Author Topic: The Macy Conferences:The Minds behind Mind Control  (Read 66205 times)

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Offline Matt C. Hoffman

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Re: The Macy Conferences:The Minds behind Mind Control
« Reply #30 on: August 12, 2011, 12:16:51 AM »
shoot I tried posting again to this my thoughts on what Wayne was talking about . no no there was no electricity used when I was there at elan . Jennifer S  was Davidisons neice and she got it after she was sent away from elan . As it has been rourmered . she did not come back and Yes she was tied to a car and made to run not because she was fat , but because Jeffery Gottlieb one of the directors was a sick fuck and directed this to happen. It was entertainment for Jeffery.

elan was no original idea lol   Ricci had the experience of Synanon thru Daytop . The crack pot Davidson had the knowledge as to the psychology of how it worked ,thru his studies and acess to the other studies.

I am so glad that hell hole is closed , I will write a little original piece and post it when it is done sucks getting bumped off , it will be my words you can be granted that ,though I will have to cut and paste to post it and for that I apologize in advance from a word document . FTN.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Matt C. Hoffman

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Re: The Macy Conferences:The Minds behind Mind Control
« Reply #31 on: August 12, 2011, 01:45:38 AM »
Quote from: "DannyB II"
I was trying to find some info on Dr. Gerald Davidson for Wayne and ran into this info. I highlighted his (Dr. Davidson) comments. I thought they were ironic considering the amount of shock value behavior modification that went on at Elan. I don't think Elan ever used "shock treatments" on residents but who freaking knows.
I also felt this article might be of relevance to this  conversation, The History of ABCT. They spoke about how the 1970's was a controversial time for behavioral therapy techniques; (excerpt from article) "The 1970s was perhaps the most "explosive" (see Stuart, 1974) and controversial decade for the field of behavior therapy, as it suffered from an overall negative public image and received numerous attacks from the press regarding behavior modification and its possible unethical uses."
LOL, yet the TTI never missed a beat moving forward.

History of ABCT

The organization was originally founded in 1966 under the name Association for Advancement of Behavioral Therapies (AABT; Franks, 1997) by 10 behaviorists who were dissatisfied with the prevailing Freudian/psychoanalytic model (founding members: John Paul Brady, Joseph Cautela, Edward Dengrove, Cyril Franks, Martin Gittelman, Leonard Krasner, Arnold Lazarus, Andrew Salter, Dorothy Susskind, and Joseph Wolpe). Although AABT/ABCT was not established until 1966, its history begins in the early 1900s with the birth of the behaviorist movement, which was brought about by Pavlov, Watson, Skinner, Thorndike, Hull, Mowrer, and others-scientists who, concerned primarily with observable behavior, were beginning to experiment with conditioning and learning theory. By the 1950s, two entities-Hans Eysenck's research group (which included one of AABT's founders Cyril Franks) at the University of London Institute of Psychiatry, and Joseph Wolpe's research group (which included another of AABT's founders, Arnold Lazarus) in South Africa-were conducting important studies that would establish behavior therapy as a science based on principles of learning. In complete opposition to the psychoanalytic model, "The seminal significance of behavior therapy was the commitment to apply the principles and procedures of experimental psychology to clinical problems, to rigorously evaluate the effects of therapy, and to ensure that clinical practice was guided by such objective evaluation" (Wilson, 1997).

The first president of the association was Cyril Franks, who also founded the organization's flagship journal Behavior Therapy and was the first editor of the AABT Newsletter. The first annual meeting of the association took place in 1967, in Washington, DC, concurrent with the American Psychological Association's meeting.

An article in the November 1967 issue of the Newsletter, entitled "Behavior Therapy and Not Behavior Therapies" (Wilson & Evans, 1967), influenced the association's first name change from Association for Advancement of Behavioral Therapies to Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy because, as the authors argued, "the various techniques of behavior therapy all derive from learning theory and should not be misinterpreted as different kinds of behavior therapy…" (quoted in Franks, 1987). This issue remains a debate in the field and within the organization, particularly with the emergence of the term "cognitive behavioral therapies," which resulted in yet another name change in 2005 to the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies.

AABT/ABCT has been at the forefront of the professional, legal, social, and ethical controversies and dissemination efforts that have accompanied the field's evolution. "The 1970s was perhaps the most "explosive" (see Stuart, 1974) and controversial decade for the field of behavior therapy, as it suffered from an overall negative public image and received numerous attacks from the press regarding behavior modification and its possible unethical uses." In Gerald Davison's (AABT's 8th president) public "Statement on Behavior Modification from the AABT," he asserted that "it is a serious mistake…to equate behavior therapy with the use of electric shocks applied to the extremities…" and "a major contribution of behavior therapy has been a profound commitment to full description of procedures and careful evaluation of their effects" (Davison & Stuart, 1974, p. 3). From this point, AABT became instrumental in enacting legislative guidelines that protected human research subjects, and they also became active in efforts to educate the public.

The training of mental health professionals has also been a significant priority for the association. Along with its annual meeting, AABT created an "ad hoc review mechanism" in the 70's through the 80's whereby a state could receive a review of a behavior therapy program. This led to the yearly publication of a widely used resource, "The Directory of Training Programs." With growing concerns over quality control and standardization of practice, the certification of behavior therapists also became an issue in the 1970s.

An ongoing debate within the association concerns what many consider to be a movement away from basic behavioral science as the field has attempted to advance and, in doing so, integrate more and more "new" therapies/specializations, particularly the addition of cognitive theory and its variety of techniques. John Forsyth, in his special issue of Behavior Therapy (Forsyth & Hawkins, 1997) entitled "Thirty Years of Behavior Therapy: Promises Kept, Promises Unfulfilled," summarized this opposition as follows: "(a) cognition is not behavior, (b) behavior principles and theory cannot account for events occurring within the skin, and most important, (c) we therefore need a unique conceptual system to account for how thinking, feeling, an other private events relate to overt human action." (Forsyth, 1997, p. 621). The field's desire to maintain its scientific foundations and yet continue to advance and grow was reflected in its most recent discussion about adding the word "cognitive" to the name of the association (see the Oct. 2003 special issue [Antony, 2003] in the Behavior Therapist: "Is It Time for AABT to Change Its Name?")

Many notable scholars have served as president of the association, including Joseph Wolpe, Arnold Lazarus, Nathan Azrin, and David Barlow. The current executive director of the ABCT is Mary Jane Eimer, CAE. For a wealth of historical specifics (governing bodies, lists of editors, past presidents, award winners, SIGs, and conventions from the past 40 years) see ABCT's 40th anniversary issue of the Behavior Therapist (Albano, 2006).

Ha Ha Ha in your haste to do God knows what I swear I really did not think you to be that much of a whatever  , yes it could be considered lying trying to push something that just is NOT even remotely true.

First off do you understand what this thread was about . There were two topics . Which does your post contribute to, the rolling one in you head . Good God boy  you probably don't even see what nonsence you have posted here .

but the thing that makes me laugh is how hard you had to find something to post ,whether or not it really pertained to this thread ,because of how you are and boy I see how you are ,a weird stalker as far as I'm concerned . I mean really weird ...

Should I tell him what he has done in his haste to simply get his name next to mine in that really weird stalking way that you do .....

lol I really shouldn't , though I doubt you could figure it out .

None Ya you are right my brother , man if anyone wants to know this old boy that I have quoted above all one has to do is read A life Gone Awry :My Story of the Elan School  By the one and only Wayne Kernochan and you read all you need to know about this old boy .....And it is a well written book.

It is tiresome as all hell to have to deal with this lunacy and read most of its  (his)postings, though this  one is priceless ....hey boy in your post which I have quoted for obvious reasons, your deleting needs  (we need to, you attack ,delete ,attack delete ,attack delete, therefore we need to capture your lunacy before you delete ) is sad really just really sad are famous over at   the    folks  web site ,they have your number and many other people know who and what you are . Google Danny Bennison aka Diablo.   I am serious readers you will be amazed at his trolling abilities, and what you will find.

You have quoted Gerald Davidson , is that correct in this God knows what  (tripe post)....yet PAL , you are leading people to believe that all these quotes are from Elan's Gerald E. Davidson .. and my God you made him out to be the president the 8th president of the abct society or is it the lsd society or the ABBA  society like ABBA don't you I right ....does everyone else see this ....GOOD .... the man that  the old boy here is quoting is not Elan's Davidson  .....What the hell is shock value therapy(anyway) is that what you are now calling elan's criminally insane sadistic abuse , kinda makes it easier to sleep at night  considering what has been portrayed in the that what it is ....Jeez .... Blows me away and you think its all so funny, that little lol  at the end (buddy no one here is laughing with you )as to how the tt industry kept marching right on  and doesn't miss a beat . God boy I really hope you don't talk to survivors cause they don't have a freaking chance ....

See my boy db, Gerald C Davison is not Gerald E Davidson , you really have no clue , this is such misimformation that my 13 yearold son would not post . He has ethics and knows that it would be false and he has a good head on his shoulders. He is also a lot smarter.

I apologize to the rest of folks on this  the thread , for my tone..... Its (his) post  is really  impotent  and  is misleading as the day is long , and not as funny as the old boy seems to think about the whole  tt industry . It is the basic tripe I would expect from him nothing original ,and nothing else.... ,  At least my post  it is the TRUTH.  I guess it is to be expected from a former assistant director from one of the most sadistic ,and criminally abusive programs in the country, elan

Thank God... that  the sadistic ,violent ,brutal soul eating hell hole known as Elan School  is closed. I suggest you read Wayne Kernochan's book and you too will understand what I mean, when I say it should have never been allowed to exist.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2011, 02:00:54 AM by Matt C. Hoffman »

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Re: The Macy Conferences:The Minds behind Mind Control
« Reply #32 on: August 12, 2011, 11:10:21 AM »
« Last Edit: February 03, 2012, 11:51:52 AM by Anonymous »

Offline Matt C. Hoffman

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Re: The Macy Conferences:The Minds behind Mind Control
« Reply #33 on: August 12, 2011, 11:40:07 AM »
Hi Wayne ,

I follow what you are leading to . I don't know if we were  experimented upon. Ricci had the first hand experience of what a synanon based program was like thru his time at Daytop. Davidson had the knowledge and understanding of how these Korean brainwashing techniques worked .

Together they created that place and it was an incorporated cult designed to make bank on cross section of the population  of people from the US that were caught up in very unfortunate situation, being in elan not withstanding .

Now with that in mind ,Remeber how Ben Parks who was in Synanon in the 80's I believe spoke about how govenment folks came to look at Synanon . It begs the question why . Elan was created in 1970, in 1958 Synanon and was full tilt cranking when I was there at elan in '74 . I have no doubt that elan could have been studied ,though no proof. or dots to connect .

I also find it odd that straights which appeared after Synanon and elan in what '76 that it was very publicily touted by the govenment . Nancy Reagon and Princiss Diana, etal. It almost seems that the government gave straights the good house keeping seal of approval . Both bushes harped about it. It blossomed under the drug war mind set of those presidents and their wives.

Elan was kept out of this type of endorsement , save for the 1975 public trials and it really seemed to fly under the radar . How was straights actually formed ?, Who gave those bastards the idea to form straights ?,could it have been from the gov studying these types of programs? . Is straights a government created program handed off to the cretins that ran it ?. And look at straights it grew and spread like an infectious disease.

Elan just methodically made money and quietly  sadistically abused children in the process.It did not grow and expand the way Straights did.

I wish there was some way to really connect the dots to your hypothisis ,it is interesting to say  the least , Yet for me I see Elan as a rogue program that was created by two men to make bank on what the political climate was pushing at the time the beginnings of the  (mega corporations ) all out war on Pot (drugs).

Remember the war on drugs started at the pleasure really of Nixon, it gained serious momentum under Reagan and continues its failed agenda to this day (but that a whole nother bedtime story

These men created a sinister sadistic criminally abusive place. As for being  experimented upon I don't see that so much Stanley Milgrams studies had been completed ,they knew what they were doing ..(Davison was probably explaining to ricci how and why it worked the way it did , the korean brainwashing techniques. and the the whole thought reform techniques  worked and how people would react in these  certain situations...though I wouldn't doubt that the elan program was studied by the gov. Hell Davidson was probabgly giving the gov progress reports on elan unbeknowst to Ricci ,while Ricci was too busy and distracted by counting the monies elan was generating , which was staggering back in those days.. lol... who knows on e sound not so sane lol. It is just prue conjecture , if there is proof I would like to see it .

It is food for thought .


« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Matt C. Hoffman

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Re: The Macy Conferences:The Minds behind Mind Control
« Reply #34 on: August 12, 2011, 12:19:40 PM »
Wayne do you think when Davidson came to the conclusion that elan did not work in the middle 80's and split with Ricci , do you think he  came to that conclusion by what he knew as to the survival and success rate of elan . I bet he realized why so many former residernts of elan committed suicide. He had to have known  what was happening to the former residents of that hell hole .

Maybe the man actually had a conscience ....Ricci was a true malignant narcissits, with a wanna be gangster mentality  and devoid of conscience . Do you think  the falling out was Ricci telling Davidson to shut up about elans real success rate? . Elan may not have had follow up ,though you can be assured that many residents when they ran into problems they called that 207-*** 4666 number. They had to know they were failing, the question is when did they know>

Ricci did not care he was counting money.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Ursus

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Dr. Gerald E. Davidson
« Reply #35 on: August 12, 2011, 01:19:21 PM »
Quote from: "Wayne Kernochan"
Two things about Gerald Davidson. One: Either Allenbach is a liar, or he was lied to, because if Davidson was on the faculty at Harvard he would be published many times. He's not. "Publish or Perish" is their motto.

The other is what I do see. He wouldn't be in HPM because he said publicly that Elan's therapy didn't work. That's why he split up with Joe. But here's the thing, in order to come to that conclusion, there had to be a test experiment to base it on. That sounds a lot like us :)
Mmm. Hope you won't take this the wrong way, but... Allenbach is not a liar (at least in this respect).

Dr. Gerald E. Davidson was indeed, at one point, Instructor in the Dept. of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. Moreover, he also collaborated on a number of published scientific papers, with a variety of other professionals, usually on topics such as methadone treatment and patient anxiety, iirc.

Keep in mind that Davidson had responsibilities as a practicing clinician in addition to his academic ones, so the lack of umpteen hundreds of citations for a google of his name is to be expected. Davidson saw patients in area hospitals, and also ran and/or was associated with one or more clinics, e.g. that one in Chestnut Hill. Such professional endeavors would be expected to take up a certain percentage of one's time... eh? ;)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Ursus

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Re: The Macy Conferences:The Minds behind Mind Control
« Reply #36 on: August 12, 2011, 01:28:44 PM »
Quote from: "Matt C. Hoffman"
these Korean brainwashing techniques
Attributing these methods to the Koreans is a classic red herring. By the 1950s, the U.S. was already employing far more sophisticated techniques of thought reform than even the Russians were. Well... certain segments of the U.S. were, at any rate. :D

The rationale was something along the lines of "we'd better master these methods before our enemies do." It was born right out of the last spasms of World War II, maybe even earlier, and gave birth to the paranoid mentality of the Cold War era.

Ya might might to re-read the material Awake posted in the beginning of this thread. The Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation is known to have frequently been utilized as a front ... for funneling CIA money to particular desired projects.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline DannyB II

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Re: The Macy Conferences:The Minds behind Mind Control
« Reply #37 on: August 12, 2011, 02:02:29 PM »
« Last Edit: August 13, 2011, 12:22:21 AM by DannyB II »
Stand and fight, till there is no more.

Offline Matt C. Hoffman

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Re: The Macy Conferences:The Minds behind Mind Control
« Reply #38 on: August 12, 2011, 07:12:20 PM »
Hi Ursus ,

Point taken . I use the reference of korean prisoner of war brainwashing as a generalazation ....and yes it does go further back ,( okay  the penchant for facts ,fair enough)I can't imagine a study where a subject would be given LSD -25  for over 77 day period . I am very familiar with the CIA and the Olsen deal. Okay these are facts?

I understand that the mind control research goes way back before the Koreans and yes I understand that it was our own government that tried out various forms of mind control on our own citizens, and the U.S. was way ahead a leader in this  (to me bazarre )research. And of course it would be the ones that could be easily worked ,thru the fact that they were the dregs of a society, I get this.  

The CIA has done a lot of nasty stuff over the years ,and most recenctly the big cocaine for money for guns during Regans time (he had to have known) that nasty little war and of course the enhanced interrogation techniques during this most recent war.

The school of the Americias , known for teaching harsh interrogation techniques and lets not for get that the senior Bush was also head of the CIA before he was elected to office . Ah the shudders ,the evil that men do.It hasbeen said that the school of the Americas (in Florida) was also the chief exporter of thumb screws to third world countries.the school of the Americas was hoping when Bush senior was head of the CIA.

There is money to be made in torture devices and in the knowledge of being able to torture a person. A dictator will gladly pay you for the supposed imformation ,and they won't care how you got it  or get it.....whoa thats the same thing the U.S. did thru Bush Jrs. signing off on the enhanced interrogation techniques. Some of those techniques made the light of day , human pyramids , forcing muslim men to masturbate and filming it . Yeah there are some sick people in our government I will give you that but hey remember its a war (yeah right)

War stimulates our economy though the Bushes war is killing  this  country  on so many levels.

It also makes sense that the CIA moved it operations to Canada for the legal ramifacations back in the early days of this mind control research. Gosh imagine trying to figure out a way to erase a persons identity and change their personality. I am willing to bet that there were some traumatic mistakes occured and Olsen is the only one that made it to the light of day.

It gives Robert Ludlums books ,albiet fiction some credence.(the Bourne books)

I don't know ,anyone  think that elan may have been watched or studied by the government  thru Davidson (progress reports ). I don't think that were were experimented on. They already had that info . Maybe Elan was allowed to be as extreme  as it was to see how a cross section of the populace would react under those insane ,violent sadistic conditions ... who knows . I truly believe that it still was one of those see a need ,and Ricci saw a way to make serious money and Davidson supplied the knowledge as to how these methods worked . Ricci was only about getting rich, at any cost regardless who got hurt. and like I said earlier maybe Davidson was troubled by the hippocratic oath, no harm . At the time he renounced Elan , so much harm had already been done.

When one really thinks about it pertaining to Synanon do you really think it was an original idea of Charles Dietrict ?, maybe he had some gentle persuaision from the black ops folks?

Still one thing is true who ever was involved , regardless of the program ,they did not expect us to survive ,nor did they expect us to wake up from the so called washing that some experienced rather hardcore..

Still bottom line Elan was a sadistic ,violent ,criminally abusive soul eating hell hole , that made serious ,I mean huge amounts of money off of the whole shebang . CIA or not Joe Ricci and Davidson got rich off this hell hole and its means to its ends.The knowledge was already there (mind control, behaviour modifacation,brain washing ) , they just capitalized on it rather quickly ..hmmm...

Point taken Ursus


« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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Re: The Macy Conferences:The Minds behind Mind Control
« Reply #39 on: August 12, 2011, 07:51:48 PM »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Matt C. Hoffman

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Re: The Macy Conferences:The Minds behind Mind Control
« Reply #40 on: August 12, 2011, 08:15:59 PM »
Hi DragonFly.  I have been wanting to get in touch with you!

I really do not know .The Gottlieb I  knew as a director was about 32 years old . He was from Boston from what I remember . He had  a serious boston accent . He could be calm and talking sensibly and then could become like a Mr.hyde. ...he considered himself to be elite .....yet on  one day during a particularly boring seminar ,that he and Kruglik were running into the ground , I mean boring.  He told us something about himelf, that to this day I still find funny.

Towards the end he asked if anyone had any questions and a soul raised their  hand (I think I still remember who it was ) and asked Jeffery "what would you be doing if you were not working here at elan ?"...Jeffery milked the moment forever ,saying this` was a fantastic question and mulled the question over and over , smokimg a cigarette  in the process of wracking his mind.

We are on the edge of our seats just wondering what the great Jeffery would be doing if he weren't working at elan ....a doctor ,lawyer , he just milked this until our own internal voices are practically screaming out loud , tell us ,what would you be doing .....and you know finally Jeffery has that eureka moment and says I've got it ...the context of the seminar was the more you put of yourself into the pot (elan) the more you will get out .....pure  unadulterated direct indoctronation.

Finally after a little more posturing  and really it was the only time that the house was really awake during this  seminar ,he tells us.

Jeffery said  I would be a shoe sales man .....frst thought that went thru my mind was dirty stinkin feet . I had to biter my tongue to keep from laughing out loud, for it woulde have brought certain pain. Here was the great elite Boston boy Jeffery aspiring to be a shoesales man if he weren't working at elan directing abuse that was sadistic and criminal . Jeffery I believe really enjoyed working at elan .

Sydney Gottlieb ,boy what a piece of work ...I have no idea if they were related or not. I honestly don't think so.

DragonFly you spoke about a Televison personality that had sent their kid to elan  and eventually pulled them out ....I don't want to mention their name here , It was a private convo that you and I had once (lol) recently ......Do you have their contact info . I would like to try to speak with them ....Good question by the way ,I trust things are going well. And thanks agqain for that smoke haven't had one since you have no worries.


« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Matt C. Hoffman

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Re: The Macy Conferences:The Minds behind Mind Control
« Reply #41 on: August 12, 2011, 08:39:40 PM »

Sorry I can't spell I am tending to agree with you about Charles he just doesn't come across as that smart a man to have created what Synanon turned out to be . That would be Charles Dedricht, still probably mispelling.

He just doesn't seem to have that it factor ,of a cult leader. He seems  kinda low brow. From what I hasve seen and read.

I also have read Herer's book or I should say Jack's book  met him out in Oregon . I think we are seeing the truth of his book how it pertains to the corporations. and it is amazing how Romny seems to think corporations are people . I always thought a people was a person and a corporation was an enitity. Mitt seems to think corporations are people at least that what he told some hecklers in New Hampshire yesterday .

This was in pertaining to the corporation tax loop hole  that some hecklers were questioning him on , lol... looks like Mitts already been bought . He showed his hand a little early me thinks , wonder how many Americans agree with Mitt that corporations are the same as a person .....blows my little  mind. we are doomed to be slaves to big oil and big pharma , it scary but it sure looks that way dictated how to be by these corporations money and influence thru the rules that are destroying our rights and being implemented by the bought Romnys of our government  , what happened to "for the people and by the people" ....Mitt sure doesn't feel that way a fool you know I hope that remark dogs him thru out the this whole shitty process that we will have to endure until that fateful election day.

(Or was that a subtle form of mass mind control testing to see  how the populace will react to the truth or is it and then the lie that corporations are people helping us become the sheep that our government so wants us to be . Thats the problem with the camels nose, if thev camel sticks his nose in your tent what is there to keep the rest of him from coming right on in . A diffferent way of looking at the slippery slope.)


« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Dr. Gerald E. Davidson
« Reply #42 on: August 12, 2011, 09:12:08 PM »
Quote from: "Ursus"
Quote from: "Wayne Kernochan"
Two things about Gerald Davidson. One: Either Allenbach is a liar, or he was lied to, because if Davidson was on the faculty at Harvard he would be published many times. He's not. "Publish or Perish" is their motto.

The other is what I do see. He wouldn't be in HPM because he said publicly that Elan's therapy didn't work. That's why he split up with Joe. But here's the thing, in order to come to that conclusion, there had to be a test experiment to base it on. That sounds a lot like us :)
Mmm. Hope you won't take this the wrong way, but... Allenbach is not a liar (at least in this respect).

Dr. Gerald E. Davidson was indeed, at one point, Instructor in the Dept. of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. Moreover, he also collaborated on a number of published scientific papers, with a variety of other professionals, usually on topics such as methadone treatment and patient anxiety, iirc.

Keep in mind that Davidson had responsibilities as a practicing clinician in addition to his academic ones, so the lack of umpteen hundreds of citations for a google of his name is to be expected. Davidson saw patients in area hospitals, and also ran and/or was associated with one or more clinics, e.g. that one in Chestnut Hill. Such professional endeavors would be expected to take up a certain percentage of one's time... eh? ;)
His role at Harvard was the same as Elan. He was never there. I've found a grand total of 3 articles he's mentioned in, and none he's written. I asked my wife's brother to check him out, he graduated Harvard. He knows how to get information there better than any ofus.

How did Allenbach study under Davidson at Elan? The man was never there.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Ursus

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Re: Dr. Gerald E. Davidson
« Reply #43 on: August 13, 2011, 02:16:09 AM »
Quote from: "Wayne Kernochan"
Quote from: "Ursus"
Quote from: "Wayne Kernochan"
Two things about Gerald Davidson. One: Either Allenbach is a liar, or he was lied to, because if Davidson was on the faculty at Harvard he would be published many times. He's not. "Publish or Perish" is their motto.

The other is what I do see. He wouldn't be in HPM because he said publicly that Elan's therapy didn't work. That's why he split up with Joe. But here's the thing, in order to come to that conclusion, there had to be a test experiment to base it on. That sounds a lot like us :)
Mmm. Hope you won't take this the wrong way, but... Allenbach is not a liar (at least in this respect).

Dr. Gerald E. Davidson was indeed, at one point, Instructor in the Dept. of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. Moreover, he also collaborated on a number of published scientific papers, with a variety of other professionals, usually on topics such as methadone treatment and patient anxiety, iirc.

Keep in mind that Davidson had responsibilities as a practicing clinician in addition to his academic ones, so the lack of umpteen hundreds of citations for a google of his name is to be expected. Davidson saw patients in area hospitals, and also ran and/or was associated with one or more clinics, e.g. that one in Chestnut Hill. Such professional endeavors would be expected to take up a certain percentage of one's time... eh? ;)
His role at Harvard was the same as Elan. He was never there. I've found a grand total of 3 articles he's mentioned in, and none he's written. I asked my wife's brother to check him out, he graduated Harvard. He knows how to get information there better than any ofus.

How did Allenbach study under Davidson at Elan? The man was never there.
Not wishing to derail this thread too much from its original focus, perhaps it might be better to continue this particular conversation here.

[Above link may well not be "the perfect thread" for it, but I don't have time enough to rifle through the entire catalogue of "Gerald Davidson" posts on fornits at the moment...]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Re: The Macy Conferences:The Minds behind Mind Control
« Reply #44 on: August 13, 2011, 04:57:19 AM »
« Last Edit: February 03, 2012, 11:48:16 AM by Anonymous »