Sock-puppet master:
Connie: You are a lying manipulator with an agenda!
Sockpuppet 1(also Connie, but logged in as anon, or Mandy, or Fred. . .) That's right Connie! You tell them!
Sockpuppet 2 (also Connie, but logged in as anon, or Mandy, or Fred. . .) I agree. So-N-so and so-N-so and this-a-one and that-a-one are too! I have seen them in the act of lying and manipulating!
SockPuppet 3 (also Connie, but logged in as anon, or Mandy, or Fred. . .) Wow, Connie - you are so smart to figure that out! I wish I was smart like you -
And so it goes. It is a pitiful tactic.