Note to admins: I have decided to restrict my recruiting activities to this OFFA area. This is not because I fear your petty rules. Danny lives by a "higher" law and so I remain aloof from your little restrictions. I will conduct my activities here because here I can show my full power. The power of powerlessness.
I have decided to start this thread to share my thoughts with the fornits world. You should all be very very grateful and I am sure you are. On this thread I will slowly construct my manifesto. Giving out these pearls of wisdom as I see fit.
Mission Statement: To convince the world that they are all completely powerless over drugs, alcohol etc etc so that when they die, their souls will serve me as slaves in the afterlife. Just being honest with the group here. This is my mission.
Danny Point of Light Number 1: AA is the absolute greatest thing ever! I regularly troll around the meetings to find fresh souls. By any means necessary! is my battle-cry as I recruit new minions. I make the rules and then i am powerless over them so they must be enforced. I am sorry, did that sound insane? Grovel before your God-King and I shall "shower" you with my righteousness.
Much much more to come.
Danny has spoken.
Peace and Powerlessness