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Offline Ursus

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Re: Dr. Gerald E. Davidson
« Reply #45 on: August 13, 2011, 11:06:11 AM »
Quote from: "Wayne Kernochan"
Is there a reason you didn't show me these hours ago?  :beat:   You could have saved me a half a day of going down the wrong road

Its funny they didn't come up oh 20 different kinds of searches. But I never put "fornits" in any of them
When I said, "I don't have time enough to rifle through the entire catalogue of 'Gerald Davidson' posts on fornits at the moment," I was referring to finding "the perfect thread" to continue this conversation in, not to finding Davidson's publications.

As to why I didn't present "the evidence" sooner, it takes time to compose a list like that, what with having to copy-paste numerous differently formated sources, put links in properly, etc. etc. Perhaps you can do it quicker than I can. After all, according to some individuals who lurk in these parts, I'm a very "slow" bear!  ;D  

Is there a reason why you didn't believe me earlier when I told you that Davidson did teach at Harvard Medical School, and that Davidson did publish? You could've saved me half a day of having to put together such a list. :D
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Ursus

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Re: The Macy Conferences:The Minds behind Mind Control
« Reply #46 on: August 13, 2011, 12:18:40 PM »
Quote from: "Matt C. Hoffman"
Hi Ursus ,

Point taken . I use the reference of korean prisoner of war brainwashing as a generalazation ....and yes it does go further back ,( okay  the penchant for facts ,fair enough)I can't imagine a study where a subject would be given LSD -25  for over 77 day period . I am very familiar with the CIA and the Olsen deal. Okay these are facts?

I understand that the mind control research goes way back before the Koreans and yes I understand that it was our own government that tried out various forms of mind control on our own citizens, and the U.S. was way ahead a leader in this  (to me bazarre )research. And of course it would be the ones that could be easily worked ,thru the fact that they were the dregs of a society, I get this.  

The CIA has done a lot of nasty stuff over the years ,and most recenctly the big cocaine for money for guns during Regans time (he had to have known) that nasty little war and of course the enhanced interrogation techniques during this most recent war.

The school of the Americias , known for teaching harsh interrogation techniques and lets not for get that the senior Bush was also head of the CIA before he was elected to office . Ah the shudders ,the evil that men do.It hasbeen said that the school of the Americas (in Florida) was also the chief exporter of thumb screws to third world countries.the school of the Americas was hoping when Bush senior was head of the CIA.

There is money to be made in torture devices and in the knowledge of being able to torture a person. A dictator will gladly pay you for the supposed imformation ,and they won't care how you got it  or get it.....whoa thats the same thing the U.S. did thru Bush Jrs. signing off on the enhanced interrogation techniques. Some of those techniques made the light of day , human pyramids , forcing muslim men to masturbate and filming it . Yeah there are some sick people in our government I will give you that but hey remember its a war (yeah right)

War stimulates our economy though the Bushes war is killing  this  country  on so many levels.

It also makes sense that the CIA moved it operations to Canada for the legal ramifacations back in the early days of this mind control research. Gosh imagine trying to figure out a way to erase a persons identity and change their personality. I am willing to bet that there were some traumatic mistakes occured and Olsen is the only one that made it to the light of day.

It gives Robert Ludlums books ,albiet fiction some credence.(the Bourne books)

I don't know ,anyone  think that elan may have been watched or studied by the government  thru Davidson (progress reports ). I don't think that were were experimented on. They already had that info . Maybe Elan was allowed to be as extreme  as it was to see how a cross section of the populace would react under those insane ,violent sadistic conditions ... who knows . I truly believe that it still was one of those see a need ,and Ricci saw a way to make serious money and Davidson supplied the knowledge as to how these methods worked . Ricci was only about getting rich, at any cost regardless who got hurt. and like I said earlier maybe Davidson was troubled by the hippocratic oath, no harm . At the time he renounced Elan , so much harm had already been done.

When one really thinks about it pertaining to Synanon do you really think it was an original idea of Charles Dietrict ?, maybe he had some gentle persuaision from the black ops folks?

Still one thing is true who ever was involved , regardless of the program ,they did not expect us to survive ,nor did they expect us to wake up from the so called washing that some experienced rather hardcore..

Still bottom line Elan was a sadistic ,violent ,criminally abusive soul eating hell hole , that made serious ,I mean huge amounts of money off of the whole shebang . CIA or not Joe Ricci and Davidson got rich off this hell hole and its means to its ends.The knowledge was already there (mind control, behaviour modifacation,brain washing ) , they just capitalized on it rather quickly ..hmmm...

Point taken Ursus


Thanks for that extra bit of context, Matt. I do appreciate it!

I also rather suspect that it's not just the CIA who were mucking about with this type of stuff, but the Dept. of Defense as well...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Re: The Macy Conferences:The Minds behind Mind Control
« Reply #47 on: August 13, 2011, 12:22:14 PM »
« Last Edit: August 17, 2011, 01:18:43 AM by Anonymous »

Offline Matt C. Hoffman

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Re: The Macy Conferences:The Minds behind Mind Control
« Reply #48 on: August 13, 2011, 12:42:38 PM »
Hi Ursus ,
You have posted a treasure trove of info ,as it pertains to mind control on the Davidson's niece's thread. I thank you.  I thank you.

Mind contol seems to have already been very much established in these programs  by the time some of the aricles that you have posted  were created in 1971 and these men  talk about them as it is just business.....It is facinating reading pertaining to some of the testimonies by a Dr. Caserial (and others) and his advocacy of some thing that he called AREBA, out right behavior modifacation or mind control , during these hearings.

AREBA...accellerated reduction of Emotions behaviors  and attitudes . and it is designed for upper and middle class.

It had a spacific targeted set of people , amazing .

 AREBA : A private therapeutic community for the rehabilitation of middle and upper
class drug addicts and other behavioral bankrupts. AREBA (accelerated reeducation of
emotions, behavior and attitudes).

Caserial and Davidson knew each other they spoke at the same hearings. . Ursus you have found something that mentions Daytop and Synanon. It is quite interesting , especially the talk about the wonder drug Perses.

Mind control was very much part of the accepted treatment modality by what , the inception of Synanon in 1958  . The techniques are not really portrayed in the chronic light as how Ricci portrayed Daytop, in his  few seminars as to the differences between his program and Caserial 's Daytop.

It was wild how shortly after I heard Ricci compare and put down Daytop nad its abusive nature, Ricci out right told us  his program was going to be better than (Daytop) and not as abusive (it went downhill fast) ,his program became worse than what he had described Daytop to have been like. And this was two weeks or less after I got there in '74. It is unbelievable how much worse it became .

From the testamonies in 1971  at this selct hearing ,mind control ,whatever you want to  call it , was firmly entrenched as an accepted and viable way to change addicts  as in AREBA, though the tactics  or techniques  were not disclosed ,  or elaborated  upon in great detail , obviously the men doing the questioning at the hearing did not want to know and , the ones testifying certainly didn't want to disclose the truth  or have it be part of the public record . Understandably because their means were quite sadistic , violent and brutal as in what we experienced in elan from 74 on. And from what Rcci told us about his experience from Daytop,

shoot maybe when Ricci was talking about how abusive Daytop was in those seminars ,he was really preparing us for what was to come , and did it come. I remeber two seminars where he talked about Daytop.

Mind control and all the black ops info  passed form the military to eventually  mainstream society  at the time  the war on drugs was just beginning .What was learned from these experiments became refined  ,and the accepted  way , and the modality of treatment for many of these programs . Synanon was the first consumer and comercially available program, that I see benefited from these black ops and experiments  aimed at at mind controll and brainwashing.

what I question is  when did these programs become cults? Was it the personality of Charles D. , like Jim Jones , of that nasty little kool aid drinking situation ,  I mean he had people follow him blindly down  to death and it was close to a thousand folks that died, or is it the unwanted by-product that commerically available programs like Elan , Synanon  generated that just happened or something no one had studied or predicted  or realized .

Kinda like they knew the burning of fossils  would run engines ,though they had no clue at the time  when this practice  started , how this burning of fossil fuels had  by products  that could harm  harm the atmosphere especially that pesky leaded stuff.. (and yes I know Synanon  was tax exempt because it tried to call itself a church ,and later this  was recinded ). Does anyone know  ?

Below is the article that you posted ursus that is much more about other things  (mind control) than just Davidson , if fact I have not read Davidson contribution to this  hearing , and I can imagine its  a doosey,I will be getting to it shortly


"Davidson, Dr. Gerald E., associate director, drug dependency clinic, Boston City Hospital, study entitled "Results of Preliminary Perse Study"....: 331"


« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: The Macy Conferences:The Minds behind Mind Control
« Reply #49 on: August 16, 2011, 12:14:46 PM »
« Last Edit: February 03, 2012, 12:00:00 PM by Anonymous »

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Re: The Macy Conferences:The Minds behind Mind Control
« Reply #50 on: August 16, 2011, 02:53:12 PM »
« Last Edit: August 16, 2011, 11:31:40 PM by Anonymous »


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Re: The Macy Conferences:The Minds behind Mind Control
« Reply #51 on: August 16, 2011, 10:45:23 PM »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Ursus

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« Reply #52 on: August 17, 2011, 12:50:29 AM »
Quote from: "dragonfly"
Do you all have more of these senate hearings like this? .....


Areba and to me.
Here's another LINK for that, for anyone who had problems accessing the link in the Gerald Davidson thread... (fwiw, this is only the first page of 93; scroll down to the bottom of the page for links to the rest).

Quote from: "dragonfly"
I read somewhere there were 450-500 different synanon programs by the early 1970's
That wouldn't surprise me. There were probably many hundreds more, who only adopted certain elements of it...

Of course, most of these did not last.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline georgeii

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Re: The Macy Conferences:The Minds behind Mind Control
« Reply #53 on: December 29, 2011, 08:21:25 PM »
I just came across this:

Submitting a memorandum to the Presidents Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy  Richard Helms, later to become Director of the CIA (and later to burn as many MK Ultra records as possible) at the time was asked to submit a memorandum on the subject of:
“Soviet Research and Development in the Fiel d of Direction and Control of Human Behaviour”
Helms (then Deputy Director for Plans) writes that new trends include:

a.   The adoption of a multidisciplinary approach integrating biologiccal, social and physical-mathemtatcial research in attempts to better understand and eventually control human behaviour in a manner consonnant with nation plans
b.   The outstanding feature, in addition to the interdiscipolinary approach is a new coincern for mathematical approaches to na understnading of behaviour. Particularly notable are attemots to use modern information theory, automata theory and feedback concepts  in interpreting the mechanisms by which the “second signal sytem”, i.e. speech and associated phenomena, affect human behaviour. Implied by this research was the hope for a technology for controlling behaviour via the “second signal system,” using information inputs as causative agents rather than chemical agents electrodes or other more exotic techniques applicable, perhaps to individuals rather than groups.

c.   This new trend, obsrerved in the early Post-Stalin Period continues. By 1960 the word “cybernetic s” was used by the Soviets to designate this new trend. This new science is  coinsidered by sum as the key to understanding the human brain and the product of its functioning - psychic activity  and personality – to the development of means for controlling it and ways for molding the character if the “New Communist Man”. As one Soviet author puts it: Cybernetics can be used in “molding a child’s character, the inculcation of knowledge amd techniques, the ammassing of experience, the establishment of social behaviour patterns...all functions which can  be summarized as ‘control’ of the growth process of the individual.” 1/Students of particular disciplines in the USSR, such as psychologists and social scientists, also support the general cybernetic trend.

This is an intersting summary of cybernetics. I found it in Walter Bowart’s ‘Operation Mind Control’ which is floating about in pdf on the net.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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Re: The Macy Conferences:The Minds behind Mind Control
« Reply #54 on: December 29, 2011, 10:22:49 PM »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline georgeii

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Re: The Macy Conferences:The Minds behind Mind Control
« Reply #55 on: December 30, 2011, 11:05:58 AM »
It is from this book called Operation Mind Control ( ... Bowart.pdf) see Annex A on page 285.

In the Amazon reviews it says all teh copies were boght up when it was released, check the amazon review:

19 of 19 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars Why Operation Mind Control disappeared, December 23, 2005
By J. Moore "music fan" (Nashville) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Operation Mind Control (Paperback)
As one of the researchers mentioned in Operation Mind Control (Jim Moore - pp 262-264, orig. edition), I followed this book and its author with great interest. The book disappeared because, according to what I learned, the CIA did not want the public to know the extent and details of its mind control programs. I believe even Walter Bowart himself once described how the entire warehouse supply was bought up by the CIA. The book also began vanishing from libraries across the nation, and virtually every copy available in bookstores was suddenly bought up and disappeared into a black hole. Very few copies survived this draconian purge. Those that remain are quire rare and expensive and should be must-reading for all Americans concerned about the future of our country and how our thought processes are manipulated by the political-intelligence "experts". especially in the wake of what is being revealed about 9-11, Iraq and the NSA spying.
At one point, even photocopies were going for as much as $75-100. The book itself (1st edition) has sold for as high as $250. There was a second printing (with a different cover) that also quickly disappeared; whether it was an authorized printing or not, I don't know.
Walter Bowart reportedly wrote a follow-up, but suddenly stopped and virtually vanished. The rumor mill has it that he was threatened with "termination with extreme prejudice" - a phrase for assassination that is now outdated.
To my knowledge, he is still alive but living his life in a very low profile. From my own experiences over the years, I can't say I blame him.
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« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline georgeii

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Re: The Macy Conferences:The Minds behind Mind Control
« Reply #56 on: January 02, 2012, 01:23:52 PM »
Just saw this. Funny Aderall's made by Sandoz. ... 9E20120101

Insight: Shortage of ADHD drug Adderall seen persisting

By Toni Clarke
BOSTON | Sun Jan 1, 2012 6:06pm EST
(Reuters) - A shortage of Adderall, which is used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, shows little sign of easing as manufacturers struggle to get enough active ingredient to make the drug and demand climbs.

Adderall, a stimulant, is a controlled substance, meaning it is addictive and has the potential to be abused. The Drug Enforcement Administration tightly regulates how much of the drug's active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) can be distributed to manufacturers each year.

The system is designed to prevent the creation of stockpiles that could be diverted for inappropriate use. Adderall and other stimulants are popular with students who may not have ADHD but are seeking to improve their test scores.

The DEA authorizes a certain amount of the API in Adderall - mixed amphetamine salts - to be released to drugmakers each year based on what the agency considers to be the country's legitimate medical need.

Increasingly that estimate is coming into conflict with what companies themselves say they need to meet demand for the drug, which is reaching all-time highs. In 2010, more than 18 million prescriptions were written for Adderall, up 13.4 percent from 2009, according to IMS Health, which tracks prescription data.

Concerns are now rising among patient groups and doctors that the shortages seen in 2011 will continue into this year. Many orders remain unfilled, manufacturers say, and it may take several months before ingredient authorized under the new 2012 quota can be turned into new product.

"I am very concerned about the future," said Ruth Hughes, chief executive of Children and Adults with Attention Deficit/Hyeractivity Disorder (CHADD). "No one seems to have much inventory to get us through the months ahead."

ADHD is one of the most common childhood disorders. An average of 9 percent of children between the ages of five and 17 are diagnosed with ADHD per year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Symptoms include difficulty staying focused, hyperactivity and difficulty controlling behavior. If they are not properly medicated, children with ADHD may act out and be held back in class; adolescents might engage in impulsive, risky behavior; adults are at greater risk of being fired from their jobs.

"There are real major life impacts for people not having access to medication," Hughes said. "Someone needs to own this problem and take the initiative to fix it."


Adderall is made in several dosages and formulations. Shire Plc makes Adderall XR, a more expensive extended release version of the drug. Authorized generic versions of Adderall XR are sold by Teva Pharmaceutical Industries and Impax Laboratories Inc.

Shorter-acting instant release forms are made by Sandoz, a unit of Swiss drugmaker Novartis AG, as well as by CorePharma LLC and Teva. It is the shorter-acting versions of the drug that are currently in shortest supply.

The full scope of the shortage is unclear. Patients have been scrambling since mid-year to find pharmacies carrying the drug. Some have been switched to other medications such as Adderall XR or Ritalin, a rival drug known also as methylphenidate. But companies do not always track which pharmacies have their product at any given time.

"We don't monitor the distribution system, but we do know that all our customers are on back order right now," said Teva spokeswoman Denise Bradley. Teva sells to wholesalers and distributors as well as to some hospitals and specialty pharmacies - and all have orders placed but not filled.

Hughes said CHADD, along with the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, another advocacy organization, has recently started to track where, geographically, the calls about shortages are coming from.

Quantifying the problem is particularly urgent since the Adderall shortage is now also spilling over and causing shortages of Ritalin. Sandoz, which makes generic forms of both drugs, is straining to meet increased demand for both products.

"There is currently not enough product to fill all of our customer orders at the wholesaler level," said Julie Masow, a spokeswoman for Novartis, in an email.


The problem is particularly troublesome since no one really agrees on its cause.

Under the quota system, drugmakers receive enough material to meet what the DEA estimates will meet the legitimate needs of American patients, but not enough to build inventory. The DEA says recent shortages were not caused by an insufficient quota but by marketing decisions taken by the companies.

"Any shortage of these products is therefore a result of decisions made by industry regarding manufacturing or distribution," Barbara Carreno, a DEA spokeswoman said, though she declined to specify those decisions.

She noted that there are currently more than 200 drugs in short supply in the United States, most of which do not contain controlled substances and have nothing to do with the DEA.

"There is no reason to think that the same market forces that are causing those shortages are not playing a part in these," Carreno said.

President Barack Obama recently issued an executive order demanding that the Food & Drug Administration address these shortages, which mostly affect generic injectable drugs that companies are no longer making as they are not as profitable as newer products.

For their part, Adderall manufacturers say they are working flat out to meet demand, and say the DEA does not always approve enough material in time for them to supply customers.

"Our production facilities are currently running at maximum capacity for Adderall utilizing all available API," said Teva's Bradley. "The catalyst for the problem is the quota system, not the business."

The DEA sets its aggregate quota at the beginning of each year, taking into account past quota levels, inventory levels and company sales forecasts. But the DEA's assessment of what a company needs may not be the same as the company's own estimates. It is an ongoing process of negotiation.

"DEA can come back and say, 'we agree with your forecast and issue everything you want,' or they may come back and say 'we don't think you need that much,' and they give you 75 percent," said Matt Cabrey, a spokesman for Shire.

Early last year, Shire suffered shortages of Adderall XR. "It was directly related to the API quota," Cabrey said. In June 2010, Shire calculated that API was running too low. It applied to the DEA for more, but did not receive the additional supply until December. It typically takes Shire three months to then make the product and get it to customers.

As a result, Cabrey said, there were shortages of Adderall XR in January and February last year and supplies did not return to normal until March and April. The company said there are no shortages of Adderall XR, though some patients say even that is now hard to get hold of.

Amy Alkon, 47, who writes a syndicated column on dating and manners, began taking Adderall for her ADHD about five months ago after Ritalin stopped working for her. This week she spent hours on the phone trying to find a pharmacy that could fill her prescription - and she couldn't find Adderall or Adderall XR.

"I have gone to the biggest medical centers in the Los Angeles area, I've called countless pharmacies and they have no pills," she said. "Nobody has anything."

For Alkon, the prospect of the shortage continuing is alarming. Adderall, she said, has changed her life, allowing her to organize her thoughts and tamp down what she calls a "tornado" of activity in her brain.


The DEA, while insisting its quota for 2011 was sufficient, nonetheless revised it upwards in December.

"We increase the aggregate so that we will have enough to respond to specific companies if their requests for more amphetamine salts are justified and needed," said Carreno. "The companies can and do request more amphetamine salts, and we can and do respond to those requests throughout the year."

Simply increasing the overall national quota, however, does not address company complaints that it takes DEA months to approve individual requests for new product.

Asked why it might take the agency months to approve a company's request, the DEA said it is required by law to balance providing enough API to meet the legitimate needs of patients while protecting the public from any diversion of potentially lethal substances.

"We do our best to accomplish both missions, and the quota system is part of the process for achieving this," Carreno said.

That is not good enough for CHADD's Hughes or other advocacy groups, who plan to lobby both the DEA and drugmakers to find a solution to the shortages.

"When you have a controlled substance problem, the DEA has to be involved in fixing it," said Hughes. "It is not sufficient to say it is an industry problem. We need to figure out how to build more flexibility into the system."

The DEA controls roughly 400 basic substances, in addition to derivative products such as salts and ethers.

The chemicals are divided into five schedules. Schedule 1 drugs include illegal substances such as heroin. Scheduled II drugs, such as Adderall and other stimulants, have a medical use but a high potential for abuse. Schedule III drugs have a somewhat lower abuse potential and include the painkiller Vicodin, while Schedule IV drugs include the tranquilizers Klonopin and Ativan. Schedule V substances include cough medicines such as Robitussin.

Adderall is popular on college campuses, even among those who do not have ADHD but want a performance boost. Students may trade the drug or get it from their siblings or parents.

Stimulants appear to work in patients with ADHD by increasing the availability in the brain of the chemicals dopamine and norepinephrine, which both appear to help regulate attention and executive function. Their effects differ slightly depending on the drug, and some people respond better to one than another.

"In every suburban high school and in colleges there is a significant underground economy around stimulants," said Harry Tracy, a psychologist and publisher of NeuroPerspective, a monthly publication focusing on central nervous system disorders. "Adderall can go for $5 to $10 a pop."

Physicians say it can be challenging to sort out who is a legitimate patient and who might seek the drug simply to enhance performance.

"Trying to determine the best thing to do can be a quandary at times because there is this question of whether the person is trying to get the medication for nonmedical reasons," said Steven Cuffe, a child psychiatrist and Chairman of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Florida College of Medicine.

Right now patients are trying to scrape by, either by traveling long distances to fill prescriptions or switching to other products even if they don't work as well or are more expensive. But these are temporary workarounds and without a structural change manufacturers and advocate groups fear the problem will linger or even worsen.

"This does not seem to be a short-term solvable problem," Hughes said.

(Additional reporting by Ransdell Pierson and Lewis Krauskopf in New York, Jessica Wohl in Chicago; Editing by Michele Gershberg, Martin Howell in New York.)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: The Macy Conferences:The Minds behind Mind Control
« Reply #57 on: January 10, 2012, 08:53:22 AM »
Quote from: "georgeii"
It is from this book called Operation Mind Control ( ... Bowart.pdf) see Annex A on page 285.

Awesome Book! Thanx :notworthy:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: The Macy Conferences:The Minds behind Mind Control
« Reply #58 on: March 01, 2012, 09:05:44 PM »
Aderall and ADD
We can also see the influence of MK Ultra, and the concern of the Macy Conferences for establishing the importance of the objective concept of Mental Health. Both the Macy Conferences and MK Ultra were very involved in researching mental health and pharmaceuticals. Remember that one of the central ideas of the Freudian school society is not questioned, the collective is not questioned. Meanwhile the subconscious of individuals is a dangerous place which needs to be controlled.
Therefore individuals who are maddened by life in the current unequal irrational destructive dehumanised consumer capitalist society are suffering from a personal, internal problem, rather than society being perverse in itself. For example, the social scientists Wilson and Picket estimate that the current levels of inequality in Britain and America foster mental illness:
The societies of Britain and the US have institutionalised economic and social inequality to the extent that, at any one time, a quarter of their respective populations are mentally ill.
In this context, how do we square that 9% of children of the United States are suffering from ADHD?  And that these individuals need to be medicated with a drug called Aderall which is made by the same Swiss company Sandoz, which so many years before offered the CIA an exclusive contract for their entire production fo teh drug that they discovered LSD. This is a perfect example of the way in which the cybernetic system currently in place modifies the behaviour of the individual rather than develop systemic changes to society as a whole. There is currently a definition of normality, that it is normal to work 9 – 5, be a good consumer, be vaguely frightened of a host of possible evils (war, environmental destruction, financial collapse, bird flu), and to function normally while being bombarded by an unprecedented amout of information daily (from TV, internet, radio, computer games, newspapers, smart phones, laptops, etc.).
There are legal drugs for depression, drugs for anxiety, drugs for lack of attention, and illegal drugs for excitement, happiness and distraction. Just staying on the subject of legal, medicated pharmaceuticals, there is a narrow band of normality, and any deviation requires medication. In this way the individual is modified and the system maintains homeostasis.
At the same time we see the rise of the individual and the consumer. In modern society we celebrate our consumer choices as expressions of our individual personalities. We live in isolated apartment blocks, and are at least timid and at most frightened of talking to our neighbours.
A group of aggregate individuals, considered as particles in space with probabilities of behaving in one way or the other depending on stimulus is easier to govern than a society with a coherent body politic, or with an active public sphere.
Our consumer driven individualism on the one hand, and our frame of mental health disempower the individual and facilitate manipulative governance.
It is not that we cannot organise collectively, rather it is that working together  for the common good, or practical organisation among citizens is as Foucault would say completely outside our discourse, completely outside ur language for understanding the world.
With the establishment of Rees and Mead’s World Mental Health foundation, we remember there was a political undertone that the promotion of the mental health discourse, as focused on individuals, sought to gain a society wide / a professional status quo as to psychiatry, and an international consensus on the normality of individuals. In this way neurosis was shifted to the individual and discussion as to the how society itself creates neurosis was obscured. Added to this the pharmaceuticals which could regulate human behaviour, in a way similar to the green revolution, found a way to keep the thermostat at the same place, to maintain the status quo, by changing the individual (or as in the case of the green revolution by changing nature, not the economic / political system).
Perhaps at this point it is worth remembering Freud and Reich’s falling out:
Reich and Freud’s fight:
Reich was an especially devoted student of Freud in the 1920’s, but he challenged Freud on the fundamental basis of psychoanalysis. Freud argued that at heart human beings were driven by primitive animal instincts and the job of society was to repress or control these dangerous forces. Reich believed the complete opposite; the unconscious forces within the human mind he said were good it was their suppression by society that distorted them. That was what made people dangerous (from Adam Curtis’ Happiness volume 2).
As Huxley said – the plan for the second half of the twentieth century was to learn from the mistakes of facism, repression through violence simply didn’t pay, it wasn’t cost effective, rather repression and control with the voluntary and happy participation of citizens is far more efficient:
"There will be in the next generation or so a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak. Producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda, or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution." (Huxley 1961)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »