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Possible problem with Fornits dns or some kind of weirdness


If I go to it sends me to one of those generic search engine cybersquater sites.

www.fornits com works though.

Maybe your dns got hijacked or maybe mine did.

Thanks. That is weird. I wonder if it's a latent DNS record somewhere in the mix between you and the world. Cause I'm not getting that result here. Could you send me a traceroute?

I did used to host out of a little company in Atlanta. Who knows how many times it and it's hard and soft assetts have been swapped around like a cheap whore in the meant time.

Our country has deliberately undertaken a great social and economic experimanet, noble in motive and far-reaching in purpose. [The Eighteenth Amendment, enacting Prohibition.]
Letter to Senator W.H. Borah
--Herbert Hoover (Feb 28, 1928)
--- End quote ---

It seems to be fixed. I think it is probably my school's dns server. It has been hacked before. One time netster replaced all the major e-commerce sites.


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