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Re: Moderator Helping Cover Up Abuses
« Reply #60 on: January 14, 2011, 04:11:25 PM »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Whooter

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Re: Moderator Helping Cover Up Abuses
« Reply #61 on: January 14, 2011, 05:41:52 PM »
Quote from: "Jill Ryan"
DJ - I found it in "Open Free For All" along with other posts and threads.  A few times I found them in the Drama Box, but that appeas to have ceased.

Thanks Jill, The moderators PM'd DJ last night and I think he has calmed down and realized his mistake.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline psy

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Re: Moderator Helping Cover Up Abuses
« Reply #62 on: January 17, 2011, 12:17:58 AM »
After examining what I wrote to you in the pm in question, I realized I did suggest creating a fake ed con account, complete with email address for parents to contact (and be given a lecture on how stupid they are). I was clearly talking about a parody one... something akin to Dr. Fucktard or SIBS, which already exists.  I don't see a problem with this.  if parents don't read the parody fine print, they deserve a lecture on how easy is to get conned, and it keeps kids out of programs.  That being said, when I realized the afore-mentioned problem with the sock-puppetry rules I decided against sending that suggestion and thought i had deleted the sentence.  As a result I accused you hastily of making that up.  I apologize for that, and parts of what i wrote earlier.  I don't believe, however, for a second, that you even considered that i would intentionally decieve a parent and what?  refer them to a program?  What exactly were you going to accuse me of to get your way?

You know or should know me better than that.  I went through a lawsuit rather than simply take a website down and kicked a program in the teeth in the process.  I went through a successful domain dispute with Sue Scheff and embarrassed her publicly all over the internet with the truth of her deceptions.  That website is still #2 when you google her name.  In response she has put up false and misleading statements about me on the internet which most likely affected my ability to get a job, and would continue to do so if I ever changed jobs.  That could easily be solved by a quick phone call to Sue Scheff.  I would take the website down, I would work for her (we'd work up a story).  I could blame my behavior on a fake drug problem.  I could probably take Fornits with me in the process. And I would probably make all sorts of money like that cu*t from PV probably did when she went to the dark side.  And I could "apologize" to Benchmark and hook up some sort of referral deal. And I could speak at NATSAP...  Yet none of this has happened.   And you accuse me of taking Whooter's side?  As if I like the guy?  As if he's cute or something?  He defends child abusers and in my view is fully cognizant of what goes on in programs.

You threatened me to get your way and to back up your threat I believe you misrepresented your personal opinions of me and The Gatekeeper... just because you weren't getting you're way with Whooter.  I am writing a ruling now.  You may still get your way, but this obsession with getting Whooter banned at any costs (see attached) is insane.  The forum is not taking sides on matters of truth or falsity.  i have explained this to you before, and you should use the warning feature rather than PM.  I don't have as much time as you might prefer to read through pages and pages of junk.

Also.  The reason I chose The Gatekeeper is because I wanted somebody who had the time and I felt could be objective.  You seem to really be the only one with a huge problem with him. (and nun-ya).  But how many of you guys have, I dunno, bothered to maybe PM and ask why a certian moderation decision was made.  You can appeal it to me, but most of the time, if an error was made, it can be resolved by the moderator.  There is no need to demand heads on a platter.

Also, I don't discuss user's warning statuses with anybody but the user.  For all you know Whooter might be banned tomorrow for exceeding his maximum warnings.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Benchmark Young Adult School - bad place [ link]
Sue Scheff Truth - Blog on Sue Scheff
"Our services are free; we do not make a profit. Parents of troubled teens ourselves, PURE strives to create a safe haven of truth and reality." - Sue Scheff - August 13th, 2007 (fukkin surreal)

Offline Dysfunction Junction

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Re: Moderator Helping Cover Up Abuses
« Reply #63 on: January 17, 2011, 10:14:55 AM »
Quote from: "psy"
After examining what I wrote to you in the pm in question, I realized I did suggest creating a fake ed con account, complete with email address for parents to contact (and be given a lecture on how stupid they are). I was clearly talking about a parody one... something akin to Dr. Fucktard or SIBS, which already exists.  I don't see a problem with this.  if parents don't read the parody fine print, they deserve a lecture on how easy is to get conned, and it keeps kids out of programs.  That being said, when I realized the afore-mentioned problem with the sock-puppetry rules I decided against sending that suggestion and thought i had deleted the sentence.  As a result I accused you hastily of making that up.  I apologize for that, and parts of what i wrote earlier.  I don't believe, however, for a second, that you even considered that i would intentionally decieve a parent and what?  refer them to a program?  What exactly were you going to accuse me of to get your way?

I’m very busy this week with FDA hearings and I’d like to respond more fully, but time allows only simple brevity.

First, thank you for your apology.  I appreciate it.  Of course I never have and never would think you would deceive a parent in order to have a child placed in a program.  I never thought that and never said that.  Let me first give you a ditrect quote of what you said to me and I will explain why I took the measures I did.

Quote from: "psy"
Who else will represent his viewpoint. It will become necessary to invent him and for that purpose you have to promise you will make up a sock-puppet... Maybe a fake ed-con, complete with email address for parents to contact you.

This is the exact verbiage you used.  Obviously, to any observer, this is an offer of quid pro quo, and this is precisely what set me off.  Now you are saying this isn’t what you meant, and I accept that explanation, but at the time, the above was the operating premise.  Esentially, ”I will ban Whooter if and only if you promise to deceive the public intentionally and violate the stated rules of the site.”  As you can imagine, this disturbed me deeply.

Quote from: "psy"
You know or should know me better than that.  I went through a lawsuit rather than simply take a website down and kicked a program in the teeth in the process.  I went through a successful domain dispute with Sue Scheff and embarrassed her publicly all over the internet with the truth of her deceptions.  That website is still #2 when you google her name.  In response she has put up false and misleading statements about me on the internet which most likely affected my ability to get a job, and would continue to do so if I ever changed jobs.  That could easily be solved by a quick phone call to Sue Scheff.  I would take the website down, I would work for her (we'd work up a story).  I could blame my behavior on a fake drug problem.  I could probably take Fornits with me in the process. And I would probably make all sorts of money like that cu*t from PV probably did when she went to the dark side.  And I could "apologize" to Benchmark and hook up some sort of referral deal. And I could speak at NATSAP...  Yet none of this has happened.   And you accuse me of taking Whooter's side?  As if I like the guy?  As if he's cute or something?  He defends child abusers and in my view is fully cognizant of what goes on in programs.

Let me flip this on you.  Your story above is very similar to how I and other posters here successfully shut down HLA and won a class action lawsuit to make HLA pay back their victims.  I was SLAPPed, I was threatened with violence and HLA did their dead-level best to destroy my character with lies.  But I never gave up and I never do.  

Quote from: "psy"
You threatened me to get your way and to back up your threat I believe you misrepresented your personal opinions of me and The Gatekeeper... just because you weren't getting you're way with Whooter.

That’s not how it went down at all.  Only after you made me a quid pro quo offer that would require me to sell out my own principles and to degrade the credibility of all Fornits users, did I respond at this level.  Here is what I said to you:

Quote from: "Dysfunction Junction"
I am simply telling you that I will continue to be honest with other posters here if you intend to continue to rig the game. I still believe you don't mean what you said, but actions speak louder than words. Banning Whooter cannot be contingent upon my agreement to create sockpuppets to replace him. I won't do that. If my not doing that becomes your vis compulsiva for not finding in my favor, then the chips will fall where they may.


Quote from: "Dysfunction Junction"
How would you feel if the judge in your case with Sue Scheff simply disregarded your evidence and testimony and openly communicated to you that, in order for you to prevail, even though the evidence weighs fully in your favor, that you had to make moral concessions in order to be adjudicated the victor? Think about that.

What I said, very clearly, is that if you rule against me with the stated reason being that I would not create sockpuppets to replace Whooter’s POV (“vis compulsiva”), then I would be forced to make that public as a pure PSA so that posters would know the game was rigged.  I am glad that you now have publicly retracted that statement and it is no longer an issue, so you may now stop asking exactly what I was “going to accuse” you of, because it was quite clear in my private response, and now my public response.  This issue may be closed.

Quote from: "psy"
I am writing a ruling now.  You may still get your way, but this obsession with getting Whooter banned at any costs (see attached) is insane.  The forum is not taking sides on matters of truth or falsity.  i have explained this to you before, and you should use the warning feature rather than PM.  I don't have as much time as you might prefer to read through pages and pages of junk.

Based on simple contract law, your decision is also simple.  It’s really not my fault that you are putting so much effort into what amounts to a prima facie case of basic contract law.  According to our contract, between you, me and Whooter, Whooter must be banned for life.  It’s cut and dried, psy.  

I used Whooter’s mental illness against him, maneuvered him into a contract I knew, you knew and he knew he would violate due to his obsessive/compulsive disorder.  He violated it immediately and was banned for a week.  He came right back and violated it again and when the rubber met the road, you made all sorts of excuses on his behalf and kicked the can down the road for a couple of months which appeared to me that since I would not proceed quid pro quo that you would not act on what is a very basic matter.  

Any judge would have made a summary judgment in my favor in this case.  You chose to make it very complicated and waste your own time.  I can’t be held to account for that.

Quote from: "psy"
Also.  The reason I chose The Gatekeeper is because I wanted somebody who had the time and I felt could be objective.

Well, you blew that one. You took a flame troll and made him a moderator.  You did the same with Che Gookin and realized your error only after he damaged the database beyond repair.  Joel has less power than Che did, but he does start flame wars via PM and on the board and when people respond in kind he deletes their posts and issues bogus board warnings or bannings, each time being overturned by you.  

Joel will skip over ten Whooter posts that say “DJ is a convicted child molester and sells drugs to kids” to get to one post that says “Whooter is a jerk for saying that” and deleting the post and warning the second poster while taking no action against Whooter, even leaving the “child molester” posts.  Again, just a bad personnel choice.  People do see this behavior and wonder why Whooter receives preferential treatment.

Quote from: "psy"
You seem to really be the only one with a huge problem with him. (and nun-ya).  But how many of you guys have, I dunno, bothered to maybe PM and ask why a certian moderation decision was made.  You can appeal it to me, but most of the time, if an error was made, it can be resolved by the moderator.  There is no need to demand heads on a platter.

I have received many complaints about Joel via PM and many more have been made on the board.  You might be a bit out of touch with the pulse of the public on this one.  And we shouldn’t have to “prove our innocence” in order to have warnings or bannings lifted, Joel should have to prove “our guilt” first.  Every time I have had a warning or attempted banning from Joel, it was immediately reversed upon appeal and my posts restored, but the damage was done already.  That’s not the way it should work.

Quote from: "psy"
Also, I don't discuss user's warning statuses with anybody but the user.  For all you know Whooter might be banned tomorrow for exceeding his maximum warnings.

If only…

Here are a couple of message excerpts I have received in just the last day pertaining to Whooter and to Joel:

“I've lost all respect for this forum. If traffic sucks now, what's the harm in banning Whooter?"

“Whooter does not encourage successful dialogue. He is a big deterrent from this site and has already caused irreparable harm.”

“Whooter must pay all the hosting fees for this site because he’s allowed to do whatever he wants without consequence while non-payers get their posts deleted or get banned.”

“What’s the deal with the double standard here?”

“It's not his opinion, it’s his pervasiveness - and insidious perfidy.”

“Whooter came and sank the ship. It was a slow leak at first, and then the Titanic.”

“This site is all Whooter, all the time. I'd rather it be dead traffic than Whooterville.”

“I do think Gatekeeper is well intentioned, just over his head.”

“I don't know what the f Psy is thinking.”

That’s just from yesterday, psy.

In any case, many people here correctly perceive the unfairness and most agree that Fornits has been largely destroyed by Whooter whom they view as “above the rules” because of “double standards” or “monetary donations.”

Why do they believe this way?  Because of the way you run the forums, psy.  It’s your behaviour that gives rise to the wonderment about “corruption.”  I understand you don’t view it that way, but many people do and I think they have good reason to see it that way. Even if you never intended to give those impressions, that is what is being seen by the public.

Most long-time posters have simply left.  New posters get chased off by Whooter’s incessant vapid trolling and derailing.  This is the “New Fornits,” like it or not.

Lastly, I am constantly encouraged to “keep it up.”  And I will.  Why?  Like I said to you:

Quote from: "Dysfunction Junction"
So, I hope this has clarified some things for you and has given you at least a small window into my makeup and into my thought processes. We're on the same team - the team that helps kids who were or may become victims of the TTI. Accordingly, I apologize once more if you view me as untoward. But you must understand that Whooter is here to put heads in beds and asses in chairs either directly or indirectly and I will do whatever it is I believe I must do to disallow that from bearing fruit, no holds barred.

Good day, good tidings, good luck and very best regards,


Thank you for reading this missive. I’m finished with the public side of this matter.  Any further commentary should be directed to me via PM.

EDIT: When my Inbox looks like this, it's obvious why yours looks the way it does.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Compassion is the basis of morality."

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Offline none-ya

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Re: Moderator Helping Cover Up Abuses
« Reply #64 on: January 17, 2011, 11:07:58 AM »
Si wrote:
"(and nun-ya). "

Hey invoke my name if you want to, just spell it right.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2011, 03:01:24 PM by none-ya »

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Re: Moderator Helping Cover Up Abuses
« Reply #65 on: January 17, 2011, 02:50:16 PM »
DJ, I think part of the problem is that you spend so much time trying to discredit people who don’t agree with you that you lose sight of the intent of the forum itself.  Your opinions are just as acceptable as mine are, why not just post your opinion?

Over the past years 90% of your posts were intended to disrupt conversations between the posters here with your constant “John Reuben” threads and posts...., fiduciary..... and who lied about what....... and how many kids I had or fabricated.  Why don’t you grow up and try to commit to having a conversation as an adult.
I believe that programs help a great many of kids and I also realize that there are bad programs out there.  You believe that all programs are out to hurt kids.  So we disagree, I don’t think that you should be banned because you disagree with me nor do I spend 90% of my time trying to discredit you.  I have given you a taste of your own medicine from time to time but my intent is to accept all viewpoints and posts equally .  I don’t think you can make the same statement.
Now I can see you have dropped to the level of trying to discredit the Admins because they don’t agree with you or will not serve your demands.  Who cares if people are PMing you to cheer you on.  This is not High school, think for yourself and take a step back to see what you are doing and see the foolishness of your actions.

I think to spend all your time trying to get one person banned or interfere in a conversation is a little obsessive to say the least.  You have plenty to contribute to this forum in a positive manner, DJ.  Why not give it a shot and try discussing the issues more and contributing more vs trying to be disruptive.  Who cares if we disagree, lets argue openly and honestly on the forum.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Dysfunction Junction

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Re: Moderator Helping Cover Up Abuses
« Reply #66 on: January 17, 2011, 03:57:42 PM »
Blah, blah, blah.  Back to our regularly shceduled programming..."All Whooter, All the Time."  This matter is closed and I will respond only to PM if anyone wants to discuss it further.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Compassion is the basis of morality."

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Re: Moderator Helping Cover Up Abuses
« Reply #67 on: January 17, 2011, 06:44:44 PM »
Quote from: "Dysfunction Junction"
Blah, blah, blah.  Back to our regularly shceduled programming..."All Whooter, All the Time."  This matter is closed and I will respond only to PM if anyone wants to discuss it further.

Sorry, my PM box will remain closed, DJ.  Since you cannot flood my inbox anymore I see you have resorted to flooding Psy's in box.  You have some real issues, the rest of us will do our discussions out here in the open forum.  Have fun in the shadows.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Moderator Helping Cover Up Abuses
« Reply #68 on: January 17, 2011, 08:33:08 PM »
Quote from: "Dysfunction Junction"
Blah, blah, blah.  Back to our regularly shceduled programming..."All Whooter, All the Time."  This matter is closed and I will respond only to PM if anyone wants to discuss it further.
No, DJ.  How about we do this in public rather than in PM, where I have no opportunity to rebut.  And how about you make the *entire* log of PMs sent between us public...  Including the part where I made it very very clear that banning him was your decision (if your case as as solid as you were saying) and my personal feelings, one way or the other, had nothing at all to do with any decision.  That is the exact opposite of what you were were trying to imply I said.  How about I start with the PM I sent you that we were just talking about.

Quote from: "Psy"
I apologize for my slow responses and lack of attention to moderation. I've been busy. Making decisions on this stuff takes uplot of my time. Right now i'm unpacking after moving into a new apartment.

I will examine the evidence in time but can you please send me a pdf document. That's your appeal. Include screenshots and dates and times and stuff. We'll let Whooter examine it, and if he can't come up with an explanation I will ban him and explain why on the forum. This will give him due process and an opportunity to respond. I will read the things... eventually. and make a decision. Other moderators will also have to uphold this and I will hold them to the contract.

Consider when you do this, though, the effect it will have on the forum. Whooter is a catalyst for so much discussion and when he's gone, the forum isn't very active at all. It might grow without him, maybe back to what it was.... Maybe. Who knows. Who else will represent his viewpoint. It will become necessary to invent him and for that purpose you have to promise you will make up a sock-puppet... Maybe a fake ed-con, complete with email address for parents to contact you. If you're telling the truth, this is your decision to ban him pretty much. Consider your actions carefully. I will ban all future incarnations. I will ban other IPs and I will check. He will be gone. But the forum will not be the same without him.

Just like Whooter, you're starting to take things out of context to change meaning.  In the context of the PM I was clear it was a warning to you as to whether or not to proceed but that I would be fair, there would be oversight, and I never ever implied any fears about Whooter's absence might affect my judgement.  "You have to promise" was clearly not meant literally or as an order.  You distorted my words to threaten me and that's not ok.

You were perfectly happy with my response sent about a month ago and never expressed any discontent until you got the impression or suspicion I might not be ruling in your direction (possibly after I ruled against you once before your second appeal).  Then you threatened me.  Well.  I can't very well rule on something where somebody has threatened me.  If I ruled in your direction, it would give you the impression such tactics worked.  Other complications apply going the other way as well.  The only way to take the threat out of the equation was to disclose what you were threatening me with, something I have done in full above. You forced my hand.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Benchmark Young Adult School - bad place [ link]
Sue Scheff Truth - Blog on Sue Scheff
"Our services are free; we do not make a profit. Parents of troubled teens ourselves, PURE strives to create a safe haven of truth and reality." - Sue Scheff - August 13th, 2007 (fukkin surreal)

Offline Dysfunction Junction

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Re: Moderator Helping Cover Up Abuses
« Reply #69 on: January 18, 2011, 06:21:46 AM »
Miscommunication on both ends I think.  You cleared up your end and I cleared up mine. Next time I will just give you a call to avoid problems in the first place. Written words are too subject to interpretation and I think that's where it got off track in the first place.  I apologized to both you and Joel and committed to be a gentleman about this matter.  That's all I can do. I won't relitigate or respond beyond this.

I take full responsibility for whatever ramifications arise from Whooter's banning. You're off the hook on that.

We all need to keep in mind that he agreed to this contract voluntarily. I knew, and he should have known, that he would violate this agreement. He has a mental illness that prohibits self-control, which is really what this is all about.  He should have either not entered the contract or upped his meds to control himself.  He has nobody but himself to blame now.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Compassion is the basis of morality."

-Arthur Schopenhauer

Offline none-ya

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Re: Moderator Helping Cover Up Abuses
« Reply #70 on: January 18, 2011, 12:51:28 PM »

Gatekeeper, tell my why if you please, that a post such as this be burried in the wasteland of OFFA?  Is it that you don't get it? Why does this brilliant post deserve to be next to all of the porn and spam? Better yet, why is there all of that porn and spam even here.  I'm going to repost this in the main board, because not even you bother to read the crap here in offa.
Please move OP to main board, as everyone should read it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Moderator Helping Cover Up Abuses
« Reply #71 on: January 18, 2011, 01:31:09 PM »
Quote from: "Dysfunction Junction"
According to our contract, between you, me and Whooter, Whooter must be banned for life. It’s cut and dried, psy.

Not true, DJ. You should go back and look at the agreement/contract.  You never agreed to be banned for life and neither did I.  Plus the contract was voided when you lied about who you were.

Lets move on, you have wasted enough time on this.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Dysfunction Junction

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Re: Moderator Helping Cover Up Abuses
« Reply #72 on: January 18, 2011, 02:58:00 PM »
I don't feel we wasted any time.  You made your case.  I made mine.  Psy will judge.  If you lose your case, it will be your second banning for the same offense which carries a lifetime sentence.  Just relax.  The work is done and now we await the judge's decison.  You should have upped your meds when you inked the contract, which is still in force, even though you tried to beg out of it after the first violation.  I never had to worry about any ban, a week or lifetime, simply because I have what's called "self control" which allows me to never PM you.  I have never been banned and never will be.  You have no self control which leads you to keep PMing me even after you have been banned for it.  If you could stop, you wouldn't have this problem.  Sadly, you can't.  That's why you're facing your fourth banning and second one for the same offense.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Compassion is the basis of morality."

-Arthur Schopenhauer

Offline Whooter

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Re: Moderator Helping Cover Up Abuses
« Reply #73 on: January 18, 2011, 03:13:35 PM »
Quote from: "Dysfunction Junction"
I don't feel we wasted any time.  You made your case.  I made mine.  Psy will judge.

I feel it is a waste of time.  We should be focused on the discussion about the programs and the kids.  Let psy judge.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Dysfunction Junction

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Re: Moderator Helping Cover Up Abuses
« Reply #74 on: January 18, 2011, 04:09:45 PM »
That's what I said.  If he decides against you, you go bye-bye for permanent.  If he decides for you, then we are just where we are right now until you can't control yourself again and start sending me PMs and then we repeat the process.  Bottom line is that there are no consequences on the table for me because I have never sent you a PM and I never will.  You, on the other know why you're in this position...self-control problems again.  The contract is in place until we both agree to dissolve it which I will never do.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Compassion is the basis of morality."

-Arthur Schopenhauer