Thanks, like Ive said, I met some really nice people the years I was there and I made some really good friends.
The first 6months there I would have "drank the kool-aid" if Art has asked me to, but then I started to notice that things were not always as presented. I slowly started to see that , their (Art, Libby, staff's ) answers to things were mostly just canned responces to everything and questioning the the way things were done , merely resulted in me being told the I had a bad attitude or my thinking was was full of shit or something along thoose lines.
At 15,16 yrs old, I didnt need a Phd to know that when Im told theirs only one side or one way of doing something, that thats just a cop out. Later in life, the cause and effect was that I questioned EVERYTHING, every conventionial wisdon I came across.
Everyone had to PROVE to me that this or that was the way something should be done. I wasnt about to take anyones word for it. Which, in itself wasnt all that bad. I just didnt get along with as many people, but the people I DID get along with , are the one that Im still friends with today. And THEY are doctors, lawyers, housemoms, teachers, mechanics, etc.
Not that we always see eye to eye, but we dont deride each others views because we dont agree or plant our feet in the sand and say: NO!, only MY way is the correct way.
Ya know, I ve been married for 18 yrs now, and my marrage works well for my wife and me. It dosent mean that it would work with an other couple, ya know what I mean? Everyone is diff. Okay now Im getting all soap-boxy and shit ,So I"ll close now before I start to ramble.
Peace to all, and what dont kill ya....usually makes ya puke! ::puke:: ----sorry , Im a sucker for thoose emotes!