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MOONIES run Teen Celibacy club with federal funding thanks t


FaceKhan: ... index.html

This guy believes American democracy is Satanic and we are funding him. C'mon conservatives you don't need money that badly.

It is one thing to hold opposing views on what America should be like. I can respect a conservative, liberal, green, libertarian, or social democrat because their views are based on what they think is best for our nation but people like Moon want to tear up the constitution and install themselves as world dictator.

There is a big difference between the Loyal Opposition and a violent Moony takeover.


Or just google "bush moonie" (sans the quotes, of course)
Time is running out. The Indians' botanical knowledge is disappearing even faster than the plants themselves.

--Richard Schultes, Harvard University educator, authority on medicinal plants
--- End quote ---

teen celibacy isn't that an oxymoron?
Wicked men obey from fear, good men from love.
--- End quote ---

Why don't we invite Ashcroft and Bush to share their "abstinence stories" about how abstinence changed their lives as teens?  It would be ever so inspiring.

Trouble is, they probably didn't abstain.  Especially Bush.


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