General Interest > The Melting Pot

sick bastard


I wasn't sure where to post this. I didn't want to put it on the OFFA page for obvious reasons. But they should crucify this sick fuck! The state should also obtain a list of people who bought the  book and lock them up too.It's child pornography in words. I hope they put in general population in the jail (but they won't) ... ty-charges

Here's another link (more detail.You can click on exerpts from his book. ... gallery/11

DD Form 214:

Che Gookin:
So would a book like that be considered toilet reading?

Done That:

--- Quote from: "none-ya" ---I wasn't sure where to post this. I didn't want to put it on the OFFA page for obvious reasons. But they should crucify this sick fuck! The state should also obtain a list of people who bought the  book and lock them up too.It's child pornography in words. I hope they put in general population in the jail (but they won't) ... ty-charges
--- End quote ---

I read a copy of the book and thought it was fantastic!


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