the overwhelming majority of the kids benefit greatly from their stay at a program.
How can you with your admittedly limited experience make such a claim? What data have you seen that would suggest this is true?
Robert, you need to get outside of fornits and read some of the alumni sites, speak to some of the parents and kids who have attended these programs to understand what I am talking about. I have a balanced view of the industry because I have seen kids who do well and those who have not done so well. I dont think you have ever had the opportunity to speak with parents and kids who did well in a program and benefited from their stay. Your experience is limited to only those kids who did poorly like those here on fornits. So naturally you would view the industry has mostly (or altogether) negative and I think we can all understand that.
If your father beat you and you had friends whose fathers beat them and then you joined a group of people brought together because they had this parental beatings in common than you would have a fairly dim view of fathers in general. If someone like myself came along and started speaking about fathers who took their kids fishing on weekends and spent time with them and never hit them they would be treated the same way I am being treated. Even though this person brought a fresh perspective on fatherhood and a more balanced view of family life you would be skeptical about his point of view. I think this would be understandable also.
So I don’t expect you to embrace my outside information or anyone elses, but it doesn’t make it any less factual.