I attended The Academy's Oregon and Fiji campus. six months at each and left when i turned 18 in april of 2005.
I was in Fiji there for about 5 or 6 months. while i was there, we did have someone from the embassy come by and we were instructed to be "on our BEST behavior" by the director, Victor Kissun (i think thats the right spelling)
dont speak unless spoken to. dont discuss anything you are not directly asked about. tell them how well we take care of you and how happy you are here.
it was effectively, a gag order and instruction to not make the school look bad in any way.
At the very least, i would say that this facility does condone the abuse of children when they see fit.
I saw a student be restrained and beaten by a staff member and another student. When i tried to stop this, i was held down, had my hands and legs tied together behind my back and the other end of the rope tied to a beam in the ceiling so that i was unable to move or roll around anywhere. I was left like this for several hours. was forced to urinate on my self because they would not untie me. after this, i was held in isolation for about three weeks and had to sleep on the concrete floor.
After being released from isolation, things became alot better because i was able to trade american clothing, shampoo/conditioner and other items we had for Marijuana and Tobacco leaf and rolling papers. I once smoke Marijuana, with one of the staff members, on the front porch of the directors house while he was off campus. The students in my dorm were almost always chewing Tobacco and some times even smoked Marijuana in the dorm room.
I smoked Marijuana with about 4 or 5 staff members in the 6 months i was there. I never could have gotten away with that at the Oregon campus.
I am still in contact with others who attended these campus' at the same time as my self. We would be happy to help out with any requests for information on this 'school'.
If anyone had any questions about the school, the owners, the staff or my attendance at this facility, feel free to E-Mail me at