Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform > The Drama Box
Anne Bonney:
--- Quote from: "DannyB II" ---Well look who has been mysterious, what TC/program were you with or where is your experience coming from. Time to pony up my boy, name, rank and serial #.
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You too, BOY.....what about the girl and the van????
Anne Bonney:
--- Quote from: "DannyB II" --- You never explained anything about yourself yet you wanted answers from me. Who are you?????
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We want answers about the girl being dragged behind the van!
DannyB II:
The Elan Reporter:
Dragged girl behind van? Sure you are not confusing girl being dragged behind buffalo? When Marty abducted his future 8 year old wife kickapoo from a carnival or something like that, he grabbed her by her hair and dragged her while riding his buffalo off into the sunset. He brought her back to the IMR and into his teepee made of little boys underpants and spent alot of time brain washing her into loving him. Now kickapoo who is about to go through puberty finally, is a cold hearted bitch, that enjoys shooting down residents and running GM's, all with TCK's hi yuh yuh blessing.
--- Quote from: "The Elan Reporter" ---Dragged girl behind van? Sure you are not confusing girl being dragged behind buffalo? When Marty abducted his future 8 year old wife kickapoo from a carnival or something like that, he grabbed her by her hair and dragged her while riding his buffalo off into the sunset. He brought her back to the IMR and into his teepee made of little boys underpants and spent alot of time brain washing her into loving him. Now kickapoo who is about to go through puberty finally, is a cold hearted bitch, that enjoys shooting down residents and running GM's, all with TCK's hi yuh yuh blessing.
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