Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform > The Drama Box

Open your wallets wide LOSERS!

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Watchful Yeoman:
Exactly, Ursus. You hit it on the head.  Since the purpose of this thread is disingenuous, it's time to turn the tables on the ultimate prevaricator.

Let's start exploring why program parents and program pushers need to lie.  We can make a numbered list and see how many we can come up with.  I'll start.

1.  Because many program pushers don't even have kids, but they feel they could get more traction if others believed them to be actual, real parents.

--- Quote from: "Whooter" ---I fabricated a son
--- End quote ---

Watchful Yeoman:

--- Quote from: "Whooter" --- But a big step in getting people to listen is to try and make your story as credible as possible.
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--- Quote from: "Whooter" ---I fabricated a son
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Anne Bonney:

--- Quote from: "DannyB II" ---
No, all of you have not even come close to going through a gulag, please. Elan 4 was the closet to a actual prison within a treatment center setting and not one of you were there.
So please take your embellishments and reconsider what it is you are trying to say.
--- End quote ---

 :roflmao:   :roflmao:   :roflmao:   :roflmao:

Danny's whipping out the "my dick is bigger than your dick" , ummmm defense?

Go back to talking to yourself in your "Authentic self" thread.

Watchful Yeoman:

--- Quote from: "DannyB II" ---
--- Quote from: "shaggys" ---I use the term brainwashing to describe what happened to me at Straight inc because that is exactly what happened. I was forced to sit in a chair and stare straight ahead for 12 to 18 hours a day. Even moving my eyes away from the wall for a moment would invite harsh confrontation by staff/group. The only movement allowed was to turn your head to face the person speaking. The conversation in group all day long revolved around how awful we were as "druggies" and how only Straight inc could save us from ourselves. I was 15 and had only smoked a little pot and had a few beers in my whole life up to that point. I was taught that i would die, go insane or be locked in jail if I didn't fully commit myself to Straights' dogma. Every aspect of my life was completely controlled - eating, washing, sleeping, speaking, - everything. After month upon month of this I started believing what Straight was telling me. Eventually I believed EVERYTHING they told me.
It is my understanding that many programs today still use Straight-like methods on kids. It is brainwashing and I will continue to use that term to describe it.
--- End quote ---

This story right here is a embellishment, of course you will move your eyes, every group you were in was not always about you and the focus was not always on drugs.
Listen in case you did not know, it is not Straights fault you only smoked one joint, drank one beer, kissed one girl and stayed out late one night. Some one gave Straight the impression you were a screw-up so you were placed there. Now if you want to blame Straight for the type of treatment you received, fine but take up why you were placed there with the proper folks.
I didn't believe everything Elan told me, I didn't buy into there concepts of treatment and I wasn't brainwashed.
--- End quote ---

shaggys, DannyB II knows better than you do what happened to you.  Don't blame Straight for abusing you.  It was your fault!

DannyB II, please go back to van-dragging and give us a break.

DannyB II:


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