Author Topic: In Answer to Antigen and Murder  (Read 1018 times)

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Offline survivor1978fl

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In Answer to Antigen and Murder
« on: November 04, 2010, 07:01:13 AM »
First Antigen I agree with you let me say this
ISAC did an unsciencetific study and odly enough almost all had back , neck and shoulder problems.
As for me I just went through my eighteenth surgery and now suffer paralysis.
Yes, even the doctors say it was the result of Straight.

As for "Physic Murder" as on scientist put it, i think that part has been said.
As for physical, well let me tell you how and my doctors feel about this
Yes, my condition which i gained while in and shortly after leaving straight is the direct result of having been there.
It cost me my credit, my health, it ruined my life before i had the chance to live.

Personally, The Semblers and their board are short of NOTHING but physcicological murder, assisted suicide, negligent homocide. Yes, we are persuing it and yes i said it.
So Betty you have a choice sue me for slander , prove me wrong and fight for your status.
Or , ignore it which is an admission of guilt in many eyes. Your call.
Your guilty of many other crimes you know it and we can prove it but then you know that too.

I ask other survivors to post the above paragraph on every page they can find so the truth may come out I will take full responsibility after all I said it.

One wonders why the Semblers wont fight it doesnt matter they will soon have to there are a few state attorneys that are considering the case for Grand Jury. Lets see you fight that one.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »