she was funny and articulate (of course when she was not drugged) she also played guitar and was a very sensitive person. I liked Jennifer.

Eventually she was thrown out of the house and that is another episode of violence  and maybe some of the 4 plus men who took her back to chicago can relate , from the rumours that I have heard it was  avery sick and brutal trip.

That was the last I saw or heard about Jennifer Stamler.   I wonder how her life turned out , she was only about 18, she would be in her mid fifties now. The stuff that happened to Jennifer I will probably never forget, all in the guise of therapy.

Diane is right what elan and its henchmen did to that woman was simply criminal , elan should be shutdown and its henchmen  kruglik, mccann,gottlieb and the wanna be director, the asssistant zaretski  should in my opinion spend the rest of their natural lives in prison.  ricci took the easy way out.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: Dr Gerald Davidson Was Jennifer's uncle?
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2010, 11:11:15 AM »
What year did this happen w/ Jennifer. This seems so familar. Nobody talked w/ Dr. Davidson, in all the time I was
there I never once had a conversation w/ him. I remember Mary O very well. This was all at Elan 3 when Jeff Gottlieb
was director there. I think Janet Ramos, Wendy, Neil, Ken Steer were staff. There was a full Coordinater there that ended up engaged to Ronnie Dir. 2a, what was her name. Ken Steer and Joy ? (she ended up pregnant in re-entry, Ken baby).
That place quickly got out of control from late 1973- on. Folks that came in prior really can't relate, I talked w/ someone that came to visit there back in '76 a friend of Jeff and Marty (can't remember his name). He said at that time how much
this place had changed, how violent it was here. How intakes were changing from drug addicts to more challenging cases of violence and emotional/mental issues and that Elan staff could not handle this. He particulary noticed the amount of violence the staff was allowed to use verbally and physically. He asked what I felt I could do to help, I remember just looking at him bewildered just totally powerless to do anything. He talked about what it was like when Elan first opened, most of the residents were older and drug addicted. He just wanted to get clean and not go back to prison.
Long way from there now, sometimes I ask myself what in gods name happened how did get so brutal. Joe and the cult, I
am really beginning to get this cult concept. I used to think yah and I believe in the boogey man, well if you give the boogey man enough power. He is real and intimidating.
 :shamrock:  :shamrock: .......Danny.....
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Matt C. Hoffman

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Re: Dr Gerald Davidson Was Jennifer's uncle?
« Reply #7 on: January 28, 2010, 09:35:25 PM »
Hey Danny.

I got to elan in the 9th of July !974.  Jennifer abuse happened over the following 3 - 4 months  I think she left in october could have been earlier or later.

Any one remember Chris Badger. He was the first cow boy kick ass that I witnessed . Type of gm where the victim gets bounced off of every wall of the house.. I saw his bruises. I saw the wall bow 4 inches inward and snap back in the expeditors office while he was being slammed on the other side in the dining room.

Janet Ramos  very large hispanic woman she drove an opel dark blue or purple ... I think it was purple

Ronnie E had a girlfriend by the name of Pam T. if that is the one you are thinking of.

Wendy did her last name begin with an F. did she have very large hips and a small waist ...seriously not trying to be mean.

Ken Steer light brown or blonde hair

Did you know bob T . Tall indian from Michigan ?

when I left in july of 76 there was no football teams and Allen Frey was still in 6.

Sharon you are correct elan needs to be shutdown and its henchmen be put in prison for the rest of their natural lives.

I will post more about chris Badger gm was sick. I just hope other people remember him. I also hope he survived  what that hell hole did to him.


« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Ursus

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Dr. Gerald E. Davidson
« Reply #8 on: August 13, 2011, 02:06:41 AM »
There was question expressed in another thread re. Dr. Gerald E. Davidson's professional credentials and publications. I thought it more appropriate to respond in this here thread...

Originally posted on 12 Aug 2011:
Quote from: "Wayne Kernochan"
Quote from: "Ursus"
Quote from: "Wayne Kernochan"
Two things about Gerald Davidson. One: Either Allenbach is a liar, or he was lied to, because if Davidson was on the faculty at Harvard he would be published many times. He's not. "Publish or Perish" is their motto.

The other is what I do see. He wouldn't be in HPM because he said publicly that Elan's therapy didn't work. That's why he split up with Joe. But here's the thing, in order to come to that conclusion, there had to be a test experiment to base it on. That sounds a lot like us :)
Mmm. Hope you won't take this the wrong way, but... Allenbach is not a liar (at least in this respect).

Dr. Gerald E. Davidson was indeed, at one point, Instructor in the Dept. of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. Moreover, he also collaborated on a number of published scientific papers, with a variety of other professionals, usually on topics such as methadone treatment and patient anxiety, iirc.

Keep in mind that Davidson had responsibilities as a practicing clinician in addition to his academic ones, so the lack of umpteen hundreds of citations for a google of his name is to be expected. Davidson saw patients in area hospitals, and also ran and/or was associated with one or more clinics, e.g. that one in Chestnut Hill. Such professional endeavors would be expected to take up a certain percentage of one's time... eh? ;)
His role at Harvard was the same as Elan. He was never there. I've found a grand total of 3 articles he's mentioned in, and none he's written. I asked my wife's brother to check him out, he graduated Harvard. He knows how to get information there better than any ofus.

How did Allenbach study under Davidson at Elan? The man was never there.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Ursus

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Re: Dr. Gerald E. Davidson
« Reply #9 on: August 13, 2011, 02:21:55 AM »
Quote from: "Wayne Kernochan"
His role at Harvard was the same as Elan. He was never there. I've found a grand total of 3 articles he's mentioned in, and none he's written. I asked my wife's brother to check him out, he graduated Harvard. He knows how to get information there better than any ofus.

How did Allenbach study under Davidson at Elan? The man was never there.
Maybe ya got something a bit skewed or not fine-tuned enough re. your search parameters...

Mind you, this is in NO way an endorsement of Davidson or his involvement with or contribution to Elan on *my* part. I just think ya oughta give credit where credit is due, regardless of whether you agree with someone or not.

The fact is, Davidson did work at Harvard Medical School, and Davidson did publish. Here are a few of those publications, in mixed format, such as I was able to rustle up:

   1. Boston
   2. Associate in Medicine, Harvard Medical School, and Assistant Physician, Massachusetts General Hospital (Dr. Stoeckle); Assistant in Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital (Dr. Davidson).


Medical clinic patients with "functional" bodily complaints were commonly found to have a depressive reaction. This reaction consists of bodily symptoms and disturbances in relations, both interpersonal (withdrawl, irritability, and resentment) and intrapersonal (depressed mood, loss of pleasure in usual activities, helplessness, and injured self-esteem). The diagnosis is made on the history of a traumatic event which the patient perceives as a loss, rather than on symptoms alone. Diagnosis is important because the bodily symptoms are commonly used as a reason for coming to the doctor, because care of the patient demands recognition of all aspects of his illness, and because rational treatment depends on it. Treatment involves several roles of the doctor and his explicit or implicit use of some psychotherapeutic techniques in his medical practice. Four case histories illustrate these principles.

* Associate in Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Assistant Physician, Massachusetts General Hospital.
† Assistant Sociologist, Department of Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital.[/li][/list]
  • Journal of Chronic Diseases
    Volume 17, Issue 10, October 1964, Pages 959-970
    The quantity and significance of psychological distress in medical patients: Some preliminary observations about the decision to seek medical aid
    John D. Stoeckle M.D.*, å, Irying K. Zola Ph.D.†, å and Gerald E. Davidson M.D.‡, å

    åDepartments of Medicine and Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School; Medical and Psychiatric Services, and Medical Clinic, Massachusetts General Hospital, U.S.A.
    Received 24 November 1963.
    Available online 25 March 2004.


    The percentage of patients coming to a medical clinic with psychological distress was measured by recording symptoms in two studies in the same clinic at different times. The clinical study and the sociological study gave similar results, i.e., over 80 per cent incidence. The different definitions, criteria and measures in previous studies of ‘psychiatric illness’ in medical patients, as well as their implications, are reviewed. Depression was common in the clinical study. Such distress was considered significant in the decision to seek medical aid because of expectations of help from the doctor. That this distress may be related to the decision to go to the doctor is illustrated by case reports. Further validation is suggested by prospective and field studies outside the clinic.

    * Associate Physician, Massachusetts General Hospital, Associate in Medicine, Harvard Medical School.
    † Assistant Sociologist, Massachusetts General Hospital, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Brandeis University.
    John D. Stoeckle, M.D.; Ruth Sittler; and Gerald E. Davidson, M.D.
    Am J Public Health, Sep 1966; 56: 1570 - 1579.

    "Dr. Stoeckle is associate in medicine, Harvard Medical School, and associate physician, Massachusetts General Hospital (Boston, Mass. 02114). Miss Sittler is head, Social Service, Medical Clinic, Massachusetts General Hospital. Dr. Davidson is assistant in psychiatry, Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital. (This paper was submitted for publication in May, 1965.)"
  • Patterns of Drop-Outs from a Methadone Program for Narcotic Addicts
    Substance Use & Misuse
    1972, Vol. 7, No. 3 , Pages 415-425

    Chaim M. Rosenberg1†, Gerald E. Davidson2 and Vernon D. Patch3
    1Assistant Professor of Psychiatry
    2Instructor in Psychiatry
    3Assistant Professor of Psychiatry Harvard Medical School
    †Correspondence: Chaim M. Rosenberg, Department of Psychiatry, Boston City Hospital, Harrison Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts, 02118

Fwiw, Davidson also participated/is mentioned in the following studies, presentations, and reports:

      "Davidson, Dr. Gerald E., associate director, drug dependency clinic, Boston City Hospital, study entitled "Results of Preliminary Perse Study"....: 331"
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Anonymous

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Re: Dr Gerald Davidson Was Jennifer's uncle?
« Reply #10 on: August 13, 2011, 05:34:44 AM »
Stoeckle, Zola, and Rosenberg are all over the internet, and so is Joe Ricci. How is it Davidson isn't? He was co-owners of Elan, his name should be all over the place.

BTW, I put Davidson in search with fornits and still didn't hit on this thread :(
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Ursus

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Re: Dr. Gerald E. Davidson
« Reply #11 on: August 13, 2011, 11:22:36 AM »
Originally posted on 13 Aug 2011 on that other thread:
Quote from: "Wayne Kernochan"
Is there a reason you didn't show me these hours ago?  :beat:   You could have saved me a half a day of going down the wrong road

Its funny they didn't come up oh 20 different kinds of searches. But I never put "fornits" in any of them

Just for kicks, my wife had her brother call a friend. Alfred is a doctor, but he got his business degree at Harvard, and has friends. He was there when a group put a fake student through a freshman year, and after nothing on Google searches, he wondered if someone did that here.

Alfred says in an e-mail tonight that Gerald Davidson in fact worked there, but he's remembered the exact same way he is at Elan. Everyone spoke to him once, no one remembers what he looked like, and he was notorious for not being there. For a Harvard professor, this is not a lot, but I don't care because now I have his friends and colleagues names.

Now that I have Alfred I don't need to search so hard :) He's fascinated by the HPM
Originally posted above:
Quote from: "Wayne Kernochan"
Stoeckle, Zola, and Rosenberg are all over the internet, and so is Joe Ricci. How is it Davidson isn't? He was co-owners of Elan, his name should be all over the place.

BTW, I put Davidson in search with fornits and still didn't hit on this thread :(
When I said, "I don't have time enough to rifle through the entire catalogue of 'Gerald Davidson' posts on fornits at the moment," I was referring to finding "the perfect thread" to continue this conversation in, not to finding Davidson's publications.

To find Davidson's publications online I just did a google with his full name (including middle initial) in quotes. If there was a CV of his still in existence the search would've been super easy, but I didn't have access to that nor did I find one. If one wanted to dig deeper, one could also do author searches in his favored journals. I'm sure there's a database out there more specific to this kind of endeavor but I can't think of it at the moment.

As to Davidson being a "no-show" for most of the time, that's what you get with some of these bigwigs. They "oversee" and delegate most of the day to day stuff. As far as Elan goes, I'm sure that he perused the reports at some point or another, but you probably wouldn't have seen him doing that.

Now... I didn't know nor did I ever meet Gerald Davidson, so feel free to discount whatever I say as a whole lotta malarkey, but... I'd venture that Davidson's primary value to Elan had more to do with his academic credentials and the implied credibility as to Elan's methodology that went along with that, than it had to do with anything he ever actually did or said.

In fact, "those in charge" were probably quite happy that he wasn't around all that much. If Dr. Davidson was almost never there, abuse that he witnessed could be explained away as aberrant and isolated incidents, and written off as the result of dealing with mentally ill and malingering adolescents. And the longer that Elan could prolong the caché that goes along with having a "real doctor" associated with their program, the more credibility they had.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Ursus

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Re: Dr. Gerald E. Davidson
« Reply #12 on: August 13, 2011, 11:34:11 AM »
Quote from: "Ursus"
Now... I didn't know nor did I ever meet Gerald Davidson, so feel free to discount whatever I say as a whole lotta malarkey, but... I'd venture that Davidson's primary value to Elan had more to do with his academic credentials and the implied credibility as to Elan's methodology that went along with that, than it had to do with anything he ever actually did or said.
On second thought... just how much familiarity did Dr. Davidson enjoy with Maine's Dept. of Human Services (which seems to function with an incredible degree of cluelessness)? Or with certain particular politicians?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Anonymous

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Re: Dr Gerald Davidson Was Jennifer's uncle?
« Reply #13 on: August 13, 2011, 12:35:57 PM »
The evidence is long gone on any of these creeps. For Davidson to get so little on a Google search means someone has gone to great lengths to keep him off. My cat gets more hits than him

It makes me wonder why that information isn't there.

If there's anything, Alfred will find it. He knows everyone at the university, but I doubt it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Matt C. Hoffman

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Re: Dr Gerald Davidson Was Jennifer's uncle?
« Reply #14 on: August 13, 2011, 02:49:20 PM »
hi all ,

I have said somewhere before , Ricci had first hand knowledge about the behavivor modifacaton  from Daytop. I doubt he understood how these practices worked . Davidson  had the text book knowledge, and undoubtedly had to explain a lot to Ricci.

Davidison was there at elan a lot in his office . He was always present at family conferences. He did not say much from what I saw at these  meetings. Elan exisited under his medical license (umbrella). He stayed  in his office in Joes big old double wide trailer office deal.

In my  close to two years I saw him on the floor of the house maybe three times ,(maybe he was afeared of the residents ). He did not consul residents in any one on  one sessions . It was odd it was like the old stuff runs down hill. Davidson was at the top  top yet Ricci was the one who did the talking. Maybe Davison could be considered the man who stood behind the soft machine , He had ricci's back so to speak.

Davidson was there not as much as one would expect him to be and not as hands on as one would expect either. Though you can be darn sure davidson read the daily reports and paid attention to progress reports, I agree with Ursus sumation to this  .

His licencse and signature was the key to ricci getting paid by the states  for the states wards that were in that hell hole .after all he was elans medical director. And that carried weight that Ricci did not have ..... Ricci was a non educated  goon and I laugh.... he considered himself the therapuetic director at least that the spot he signed on my certificate of having completede the program . Davidson signed as medical director .

The reason I laugh Ricci had self ordained himself and bestowed himself   (knighted  himself )  that  title though legally he had no training save his experience from being in Daytop. and that title was nothing it carried no weight .  I reckon for Ricci   elan was fun and here people( he knew) looked at him as a God  according to zaretzky , but he really was a pimp strutting ,pimp clothes wearing flamboyant ganster wanna be. And he knew he was running a golden business. I think he was also a sadist.  elan was also his emotinal playground.

Wayne, Davidson was there a lot more than you or I know ,remember we were being occupied by a really nasty ,sadistic  and abusive program at the time with all due respect to you Wayne  and  that pesky little program really did keep us occupied .  . He was there and yes not as much as you would expect him to be  and he was certainly not hands on like you would  think .

I guess you could say he was the man behind Ricci ,who was behind the curtain most of the time . You never saw him but he  knew was there . You could also tell he was there if hisd car was there.  He was a very quiet man. I never really heard him say much and I went to a couple of parent confereces mine and another residents who asked me to be there. the man never said much.An opposite of Ricci ,very smart and I think he really shunned the spot light ,that ricci would have paid some one to constantly shine on him

Ricci could not get the presidantial seal of approval like the Straights did and I wonder why ? You know he wanted it . He was a meglomaniac to the nth degree. It must have killed him when he saw Straights getting all the attrention from Nancy Reagan and both Bushes ....hmmm I wonder why they never thru Ricci  any props than likely it was because elan was  most abusive place on the earth as far as programs went and I bet elan was known and people more thna likely did not want to be associated  with Ricci and his gang of cretins that ran that hell hole.


« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »