Author Topic: Cataloging TheWho/John Reuben's Lies  (Read 160197 times)

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Cataloging TheWho/John Reuben's Lies
« on: November 23, 2009, 04:02:53 PM »
Begin here and follow along...

Quote from: "Guest"
I read this part:

Quote from: "Guest"
Cool, let's talk about your extensive criminal record.  Personally, I wouldn't take advice from a criminal like you and I don't think anyone else would either.  You're a fraud.  You don't disclose your criminal record and act like you are the most moral of the people here, but now we know you're nothing but a reprobate.  Tell us about your arrest for inappropriate sexual contact with a minor.  Discuss.

Quote from: "Guest"
Don't forget he's a common criminal as well:

Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "TheWho"
I was arrested several times in Boston...

Funny, so was John Reuben.  He was arrested several times in Boston as well.  On the same dates TheWho was arrested.  Coincidence?  Hardly.

Anyway, why would any parent entrust their child's welfare to John Reuben, an admitted criminal with an extensive arrest record including public intoxication and destruction of property, who openly refers to the most abusive family of programs, Aspen Education, who had half of their programs in Oregon forcibly shut down by state investigators for murdering, abusing and neglecting children in their care, including sexualized humiliation by forcing little girls to give lap dances to and perform simulated felatio on their unlicensed, uneducated couselors?

Think about this, parents, before you make the biggest mistake of your and your kid's life.

Let's hear your explanation about why you attack everyone else's credibility when you are a convicted criminal.  Why do you have an FBI number?  Are you a spousal abuser, child molester or convicted felon?  Why are you barred from owning a firearm, Whooter?  My wife does the NCICS checks for handgun permits at the county sheriff's office and guess "who"se name comes right up as "restricted"?  Please explain to the readers why you are concealing your extensive criminal record, Whooter.

Whooter tries to wiggle out of the problem:

Quote from: "Guest"
Why are you barred from owning a firearm, Whooter? My wife does the NCICS checks for handgun permits at the county sheriff's office and guess "who"se name comes right up as "restricted"? Please explain to the readers why you are concealing your extensive criminal record, Whooter.

Ha,Ha,Ha so your wife plugged in the name Whooter and comes up with information?  Dont you realize this is just a log in name?  My name isnt really Whooter.  I use to go by the name of "Thewho" and psy, I think, nicknamed me whooter which stuck for most people so this is what I go by now.  But you cant do an FBI check on me lol.
Thats funny!

But the wiggle room is closed off:

Quote from: "Guest"
No, she ran the name "John David Reuben" and came back with an exctensive arrest record beginning with petty crimes in Boston in the 1970's and one in Michigan, just like Whooter admitted to on this forum.  So now we're supposed to believe, along with all of the other evidence that Whooter is Reuben, that their arrest records are identical by coincidence?  Sorry, Whooter, but we all know who you are and this is just more proof.  You're a low-life criminal and everyone should be aware of that.

Again, TheWho tries to make a joke of it and dismiss it, but it won't go away:

Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Guest"
No, she ran the name "John David Reuben" and came back with an exctensive arrest record beginning with petty crimes in Boston in the 1970's and one in Michigan, just like Whooter admitted to on this forum.  So now we're supposed to believe, along with all of the other evidence that Whooter is Reuben, that their arrest records are identical by coincidence?  Sorry, Whooter, but we all know who you are and this is just more proof.  You're a low-life criminal and everyone should be aware of that.

Oh No! I have an FBI record!  What should I do?  Now everyone thinks I am this guy Reuben. If I get fired will this give me more time to post?  or will I have to go job hunting.  Wait I am so confused,  I thought I was employed by Aspen?  At least that is what everyone was saying here on fornits.  I am suppose to be a shill.  Have I gone from a shill to a low life criminal?  Is there a program for someone suffering with identity issues?

Back to the topic:

Quote from: "Guest"
I think it has been pretty well documented that you are Reuben.  You share the same criminal record, you both shill for Aspen, you both had a son die after attending SUWS and ASR, you both had a son at HLA, you both took a trip to Chicago to meet with Lon Woodbury, Leslie Goldberg and a host of other industry bogeymen just before STICC was launched.  Really, you're not fooling anyone.

The criminal record just cemented the facts.  What are the odds that two people share the same arrest record in two separate states for the same crimes at the same time?

Why don't you just explain to the readers how you and Reuben share so many similarities including an identical arrest record that you already admitted to here?

Good question.  But it isn't answered.

Quote from: "TheWho posting anon"
You could probably document this Reuben guy as being there, but how do you place me there? You say you have documented evidence.

He just said I could probably document Reuben being there but not TheWho, and again he demands "proof" that he was ever in Chicago at all:

Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Guest"
Well, first off, you posted under the usename TheWho that you made the trip to Chicago to meet with people to discuss the industry and program safety while you posting your "matrix."  Now you're denying it?  Lying then or lying now?  I think now.

Show the links and the time frames.  Whether I say it is true or not true makes no difference.  Was I posting from chicago as "thewho" when this Reuben guy was.  If you have convinced yourself then you must be able to produce this time frame via links to posts.  Why not ask Psy for a favor... he can check the ip address from the posts I made during the time you said I was in Chicago.  If it shows those posts were coming from Chicago then that is fairly solid evidence.  If I was posting from Massachusetts then I was there.  This would be a good start for you, unless you want to avoid knowing for sure and stay with your fantasy

You also admitted, using the username TheWho to being "arrested several times in Boston."  Plus another arrest in Michigan.  Lying then, or lying now?  I think now.

Show the link.

Reuben was also arrested several times in Boston in the 1970's and again in Michigan for destruction of property in the same time frame.  Under the username TheWho you admitted to destroying a college campus in Michigan and being arrested for that.  Rueben was arrested for the same thing in the same place.  Coincidence?  I don't think so.

Show the link that convinced you of this so we can all see it.

As for the ficticious story you created here about your "daughter," well, that doesn't mean much.

So your story doesnt add up and you say it doesnt mean much?  Ha,Ha,Ha how do you decifer what is true and what isnt?  
You lie about all sorts of things and that's just one more.  You don't like to admit that SUWS and ASR failed your son, Mike, and that he's dead now because he never got the help he needed.  
If I lie about all sorts of things than you need to show us all the links where you base your conclusions on.  Since you say I lie you can pretty much say what ever you want and blame the discrepancies on my lieing.

Why don't you just spell out your extensive arrest record for the readers so they at least can see you're being honest about it.  You may gain some credibility if you start by telling the truth.  I know you don't own a firearm.  No need to explain that.  You're disallowed from owning one due to your criminal history.  An NCICS check of your name proved this as well.

You claim to have all the information on me, why dont you spell it out lol .... or did you make that up too.

So far you have provided the readers with no evidence at all.  Line up the time lines of when this guy Reuben was in chicago and when you think I was.  Toss up the links which helped you make this connection or is this just a story line for you?

So I post one of TheWho's posts with a link to the original showing TheWho bragging about his tript to Chicago with a group of other people interested in the TTI and its safety.  "Show the link!" he demands, not realizing it would be a link to his very own post:

Quote from: "Guest"
TheWho claiming to have met in Chicago:

Quote from: "TheWho"
Well, I PM?d several people here on fornits and eventually we formed a ?Statistical group? and decided to meet at the Hyatt in Chicago about a month ago.  We spent 3 days hammering out a direction and figured we would tackle the TBS sector first.  We felt you were well respected here at fornits and had your hands around the other areas and were doing fine independently.  Your name was brought up several times so you were not forgotten or left out.

TheWho claiming to have met in Chicago

TheWho admitting to his arrest record, but leaving out quite a bit of tha nasty stuff:

Quote from: "TheWho"
Hi Anne, seems I am on the hot seat:

Actually I do have a record. The last time I was arrested was in college. I was arrested several times in Boston (for various protests and acts of civil disobedience) and once in Ann Arbor Michigan (when a protest got out of hand). I was underage, skipped school and scored a plane ticket from my sisters boyfriend when my parents were in Europe and went to the campus of Univ of Michigan in Ann arbor, myself and several people were arrested for digging these huge craters on the Diag which were meant to simulate bomb holes left by the US in Vietnam, by far my best arrest (like 40 or 50 of us were arrested). Thought I was going to be sent away when my folks cut their trip short to come home to get me, anyway, that one is probably sealed because I was underaged. I will never forget they separated me from the others for some reason and I ended up in a cell with 5 other people. This one hue black guy who was obviously drunk out of his mind kept falling asleep and then falling off his bench...he would then wake up and look right at me and say something like : if you push me again white boy I will "F" you up so much even your mother will not love you..... I was so scared that after a couple of times I waited for him to fall asleep and then I took my shoes off and wedged them underneath him so he wouldnt roll off the bench again.

TheWho admitting to his arrest record for "multiple arrests"

Lying THEN, or lying NOW?  Does it really matter?  It's proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that TheWho has been caught lying again, right here in this thread.  Lying about his extensive arrest record and lying about his trip to Chicago with Lon Woodbury and Martha Kolbe, along with others.

It is so easy to catch you lying because you lie so much you can't remember your lies.  And because you sold your username, you can't edit what you wrote.  How very sad to prove you are a liar once again.  I already proved you just lied about your extensive arrest record and meeting in Chicago.  Two things you claimed I could never prove.  But there it is, in cold print, written by YOU.

Busted lying in his own words yet again, both about his criminal history and his trip to Chicago which he was fully denying just moments before.

Now he also admits to his criminal record, after having his hand forced, and also to his trip to Chicago he was vehemently denying before:

Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Guest"
TheWho claiming to have met in Chicago:

Quote from: "TheWho"
Well, I PM?d several people here on fornits and eventually we formed a ?Statistical group? and decided to meet at the Hyatt in Chicago about a month ago.  We spent 3 days hammering out a direction and figured we would tackle the TBS sector first.  We felt you were well respected here at fornits and had your hands around the other areas and were doing fine independently.  Your name was brought up several times so you were not forgotten or left out.

TheWho claiming to have met in Chicago

So the above post was written February 8, 2007 and indicates that a meeting was held a month prior putting it at around January 8, 2007.  Does this match up with the time frame you have of Reuben meeting with Woodbury and the rest of these people?  I admit this would be interesting if it were the same time.

TheWho admitting to his arrest record, but leaving out quite a bit of tha nasty stuff:

Quote from: "TheWho"
Hi Anne, seems I am on the hot seat:

Actually I do have a record. The last time I was arrested was in college. I was arrested several times in Boston (for various protests and acts of civil disobedience) and once in Ann Arbor Michigan (when a protest got out of hand). I was underage, skipped school and scored a plane ticket from my sisters boyfriend when my parents were in Europe and went to the campus of Univ of Michigan in Ann arbor, myself and several people were arrested for digging these huge craters on the Diag which were meant to simulate bomb holes left by the US in Vietnam, by far my best arrest (like 40 or 50 of us were arrested). Thought I was going to be sent away when my folks cut their trip short to come home to get me, anyway, that one is probably sealed because I was underaged. I will never forget they separated me from the others for some reason and I ended up in a cell with 5 other people. This one hue black guy who was obviously drunk out of his mind kept falling asleep and then falling off his bench...he would then wake up and look right at me and say something like : if you push me again white boy I will "F" you up so much even your mother will not love you..... I was so scared that after a couple of times I waited for him to fall asleep and then I took my shoes off and wedged them underneath him so he wouldnt roll off the bench again.

TheWho admitting to his arrest record for "multiple arrests"

Lying THEN, or lying NOW?  Does it really matter?  It's proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that TheWho has been caught lying again, right here in this thread.  Lying about his extensive arrest record and lying about his trip to Chicago with Lon Woodbury and Martha Kolbe, along with others.

It is so easy to catch you lying because you lie so much you can't remember your lies.  And because you sold your username, you can't edit what you wrote.  How very sad to prove you are a liar once again.  I already proved you just lied about your extensive arrest record and meeting in Chicago.  Two things you claimed I could never prove.  But there it is, in cold print, [bu]written by YOU.[/u]

What I see is consitency.  The posts show that the last time I was arrested was in college.  Where is the lie?

Where's the lie?  You have been denying you have a criminal record all day!  But you were caught again, lying as usual.

And he says that the post was from January, 2007 and the meeting was a month before, so there must be evidence to support Lon and leslie being there, right?  RIGHT??  Well, yes.  They both attended and IECA "Professional Development Series" set of lectures in...wait for it... November and December, 2006, exactly a month before Whooter's post admitting to meeting in Chicago "a month ago."  Pinched lying again.

Now he's confronted with a PM he sent me (I was using the login "Concerned Parent" and he was using "TheWho"):

Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Guest"
you both took a trip to Chicago to meet with Lon Woodbury, Martha Kolbe and a host of other industry bogeymen just before STICC was launched.

STICC was launched in April of 2004 and thewhos post that you provided shows he was in chicago for the meeting in January of 2007.

If you had evidence of any kind to show that Woodbury, Martha Kolbe and Reuben were in Chicago in January 2007, when thewho was there, then I think we would all believe you.  What was the evidence or post that convinced you that this meeting took place?  I find it curious that you posted that but never provided the link.

Oh, but I did provide the link showing you were in Chicago in 2007 and that you lied and said you never went there.  Busted for that lie.  You were denying that just a few minutes ago, but now you changed your tune.  I also have a little PM exchange between you and me (using the login "Concerned Parent").  I wrote you a PM asking for info on ASR and you wrote me back to contact you privately at your email address:

Quote from: "PM Between TheWho and Concerned Parent from 2007"
Re: Is ASR a good program?
Sent: Fri Jun 06, 2007 1:07 pm
From: TheWho
To: Concerned Parent

Personally I think ASR is a good program.  It worked for our family.  My kid was there

when Dave Marcus wrote his book based on the kids in the program and they got back on

track and matured.  I have been to the campus many times and think if it's a good fit

for your son that you shouldn't worry about it.  Don't trust what you read on this site

because the members here are all anti-program and have an agenda to discredit all

programs.  If you want to contact me outside fornits I can help you get in contact with

someone who can help you make the right decision.  You can email me at

[email protected] to explore a placement option with your network.  I did not pursue the exchange thereafter.  I just saved it for times like this.  

I think the readers can see that you are squirming and trying to get out of your lies, but the problem is that they are all archived as written by you.  I just reposted them with links to prove you were lying.  See, Whooter, you've weaved such a tangled web of lies here that you have forgotten when and to whom you've told all these lies, so you get caught lying again and again denying what was clearly and provably posted by you before.  Very sloppy on your part.  Ready to get honest yet?

So it has been proven that TheWho was lying through his teeth about his trip to Chicago and his criminal record.  It has also been proven that there was an IECA conference at the same time and Woodbury and Golberg were at that conference.  Also proven is that TheWho solicited parents using the email address [email protected].  Why is that important?  It's the address for John Reuben and listed on the whois for the STICC website.  Check it out:  John Reuben IS TheWho.  Proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2010, 11:37:34 AM by Troll Control »
The Linchpin Link

Whooter - The Most Prolific Troll Fornits Has Ever Seen - The Definitive Links
"Looks like a nasty aspentrolius sticci whooterensis infestation you got there, Ms. Fornits.  I\'ll get right to work."

- Troll Control

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Re: Cataloging TheWho/John Reuben's Lies
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2009, 04:47:19 PM »
Sorry you are so frustrated, thats alot to read, but thewho stated over and over (as you posted yourself) that he went to Chicago in January 2007, but you were unable to show he was there the same time as Woodbury (who you said was there in 2006).  So you havent been able to place him in Chicago even within the same year.  Your timeline doesnt work.  If you had a link that showed the date of the conference and compare it to thewhos post that would help.

Thewho admits in his own post that he has an arrest record , but that was in College.

You havent been able to prove anything outside of what he already admitted himself.  

As far as the email address goes how do you know this was thewho?  I could have been anyone I dont see the connection.

Bruce, I am glad to see you have a new cause, but you have embarrassed yourself even worse this time.  I see you stayed away from any direct links to prove your case like:

Here is the date thewho said he was in Chicago (link to source)
Here is the Date of the Conference (link to source)
Here is the date Woodbury was in Chicago (link to source)

Now something like the above would be a smoking gun.  But you just dont have any of that stuff, just "he said"/ "she said" type of stuff which is weak.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Cataloging TheWho/John Reuben's Lies
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2009, 06:04:51 PM »
Well, you didn't say over and over you went to Chicago.  In fact, you denied it vehemently and demands "proof" that you did.  You demanded I link a Chicago IP address to TheWho's postings from that period, but why should I?  You forgot you lied about this and had already posted in January 2007 that you went to Chicago the month before.  Why did you lie about your trip to Chicago?

You also were denying you had an extensive arrest record, apparently forgetting you had already admitted to being "arrested several times in Boston" and once in Michigan.  Why did you lie about your criminal past?

You also say you are just a parent with no ties to the TTI industry, but yet you attended a meeting in Chicago with a group of other TTI players in order to try to make statistical proof that programs are safe and effective and bragged about your meeting here while logged in with the username "TheWho."  Later you denied you are part of the industry and that you went to Chicago at all which are both proven lies.  Why did you lie about your role in the TTI?

The readers here deserve an explanation of the above proven lies.  Why won't you explain the lies?
« Last Edit: August 25, 2010, 02:06:26 PM by Troll Control »
The Linchpin Link

Whooter - The Most Prolific Troll Fornits Has Ever Seen - The Definitive Links
"Looks like a nasty aspentrolius sticci whooterensis infestation you got there, Ms. Fornits.  I\'ll get right to work."

- Troll Control

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Re: Cataloging TheWho/John Reuben's Lies
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2009, 06:23:07 PM »
OK, link to Chicago post.

TheWho claiming to have met in Chicago

Here, just a few hours ago, you were denying it and demanding proof:

If you have convinced yourself then you must be able to produce this time frame via links to posts.  Why not ask Psy for a favor... he can check the ip address from the posts I made during the time you said I was in Chicago.  If it shows those posts were coming from Chicago then that is fairly solid evidence.

Well, how about your OWN WORDS as proof?  You admitted it before, and denied it after.  Very shabby.

Toss up the links which helped you make this connection or is this just a story line for you?

Nope, not a story.  YOUR story.  Told in your words in the above link.

Was there a conference a month before you posted you were in Chicago a month prior?  You betcha!

Quote from: "Woodbury Reports"
Sierra Tucson, Tucson, AZ, 800-842-4487, and Rosecrance Health Network, Rockford, IL, 815-391-1000, announced they would co-sponsor the 2006 Chicago Professional Development Series on November 17 and December 15, Hard k Hotel in Chicago. The speakers, Kaveh Zamanian, PhD, and Wendy Lader, MEd, PhD, will discuss issues regarding addictions and mental health.

Link to conference bulletin

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
The Linchpin Link

Whooter - The Most Prolific Troll Fornits Has Ever Seen - The Definitive Links
"Looks like a nasty aspentrolius sticci whooterensis infestation you got there, Ms. Fornits.  I\'ll get right to work."

- Troll Control

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Re: Cataloging TheWho/John Reuben's Lies
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2009, 06:32:00 PM »
Quote from: "Guest"
Well, you didn't say over and over you went to Chicago.  In fact, you denied it vehemently and demands "proof" that you did.  You demanded I link a Chicago IP address to TheWho's postings from that period, but why should I?  You forgot you lied about this and had already posted in January 2007 that you went to Chicago the month before.  Why did you lie about your trip to Chicago?

{link to source}

You also were denying you had an extensive arrest record, apparently forgetting you had already admitted to being "arrested several times in Boston" and once in Michigan.  Why did you lie about your criminal past?

{link to source}

You also deny you are John Reuben, but you PMed me with your email address when you thought I was interested in sending my kid to ASR.  And that email address is one and the same with the Administrator email address for  So you were caught in yet another lie.  Why did you lie about your identity?

You may have emailed John Reuben but where is your proof that you emailed me? See what I am saying?

You also say you are just a parent with no ties to the TTI industry, but yet you attended a meeting in Chicago with a group of other TTI players in order to try to make statistical proof that programs are safe and effective and bragged about your meeting here while logged in with the username "TheWho."  Later you denied you are part of the industry and that you went to Chicago at all which are both proven lies.  Why did you lie about your role in the TTI?

{link to source}  What players? where was the meeting and when was it held?

The readers here deserve an explanation of the above proven lies.  Why won't you explain the lies?

I agree but first you need to prove your posts.

 You need proof, Bruce, you havent proved anything yet. We need a smoking gun and all we see are "your" words.  Many who might have believed thewho was this Reuben guy are now starting to doubt it.  You havent shown anything yet.  Start filling in the Citations and see  how you make out.  Then we can go from there.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Cataloging TheWho/John Reuben's Lies
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2009, 06:41:54 PM »
:beat:  :rofl:

Re: Is ASR a good program?
Sent: Fri Jun 06, 2007 1:07 pm
From: TheWho
To: Concerned Parent

Personally I think ASR is a good program. It worked for our family. My kid was there

when Dave Marcus wrote his book based on the kids in the program and they got back on

track and matured. I have been to the campus many times and think if it's a good fit

for your son that you shouldn't worry about it. Don't trust what you read on this site

because the members here are all anti-program and have an agenda to discredit all

programs. If you want to contact me outside fornits I can help you get in contact with

someone who can help you make the right decision. You can email me at

[email protected] was offered by Whooter as a contact to talk outside of Fornits.  How could John Reuben login as TheWho and send PMs to me as TheWho?  Did Reuben break into TheWho's Fornits account?  Or is it more sensible that John Reuben and TheWho are the same person?  Obviously they are.

Then Whooter says this:

As far as the email goes that could have been anyone. How do you know [email protected]

Ooops!  Whooter caught in three separate gigantic lies in just this one thread from just one day.  Why would anyone believe a word he says when he literally lies about EVERYTHING??

The game is over.  TheWho has been thoroughly discredited just by his own admitted lies, and that's just the tip of the iceburg of whet he has lied about in his postings.  These lies were easy to expose.  Just quote the TheWho denying his statements and then quote him admitting to them.  Only one can be true, so he it's undeniable he lied.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2010, 11:39:23 AM by Troll Control »
The Linchpin Link

Whooter - The Most Prolific Troll Fornits Has Ever Seen - The Definitive Links
"Looks like a nasty aspentrolius sticci whooterensis infestation you got there, Ms. Fornits.  I\'ll get right to work."

- Troll Control

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Re: Cataloging TheWho/John Reuben's Lies
« Reply #6 on: November 23, 2009, 06:48:06 PM »
If you have convinced yourself then you must be able to produce this time frame via links to posts. Why not ask Psy for a favor... he can check the ip address from the posts I made during the time you said I was in Chicago. If it shows those posts were coming from Chicago then that is fairly solid evidence.
I think it would be a smoking Gun if you could place me in Chicago with these other people.. Woodbury etal.  But like I said I wasn’t in Chicago at that time, My own post says I was there in January 2007.  Where is this lie you are talking about?  
Link to my original post

Sierra Tucson, Tucson, AZ, 800-842-4487, and Rosecrance Health Network, Rockford, IL, 815-391-1000, announced they would co-sponsor the 2006 Chicago Professional Development Series on November 17 and December 15, Hard k Hotel in Chicago. The speakers, Kaveh Zamanian, PhD, and Wendy Lader, MEd, PhD, will discuss issues regarding addictions and mental health.

Thank you.  As you can see from my above post I was there in 2007 (January).  Maybe you could try to get psy to check the time frame and see if my ip address shows I was posting from Chicago when they were having the meeting in November and December.  Also where does it say Woodbury and the other person you mentioned was there also.  You left that out.

Post that link .. or did you make that up too.

So far my posts line up with what I have been saying all along.  You failed to show I was anywhere near this conference, Bruce.  I like the try though....

Oh, by the way did you give up on proving the email that you wrote?  And where is the proof of the FBI background check?  I thought that was a classic Bruce touch.  No firearms Ha,Ha,Ha
Okay start over and provide links next time.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Troll Control

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Re: Cataloging TheWho/John Reuben's Lies
« Reply #7 on: November 23, 2009, 06:54:03 PM »
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Guest"
Well, you didn't say over and over you went to Chicago.  In fact, you denied it vehemently and demands "proof" that you did.  You demanded I link a Chicago IP address to TheWho's postings from that period, but why should I?  You forgot you lied about this and had already posted in January 2007 that you went to Chicago the month before.  Why did you lie about your trip to Chicago?

{link to source}  TheWho claiming to have met in Chicago

You also were denying you had an extensive arrest record, apparently forgetting you had already admitted to being "arrested several times in Boston" and once in Michigan.  Why did you lie about your criminal past?

{link to source}TheWho admitting to his arrest record for "multiple arrests"

You also deny you are John Reuben, but you PMed me with your email address when you thought I was interested in sending my kid to ASR.  And that email address is one and the same with the Administrator email address for  So you were caught in yet another lie.  Why did you lie about your identity?

You may have emailed John Reuben but where is your proof that you emailed me? See what I am saying?

No, you PMed me with the email address later to be proven to be John Reuben's

Quote from: "PM Between TheWho and Concerned Parent from 2007"
Re: Is ASR a good program?
Sent: Fri Jun 06, 2007 1:07 pm
From: TheWho
To: Concerned Parent

Personally I think ASR is a good program.  It worked for our family.  My kid was there

when Dave Marcus wrote his book based on the kids in the program and they got back on

track and matured.  I have been to the campus many times and think if it's a good fit

for your son that you shouldn't worry about it.  Don't trust what you read on this site

because the members here are all anti-program and have an agenda to discredit all

programs.  If you want to contact me outside fornits I can help you get in contact with

someone who can help you make the right decision.  You can email me at

[email protected].  Good luck and I hope it all works out for you.

You also say you are just a parent with no ties to the TTI industry, but yet you attended a meeting in Chicago with a group of other TTI players in order to try to make statistical proof that programs are safe and effective and bragged about your meeting here while logged in with the username "TheWho."  Later you denied you are part of the industry and that you went to Chicago at all which are both proven lies.  Why did you lie about your role in the TTI?

{link to source}  What players? where was the meeting and when was it held?  
Quote from: "TheWho"
Well, I PM?d several people here on fornits and eventually we formed a ?Statistical group? and decided to meet at the Hyatt in Chicago about a month ago.  We spent 3 days hammering out a direction and figured we would tackle the TBS sector first.

You said it was a meeting in December 2006 at the Hyatt in Chicago of your statistical group to asses the safety of TBS's.You're the one who said it.  Were you lying then or now?

The readers here deserve an explanation of the above proven lies.  Why won't you explain the lies?

I agree but first you need to prove your posts.

 You need proof, Bruce, you havent proved anything yet. We need a smoking gun and all we see are "your" words.  Many who might have believed thewho was this Reuben guy are now starting to doubt it.  You havent shown anything yet.  Start filling in the Citations and see  how you make out.  Then we can go from there.

And, I'm obviously not "Bruce."  So you can stop trying to pin this on him.  You're the liar here.  You need to account for your lies.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Re: Cataloging TheWho/John Reuben's Lies
« Reply #8 on: November 23, 2009, 06:56:22 PM »
Come -on Bruce,  no one is going to buy it...Couldnt I just as easily throw up an email an place Anyname in the slot where the name John Reuben was and post it here just like below?
Quote from: "Guest"

Re: Is ASR a good program?
Sent: Fri Jun 06, 2007 1:07 pm
From: Anyname
To: Concerned Parent

Personally I think ASR is a good program. It worked for our family. My kid was there

when Dave Marcus wrote his book based on the kids in the program and they got back on

track and matured. I have been to the campus many times and think if it's a good fit

for your son that you shouldn't worry about it. Don't trust what you read on this site

because the members here are all anti-program and have an agenda to discredit all

programs. If you want to contact me outside fornits I can help you get in contact with

someone who can help you make the right decision. You can email me at

[email protected]. Good luck and I hope it all works out for you.

So you really think that John Reuben signs his emails as Thewho coming out of his business?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Cataloging TheWho/John Reuben's Lies
« Reply #9 on: November 23, 2009, 07:04:19 PM »
Dude, come on.  You're pinched.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2010, 02:08:32 PM by Troll Control »
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Re: Cataloging TheWho/John Reuben's Lies
« Reply #10 on: November 23, 2009, 07:14:07 PM »
Quote from: "Guest"
No, I don't.  You PMed me using your TheWho account from fornits to my Concerned Parent account on fornits.  Then you offered your email address to contact you privately to place my son at ASR.  But your email address is John Reuben's email address, too.  That's the facts.  I see you tried to change my quotes though, as you always do.  Are you going to blame it on the "mods" now, too?  Lols.

People should know that you're a convicted criminal with an agenda to fill beds at programs.  You have proved this top be true in your own words.  It's too late to try and take it all back now.  People shouldn't take advice from convicted criminals like you who don't disclose their ties to the TTI industry.

See now that you cant prove anything you just get pissed off.  The bottom line is that you really want me to be this guy and you found some parallels but no smoking gun.  I wasnt in chicago during the time of these meetings and you couldnt even place those other people there.

Look everyone that has a login name also has an email address.  I give psy permission to check my email address and compare it to the one you posted.  Its not mine.  Like you said it belongs to this Reuben guy.  Plus John Reuben wouldnt be signing his emails as  "TheWho" from his place of business to prospective parents who inquire.  Think about it.  Someone has been pulling your leg.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Cataloging TheWho/John Reuben's Lies
« Reply #11 on: November 23, 2009, 07:25:17 PM »
Sorry, but your denial fails.  The preponderance of the evidence shows you lied about a lot of things.  You would definitely be found guilty in civil court and maybe even criminal court (where you have a lot of experience).

Let's play a little game, shall we?  Remember, I already know and can prove the answers, so answer truthfully.

True or False?  TheWho has an extensive criminal record including many arrests in Boston and one in Ann Arbor Michigan.

Let's just go one at a time so we don't confuse the readers.  Answer, please.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Re: Cataloging TheWho/John Reuben's Lies
« Reply #12 on: November 23, 2009, 07:28:21 PM »
I see you tried to change my quotes though, as you always do. Are you going to blame it on the "mods" now, too? Lols.
I changed "Thewho" to "anyname" to show you that any name could have been inserted into that box (go back and read it, you will see what I mean).  You havent be able to prove that I sent that email because I didnt.  Ask Psy to see if that is my email address here on fornits.  I think you will quickly see it wasnt me.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Cataloging TheWho/John Reuben's Lies
« Reply #13 on: November 23, 2009, 07:33:17 PM »
Care to answer the question about your extensive criminal history?  I see you skipped that.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2010, 02:09:20 PM by Troll Control »
The Linchpin Link

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Re: Cataloging TheWho/John Reuben's Lies
« Reply #14 on: November 23, 2009, 07:46:36 PM »
Quote from: "Guest"
Sorry, but your denial fails.  The preponderance of the evidence shows you lied about a lot of things.  You would definitely be found guilty in civil court and maybe even criminal court (where you have a lot of experience).

Let's play a little game, shall we?  Remember, I already know and can prove the answers, so answer truthfully.

True or False?  TheWho has an extensive criminal record including many arrests in Boston and one in Ann Arbor Michigan.

Let's just go one at a time so we don't confuse the readers.  Answer, please.

True or False?  TheWho has an extensive criminal record including many arrests in Boston and one in Ann Arbor Michigan.

OK, I gotta go and get some things done.  But I'll check back tomorrow for your answer to this simple true or false question above.  You should be glad to have someone like me to help to teach you to be accountable for your own life and for being honest.  Without me, you would have let a few readers believe you were a legitimate source.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
The Linchpin Link

Whooter - The Most Prolific Troll Fornits Has Ever Seen - The Definitive Links
"Looks like a nasty aspentrolius sticci whooterensis infestation you got there, Ms. Fornits.  I\'ll get right to work."

- Troll Control