Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform > The Drama Box
Remember KARMA is a bitch
Well I wanted to remind everyone KARMA is a bitch. Reflect on how you interact with others because it will come and bite you in the end. :karma: :karma: :karma: :karma: :karma: :karma:
I don't know what this post refers to, but I wish Karma was a bigger bitch. But bad things happen to good people, and good things happen to bad people all the time.
--- Quote from: "Samara" ---I don't know what this post refers to, but I wish Karma was a bigger bitch. But bad things happen to good people, and good things happen to bad people all the time.
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this might be true in a sense but wait till they are old and in nursing homes because none of them will have good family members willing to care for them. Bubba will accidentaly drop them on the floor. Their later years will be filled with mental torment of guilt how they treated people all their lives.
Oh yes Karma is a mother fucker. They will never know the meaning of true friendship or happiness. Oh money they may have here or there, but trust me they have minds driving them more into the madness as they stalk and try to mentally / emotinally abuse others. But can they look in the mirror?? Do they get phone calls out of the blue from many that miss them or want to get together? No they sit on a computer day in and day out trying to think of the next hateful witty little degrading come backs.
Sure we all may come on a computer a time or two but we still have lives. We go see the world, we live the world as they sit daily in their little apartment or fakely owned homes. Thing is do they truly have themselves? NO but we do. So you see we are richer in every fucken aspect of life.
If you can sit there on a day when your broke as hell and still manage to laugh, love, and live....then your above the rest emotionally and spiritually. When we fall or stumble we got many at our side. They have nothing. That is why Karma is a bitch.
--- Quote from: "SharonMcCarthy" ---
--- Quote from: "Samara" ---I don't know what this post refers to, but I wish Karma was a bigger bitch. But bad things happen to good people, and good things happen to bad people all the time.
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this might be true in a sense but wait till they are old and in nursing homes because none of them will have good family members willing to care for them. Bubba will accidentaly drop them on the floor. Their later years will be filled with mental torment of guilt how they treated people all their lives.
Oh yes Karma is a mother fucker. They will never know the meaning of true friendship or happiness. Oh money they may have here or there, but trust me they have minds driving them more into the madness as they stalk and try to mentally / emotinally abuse others. But can they look in the mirror?? Do they get phone calls out of the blue from many that miss them or want to get together? No they sit on a computer day in and day out trying to think of the next hateful witty little degrading come backs.
Sure we all may come on a computer a time or two but we still have lives. We go see the world, we live the world as they sit daily in their little apartment or fakely owned homes. Thing is do they truly have themselves? NO but we do. So you see we are richer in every fucken aspect of life.
If you can sit there on a day when your broke as hell and still manage to laugh, love, and live....then your above the rest emotionally and spiritually. When we fall or stumble we got many at our side. They have nothing. That is why Karma is a bitch.
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Gee Sharon
You must be expecting a shit-storm.
See hun there's 2 kinds of honesty
a) No.. I wont take an extra 20.00 outa the cash register at work
b) An honesty that you truly feel in your heart of hearts
You havent got either....
See its one thing to make a mistake,apologize and move on
Its a whole other thinig to cause So many,So much pain,then deny any wrongdoing
You should seek forgiveness and apologize for your part
Then and only then will Kharma apply...when your side of the street is clean
I bet you dont have a mirror in your house
OR at least you cant look into it without being ridden with guilt
--- Quote from: "SharonMcCarthy" ---
--- Quote from: "Samara" ---I don't know what this post refers to, but I wish Karma was a bigger bitch. But bad things happen to good people, and good things happen to bad people all the time.
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this might be true in a sense but wait till they are old and in nursing homes because none of them will have good family members willing to care for them. Bubba will accidentaly drop them on the floor. Their later years will be filled with mental torment of guilt how they treated people all their lives.
Oh yes Karma is a mother fucker. They will never know the meaning of true friendship or happiness. Oh money they may have here or there, but trust me they have minds driving them more into the madness as they stalk and try to mentally / emotinally abuse others. But can they look in the mirror?? Do they get phone calls out of the blue from many that miss them or want to get together? No they sit on a computer day in and day out trying to think of the next hateful witty little degrading come backs.
Sure we all may come on a computer a time or two but we still have lives. We go see the world, we live the world as they sit daily in their little apartment or fakely owned homes. Thing is do they truly have themselves? NO but we do. So you see we are richer in every fucken aspect of life.
If you can sit there on a day when your broke as hell and still manage to laugh, love, and live....then your above the rest emotionally and spiritually. When we fall or stumble we got many at our side. They have nothing. That is why Karma is a bitch.
--- End quote ---
Gee Sharon
You must be expecting a shit-storm.
See hun there's 2 kinds of honesty
a) No.. I wont take an extra 20.00 outa the cash register at work
b) An honesty that you truly feel in your heart of hearts
You havent got either....
See its one thing to make a mistake,apologize and move on
Its a whole other thinig to cause So many,So much pain,then deny any wrongdoing
You should seek forgiveness and apologize for your part
Then and only then will Kharma apply...when your side of the street is clean
I bet you dont have a mirror in your house
OR at least you cant look into it without being ridden with guilt
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