Author Topic: Why do people think fornits is a support group?  (Read 2190 times)

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Offline Maximilian

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Why do people think fornits is a support group?
« on: September 04, 2010, 11:43:54 PM »
Have you actually read the FAQ and the forum explanations about what this forum is, and why it exists? Or do you believe if you wish it true, it might become reality? Some people seem to assume fornits is a support group for the abused people from programs. I've seen the owner of this forum specifically state this is not true, and never the intent of the forum. People seeking a support group, will find more support in AA, and I mean that honestly. This is a discussion forum, where people debate the troubled teen industry, treatment in general, and all sorts of other topics. While there might be a group of extremists attempting to purge fornits of anything outside their strict ideology of anti treatment, this is not officially sanctioned, although I do think the admins have sympathies for this group more than say me, or Whooter. We are also entitled to our own opinions on an industry that we ourselves have also been involved with.

If you can't handle honest and open debate, then go to the moderated forums where your admins and moderators can protect you from such scary opinions that me or Whooter or other people might type and post here. Or take a look at the name of who posts threads, if I offend you so much you cannot stomach my views, here's a hint, don't click on my threads. Skip them, believe me I won't mind. But people coming into my threads, and telling me to shut up or go away are wasting their time. I'm not going anywhere, I can assure you of that. As long as fornits exists, I will continue to stop in when I feel like it and share my opinions. I was a troubled teen who went through many different aspects of the industry, and system and everything related to it. People here seem to have an interest in AA, well I have plenty of experience with that too. So I have opinions to share about it, and yes they might differ from the group of people who post here regularly.

It's not like people like me don't exist. It's just most probably aren't willing to put up with the childishness thrown your way on fornits for dare posting something outside of the group think approved ideology. Well if this bothers you, take it up with an admin and ask them to please censor fornits from inconvenient opinions. Or go create your own forum, perhaps there is a desperate need for an AA style support group for the fragile people who can't, or are unwilling to have an open uncensored conversation, that exists here on fornits.

There are some posters here who seem only interested in ending discussion. The people who post disgusting pictures. The people who attempt to blackmail Whooter into silence. The people who threaten families. I am here to promote discussion, I post well thought out threads and take time to post my ideas in a detailed way. Don't you get it? That is the purpose of a discussion forum. So to the people who wish to stifle discussion in the name of not hurting feelings of survivors, or those who wish fornits was a support group for damaged survivors, I suggest you go look up the meaning of discussion forum, and more importantly the FAQ and forum descriptions that explain that this forum is open to all opinions. I find it highly ironic that so many people here seem more interested in ending discussion, than starting new discussions themselves. It's sad that you don't even know the purpose of the forum you want to be your safe haven, because that's just a pipe dream and you will be let down if you think this.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2010, 01:35:45 AM by Maximilian »

Offline Dr. Acula

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Re: Why do people think fornits is a "survivor" support grou
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2010, 11:48:44 PM »
« Last Edit: November 18, 2011, 03:38:27 AM by Dr. Acula »

Offline Dr. Acula

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Re: Why do people think fornits is a "survivor" support grou
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2010, 11:50:54 PM »
« Last Edit: November 18, 2011, 03:35:45 AM by Dr. Acula »

Offline psy

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Re: Why do people think fornits is a "survivor" support grou
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2010, 11:56:50 PM »
Quote from: "Maximilian"
The people who attempt to blackmail bla bla bla bla bla

Max the liar, the defamer, who claimed he was blackmailed when he was not:

Quote from: "psy"
Quote from: "Maximilian"
I am free to post satire if I want, it's not against the rules here. Neither is posting under another username. It's obvious that thread bothered you a lot. I think it was so over the top, it was obviously tongue in cheek and most people figured that out on the first page.

Satire?  Let's let the readers decide  You made very clear and very serious allegations of fact.  You first wrote:

I am taking an indefinite break from fornits starting from this point. It has been made clear to me via email and text message that somebody here is not happy with my opinions and is threatening to fax my posts about drug use and suicide to my boss, which they confirmed they know who it is. I am a new employee and this drama would likely end in me being fired, and unfortunately I cannot take this chance at this point in my life. I have stated my opinions, and you know how I truly feel. I was instructed to post this thread titled "I am a bitch" and to confirm that I am really a program parent pretending to be a troubled teen because I'm brainwashed. Well I did it, but I will not leave without an explanation. I know you are reading this. I did what you asked, if you have any semblance of a soul you will let this end now. If I get fired it's not just my life that will be ruined, people depend on me. I'd ask that all my posts are deleted but I know they have already been copied. So long, fornits.

Turns out there was no blackmail. You created PosterX to scare others off.  Satire?  When I did this, you disappeared.  Probably took you a while to come up with a way out...  So you decided to "stand up for free speech" despite fictional risks to your job and changed your story to this:

This thread documents the failed attempt to blackmail me into silence. This is a common occurrence on this forum, beware releasing personal information to people here, say the wrong thing, and that info might be used against you.

I don't see the satire.  You made serious false allegations.  If your arguments "stand on your own" then why the need to defame others who disagree with you.  You know damn well what you did.  Why should anybody believe you when you say you were in a program.  Apart from you claiming it was a WWASP program there are no other details...  probably because a good portion of WWASP schools got shut down by the authorities and the other half caved in to bad PR.

If you went to SCLA, chances are you were at some point locked in the hobbit.  If you went to TB maybe Jay Kay or Randall Hinton pepper sprayed you until you got chemical burns.  How about the dog cages at High Impact.  Even the mexicans were appalled.  Everybody from the FTC to the State Department has said "stay the hell away".  Montana PBS did their own documentary  (covers a good few WWASP programs).  Is THAT how they saved your life.  TELL ME.  You claim they saved you life then I want to hear more than pathetic anecdote.  I want to hear you describe what they had to do to break you down and I want to hear you justify it.  I want to hear you justify the beatings.  Don't lie to me and say it did't happen because in EVERY single WWASP program there has been documented and often well publicized abuse.  Tell me how beating you down and training you like a dog was justified.  Tell me why it was necessary!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Benchmark Young Adult School - bad place [ link]
Sue Scheff Truth - Blog on Sue Scheff
"Our services are free; we do not make a profit. Parents of troubled teens ourselves, PURE strives to create a safe haven of truth and reality." - Sue Scheff - August 13th, 2007 (fukkin surreal)

Offline Maximilian

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Re: Why do people think fornits is a "survivor" support grou
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2010, 12:08:28 AM »
You are now becoming like whooter's stalkers. Rather than actually make your own reasoned argument, as people usually do on discussion forums, you will quote what you view as evidence that I am no longer credible. Maybe this tactic works? I don't really care, I don't mind people know that I posted a satirical thread about blackmail. Because Psy, the admin, seems overly occupied with condemning me for a fake blackmail thread, while seeming completely uninterested in the real cases of families being threatened and defamed, and people being blackmailed into silence. But since it's a family seeking to send their child to a program, it's ok. Because it's Whooter being blackmailed, that's just fine. But Maximilian makes an obviously satirical thread that lasts 2 days claiming he is blackmailed, something people believe because it is so common here? Blasphemy! Burn him at the stake! Come on, the double standard is glaring. But keep posting the quote nobody will read (as I didn't, because it's obviously not related to this discussion) out of context and see if it keeps people from talking to me. After all, that's the point right? To stifle discussion, isolate me and ultimately shut me up. Your tactics show how weak your arguments really are,
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Hedge

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Re: Why do people think fornits is a "survivor" support grou
« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2010, 01:25:57 AM »
The idea that some unnamed "people" think fornits is a safe survivor support group is discounted by your own rationality.

Quote from: "Maximilian"
There are some posters here who seem only interested in ending discussion. The people who post disgusting pictures. The people who attempt to blackmail Whooter into silence. The people who threaten families.

I'm new here, and I learned pretty quickly that posting here isn't "safe." People here are not particularly kind, to put it gently.

But the reality is that for former teens who were abused in programs, there aren't many places where we can go and be among peers. None of my friends in real life understand what it's like to have staff members blocking the doorway while you get hit over and over, and I thank g-d for that.

Just for argument's sake, let's say you're telling the truth about being in a program and being helped by it in the long run. As a survivor, as a member of the group people who supposedly want to censor you, that makes me *happy*. For me, it is anguishing to think that the facility where I was abused is still open, and is still probably abusing kids. I'm glad for you that you don't have to have knowledge like that in the pit of your stomach.

So, why do you seem to have so much invested in discrediting survivors? You had your positive experience, and I had my negative one. You can talk about your positive experience as much as you want - but what if kids are being abused at that facility today? When they come to fornits in five or ten years, will you tell them they were lying?

I understand that this post is meant to elicit responses like this. It falls pretty obviously into the insult category of trolling, especially with your putting the word "survivor" in quotations (implying that we are supposed, rather than actual, survivors). In case anyone needs a reminder about what trolls do, here's a quick descriptor from Wikipedia:

The content of a "troll" posting generally falls into several areas. It may consist of an apparently foolish contradiction of common knowledge, a deliberately offensive insult to the readers of the news group or a broad request for trivial follow-up postings.


Despite that, I just wanted to say, that just as much as you have your right to talk about your positive experiences and to bring them to the open discussion here, I have an equal right to tell my story.

I was physically abused.
I witnessed the other kids being sexually and physically abused.
My parents regret the day they heard of the program and tried to have me removed when they found out what was happening.

I am a well-adjusted adult in spite of all those factors that would have been stacked against me.

Good luck in your pursuit of that goal, as well.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Che Gookin

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Re: Why do people think fornits is a "survivor" support grou
« Reply #6 on: September 05, 2010, 01:40:04 AM »
Quote from: "Hedge"

So, why do you seem to have so much invested in discrediting survivors? You had your positive experience, and I had my negative one. You can talk about your positive experience as much as you want - but what if kids are being abused at that facility today? When they come to fornits in five or ten years, will you tell them they were lying?

Here is a likely scenario:

Maxie more than likely witnessed people being abused in some form or another in the program. One can only ponder how he rationalizes those criminal acts on his fellow detainees.

Almost every single survivor I've talked to who claims they had a positive experience usually follows it with the affirmation that they witnessed some sort of abusive act being perpetrated against a fellow detainee.

Which is why I can't bring myself to take Max seriously.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline DannyB II

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Re: Why do people think fornits is a "survivor" support grou
« Reply #7 on: September 05, 2010, 01:57:38 AM »
Quote from: "Che Gookin"
Quote from: "Hedge"

So, why do you seem to have so much invested in discrediting survivors? You had your positive experience, and I had my negative one. You can talk about your positive experience as much as you want - but what if kids are being abused at that facility today? When they come to fornits in five or ten years, will you tell them they were lying?

Here is a likely scenario:

Maxie more than likely witnessed people being abused in some form or another in the program. One can only ponder how he rationalizes those criminal acts on his fellow detainees.

Almost every single survivor I've talked to who claims they had a positive experience usually follows it with the affirmation that they witnessed some sort of abusive act being perpetrated against a fellow detainee.

Which is why I can't bring myself to take Max seriously.

OK, here is the reality, Che was a staff member at some fluff camp and hasn't really talked to that many survivors other then what you see here, he has a well established talk game he has cultivated over a few years. He chaperoned a fellow member here to California to protest a program. Now he is a expert on American programs but he lives in China.
After he reads this Che will ask you if he can PM you, so he can give you his spiel privately.
Go get em, Che.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Stand and fight, till there is no more.