This is an e-mail I got from a friend whom is basically heading the organizing. The conference we had in St. Pete was great, and we have decided to start a full-blown organization for the purpose of studying treatment centers and the abuse or non-abuse that they partake in, and either shutting them down, or having a place to recommend to parents for help. Please help us. Thanks guys!
hey gals and guys.....
SAFTEY Net is off and running should have our inc non prof by wed next
So get your fundraising ideas ready and let me know what you think.
Our mission statement and advisory board members will be sent out as
soon as
the directors approve it.
Now We need afadavits from everyone willing to write down their
This means soul searching and writting things out. Why you ask???
Well we can not go to the state attys office with no or little
documentation. Chris Tyler will be asking on your behalf for the people
committed these crimes to be held criminaly responsible!!!!
We need proof..
So please start writting and ask other survivors to write them out
I know alot of you are on the Yahoo forum. Could you please ask some of
those people to write a statement also. These all need to be notorized
don't forget to bring it to a Notary Republic and have it stamped
Well see you all soon I hope
Peace and Love sammie