Oh my :jawdrop: . What we have here is one of TCK's extremely old prodigies, that in the long term was rejected, and head turned by TCK away by TCK. Gotta hand it to you Mr. Formmer ASSisitant Director, for TCK to turn down a good ole fashioned hand/blow job, ass kisser, worship the ground TCK walks on, is a very extremely rare occurance. For a swollen hand Indian mongoloid like TCK himself to shun you away, and not accept you in his sick, twisted, horrid, unholy beastiality, shit smear campaign, he mst of smelled something real foul around you! :rasta:
So I just gotta ask you, what is it about TCK that keeps you wanting to lay down in bed with him after all these years? Do you like abusing little kids or something? ::deadhorse:: Can you not maintain an intelligent conversation with people your own age and get rejected by them at the same time, and then take it out on someone who is young and naive? I hear you have been ::fullofshit:: and call this place home now. :rasta: Are you still trying to impress TCK after all these years and say.(Hey Marty! Guess what I did at Fornits today?. I stood up for your fucked up child abusing cause, and tried to discredit the truth from former residents all at fornits boards) ::OMG::
Curoious to know if your facebook page under relationships has Marty Kruglik's name under "Married to" :bs: :bs: ::OMG:: :moon:
Greasy hair, swollen fingers, bad breath! Ugly fry pan face that makes everyone ::puke:: . Yea TCK is one disgusting, filthy animal :rocker:
What kind of a man, would take tampons and soak them in ketchup and tape them to a 13 year old girls head? That be your former mentor junior!
Heres to ya. :fuckoff: And to Farty Krugly. :fuckoff: :fuckoff:
P.S. How does it feel to be hated by everyone on this board? :flame:
::fullofshit:: ::fullofshit::