Paul or whomever you are
To date there has been multiple police reports. Multiple closures of websites including this one. The sheer amount of hate and negativity,and the span of time it has consumed has definately taken a toll on my patience. I do not spend alot of time on here,but I do check in every couple days to read the most current lies and drivel. I have never had another alias or screen name,and have always told the truth.
There was a time, that I participated in many emails,written letters,called people from school districts etc etc etc. I dont see that time as being poorly spent. Long before Sharon got here, this site was here, and several others. However Mark has been here,under one screen name or another,for the sole purpose of disruption,and to cause mayhem. Upon Sharon's arrival
My fb acct has been hacked,personal info stolen,and used on 7-8 hatesites for no other reason than to fuck with me.
Ask them what happened to their websites.. they will tell you the big bad art.. staffperson.. abuser all that crap blah blah blah. Truth is.. they lied,cheated and stole from me. They would have to make up some reason to have taken up this campaign,because I have never been anything but nice to sharon,untill dec 30th 2009 Mr Babitz I have never met.. well outside of him stalking me at my place of business,home,and all over the net
I have not been their only victim. In all fairness,these creeps are equal opportunists. But I fought back instead of leaving,like all the others have. Thats what has kept this nonsense going.
How many people do you see participate here vs. how many views are recorded ?
Elan had 350 residents or more,at any given time,and has been around 40 years. yet 3-6 people are the sole participants here. What does that say about the "Goodness" that has come from Fornits.. Or better yet,the illness spewed from the few in attendance? What do you think happened to the dozens of folks that used to be here ? I bet you can guess.. You seem pretty smart
I havent any enemies Paul. In fact most people adore me. I am a good man. I am sorry you dont know this about me,but I dont know you,and do not consider you my friend. I know your moniker and name have been around a long time.. But so has a few few others. I never tried to hide my identity,as I do not lie. I have nothing to hide
Perhaps go fuck yourself was a bit strong.. I apologize.. But as I mentioned earlier.. I have no patience and zero tolerance to people who lie,cheat and steal. Based on my experience here,thats all in attendance or close
I didnt attack anyone.. I actually said thank you. then proceeded to expose the lies that were told both in the newspaper and what is in print here. As we've all seen.. The truth is very hard on these few. Imagine having a life so dismal that they would spend alot of it harrassing me. I cant even imagine have that kind of quality of life,and I thank God every day.
Happy holidays to you,and everyone else