Sorry to quote myself again but, this is such an important point. It's, say it with me now, S-Y-S-T-E-M-I-C!!! It's not "isolated incidents" or just "poorly trained staff".....its
systemic to how they actually "work". THAT is what's abusive, among many other things.
From the
Complaint and Order to Correct Conditions, color emphasis added:
In October 2009, the Office of Investigations and Training (OIT) completed its investigation and determined that eight allegations of abuse involving five individual students were substantiated against the agency, Mt. Bachelor Academy. The report indicates that the abuse allegations are "exemplars" in that these five clients' experience is not unique and is "substantially consistent" with the experience of all children enrolled in the program. The report further substantiated an allegation of abuse against the Executive Director. The Executive Director either knew of the abusive practices of the agency, or she should have known what was happening under her authority.[/list]
From the above transcribed
Order of Emergency License Suspension:
Ultimate Findings of Fact: DHS finds that due to MBA's abuse and neglect of students and violations of the licensing rules listed above, MBA poses a serious danger to public health or safety should MBA be permitted to continue operating as a therapeutic boarding school for children. DHS finds that a condition exists that immediately endangers the health or safety of the children at MBA should MBA be permitted to continue providing therapeutic, educational and residential services to children.[/list]
Pretty much all that needs to be said is in this quote. They found that the "exemplars" experience is "not unique and is substantially consistent" with what "ALL CHILDREN ENROLLED IN THE PROGRAM" [/u][/color][/size] were/are exposed to. Since the "exemplars" experience was found to be abusive, and that said experience is substantially consistent with what ALL the rest of the kids there go thru........all the kids there were abused by virtue of simply being exposed to the program's methodology. Why is this so difficult to grasp?[/color]
Sorry to quote myself but, this is such an important point. It's, say it with me now, S-Y-S-T-E-M-I-C!!! It's not "isolated incidents" or just "poorly trained staff".....its
systemic to how they actually "work". THAT is what's abusive, among many other things.