Sing along here... Just another isolated incident, just another isolated incident' not hardly. I've worked safety and security for a long time, in many different venue. Bad things happen when people cut corners. People cut corners when they are A) opportunists and B) think no one is looking.
Here are the models i work with, models that have never failed me. First is the Fire Triangle ... Imagine a triangle.. at one point put heat, another point oxygen, the third point combustible material. if the proportions are correct, YOU WILL HAVE A FIRE.. alter the proportions of any and... No fire.
Second Model The Crime Triangle at one point put Incentive, at the second point put Opportunity, at the third, Frustration. If the proper proportion exists YOU WILL HAVE A CRIME... alter the proportions, no crime.
Programs are a perfect environment, in that you have a population of frustrated opportunists (staff), presented with near unlimited possibilities (vulnerable kids) The incentive is for the opportunists to relieve their frustration by victimizing the kids. The same principle works on construction sites, If no one is specifically charged with safety, YOU WILL HAVE INJURY.
I don't buy the "another isolated incident" rap. Many of the kids 'in program' are a crime in progress. Shall we address them with a greater, more profitable, more socially acceptable crime in progress?
J.O.M. ::unhappy::