Author Topic: Wayne Kernochan  (Read 37587 times)

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Re: Wayne Kernochan
« Reply #120 on: April 09, 2011, 03:04:39 PM »
« Last Edit: December 21, 2011, 07:02:18 AM by Anonymous »

Offline Paul St. John

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Re: Wayne Kernochan
« Reply #121 on: April 12, 2011, 12:54:14 PM »
Not sure what you mean Paul.
Could you be more specific?

You do know what I mean, Art.  For most people this site is about certain things - growth, recovery- debate- closing these TC's- spreading awareness about these TC's.

Art, look over your last 100 or so posts, you only come here to attack people.  That's it.  That's all that you do.  You can knock this core campaign all you want.  me- I don t know much about the specifics of all these people's lives.  I do not know even who comprises this group.  I do know that recently Elan shut down.  I do know that a very large part of it has to do with "internet attacks".  I do know that you contributed very little if anything to it.

Now, this core campaign describes itself as wishing to spread further awareness, and go after other TC's. You attack them. You start talking about the individuals.

I'm gonna be honest with ya Art.  You're obsessed.   And I just think that anyone that who can t think of a single thing to post ever that isn t derogatory about others, has some shit to think about.

You can say all you want about Babitz.  I don t know the guy, but he did more that contributed to the shutting down Elan then you ever did.   and honestly, me personally, that is what I am interested.  I don t give a shit about the argument between you, or about you and Sharon.

Paul St. John
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline liarsexposed

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Re: Wayne Kernochan
« Reply #122 on: April 21, 2011, 04:53:05 PM »
You know Paul
From your perspective, perhaps thats the logical conclusion. But you have been here what.. 4-5 times in 2 years ?
The amount of harrassment,online,in my neighborhood,at my place of work is only scratching the surface as to what the 2 people you speak about, are respopnsible for. In fact,you havent a clue as to who I am. For all I know you could be another Babitz Screen name. He/They are quite famous for that kind of thing. I do not come here to pick fights,but I will defend myself if needed.. and I dont/wont fight fair.. as the resident liars have seen
I tell the truth. Always have,always will. That kind of thing makes these little girls nuts.
Ask them why there is 159 pages of bullshit under an assumed name,linked to my picture.. Thats just in one thread
Wanna know something about me.. ask
Wanna talk out the side of your neck.. You get the same response as any ignorant person would get.. Especially here
Go fuck yourself
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Paul St. John

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Re: Wayne Kernochan
« Reply #123 on: April 22, 2011, 12:40:15 PM »
Quote from: "liarsexposed"
You know Paul
From your perspective, perhaps thats the logical conclusion. But you have been here what.. 4-5 times in 2 years ?
The amount of harrassment,online,in my neighborhood,at my place of work is only scratching the surface as to what the 2 people you speak about, are respopnsible for.

I've been here a bit more then that, but whatever.  If  you are being harassed at your place of work, and home, I recommend getting evidence of that through witnesses or a video, etc., and then dealing with it through the police.

In fact,you havent a clue as to who I am. For all I know you could be another Babitz Screen name. He/They are quite famous for that kind of thing.

No.. I know your style of writing Art. It is very distinct.  I knew it the first time I saw it under " liars exposed."

I do not come here to pick fights,but I will defend myself if needed.. and I dont/wont fight fair.. as the resident liars have seen
I tell the truth.

You do come here to pick fights.  In fact, taht is the only reason you come here.  You feel that you need to get some kinda vengeance or set things right and in the midst of it, you have lostr sight of everything else.

Always have,always will. That kind of thing makes these little girls nuts.
Ask them why there is 159 pages of bullshit under an assumed name,linked to my picture.. Thats just in one thread
Wanna know something about me.. ask
Wanna talk out the side of your neck.. You get the same response as any ignorant person would get.. Especially here
Go fuck yourself

Because you don t have enough enemies already.  Art, this will be my last response to you.  I am gonna be simple with you, Art.. You have a bad attitude.  I wrote about how Fornits is a good thing.. you tell me that I am wrong.. that no good comes out of it.  Something good happens, and you just go right on attacking everybody.  People get what they seek.  You like war.  You are blinded by rage, and are similar too Danny, but with a better wit.  Either way, peace..


For a site that has nothing but bad about it, you sure spend a lot of time here.  In my opinion, you do nothing but make yourself look bad, and if I were you, I would focus on something else for awhile, and stop blaming everyone else, for your misery.

( I got pretty personal this time, and I barely scratched the surface of what I could say, Art, and all with no negative intentions, but then you didn t have to tell me to go fuck myself, and just so you know, you could say whatever you like, it ain t gonna bother me, anymore, then the words of a raving drunk)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline liarsexposed

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Re: Wayne Kernochan
« Reply #124 on: April 22, 2011, 06:12:31 PM »
Paul or whomever you are
To date there has been multiple police reports. Multiple closures of websites including this one. The sheer amount of hate and negativity,and the span of time it has consumed has definately taken a toll on my patience. I do not spend alot of time on here,but I do check in every couple days to read the most current lies and drivel. I have never had another alias or screen name,and have always told the truth.
There was a time, that I participated in many emails,written letters,called people from school districts etc etc etc. I dont see that time as being poorly spent. Long before Sharon got here, this site was here, and several others. However Mark has been here,under one screen name or another,for the sole purpose of disruption,and to cause mayhem. Upon Sharon's arrival
My fb acct has been hacked,personal info stolen,and used on 7-8 hatesites for no other reason than to fuck with me.
Ask them what happened to their websites.. they will tell you the big bad art.. staffperson.. abuser all that crap blah blah blah. Truth is.. they lied,cheated and stole from me. They would have to make up some reason to have taken up this campaign,because I have never been anything but nice to sharon,untill dec 30th 2009 Mr Babitz I have never met.. well outside of him stalking me at my place of business,home,and all over the net
I have not been their only victim. In all fairness,these creeps are equal opportunists. But I fought back instead of leaving,like all the others have. Thats what has kept this nonsense going.
How many people do you see participate here vs. how many views are recorded ?
Elan had 350 residents or more,at any given time,and has been around 40 years. yet 3-6 people are the sole participants here. What does that say about the "Goodness" that has come from Fornits.. Or better yet,the illness spewed from the few in attendance? What do you think happened to the dozens of folks that used to be here ? I bet you can guess.. You seem pretty smart
I havent any enemies Paul. In fact most people adore me. I am a good man. I am sorry you dont know this about me,but I dont know you,and do not consider you my friend. I know your moniker and name have been around a long time.. But so has a few few others. I never tried to hide my identity,as I do not lie. I have nothing to hide
Perhaps go fuck yourself was a bit strong.. I apologize.. But as I mentioned earlier.. I have no patience and zero tolerance to people who lie,cheat and steal. Based on my experience here,thats all in attendance or close
I didnt attack anyone.. I actually said thank you. then proceeded to expose the lies that were told both in the newspaper and what is in print here. As we've all seen.. The truth is very hard on these few. Imagine having a life so dismal that they would spend alot of it harrassing me. I cant even imagine have that kind of quality of life,and I thank God every day.
Happy holidays to you,and everyone else
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline mark babitz

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Re: Wayne Kernochan
« Reply #125 on: April 28, 2011, 09:28:55 AM »
Quote from: "Paul St. John"
Quote from: "liarsexposed"
You know Paul
From your perspective, perhaps thats the logical conclusion. But you have been here what.. 4-5 times in 2 years ?
The amount of harrassment,online,in my neighborhood,at my place of work is only scratching the surface as to what the 2 people you speak about, are respopnsible for.

I've been here a bit more then that, but whatever.  If  you are being harassed at your place of work, and home, I recommend getting evidence of that through witnesses or a video, etc., and then dealing with it through the police.

In fact,you havent a clue as to who I am. For all I know you could be another Babitz Screen name. He/They are quite famous for that kind of thing.

No.. I know your style of writing Art. It is very distinct.  I knew it the first time I saw it under " liars exposed."

I do not come here to pick fights,but I will defend myself if needed.. and I dont/wont fight fair.. as the resident liars have seen
I tell the truth.

You do come here to pick fights.  In fact, taht is the only reason you come here.  You feel that you need to get some kinda vengeance or set things right and in the midst of it, you have lostr sight of everything else.

Always have,always will. That kind of thing makes these little girls nuts.
Ask them why there is 159 pages of bullshit under an assumed name,linked to my picture.. Thats just in one thread
Wanna know something about me.. ask
Wanna talk out the side of your neck.. You get the same response as any ignorant person would get.. Especially here
Go fuck yourself

Because you don t have enough enemies already.  Art, this will be my last response to you.  I am gonna be simple with you, Art.. You have a bad attitude.  I wrote about how Fornits is a good thing.. you tell me that I am wrong.. that no good comes out of it.  Something good happens, and you just go right on attacking everybody.  People get what they seek.  You like war.  You are blinded by rage, and are similar too Danny, but with a better wit.  Either way, peace..


For a site that has nothing but bad about it, you sure spend a lot of time here.  In my opinion, you do nothing but make yourself look bad, and if I were you, I would focus on something else for awhile, and stop blaming everyone else, for your misery.

( I got pretty personal this time, and I barely scratched the surface of what I could say, Art, and all with no negative intentions, but then you didn t have to tell me to go fuck myself, and just so you know, you could say whatever you like, it ain t gonna bother me, anymore, then the words of a raving drunk)

Paul you have said it all,,, :cheers:  :cheers:  :cheers: He just wont let go of his past and the people that don't like him. He is passionate inside for Sharon and look how he talks to her.He can't handle her liking and getting along with other Male's, Now thats fucked up, He admits giving drugs to her when she was young and doing inappropriate things, and still haunt her family.

Art needs to thank God, Sharon is not my Sister or one of my Family members, He would have been gone along time ago, No yelling to "Bubby" just gone.In jail or something,,?? :beat:  :beat:  :smashcomp:  :smashcomp:  :smashcomp:

Go smash your computer Art, "The Reporter Own's You" :waaaa:  :waaaa:  :waaaa:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:

 :cheers:  :cheers:  :cheers: Go have another one you drunk. :timeout:  :cheers:  :seg:  :cheers:  :dose:  :dose:  :dose:  :dose:  :dose:  :dose:  :dose:  :dose:  :dose:

I await your, :bs:  :bs:  :bs:  :bs:  :bs:  :bs:  :bs:  :bs: Art, show us how smart you can be. ::OMG::  ::OMG::  ::deadhorse::  ::deadhorse::  ::deadhorse::  ::deadhorse::  ::deadhorse::
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Edward Kahn

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Re: Wayne Kernochan
« Reply #126 on: April 28, 2011, 10:29:11 AM »
Hello, Mark Babitz!  Do you need a placement for Art in a boarding school for alcohol problems?  I can help you.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline mark babitz

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Re: Wayne Kernochan
« Reply #127 on: April 28, 2011, 11:01:29 AM »
Quote from: "Edward Kahn"
Hello, Mark Babitz!  Do you need a placement for Art in a boarding school for alcohol problems?  I can help you.

He is , "A Horse of a Different Color", :rocker:  :rocker:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :peace: Only the booze can make people that outrageous and full of dilution's, Most drugs mellow or cause just a rambling of words, But Art is concise and direct and nasty,Like that next morning hang over attitude. :cheers:  :cheers:  :peace:

Great Post "Edward" :seg:  :seg:  :peace:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Edward Kahn

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Re: Wayne Kernochan
« Reply #128 on: April 28, 2011, 11:09:02 AM »
Thank you, Mark.  Feel free to call me "Ed".
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
[size=120]Don\'t know what to do next?  Don\'t worry.  We do.[/size]

Offline mark babitz

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Re: Wayne Kernochan
« Reply #129 on: April 28, 2011, 11:25:47 AM »
Quote from: "Edward Kahn"
Thank you, Mark.  Feel free to call me "Ed".

Thanks Ed,, :rocker:  :peace:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Edward Kahn

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Re: Wayne Kernochan
« Reply #130 on: April 28, 2011, 11:57:07 AM »
Thank you, Mark!  Please feel free to call me "Ed".
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
[size=120]Don\'t know what to do next?  Don\'t worry.  We do.[/size]

Offline liarsexposed

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Re: Wayne Kernochan
« Reply #131 on: April 30, 2011, 01:58:44 PM »
Whats wrong Marky ?
Too small an audience in your other toilet ?
Now you have some attention little man
All better ?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline none-ya

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Re: Wayne Kernochan
« Reply #132 on: May 01, 2011, 06:54:47 AM »
I know this should go over like a fart in church,but.....

Elan is closed.
You people have been away from there for many a year now.
And yet you all piss and moan,insult and threaten each other every day here on fornits.
How's about it?

thank you......
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline liarsexposed

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Re: Wayne Kernochan
« Reply #133 on: May 01, 2011, 09:27:54 AM »
Quote from: "none-ya"
I know this should go over like a fart in church,but.....

Elan is closed.
You people have been away from there for many a year now.
And yet you all piss and moan,insult and threaten each other every day here on fornits.
How's about it?

thank you......

Mark,and his clan are very sick. They (he) simply cannot help himself. When he,or they,lie about anything that I know the truth about.. I expose that.. Hence the Screen Name.
The truth is something very difficult for them.
The bile that is in the other thread does not come from an educated,or well-mannered person(s).
Do you know ANYONE who speaks of fecal matter ? Sex with animals ? I dont..
Wonder what would make a person,or persons,fall that far ?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Inculcated

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The stupid $#!+
« Reply #134 on: May 01, 2011, 02:10:20 PM »
Quote from: "none-ya"

Elan is closed.
You people have been away from there for many a year now.
And yet you all piss and moan,insult and threaten each other every day here on fornits.
How's about it?

thank you......
 :soapbox: ::poke::  :wall:  :timeout:  :smashcomp:   :beat:  :clown:  ::deadhorse::   :ftard:  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
“A person needs a little madness, or else they never dare cut the rope and be free”  Nikos Kazantzakis