day right before I was going to ask for 4th phase, we had a 3rd and 4th phase rap and boy howdy was it ever a rip rap. I was actually on the Positive Credit list, and a "favorite" to make 4th phase. They passed around paper and pencils for us all to come out with all our FOS stuff. Of course I wracked my brain for something, just to make sure I was 100% "honest".....well, I had accepted clean-up responsibilities that morning and later on remebered that I wasnt allowed to do it because I had already done them that week....well, how easy is it to walk up to staff and say, oh yeah...I forgot, I cant do it! Yeah, right....
So, I wrote on my FOS paper that I had lied to staff about cleanup...which in reality, was no lie...just a mistake. Aw man.... by the end of that rap I was put on a three to 4 day refresher, admitted to talking to boys at school, being unaware, they named it...I had done it. I admitted to everything they accused me of. And when I copped attitude while admitting it...I caught even more hell...needless to say, I never made 4th phase.