I'm going to have to agree with psy here. This tactic of fabricating entire families, inventing children, making up success stories is very common in program parents and program pushers. Whooter is a program pusher that pretends to have a family he does not have, nor has he ever had, in order to frame the debate in a way where he can hold out his fictitious story and nonexistent children as "program success stories." It's dishonest, but it's how he chose to present himself here. Unfortunately for Whooter, he got caught lying and was forced to admit it, so there's no going back now. From here out nobody will believe what he says because of this (and many other) enormous lies in which he has been caught. Let's be honest, if these programs actually worked or produced results, their proponents wouldn't be reduced to inventing their entire family history and fabricating children in order to show the programs work. They don't work so these people like Whooter have to lie to promote them and make sales.